Cear here!
This is my first fanfic, and with it, I wanted to do something a little different, something I hadn't seen before. I combined my experiences and love of the military and my complete adoration for the Love Live series into one!
With this being my first, please, read, review and let me know what you think, any fixes I should do, and any possible ideas. I'm am very open to any and all positive and negative, so let's get to it.
I hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Love Live and any names or events mentioned are purely works of fiction and any resemblances are insane coincidence.
~Maki's POV~
She didn't realize she had dozed off when the slight turbulence jostled her awake. It was obviously night time; the hold was dark as she removed her goggles and looked around. The other members of the team were each in their own little worlds around the cargo hold.
Her eyes glanced towards the back at the team leader, who was quietly, looking over the mission cards again. She chuckled to herself as she made her way back, quietly placing herself beside the other woman who looked up and smiled at the approach.
"How are we looking boss?" was asked, barely audible in the quiet hold.
The team leader, a former Russian operative by the name of Eli, offered the question an assuring smile, "Looking good. I personally cannot wait to be on the ground again. How are you fairing Maki?"
Maki, the team's medical specialist returned the gesture moving a hand to play with a strand of hair subconsciously, "Even though we've done this dozens of times before, I always get nervous before a jump."
Eli chuckled softly, never getting tired of the quirks of the individual members.
The aircraft banking signaled the final approach to the drop-zone as Eli looked from Maki to the other members then back. Her hand came to rest comfortably on the medic's shoulder as her gaze changed from soft to serious, as always. It comforted her though. The leadership the woman possessed was equaled by none.
"Get everyone up and make sure we're ready." It was a soft command that demanded respect but was given in a gentle tone.
Maki nodded, leaning her head onto the other's hand before rising, "Yes ma'am."
The task was something to keep her mind occupied, going from head to head and ensuring the other members were awake and ready.
The marksman, Umi, and her spotter Nozomi, were listening to classical music, which they said calmed them before each mission. Kotori, the equipment master, was ensuring the pallets stacked with equipment were ready for the drop deeper in the hold.
Nico was once again diligently ensuring her weapon of choice was in peak working order, while Hanayo was silently gazing at the landscape through the window. Both nodded their confirmation to Maki as she passed.
The team's intelligence operatives, a relatively new addition to the group from an American intelligence agency, sat together quietly discussing small details of the operation. They each turned to the medic and vocally confirmed they were awake. It wasn't that they weren't trusted by the team, they were just new and getting acquainted with how they operated. Maki had barely memorized their names from the inbound dossier…Tsubasa, Erena, and…Anju was it?
The last two were difficult as usual. The team's two scouts, Honoka and Rin, were asleep on each others shoulders, and had been since before take-off…nearly sixteen hours prior. The pair yawned as they were shaken awake, groaning that Maki had interrupted good dreams. The medic shook her head at the two as she returned to her own seat.
Her attention turned again to Eli, who was having a conversation with the crew chief towards the loading ramp. When she finished, her blue eyes met Maki's who gave her a silent nod for conformation they were ready.
Eli's voice was melodious yet commanding as it filled the quiet cargo hold, her thick accent adding to the stern voice, "Alright, how were everyone's naps? Good, I hope, cause it'll be the last bit of shut-eye, we'll be getting for a while."
She paused for a moment as eleven pairs of eyes focused on her from what they were doing previously.
Her speech continued, "We drop in less than thirty minutes. I hope everyone remembers their individual tasks and what the overall mission objective is. I do not like repeating myself." Her emphasis on some words was obvious as she spoke.
"The basics are these: We have been tasked with securing the international airport for the first wave of troops and equipment into the country. After we establish the LZ, we head north to secure the only beach available for the Marines to land. Once we're done there, we will lead the push towards the indicated stronghold city." Eli's pre-brief continued.
Maki had zoned out through the words as she watched their leader give the final words and ask for any questions. The answers were a mix of head shakes and "none here" from the group before Eli nodded, visibly pleased at the group's understanding.
"Good. Ensure your weapons and gear are ready and at five minutes to drop, I want a solid comm check. You have twenty minutes ladies."
With Eli back in her seat, Maki began her pre-mission check, starting with her rifle. She ensured it was clean, the bolt slid smoothly, and it was ready when she needed it. Her attention turned to herself, looking over her ammo and gear, making sure the various pouches were attached soundly and her medical supplies were where she wanted. She looked over her arms, which were covered in various gadgets including her personal playbook, arm mounted GPS, satellite communications device, and, lastly, her watch.
Her nod of approval was internal as her hands moved to ready her crimson hair, fixing it into a tight bun that would fit in her helmet. The piece of gear sat on her lap as she looked it over, touching each attachment. The night vision device protruded from the front, in the up position over her goggles. On the left rail was a tactical LED light that could shine white or red. The right side mounted a small personal camera, which each team member had as well. On the back, her personal IFF beacon and counterweight. Across the top was the slim, but powerful solar powered battery pack, that always amazed her how it powered all these separate devices.
Her fingers came to rest on the right side again, on top of her subdued German flag she had never taken off. It was her little piece of home, she took everywhere with her. Her thoughts quickly got lost on her home and how she missed it.
The light at the hatch turned red and snapped her back to reality.
Her helmet took its place on her head, the chin strap snapping in place. She pulled the goggles over her eyes and played with her throat mic and earpiece, ensuring they were snug in place. She pulled her face-wrap over her mouth and nose; it got cold on the way down the one feeling she had never gotten used to.
Her earpiece crackled to life as Eli began the check. Using her call sign she spoke, the voice as clear if she were seated beside her, "Ice Queen, Comm check. One-by-one down the list ladies."
She was first, "Crimson Angel, loud and clear boss."
"Longbow, loud and clear." Umi.
"Spyglass has you same." Nozomi.
"Sprinter, there and back." Rin.
"Leprechaun, try to keep up." Honoka.
"Demon, got you covered." Nico.
"Dancer, hear you beautifully." Hanayo.
"Seamstress, stacked and packed." Kotori.
"Emerald, pleasure to ride along." Tsubasa.
"Amethyst, ready to assist." Anju.
"Sapphire, let's hit it." Erena.
The last three women had obvious accents, but sounded eager and ready for the mission.
Eli sounded over the mic again, pleased with the results, "Harasho ladies! Let's get to it! Down and dirty time, just like we rehearsed."
The resounding cheer from the team caused the Russian to smile before she pulled her own goggles and face mask on as she turned to the crew chief and gave him a thumbs up.
The ramp dropped and the rushing of air thundered in the hold. Around her the others stood, slapping each other on the helmet, giving fist bumps, and thumbs up to those beside them. Their morale was never low and the teamwork and coordination were bar none. She enjoyed seeing the group this way.
Individually, each member had her own strengths and weaknesses, their own little quirks and mannerisms. But together, this team, which was formed from various agencies from multiple nations was unstoppable when together.
She turned towards the ramp, her eyes watching the red light. They all did the same, waiting for the signal.
Red turned to green and the crew chief waved them forward to the ramp.
Eli was first, silently diving into the night. Umi and Nozomi followed close behind. Nico and Hanayo were jumping soon after. Tsubasa, Erena, and Anju jumped in near unison. Honoka and Rin raced to the ramp and lept, Honoka performing a mid-jump barrel roll and Rin doing a back-flip.
It was her turn after watching the rambunctious duo, Maki opting to jump normally from the plane, eyes down on the target.
The crew chief turned into the hold, signaling for the equipment and almost simultaneously, five pallets loaded with equipment and gear rolled back. Kotori was the last out with the pallets as they were pushed by the crew's assistance, and once they were gone, she joined them.
It was zero-hour.
First day of the operation.
The women were airborne and approaching their target.
On a map, in some joint operations center, they appeared as twelve blue symbols.
"Godspeed and good luck, Maidens." Was whispered around the room and in various political offices around the world as all eyes were on them now.
This took the majority of a twelve hour shift to type up...but I loved it!
Hope you all do as well and leave your reviews for me too read!
Many thanks!