DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Harry Potter.
Hermione had been in the middle of scrambling a healthy batch of eggs when the shouting match started, making her sigh with irritation. Turning off the stove, she set the pan aside. Damn it. Couldn't they get through at least one morning without arguing? Judging by the sound of her furious daughter's voice and threats, apparently not.
"Honestly, Sev, he was right here! Right here where I left him, in his cage, before I went to bed last night! So why the hell is he gone?"
"I dunno, Rosie! He's your bird!"
More yelling and cursing ensued, and just when Hermione had had enough of their antics, two strong arms encircled her from behind, pulling her close into an even stronger chest. "Husband," she greeted.
"Wife." Lips of the utmost sensuous kind trailed down a series of delightful kisses from her neck to shoulder, and Hermione smiled. If there was one person who didn't drive her beyond breaking point of insanity (not as close to, anyway) it was her husband. "I sense a great deal of disturbance within you. Care to share why?"
Judging by the amused tone of his voice and echoing shouts of the children, Hermione could only assume he knew that answer to that, but wanted to hear her voice it nonetheless.
"Archimedes has gone missing again, apparently."
"Not even one hour into starting the day…. Honestly, Severus, where did we go wrong into raising them to be civilized towards one another?"
"No such thing has ever been achieved between siblings."
She sighed, long and deep. "I wouldn't know."
"Neither would I." Slowly, he slid the palm of his hands up and down her arms. "However," he kissed the ticklish spot behind her ear, making her giggle. "It's not always bad – given the years we've already spent upbringing those two misbegotten heathens we dare call our children."
Hermione laughed, turning around so that she could face him. "I know." She slid her arms around his neck. "I just didn't want those misbegotten heathens. Had I a choice in the matter…"
Her husband chuckled. "You wouldn't have them any other way, Hermione."
Smiling, she reached up and kissed him.
Footsteps echoed off the wall as Rosie came thundering down the stairs and into the kitchen, her brother following closely behind her. Upon catching her parents in a rather intimate act, she scowled. "Seriously, is it that hard for you two to get a room?"
Hermione glared at her impudent child. On second thought…
"Mind your attitude, young lady." Severus scolded her, his voice deep with disapproval.
"Sorry," mumbled Rosie grudgingly. She slid into her chair, pouring herself a glass of juice. Sev did the same, smiling sheepishly at his parents.
"Hmmph." Reaching over his wife, Severus lifted the pan and ushered her towards the dining table. He pulled out her chair for her. "You two should already know better than to start such racket this early in the morning," he informed them, scraping off decent amounts of eggs on each of their plates with a spatula before setting the pan back down on the stove. Seating himself at the head of the table, Severus picked up his utensils. "Now tell me," he glanced between the two of them. "What's the situation?"
Hermione listened with bemused interest as both her children launched into their own variation of this morning's predicament.
"He's gone, Dad." explained Rosie, her voice broken and strained. "I know I left him in the cage before going to bed, but he was gone when I woke up. I don't know where he is!"
"And then she comes barreling into my room yelling at the top of her lungs!" Sev piped in. "Accusing me of stealing her stupid owl!"
"You've done it before without my permission!"
"Seriously, knock before you enter!"
Raising a hand, Severus managed to quiet his children before things got out of control. "You've nothing to fear," he told Rosie, placing a forkful of eggs in his mouth. "I happen to know for a fact that Archimedes is well and unharmed."
"Truly?" Hope bubbled within Rosie's chest. Sev continued to glare at her.
Severus nodded. "In fact…" he looked over their heads, watching as a beautiful tawny owl came flying through the kitchen window clutching a large package. It soared over their heads dramatically before landing on Rosie's shoulder.
"Archimedes!" Rosie smiled.
Severus calmly relinquished the heavy parcel from the bird. "My thanks," he said.
Archimedes preened with pride.
Realization dawned on Rosie after a few minutes of compatible silence. "Wait a minute," she looked at her father, who was busily approving several new copies of Transfigurations Today and Potions Weekly. "You sent Archimedes away for a retrieve?" When she didn't get a response, she huffed. "Well, thanks for asking me if you could borrow him!"
Hermione bristled at her daughter's tone. At seventeen, Rosie was starting to become quite the rebellious, if interesting, character.
"I need not explain nor ask your permission in using Archimedes, Rosie." After handing over a couple magazines to Hermione, Severus placed the package down onto the floor.
"He's my owl!"
"And who purchased him for you?"
Rosie's mouth closed just as quickly as it had opened.
"You're lucky you even have an owl," Sev told her, spreading marmalade all over his second piece of toast. "I'll probably be the only first year in Hogwarts without a familiar."
"You know the deal, Sev." Hermione chewed on her food. "Show us that you can earn good grades, and maybe, just maybe, we'll get you your own owl next year."
"As if." remarked Rosie, relinquishing her piece of toast over to Archimedes, who trilled in delight.
"Screw you." Sev mumbled into his cup.
"Language." Severus warned, though his eyes remained solely glued upon this morning's paper.
"Sorry, Dad."
Eleven years ago….
Hermione had just exited the bathroom when she heard the familiar pleasant sound of her daughter's tinkling laughter, and smiled. Severus was an excellent master in bedtime stories, and he never even used children's books.
Slipping quietly into her room, she approached the bassinet that rested at the foot of their bed, smiling down at the newest member of their family who occupied it: Severin John Snape. Born eight pounds, twelve ounces.
Unable to resist, she reached in a hand, her fingers gently caressing the thick dark locks across his forehead. He squirmed, but remained fast asleep. She touched his hand, his little fingers curling into a fist around her much bigger one.
He was so tiny, yet so very precious.
And so very much loved by his family.
Approaching her daughter's door, which was slightly open, Hermione raised her hand, preparing to knock.
"Are you my real father. Papa?"
Hermione hesitated, as did Severus.
"Why do you ask, my Siren?"
"Mama says that a baby's hair color is a reflection of either his or her mama's or papa's hair color, but you and Sev don't have red hair, and mama doesn't have red hair, so why do I?"
Hermione couldn't believe what she was hearing. Rosie, in all her six years, had never once questioned about her parentage, having very early on regarding Severus as her father from the get go. To hear her daughter second-guessing such belief disturbingly astonished her.
Wanting to alleviate whatever awkward position this was sure to put Severus in, Hermione quickly stepped inside. "Bed time!" she announced, her heart breaking at the sight of her daughter sitting so trustingly on her husband's lap, his large hand wrapped tightly around her mid-riff in support as he held her against his chest. "Come on, kitten, it's late, and Papa needs to rest so that he can get up bright and early tomorrow morning."
With a groan, Rosie slid out of her husband's lap and into her bed. Hermione tucked her in, ignoring Severus's hard, convicting stare. Try as she might, she couldn't deny the truth from Rosie for long.
It was now or never.
"Rosie," she lowered herself down onto the bed. Oh, Merlin. Where to even begin? "Before you were born, Mama was married to another man, who was nothing like your Papa." She smiled. Severus smirked. "His name was Ronald Weasley. He was young, an extraordinary quidditch player, and very scruffy, with thick red hair." Using both hands, she ruffled her own wild brown curls. Rosie giggled. "And Mama was very much in love with him. This man…" she swallowed thickly, "this man died in a terrible accident, and Mama was devastated with grief for many months, but he left me a gift, a part of himself for me to carry – you."
Rosie remained rigid with rapt attention.
"It's you, Rosie." Hermione affirmed, grasping her daughter's hand which rested across her tiny blanket-covered abdomen. "You're his daughter. Do you understand what I'm telling you?"
Hermione tensed, as did Severus. "No, you don't understand, or…?"
"He's not my father."
"No!" The girl shook her head vehemently and repeated herself once more. "He's not my father! Papa is!"
"Rosie," Severus began gently. "You are too smart for your own good not to recognize the truth, but your mother is right. I'm not your real father."
"I don't care!" Rosie yelled, sitting up. "Papas are there for their little girls every day and night. Papas play with them when they are excited, sing to them when they are feeling sick, hug them when they are feeling sad, and kiss them because they are loved!" Thick tears were beginning to form in the child's eyes as she spoke with passionate abandonment. "That man is not my Papa, Mama." She looked at Severus. "He is."
Throat constricting, Severus stood up from his chair. "It's late," he spoke thickly, and placing a comforting hand on Rosie's head, leaned down to kiss her. "Goodnight, little one. Sweet dreams."
"Goodnight, Papa." Rosie swiftly wrapped her little arms around Severus's neck, hugging him close. He did the same, his forearm strong yet so very gentle as it carefully supported the little body against him. "I love you," she whispered into his ear after pulling back, and Hermione thought her heart would burst at the seams any moment.
"And I love you." With a small, tender smile, Severus released her. "Always and forever."
"Until next time, Papa?"
Standing, the former Potions Master held out a hand to his wife who, after quickly kissing her daughter, allowed herself to be pulled up to her feet. "Until next time, Little Siren."
Hand in hand, the couple turned off the lights and made for their bedroom. "Thank you." Hermione snuggled into him close.
"For what?"
She smiled up at him. "For being you."
Present day….
King's Cross Station as usual was packed with Muggles and wizards alike, and Hermione had half a good mind to start shoving stragglers aside as she quickly ushered her children through Platform Nine and Three Quarters.
"Come, come children!" With a hand on each of their backs, she guided them towards the nearest baggage handler she could find. Once settling their carts and luggage over to be taken care of did she finally step back to acknowledge her children. Her two, sweet babies. One graduating, and one starting. She tried not to cry, pulling them both into a bone-crushing hug.
"Mum!" Severin began complaining. Honestly, did she really have to pull him around the neck like that?
Smiling, Hermione released them. "Sorry." She ruffled her son's messy hair. He scowled even deeper. "It's just…" she looked between the two of them. "You'll always be my babies. Especially you, Sev, even though you're starting Hogwarts and all…"
A strong hand came to rest atop her shoulder, pulling her in and holding her close. "What your mother is trying to say..." Severus began, his eyes gleaming at both of his children. Yes, they were his children. His. He raised them, provided for them, disciplined them, and loved them with a fierce passion. "Is that she'll be missing you two ruffians. Now," he gave them a serious look. "Behave, and study hard. No funny business," his eyes lingered on Rosie. "I mean it, the both of you."
"Of course." Brother and sister glanced at each other.
The train whistled to life, and Rosie, not wanting to miss their ride, threw herself into Severus's arms. "Bye, Dad." After planting a quick kiss onto his cheek, she released him.
"Good bye, Little Siren."
Rosie rolled her eyes. "I'm seventeen, Dad. Hardly little anymore."
"You will always be my little girl."
"Whatever." Raising an eyebrow, she smirked. "Until next time, Papa?"
Returning her little smile, Severus nodded. "Until next time, Little Siren."
He turned his attention towards Severin. "Make us proud."
"I will, Dad."
"And no matter what House you find yourself Sorted in, Hogwarts still will have gained a fine young wizard." His eyes shone with pride as he gazed down at his only heir and son.
"Thanks, Dad."
"And you'll keep an eye out for your sister, won't you?"
"Two eyes." Sev promised.
"Good lad." Holding his hand out, Severus grasped his boy's hand in a firm grip, shaking it. "Take care of yourself, son."
"You too, Dad."
"Let's go, Sev!" After hugging their mother good bye, Rosie quickly departed towards the closest compartment.
Unable to resist, Hermione pulled Severin close for one final embrace. "My son…" she ran her fingers through his silky dark tresses. "My beautiful son…"
"Come on, Sev!"
Breaking away from his mother, Severin rushed towards his awaiting sister, the both of them disappearing from sight in a matter of seconds. For the longest time husband and wife stood there amongst the throngs of other families, a calm sense of completion washing over them.
"You didn't tell them."
Severus glanced down at his wife, a devious gleam twinkling within his eyes. "Tell them what? That I'm spending a semester as the Hogwarts Potions Master this fall, or that you're expecting again?"
Hermione smiled, her arm wrapping around his much longer one. "Both."
"They'll be upset, no doubt."
"Let them be." She rested the side of her head against his arm. "They could use a good scare and embarrassment."
Smirking, Severus reached into his long coat's pocket and pulled out his pocket watch. Two minutes before the train's departure. "Shall we stay, or shall we go?"
Hermione gave him a questioning look.
"I have exactly seven hours before I'm expected at Hogwarts, and with no children looming around in all corners of the house…." He raised an eyebrow.
Hermione laughed. "Then by all means, husband." She wiggled her eyebrows at him. "It's been far too long. Perhaps a bit of role-play is in order?"
"Absolutely. Our theme?"
"Howabout…. oversexed Hogwarts school girl having the hots for her nymphomaniac of a Potions teacher who will use every method he can to screw her senseless?"
"My, my." Severus held his wife closer to his chest, the tips of his fingers brushing under the tender flesh of her covered bosoms. Hermione held back a groan. "A nymphomaniac, am I? Well then…" he nuzzled his nose against her neck. "I wouldn't want to disappoint."
And with his arms securely wrapped around his wife, Severus quickly apparated them back to their home.
And we're finished! I apologize to you folks who were confused about where this story stood, completion wise. It was originally intended to be a very long one-shot, but I found neither the strength nor the time to make it happen, hence this short little story.
Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated and nourishment for my soul.
Thank you for reading!