To say Cold was frustrated was an understatement. He was exasperated. The criminal had arrived at the coffee shop at 9 AM that morning. Now it was going on two, and there was still a giant stack of paperwork in front of him. Sometimes he wished he wasn't the leader of the Rogues, then someone else would have to fill out all the forms. But, like he had read in a fortune cookie once, with great power comes great responsibility.
With a pen in one hand and a cup of Joe in the other, Leonard continued to write and sort and organize at a table outside. He worked in relative quietness for another hour, until he was disrupted by some noise from across the street. In annoyance, he saw three teenagers loitering about, speaking loud profanity and tossing aside empty cans of beer. Len could make out from the group a distinct Scottish accent. He swore. It was Trickster, Pied Piper, and Mirror Master.
"If those kids get arrested, I am not breaking them out."
Captain Cold considered walking over to them and freezing them with his cold gun. He resisted the temptation and dove back into his work. He knew if they were to see him, they would simply come over and annoy him further.
After five minutes, he could still hear their pestering chatter. That was it. He reached into his jacket and pulled out his gun. When he looked up, he was met with an odd sight. Evan was lying on the ground with Axel and Hartley bending over him.
"Help! Someone help!"
He was across the street in a flash. Abandoning hours of work, Len knelt next to Evan. The boy was clutching his side and moaning in pain.
"What happened?" Leonard asked.
"He was messing around with a shard of glass. Trying to jump through it or something. He must have jumped to soon, it ended up piercing his side," Hartley explained.
Len slowly moved Evan's hand away. Mirror Master hissed out loud. When Cold saw the piece of mirror lodged in his ribs, surrounded by blood, he swore. He was surprised Axel didn't faint.
"It…hurts," he whimpered.
"Axel, Hartley, hold him down. We need to get the shard out." The boys quickly obeyed Leonard's commands. "This is gonna hurt a bit more," he warned. Then, as quick as possible, he pulled the piece out. McCulloch's screams could be heard down the road.
Ignoring the many bystanders, he used his cold gun to freeze a thin layer of ice over the wound. Hopefully it would stop the bleeding, even if only temporarily. He told Hartley, "Call Dr. Alchemy. Tell him what happened, and that I'm bringing Evan to him. After that, get you, and Axel home as quickly as possible."
Gently, Leonard picked up Evan. He started running to the base as fast and as carefully as he could. Thankfully it was only a few blocks away. They arrived within two painfully long minutes. Alchemy was already waiting outside.
Cold hurried into the house and lay Mirror Master on the couch. He tried to leave to give Dr. Alchemy more room, but Evan gripped his hand tightly.
"Da, don't go," he said in a faint voice. What could Len do but stay? Albert quickly got to work.
Finally, after what seemed like forever, the stitches were done. Evan lay asleep. Piper and Trickster were in the other room with the rest of the Rogues, waiting for news of their friend. In the meantime, Cold helped Alchemy clean up room a bit.
"So, will the kid be okay Doc?" Captain Cold finally asked.
"Well considering I'm not an actual doctor, I have no idea."
Cold shrugged. "You managed to stitch him up."
"What else was I supposed to do?" After a few moments of silence, Desmond sighed. "It was a bad cut, kid had lodged the shard into himself further when he tried to stop the bleeding with his hands. He'll be bedridden for a few weeks so the stiches can do their job. However, knowing Evan, he'll be back to robbing banks in no time. But that's just speculation."
Leonard sighed in relief. The two continued to clean. Everything was quiet, until Dr. Alchemy spoke again. "So, Dad huh? Didn't realize you were such the father figure."
Cold threw him a dirty look. "He was under pain killers."
"I seem to recall we gave those to him afterwards."
"Shut up."