Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.
Prompt: 'I met you last night when you were drunkenly petting my dog in my backyard at 3 in the morning and when i asked you what the hell you were doing you slurred something about dogs being great and then you threw up on my feet and then fifteen minutes later you were passed out on my couch so that's why you're here right now also what the fuck is your name and why were you petting a dog in a stranger's backyard in the middle of the night.'
Pairing: KakaSaku AU
Length: 3,400 Words
Sakura was having a wonderful evening. Finals were over, colleges were out for the summer, and she was gleefully heading towards what Ino affectionately referred to as "Slosh-Town." Meaning, she was drunk. Very, very drunk. But it's okay! Because school was out, she was stress free, she didn't have those awful dark circles from nights spent studying anymore, and did she mention school was out? Ah, yes, Sakura was having a great time.
She and her best friend, Ino, had chosen to celebrate the ending of the semester at some hole in the wall, back-alley, sleazy college bar with the rest of their classmates. Sakura was apprehensive at first, surely a place like that couldn't mean well…especially when the frat boys were just as likely to get rowdy in the bar as they did in their frat house. But Ino had insisted, telling her to "stop being such a Debbie-downer, Forehead," and she had been dragged, half-willing, to a place whose floor was covered in questionable substances. They met up with one of Ino's friends, Karin, and she introduced them to the frat boys Sakura wanted to avoid. Her unimpressed examination of the bar must have caught the eye of one of the boys, (his name was Kiba or something) because he cleared his throat to catch the attention of the circle, "Hey! We're throwing a party at our place if you girls wanna come!"
His announcement was received with eager affirmatives, and Sakura found herself interested. The frat boys weren't that bad, and there was a party somewhere that didn't smell of illegal activities? Count her in! So they had all walked the five blocks to the ANBU Fraternity House, and one of the guys (Uh, Sai?) stopped in a liquor store to grab a large bottle of vodka on the way. The smile on his face when he opened the bottle was strange enough to put her on edge (had he spiked it before he came out of the store?), but her fears were put to rest when he took a drink first and then passed it to Ino who passed it to Kiba who passed it to Sakura. The walk went on that way for the rest of the distance there, with each member of the large group taking a swig from the clear bottle. By the time they got to the already packed house, they were all feeling tipsy.
They walked through the neon and black-lighted front door and Ino's excited grin as she held onto Sakura's hand as they pushed through sweaty grinding bodies on their way to the kitchen made her laugh. A shot was pushed into her hands and Sakura downed it before a random classmate pulled both her and Ino onto the dancefloor.
After an unnamed amount of Jell-O shots, cups of spiked punch, and beers, Sakura found herself talking to three Kibas and the one on the left was saying something about her…hair? He was pretty funny, she guessed, and when she reached out to swat him in the arm, she found herself suddenly falling forward. She would've fallen on her face if the Kiba in the middle hadn't caught her with an exclamation of, "Woah there, Pink!" Giggling, Sakura patted him on the cheek as she blew raspberries at him.
"Are you that drunk, Sakura," he breathed through a large grin. He laughed when Sakura brought a finger to her lips, shushed him and said in a conspiratory whisper, "Don't say that! I'm good! Just askhim!"
Kiba rose an eyebrow and glanced at where she pointed to, only to find empty space. He shifted her in his grip (where she still lay bonelessly, still blowing raspberries) and laughed again, "Oh yeah, you're done."
He set her upright, patiently guided her back to the kitchen, and then deposited her into Ino's arms. Ino was stunned for a moment, holding tightly to the boneless girl, and then laughed once Sakura started patting her face.
"Inoooo-pig," Sakura cooed, "you have such a nice face! A+, Pig, you win the Blue Ribbon!"
Ino resisted the urge to let Sakura fall to the floor as a vein in her forehead twitched at the back-handed compliment.
"Okay, Forehead, you're done for the night, time to go home," she mumbled as she guided her to the front door. Ino didn't really want to leave, she had just started talking to that super hot guy, Sai! Creepy smile and alarming paleness aside, he had the nicest abs she had ever seen! And he had called her beautiful! The answer to her problems came to her in the form of the red-headed Karin, who was waving at some people Ino didn't care to know and looked like she was leaving.
"Karin!" Ino exclaimed, still dragging a stumbling Sakura by the hand. Karin rose an eyebrow at the two and placed a hand on her hip in her signature "I'm better than you" pose.
"What's up, Ino?"
"Are you leaving?!"
Karin's crimson eyes narrowed at the blonde before sighing, "Yeah, I am," she glanced at the petite pink-haired girl next to the aforementioned blonde, sighed deeper, and resigned herself to her fate. She was such a good person.
"Do you need me to take her home?"
"Yes! Please!"
And that's how Sakura found herself being escorted home by a girl she had never spoken a full sentence to. And, coincidentally, that's also how Karin found herself escorting a girl she held a small bit of resentment towards for once dating the love of her life, Sasuke. She flipped her unevenly cut hair over her shoulder, rolling her eyes as she heard Sakura stumble and fall with a curse and a giggle behind her, and sighed once more. It didn't matter anymore, right? It was years ago, anyway. Sakura surely couldn't still harbor feelings for him, could she?
Karin adjusted her glasses and glanced at the girl from the corner of her eye. Said girl was walking(stumbling), muttering to herself about some thing or another, and blowing candy-floss hair out of her eyes. Karin gazed up into the heavens, oh yeah, she was such a good person.
Just then, a red pick-up truck pulled to a stop next to them, making Karin stop—reaching out to grab the still walking(stumbling!) pinkette by the arm and pull her to her side. Her wary eyes took in the license plates, color and make of the vehicle just in case it was some creep, and waited impatiently for the creaking window to roll down and reveal the driver. Her eyes lit up at seeing it was one of her more recent conquests! He was a stupid jock, yes, but he was smart in subjects that mattered (sex). So Karin liked him well enough, and he was pretty cute, in that you can't look at him for too long sort of way.
Which is why she told him she liked to have sex in the dark.
Therefore, when said boy toy offered to take her home for a night of passion (in the dark, of course), Karin was hard-pressed to say no. She pulled open the passenger door of his rusted truck, gritted her teeth when it made this awful groaning sound, and reminded herself over and over that he was well-endowed and good and cars didn't matter. She had just closed the door and strapped herself in when her companion cleared his throat and, at her irate look, pointed at the bumbling fool she had left standing on the sidewalk.
Oh, right, fuck.
Karin huffed. Ino said Sakura was a smart girl, and they only lived four blocks away from the frat house! Surely, Sakura could find her way home…it wasn't that dark outside! It was only, Karin glanced at the clock, two in the morning! There was plenty of light out—there were street lights everywhere! So, she hastily explained to the girl that she was leaving and that she should head straight home. The pink haired girl nodded with the stupidest grin Karin had ever seen on her disgustingly naturally pretty face and waved, "Bye-bye!"
Karin rolled her eyes again, told her companion to drive (what was his name), just to hear "WAIT" coming from the sidewalk. She resisted the urge to pull at her hair, instead choosing to breathe in sync with her mental count down from ten. She set crimson eyes on wide beryl green and asked in mock sweetness, "Yes?"
"I don't know the way back…" Sakura admitted with another wide grin and Karin's jaw dropped in disbelief and then clicked shut in agitation. Smart her ass.
She snapped her fingers at the slowly-blinking jock next to her, "Find me a piece of paper, you!" and as he rushed to fulfill her command because he wanted to leave just as bad as she did, Karin fished something to write with out of her purse.
He handed her a greasy napkin, shrugging bashfully at Karin's expression of what the fuck, and she drew a crude map of where Sakura was supposed to go in red lipstick ( the X being her apartment because X marks the spot, duh) before tossing it at the girl who fumbled to catch it.
After she made sure it was in Sakura's hands, Karin rolled up the window, held up two fingers in a peace sign, and disappeared off into the night.
Seriously, she was such a good person.
And that's how Sakura found herself squinting at a terribly smudged map and finding her way down the street at nearly three in the morning. And she was getting frustrated, because she could havesworn she passed that house with the mail box dozens of times and it was just taking so long! Besides, she and Ino took short cuts lots of times to get home. All she really had to do was cut through a few houses, take a left at the street with the sign, and voila! She'd be home, all cozy in her bed with ice cream!
So with a self-assured nod because she was a genius, Sakura made a sharp turn onto a random house's lawn (no, not random, this is the house they always cut through, she was sure of it) and cut through the back. And then through another, and then another because she knew these houses for sure.
As she was climbing a really nice white picket fence (oh yeah, she definitely knew this fence), Sakura froze at the sound of a bark. She slowly turned her head, wide eyes falling on the form of a little brown pug barking his little heart out at her, and then promptly fell off the fence to land in a heap on really green grass. She lifted her pink head at the feel of doggy kisses and shuffled onto her knees to pet him.
He rolled onto his back as she cooed because he wanted his belly rubbed, and then she started crying as she petted him because he was just so cute and fluffy and nice and oh man get a load of that dog!
And that's how Kakashi found her. A stranger, on his lawn at three in the morning, loudly sobbing as she gave his dog a belly rub.
Kakashi, at thirty-six years old, wasn't really one to indulge in Friday night drinks with pals anymore. He was perfectly content with sitting at home, watching B-Listed movies on his couch with a bowl of popcorn and a six-pack for an hour, and then reading his favorite book series after he got bored. Really, he'd much rather spent his nights at home where he could enjoy not being ridiculed for still beinga bachelor.
He had just begun to enjoy his movie for the night, some terribly written film about vampires, and had just started to look past the ketchup-blood when he heard barking from his backyard. Kakashi casted a barely interested glance at his back door; Pakkun barked at anything and everything, be it grass or people, and he was reluctant to go check.
And then he heard loud, ugly sobbing.
Well, that was definitely not his dog.
He grabbed his pistol from his coffee table (he was a cop, it was a habit, sue him!) and cautiously made his way towards his backyard. He slowly opened the door and then blinked. And then blinked again because this wasn't something you saw every day.
There was a girl, no less than twenty, crying on his lawn. She was obviously drunk, and petting his dog. Who, mind you, was happily basking in the attention. He observed her for a moment: she hadpink hair (ah, great, a delinquent), was pretty cute under all that snot and smeared makeup, and currently sported scrapes on her knees from what he guessed were multiple drunken falls. He levelled an unimpressed stare at his useless pug (why'd he get a pug anyway? They sucked as guard dogs), and cleared his throat.
The pink minx jumped and hastily scrambled to stand as she wiped her tears.
"What are you doing," he asked in his "I'm a cop I can ruin your life" voice, and she burst into tears once more. Kakashi sighed, placed his gun into the waistband of his sweat pants, and made his way towards her.
She suddenly lifted her head, snot and tears making their way down her face, and he resisted the urge to step back in alarm. She mumbled something he couldn't understand, and when he said, "Pardon?" she hiccupped and sobbed, "Just get a load of that dog!"
And then she threw up on his feet.
The next morning found Sakura groaning as she awoke. She was going to kill Ino! The damn blonde knew how much of a light-weight she was! Honestly, what happened to "don't worry, Sakura, I'll keep you from getting wasted?" Obviously, that didn't happen. Because if her pounding headache and foggy memory were anything to go by, Sakura had gotten sloshed last night. Wasted. Turnt. She went to Slosh-Town and got lost.
Smacking her lips, and rubbing her eyes, she swung her legs off of her bed and made her way to her bathroom. Only, she bumped into a table. That was odd, Sakura mused, she didn't remember having a table in her room…
Sakura's eyes opened fully, resisted the desire to hiss at the light like some sort of vampire, and took in her surroundings.
Oh yeah, this was so not her room. Or her apartment for that matter. She didn't own such an uglycouch.
"Good morning, you," the skin on Sakura's back pulled taught as she went stiff at the sound of astranger's voice.
Oh, no. She couldn't have.
There was no way Ino had let her go home with someone when she was so drunk! That was like, a rule! A law! As she slowly turned around, Sakura prayed that it wasn't some creep who preyed on unsuspecting drunk girls, or else she was going to shave all of Ino's hair off. All of it.
When she turned fully, she took in the sight of the hottest older man she had ever seen. Oh yes, she could get down to this. Good job, Sakura-chan.
"Uh, hi?"
Her weak greeting was met by a raised brow, and a silent offering of coffee. Silently thanking the heaven's, because coffee was definitely something she needed, she accepted the warm mug and followed his lead onto the couch.
And then it got awkward.
Because he didn't say anything, and she didn't know what to say. What do you say after a one night stand you can't remember? Should she casually bring it up, or should she make some off the wall guess at how the night went? Or should she just pretend it didn't happen?
Sakura's brow twitched, Ino would know what to do.
As Sakura silently watched him over the rim of her mug, Kakashi took the opportunity to observe her as the myriad of expressions crossed her face as she thought. He smiled behind his scarf, she was an open book that one. And judging by how much she was internally fussing, he was sure she would be absolutely appalled at how awful she looked this morning—she still had on last night's make up and dried snot on her face. And that bird's nest for hair was going to be a problem to comb out, he was sure of it. But, she was still cute, he'd give her that.
He was brought out of his casual perusal of her person when he registered the sound of her setting her mug down onto the coaster on his coffee table. She pretended to pick lint off her leggings and when she spoke, she made it sound like they were discussing the weather.
"So, did I sleep with you?"
Kakashi would have choked on his coffee if he had actually been drinking any, and instead almost choked on his own spit. What?
He sat up straighter in his seat, gave her his best "I'm being honest, I swear," face and said, "No, we didn't sleep with each other."
Her relieved exhalation and subsequent proclamation of, "thank god," almost managed to offend him, until she nervously glanced his way and hastily added, "I mean, if we had, I would've liked to remember having sex with you."
Both of his eyebrows rose at that, and a blush crawled up her chest to her face as she attempted to hide it under the guise of examining his living room. Kakashi set his newspaper down, and she turned her attention back to him, eyes wide and nervous. She had pretty eyes, he decided then.
"Actually," he started, holding her gaze with his own, "I met you last night when you were drunkenly petting my dog in my backyard at three in the morning and crying. When I asked you what the hell you were doing, you slurred something about dogs being great, and then you threw up on my feet." Sakura groaned into her hands at this, she was simply mortified. But Kakashi continued speaking, "And thenfifteen minutes later, you were passed out on my couch. So that's why you're here right now. Also, what is your name, how old are you, and why were you patting a dog in a stranger's backyard in the middle of the night?"
Sakura groaned into her hands again. What were the odds!? What were the odds of stumbling into a random hot guy's lawn and making a fool out of herself! That kind of stuff only happened in cheesy movies! Nevertheless, he was waiting for some type of response from her and so she sighed, resigned herself to her fate of being a loser and said, "My name is Sakura, and I'm 22 years old."
Kakashi regarded her carefully. Twenty-two, huh? He could get down with that. And so he stood, brushed the non-existent dust off of his pants and offered her a hand. She stared at his hand bemusedly, asking him with her eyes what he wanted her to do with that, and he gave her his famous friendly eye-crinkle.
"Well then, Sakura," oh god, the way he said her name made her mouth go dry, "how about I take you back to your place so you can freshen up, and we can discuss over lunch just exactly how you ended up on my lawn in the first place. My name is Kakashi."
Sakura smiled then, and took his offered hand, "Alright then, Kakashi, I'd like that."
And when Sakura got home, running to the bathroom as she flipped Ino off (who laughed and said, "You look like shit, Forehead! Where are you going?" upon sight of her) with a shout of "I'll tell you later!," Sakura couldn't help but let out a shrill scream at the sight of her reflection, and then grinned because honestly, any man who still wanted to date her when she looked like that was a keeper.