Lucifer stared sadly into his dying brother's golden eyes. He didn't want to kill Gabriel. Gabriel was his younger brother and he had taught him everything he knew before he fell. He loved Gabriel more than anything but, he had to kill him. "I'm deeply sorry brother." He whispered as Gabriel slowly fell to the ground. Lucifer stood over him and watched in a pain silence as his brother's eyes slowly closed and his chest stopped moving.

Yes, he was an archangel and they tend to not have any emotion, yet having to kill your younger brother that used to always look up to you, would make anyone have a pain in their chest. It was surprisingly easy to fight off the wet tears that threatened to fall down his face.

Lucifer looked up at the ceiling, knowing that no doubt Micheal was watching, and shouted. "Take a good look, Micheal. Because, this? This is your fault!" He dropped the angel blade that was wet with blood, to the floor. "Because, you wanted to follow dad's orders. You made this happen! You made me kill Gabriel! His death, shall be on your hands, not mine!" With that, Lucifer walked out of the door, leaving Gabriel's dead body in the hotel, along with all the pagan gods.


Welp, that's it. Yes, i know it has no happiness to it. But, after i saw a post on Tumblr, it insired me to writ this (very short)story about Lucifer "Killing Gabriel. (Though us true believers know Gabriel isn't dead)