One night Kara and Alex are up late talking. Alex has been drinking heavily and is indiscreet. She is regaling her adoptive sister with tales of her sexual conquests.

"And you know who has the biggest dick in the whole DEO?" asks Alex.

"Alex, stop, you're embarrassing yourself."

"Hank, that's who. Yeah, I admit it, I slept with the boss."

"Yeah, but..."

"Oh come on, Kara. You're more liberal than that. This is the 21st century and you're shocked that I slept with a black guy? I've seen the way you look at James Olsen."

"No, Alex, it's not that. I promise, I don't give a crap which races you sleep with. It's just, like... rewind! How the hell would you know that Hank had the biggest, um..." Kara hesitates, unaccustomed to such crude talk.

"Biggest dick," Alex says, as if correcting her.

Kara finishes her question: "How would you know he's got the biggest in the DEO? It's not like you've screwed the entire DEO staff, right?"

Alex blushes for the first time, wondering even in her drunken state if she has spoken too freely in outing herself as the biggest slut in National City (Cat Grant excepted).

"Oh my God!" exclaims Kara. "You did! You screwed all of them!"

"Would you keep your voice down?"

"You are like a total freaking whore, no offence," Kara gasps.

"Kara, you need to loosen up and chill. Slut-shaming is so last decade. There's nothing admirable about being a stuck-up frigid virgin all your life. You're 23, 20-fucking-3 Kara, and did you even get any dick inside you yet, ever?"

"Alex, I'd love to, but –"

"But? What the hell excuse do you got? Girls of our age should be having fun."

Kara bites her lip. "I thought you knew. I actually just can't. Maybe that's why I hate hearing about you whoring yourself out. Because I could never do that even if I wanted to."

"Wait," says Alex, "what the hell do you mean you 'can't'?"

"My cousin explained it to me. It's the same reason he can't screw Lois. His super-hard penis would simply tear her apart."

"But you don't have a dick, Kara," Alex pauses, "unless there's something I don't know about you."

"No, you're right. I'm a girl," Kara giggles awkwardly, but Alex suddenly looks serious despite her excessive alcohol intake. So Kara continues. "But the same basic principle applies. If a guy was screwing me I'd be gyrating, I'd hold him, I'd clasp his... dick in my vagina."

"Your pussy," Alex corrected her.

"There's no telling what damage I could do to a guy, Alex."

"Listen Kara, you can control your strength. I see it all the time. You don't wreck a door each time you open it. You don't break a hand each time you shake with someone."

"I know that. Don't you think I haven't thought about this? Don't you think I want to get laid as much as any other girl? But sex is an earthy, primal, instinctual activity where normal inhibitions are suppressed. In the heat of the moment, I can't be sure I wouldn't snap a guy's tool off with my vagina. It's just too damn risky."

"I'm sorry, Kara. Why the hell did you never tell me this. God, it sucks ass."

"It really, really does. It sucks like hell. I'm so damn horny but I can't get laid. Which also means I can't have a boyfriend because it could never ever be allowed to get serious."

"But you, um, masturbate, right?"

"I do, I do. I just can't help thinking it's no substitute for the real thing. For a real penis."

"And you're right." Alex paused. "I wish you'd told me about this sooner. I'm sure I can help. What if I eat you out? That should be pretty safe."

"You'd do that?"

"Kara, I swing both ways."

"But I'm your sister!"

"Doesn't matter. I've always wanted to pleasure you that way. You want it too, admit it."

"I do, I really do."