A.N: It's probably not wise to start something new when I should finish my other story, but this idea has been on my mind for a while now so I just wrote it down.

I'm not even sure if the idea is good but we'll see.

The next chapters will be less angsty.

Summary: After Chuck got shot in Prague Blair gets the chance to travel back in time to save him and change things for the better.

Time is a complicated thing.

It can feel like the time of all the nice moments is up too fast, while all the painful moments last too long.

For Chuck Bass it felt like the happiest time of his life was over after a mere heartbeat. It came crashing down on him when he stood on top of the Empire State Building anxiously clutching a bouquet of peonies and a small black velvet box.

When the time was up he threw the flowers away and ripped off his too tightly knotted bowtie.

He shouldn't be surprised that he was once again alone. And he was only to blame for it. How could anyone love him after what he did? Sure, there were others involved but he was the one pushing her away, the woman who kept him sane, the woman who once promised to stand by him through anything. Well, almost anything.

Now she was gone and she took his light and his temporary happiness with her.

Returning to his suite he felt engulfed by darkness and pain. He tried to numb the pain with the two things that he knew might work. Alcohol and a woman - in the shape of Jenny Humphrey. He didn't think, just wanted to forget.

When Blair came to his penthouse she pulled him out of the darkness. As she always did without much effort. Light was brushing him ever so slightly, only to be pushed away even farther when Blair found out.

He had to destroy their love, the only love he'd ever experienced which is probably why he couldn't handle it.

He felt engulfed by darkness and pain. It was even worse the second time around. So he did what he always did, he run away. Losing himself in drugs, alcohol and a never ending strip of hookers. This must be what he was destined for.

He had taken the small velvet box with him. It was pathetic, really. But for him it felt like a part her was traveling with him, still trying to pull him out of his darkness. Since it was too small it only kept him from losing himself beyond return.

Desperately trying to hold on to the last glimpse of love, of a better life, he naturally got punished.

The pain that was shooting through his body, after he lost that last piece of Blair, felt almost like an oddly assurance that he wasn't worth of it, wasn't worth of having her.

Lying down on dirty cobblestones on an alleyway in Prague, surrounded by his own pool of blood, he tried to revisit the few moments of happiness that his life granted him.

Time was running through his hands. Never bothering to spend him the gift of a few good memories.

Time could be merciless. If people were right with their saying time is money, he would give all his belongings away to get a last glimpse into the deep brown eyes of the woman he loved.

If he would have time to contemplate the hole situation he would think how ironic it was that he needed to be shot and ripped off the last memory of Blair to realize that he would give anything away if he had her instead.

The ring had been his last hope. It may have not healed everything, he wasn't foolish, but it had been a promise. Now it was gone.

When his heavy eyes fell closed, the feeble and unsteady thuds his his chest fainting, his mind was bare of memories, he saw nothing. Maybe that wasn't a bad thing.

His head fell onto the muddy ground.

Maybe it's better if I never come back, was his last thought before he drifted into unconsciousness.

Time is a complicated thing.

It can feel like the time of all the nice moments is up too fast, while all the painful moments last too long.

For Blair Waldorf it felt like the happiest time of her life was over after a mere heartbeat. It came crashing down on her when the the love her life decided to value a hotel more than anything else. It came crashing down on her again when she learned that he preferred the company of a certain Humphrey more than waiting for her, trusting her that she would come. Even if she had been too late.

Her heart had been shattered into the tiniest pieces, so she did what she thought would help it heal. Go away from all the places that would only remember her of him, travel to Paris to distract herself with culture.

She had assumed that she'd be able to distract herself- easily, but, oh, she had been so wrong.

Some people say time runs slowly when you're waiting. For Blair Waldorf waiting felt like an eternity.

Her days were supposed to just rush away in a mix of new created fun and happiness. She acted like that was actually the case. The truth, however, was that whenever she sat down in one the picturesque Parisian cafes, she couldn't enjoy her Café au Lait, she couldn't enjoy her favorite macarons and she couldn't enjoy the beautiful view of the Seine and the Eiffel Tower.

She simply didn't notice the flavors, the sights or the warmth of the sun.

Her eyes were fixed on the phone before her. She was waiting -not just for her still shattered heart to be pieced together again- but for her PI to finally have news on the man she once loved more than her life. More than anything.

It was pathetic but she hasn't heard of him all summer and needed to know if he was okay, so she could move on and finally enjoy her vacation.

But her PI was not at all successful. It was like her ex-lover had fallen off the face of the earth. Waiting never felt longer.

She thought when she finally heard the news life around her would continue in its normal pace. But maybe that would never happen.

Days passed by without hearing anything about him. She tried not to seem desperate, tried not pace around her room at ungodly hours, instead she wanted to distract herself with fashion, literature and art. It never worked.

Sure, she saw the haute couture, the printed letters and the paintings, but the moment her gaze averted it was all gone.

Not that anyone would notice anything. She perfected the art of 'acting like everything was perfectly fine' over the last years. The only person who would be able to notice her sometimes odd behavior, her too bright smile, her mood swings, was probably across the the world to drink himself into oblivion.

No, she was not worried. She was not thinking of him. She was fine!

When the news finally arrived Blair was lying in her bed, sweating, jolted by the most terrible nightmare and deeply missing the once comforting warmth of another body next to her.

Trying to push the memory of him away, she instead focused on Serena's agitated, hushed voice in the other room. A bad feeling was suddenly clenching her heart. Something was wrong, terribly wrong. She was sure of it.

It wasn't her PI on the phone, it was Lily. After Serena ended the call and slowly opened the doors to Blair's room bad news were written all over her face, most evident in the tears threatening to roll down her cheeks.

In that moment Blair wished she could go back to sleep, pretend like everything was okay again. Every nightmare must be better than reality.

"B, it's Chuck." The words were dropping from Serena's mouth, ringing through Blair's head like an alarm.

No no no. That can't be possible. Everything was fine.

"My mom just called. He's been shot." Her voice was evidently trembling while Blair stared blankly down at her hands. Her perfect façade crumbling.

"He's in a hospital in Prague." Serena's sounded like she was rooms away and not standing at the end of her bed. Blair just blinked, taking in the information.

"He lost a lot of blood and never woke up. So it's not looking good. We have to go there. My mom's picking us up with the Bass jet in a few hours."

Blair thought, now that she had heard of him the world stop running in a slow pace. But she had been stupid.

When she boarded the jet and took the first available cab to the hospital, she learned that the world around her functioned without any troubles. Like nothing ever happened. It just felt different for her.

Hearing of him didn't help to release the pain that had been clutching her heart. Thought now it was displaced by worry and fear. The feeling was worse.

Acting wouldn't help her here.

When Blair rushed down the hospital corridors focused on finding his room she left Serena, Nate and Lily behind.

Her heels were clicking fast on the linoleum floor but she didn't hear them. All sounds seemed muffled.

Her eyes were flying from door to door always checking the small black numbers before she finally came to a halt in front of the door with the right number.

The air felt too thick to breath as she put her hand on the doorknob, like it tried to stop her from seeing the man behind this door.

She was visibly shaking but forced the air in to turn the doorknob with all the determination she could muster. She knew she needed to be strong now.

No matter what she told herself. The moment she stepped into the room all the inhaled air left her lungs, her hand covered her mouth in shock and her heart felt like it stopped beating.

Seeing the man in the hospital bed finally made the time sped up to continue at a normal rate.

The air grew thinner and was inhaled by her lungs to escape her lips as a sob.

Tears were streaming down her cheeks as she picked up a plastic chair and sat down next to Chuck.

Whatever sort of anger or heartbreak she may have felt the past few weeks, it was nothing against the fear of possibly losing him. A fear that was hitting her with all its force as she saw his motionless body in the hospital bed.

They were Chuck and Blair. Blair and Chuck. How could she possibly live a life without him? It was then that she realized it would never be her world without him in it.

Whatever grudge she may have held against him, she would forgive him anything if he just woke up.

Grabbing his hand she carefully intertwined their fingers. It wasn't the same without feeling his response in form of a soft squeeze. His hand felt cold, almost lifeless. Even if the constant beeping of the heart monitor assured her that he was still alive. It was hard to believe, seeing his pale almost grayish face, but the numerous tubes he was linked to made sure of it.

"How is he?" she asked a nurse who had just entered the room. "Will he be okay?" Her voice sounded weak, sniffling but yet still hopeful.

The nurse looked at her with sad eyes. "We don't know." she said in surprisingly good English. "But it's not looking good. He is in a coma, was nearly dead when he came in. The doctors did everything they could."

Blair sobbed again. She wished she could do something. She would do anything.

"This is all my fault." she whispered without realizing that the nurse was still in the room.

"I showed up too late. Told him to never speak to me again. He probably thinks I hate him." Her thumb started to run soothing circles over the back of his hand, eyes never leaving his still face.

"If I could just go back and change things ... We could be happy now." Her words were barely audible but the nurse heard them anyway.

"You would do that?" she asked stepping closer. "Travel back in time to change things?"

Blair looked up. She hadn't realized the nurse was still in the room.

"Yes, of course." she answered even though she believed it was an odd question.

Could that nurse not just leave them alone?

"If you really have the willpower to do it I could send you back."

"Of course." Blair was clearly annoyed. She hated incompetent staff. If this nurse would not leave she would definitely call security. Well, if this hospital had security ... she didn't check when she arrived. How stupid.

"I see you don't believe me." the nurse stated.

Blair only rolled her eyes. "But don't you wonder where your entourage is? They should be here by now. They are not because I stopped the time as I arrived."

"Wait ..." Blair's eyes grew wide in horror as she realized something. Chuck's heart monitor had stopped beeping, it was completely still in the room.

"He's not breathing. Do something!" she demanded, voice shrill and filled with fear.

The nurse didn't move a bit so she jumped up and crossed the room to get a doctor. Anyone who could help.

Opening the door she almost ran into Nate. A motionless Nate. Hand stretched out to the doorknob, stilled in his movements ... like everyone else in the corridor.

That was odd.

Blair paused as well, a confused frown evident on her face.

Waving her hand in front of Nate's face she turned back to the woman when she didn't receive any kind of response.

"That was you?" she demanded to know.

"I told you. I have powers." She pointed towards Chuck. "He's fine. As fine as he can be. At least for now."

Blair quickly positioned herself in front of the bed, between Chuck and the women.

Her knuckles turned white as she gripped onto the end in a protective manner. "I swear if you do anything to him ..." she trailed off, didn't need to finish the sentence. The threat hung clear between them.

"Ah, young love." The woman stepped closer.

"Back off!" Blair snapped, sounding tougher than she felt.

Her protective manner caused the woman to smile.

"Calm down. I already said I can help you. I have some influence on the time. I can send you back. Wouldn't you like to prevent this from happening?"

"Of course!" Blair was offended, still struggling with everything that was happening.

"But if you have those 'powers' can you not just heal him? I'll pay you every price you want. Just let him wake up. Bring him back to me."

The woman's face softened immediately. "It doesn't work this way." she explained careful. "I can only control time. I myself can't change things or travel. I can only watch and send other people back."

"And that's what you're offering me? To send me back to prevent him -" she looked at Chuck, "from getting shot?"


"Why? How much do you want?"

"I don't want your money, Miss Waldorf."

"Then what else do you want? Why do you want to help me?"

"Do you love him?" the women asked suddenly.

That stopped Blair for a moment. She stared at her wide-eyed but then slowly looked at Chuck again. A soft expression on her face, that was reserved for him only.

His tousled brown hair, closed eyes, strong eyebrows. He was beautiful, even if the white hospital gown was not at all flattering for his pale features.

It would be a terrible lie to say that her heavy beating heart did not still desire him.

"Yes" she breathed out and was deadly serious. She loved him so very much. Still, after everything that happened. She wasn't even sure if she would ever be able to not love him. No matter what he did. This tragedy made it once again clear.

"And that's the reason I'm helping you." the women explained silently. "I can only watch. I enjoyed watching you two more than anything the past years. And I don't want your story to end this way. I'm a sucker for happy endings."

"Yeah ... me too." Blair's eyes were still resting on Chuck but she forcefully teared herself away. "So you can really send me back?"

"Yes." the women -Blair doubted that she really was a nurse- assured her. "You will be in your younger selfs body."

"Good. Send me back." Blair said, determined to change things. The story of Chuck and Blair would not end in a shabby hospital in Prague. Whatever she needed to do she would. "Send me back to the beginning. I will stop Jack. We will not break up and therefore Chuck won't be in this country." She had a clear plan in her mind. This stupid hotel deal was the start of their downfall. If she stopped Jack they would be in a better place.

Maybe she could even save Chuck's beloved hotel without being traded for it. It wouldn't happen because now that she knew all that went down she could form the perfect scheme. A smirk tugged at her lips. She liked the feeling being the mastermind, able to change her own and other people's destiny.

Quirking her eyebrows the women stepped closer, this time Blair didn't stop her.

"As you wish." she said thoughtful."I will send you back to the beginning."

Blair nodded in agreement. Of course she was still suspicious. Wondering if she could really trust that women.

But she hadn't much of a choice. If she could save Chuck, she would do it. She needed to be strong for him.

The women took Blair's hands in hers. "Close your eyes and concentrate on your memories." she instructed.

Blair did as she was told. Noticing that the air became thicker once again, this time in an even more suffocating way.

She tried to concentrate.

Something was buzzing in her ears. She tried to ignore it, to focus on Chuck. How he came to her after that awful Elizabeth person abandoned him. That must have been the moment he decided that he would do what he had to do.

She told him she would go to war with him, determined to take Jack down. They were once again partners in crime, linked through scheming like they had always been.

They just needed to exchange as much as a glance to know what was on each others mind. There had always been a bond between them.

Blair noticed her mistake when it was too late. Focus! You need to focus!, she reminded herself.

But as everything began twirling, shaking and twisting around her and she started moving through the depths of time, her memories did the same.

She couldn't focus anymore, all she saw were Chuck's narrowed hazel eyes.

The expression on his face told her that he was up for destruction. "I'm actually hoping she will." he declared serious before turning on his heels to rejoin a party.

When the shaking around her settled down Blair opened her eyes, inhaling the cold winter air.

Cold winter air? She looked around in panic.

No no no, she thought looking around. It was cold, it was dark and most of all, it was not her dorm room at NYU.

If she wouldn't be still a little scared after the supposed time travel she would be fuming. That senile women had send her to the wrong place!

At least she recognized her surroundings. She was standing at the curb in front of her building. Apparently waiting for something or someone.

A shiver run down her spine and she crossed her arms. Why wasn't she wearing a coat? And where the heck was Chuck?

That's what you get if you trust someone in a nurse costume, Blair thought bitterly.

This was all wrong. She should be at Chuck's side at the hospital, threatening all the doctors so they would do everything in their powers to make him wake up.

Instead she was standing alone, feeling lost and stupid. She didn't even know the year. Moreover she couldn't ask the women because she was nowhere in sight.

Where was she anyway?

Oh right, Blair remembered, she told her she couldn't travel through time. Blair panicked again. Then how was she supposed to go back?

Surely, there must be a way to contact her. Why didn't she ask?

Oh, damn, how stupid can one be. She didn't blame Chuck but he was probably the reason she hadn't think things through. Saving him had been the only thing on her mind. Now it was the question of seeing him again. She could only hope she would see him again, if she wasn't stuck in time.

Just as Blair decided to go inside her building to at least think about everything in the warmth of her room, maybe find out which year it was, a sleek black limo pulled up in front of her. And out of it stepped a young version of the devil in disguise, Chuck Bass.

"Waldorf." he greeted, signature smirk firm in place. "Ready for the party?"

A.N: Can you guess the year? I gave you a little hint of what will follow.

Tbh, I'm not a fan of my OC but she is not that important and will barely make an appearance, so we can just ignore her if we want.

Pls review :)