This chapter has been sitting on my computer for quite some time now... After some editing and realizing that people are still reading this story... You deserve this little smut included chapter! Let me know what you think and what you hope that will happen in future chapters :)

"I'll only let him drug me if you let her go." Misato stated as she turned around and grabbed Guren's wrist.
"Oh? That's actually something smart coming from you. Unfortunately, you have nothing to say about the matter Misato. If he doesn't inject you, I'll kill her." Again, Misato felt powerless. Guren saw her shoulders droop. She let go of his wrist and bit her lip. A classic brother sister feud, where the younger sister always loses. Guren could not understand why she did act. Why protect his colleague? I'm sure they were almost like friends, but still. In a flash, she stole the needle from him.

"It's you or her." She whispered.
"Me." Guren replied immediately and Misato injected him with his own needle. Even though it was not empty yet, Guren felt himself fade. His knees gave out and the last thing he felt was a push.

Misato turned around.
"Here's your new hostage. Let her go."
"I don't want your lover." Akito said then.
"If you have him, you have me."
"I already have you." Akito's tone changed. Misato recognized it immediately. He was considering her idea.
"You don't have me. I'm not going to obey you if you continue this. You should be happy, I'm giving you everything you need." Misato felt herself transform. "You want to throw that away? I can just kill you both right now and escape with him."
"Hmmph. Fine. Just this time Miso. Next time I won't be so kind." He pushed Mito away from himself and let Misato catch her. She held the redhead in her arms as Akito sat down on her bed. "Now go, clean up the mess you made." He then turned to Mito. "I enjoyed the time we had Mito." He smiled. Misato felt fresh tears staining her pyjama.
"It'll be okay." She whispered into Mito's ear. The brown haired woman in pyjama let her demon powers take over. Taking Mito by the hand, she rushed out of the room.

As soon as she left, Akito took out his gun. "It's so fucking tempting to just end you here Ichinose. Just just kill you and let you join up with your fiance. Instead, you'll taint my sister even further. You fucker." The blonde stomped the unconscious man in the face.

Misato opened the front door of the house. "Where are your teammates?" Mito was shaken, but still a professional.
"Shinya, Seishiro and the Chief are somewhere upstairs. Norito and Sayuri should be close by."
"Meet up with them and wait a maximum of three minutes. If you don't see me around then, flee. Consider yourself lucky for surviving." Misato looked cold, but Mito could see that she was visibly upset with the situation.
"What about Guren?"
"There's nothing you can for him."
"I'll make sure he's fine." And that was final. Misato stormed back inside.

Mito rushed towards the van Norito and Sayuri were in. The fact that she had a destination was the only thing keeping her going at the moment. She had lost Guren. Again. Also, her fling turned out to be the biggest mistake of her life. Why wasn't she allowed to be happy? Why were all her crushes unreachable? "Abort! Abort the mission!" Mito shouted as she opened the door of the van. She was met with two panicked faces, that apparently lost connection and had been trying to fix it ever since. "We have three minutes to collect!" Mito hurriedly explained what happened as tears flowed down her cheeks.

As soon as Misato got upstairs, she heard shouts. Familiar voices. "Shinya, carry Seishiro!"
"What do we do? We lost communications!" Misato got closer and noticed several traps. Akito probably had a lot of fun laying them. As she laid eyes on the trio cops, she noticed they were all in bad shape. Seishiro wasn't even conscious. On closer look, Kureto was not hurt at all. Just a small scratch on his cheek. "You guys need to get out of here! It was a trap! There's no one here." There was even a bear trap laying on the floor. It has sprung. In combination with a little smoke grenade, it was easy to fell into. Apparently, Seishiro agreed. His leg was bleeding furiously and he needed medical attention.

Kureto turned towards Misato.
"Very clever of you, leading us here." He was clearly angry and his voice turned into a low whisper. Misato knew she could not talk herself out of this. It was not her intention to lead the police here. Akito was just too smart.
"You can curse me later! You need to rendezvous with Mito, she knows what happened. You'll be captured if you stay here." Kureto narrowed his eyes. Shinya clearly wanted to get out of here. The plan had totally backfired. Then again, thanks to Mito they were blessed with a vital piece of information. Guren was sacrificed for it, but Akito Sumeragi was not a free man anymore.

Before Kureto's Squad left the house, they eyed her once more. "This is not the end." Kureto stated. "It's a shame we can't take you with us." Misato did not reply. Another smoke grenade was thrown into the room and forced the meeting to end. The brown haired demon let them pass peacefully. She suddenly felt a needle in her side. "Knocking you out is at least a little victory."

Around two days later, Misato woke up in an unfamiliar room. Just a bed and a dresser, nothing more. "New safehouse?" Probably. The door opened as if on cue, and Daisuke entered the room. He held two trays of food.
"Rise and shine beautiful! It's been two days and it's time to feed that cop lover of yours." He wore a grin, which indicated bad news. Misato groggily rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.
"Where are we?"
"New safe house, new room." No more information was disclosed. "C'mon, follow me." Misato was still in her pyjamas, but obeyed anyway. She was pretty hungry. "Hold this for me would ya." They walked through a small hallway until they reached some kind of vault. "Don't eat yet." Daisuke said and entered the password, shielding it with his hands.
"I wasn't."
"Liar." Then an irisscan.
"Thorough." Misato commented. The red haired man opened the thick door and stepped aside to let Misato inside.
"I'll be back in two hours."
"Two whole hours?"
"Yeah, I'm generous today. And busy. Mostly busy." He closed the door behind her. The vault was brightly lit and decorated with a few old chairs and a table. Guren Ichinose was tied to one of the chairs. He was blindfolded and had an unusual flush on his cheeks. He seemed to be panting. Misato quickly walked over to the table to put the trays down.
"Are you okay?" She asked.
"Misato?" He immediately tried to stop panting, but to no avail.
"Did they give you something?"
"A...aphrodisiac." Someone from the Brotherhood was pestering him. And with that, Misato as well. The brown-haired women removed the blindfold and was surprised to see Guren with tired, teary eyes. She froze for a bit, unable to figure out what to do. "Untie me, you idiot."
"O-of course. Sorry." She untied him and watched him rubbing his wrists. "We better eat before it gets cold." She tried to ignore his flushed face.
"I'm not hungry."
"It's best to eat so that drug will get of of your system quicker."
"Tch." He knew she was right. Guren was still wearing the SWAT like outfit, except for the bulletproof vest and several weapons that usually stored it. He even wore the fingerless gloves. "Did you get Mito out safely?" Misato nodded, hoping to calm the uneasiness in his voice. "And Shinya?"
"..." She remembered being stabbed with the needle, but was not sure if they escaped safely.
"Answer me." Guren demanded.
"I'm not sure."
"What do you mean you're not sure?!" Impulsive and prickly as Guren was, he stood up and grabbed her by her shirt. Her chair fell back on the floor.
"I…. I shouted that they had to leave, meet up with Mito. I let them pass me but Kureto injected me with something. I just woke up a few minutes ago."

Guren stared at her, cheeks still hot. "O-oh.."
"You can punch me if that makes you feel better." Misato said without thinking. "Being a hostage all the time must be frustrating. I can imagine you need to vent."
"Don't give me that crap Misato. Hitting a pathetic woman like you won't make me feel better. If anything would make me feel better, it's you leaving so I can rub one out." He sounded quite annoyed when he said it. He sat back on his chair and continued eating. Misato followed his example. Half an hour passed and it stayed quiet. "...I'm sorry. You're not pathetic." Misato took a deep breath, and exhaled slowly.
"Just stay quiet you." He was still breathing rather heavily.
"Hmm. Can I ask you something?" Misato looked up.
"What is it?"
"Why are you still in those hideous pyjamas?"
"Want me to take them off?" Misato gasped and covered her mouth with her hands.
"You serious?"She quickly looked away.
"J-just kidding!"
"...Too bad." He smirked. Sexual tension was never this high in a vault. Eventually, Guren shoved the empty food tray away from him.
"So… Is that drug wearing off yet?" Misato stuttered.
"It's not." Guren answered curtly. His eyes widened when Misato started taking off her clothes. "H-hey! Stop that." He started. "Don't offer yourself up to me! Idiot! Stop taking your clothes off!"
"Why not? It's been quite some time since we done it." Guren covered his eyes. "Don't be a gentleman now."
"Misato." Guren groaned in frustration when she undid his belt. "...Now you asked for it." He finally let go of that voice of reason in his head. His voice was a low growl as he grabbed her shoulders and pushed her against the nearest wall. "I'm sure you wanted this all along." Guren pinned her arms above her head and pushed his knee between her legs. His mouth found hers as he forced a kiss. Misato grinned as she let him do as he pleased. Getting fucked in a vault? Sure, why not? The kisses got sloppy as saliva dripped down from the corner of Misato's mouth.

Guren unbuttoned his pants, revealing the hard manhood he had been hoping to hide. Lifting one of Misato's legs, he gained access to her. Without hesitation, he thrusted inside her. A surprised moan escaped Misato's lips as he roughly banged her against the wall. Low groans escaped Guren's mouth as he finally released the pent up heat that had been torturing him for the past hours. "Ah.. ah…" Both of them moaned loudly, not giving a care in the world. "G-Guren, my back…" She had been scraping against the wall and something told her she was bleeding.
"Then get on your hands and knees." The black-haired man stared at the scratches on Misato's back. They were already healing slowly. Grabbing her hips, he entered again. "You okay?" He asked before he started moving again, which cost him a lot of self-control.
"Never been better." She looked back at him and grinned. He grinned back. Leaning forward, he bit her ear playfully before continuing.
"Almost there…"

"I can't believe we fell into that trap." Shinya said ashamed. Seishiro was currently in the hospital for his leg, while Mito was being questioned by Kureto. The mood of the room was dark.
"So, what do we do now?"
"Wait for Kureto to be done I guess." Norito had fallen asleep behind his desk, too tired to join the conversation.

"It was not really the reunion I was expecting, but I can't complain." Misato started as she sat next to Guren on the floor.
"I can say the same." He looked at her with a sad expression on his face. "I'm sorry. I couldn't control myself."
"Stop worrying about it. It was fine." Misato's hair was a mess. Guren raised his eyebrow.
"I hope it was better than 'fine'."
"Hmmm… This was definitely our best performance. Mostly because I don't remember much of our drunk one." At first Guren chuckled. Then he growled. "What do you mean with 'our' best performance."
"What I mean to say, is that we need to have some more practice before we can top my best performance."
"Pffff." He lowered himself and laid his head on her shoulder. "If you were the maid that brought me food here every day, I wouldn't mind being here for some time longer." He wore a stupid grin. "Including the costume of course."
"Shut up you idiot. I should just tie you back on that chair and leave."
"Glad you can't." He pecked her on the cheek. For now, he forgot his problems. Just enjoy their time.
"So… Is that drug finally out of your system?"
"Nope." Guren lied.
"Then take of your shirt. We're not done yet."

"Two hours are up! God it smells like sex in here. Damn." Daisuke commented, pretending like it's gross. Guren was back on the chair, his hands and ankles tied to it. Misato just finished blindfolding him.
"See you later Guren." She chuckled as she gave him a final kiss with lots of tongue. He grinned from ear to ear.

Misato turned serious as soon as she stepped under the shower. This evening, a strategy meeting was scheduled. The day after tomorrow was when the Brotherhood would attack the Syndicate. If things went well, it would finally be over. Perhaps she would go with Guren and turn herself in. She knew he wouldn't leave the country for her, since he would be abandoning his friends. Misato could understand that. It wasn't even clear if what they had was even a 'thing'. She rested her head against the wall. But the battle was more likely one that she wouldn't survive. She barely survived last time.

"Do you miss being a detective?" Guren asked as the both laid down on a blanket on the cold vault floor.
"I do." The reply was a little surprising.
"You do?"
"Yeah. I think I was a regular cop for about a year or so? It was an honest living. And at the department….I guess I'm not the easiest person to be with but at least some things were fun. Turned out to be the most fun I've ever had."
"That's just sad."
"Douchebag." Guren laughed. "Why the question though? It's not like I can go back to that. Ever. And that's fine." A silence filled the room. Both of them stared at the ceiling.
"What do you think will happen?" Guren asked then. He probably wondered how long he would be here.
"Hmm. I don't know. They'll probably let you go after they get what they want."
"Which is?"
"Not sure."
"I'm not lying. I know what I have to do, but they don't tell me the big picture."
"What do you have to do then?" Misato sighed.
"You'll find out soon enough." Misato quickly changed the topic. "I was wondering, how did you meet Mahiru? Did you stalk her like you did with me?"
"I did not-"
"You did." Guren wasn't planning on joining the pointless discussion and sighed.
"How I met Mahiru is none of your business, but I'll tell you, since you're nosy. You otherwise won't shut up about it anyway." Misato ignored the comment and kept staring at the ceiling. "I met her during an investigation when I was still working at the regular Department. She was to take over, but I didn't know yet. However, she kept herself on the sidelines and just gave support."
"What a cold description."
"What do you want to hear? How we had sex on our third date?" Guren mocked her, and Misato was having none of it.
"I don't need to know how you took care of your woman idiot! I was just wondering who took the initiative and all."
"She did. Asked me out after our second meeting. Said it was love on first sight."

"Ah. Cool."
"What kind of response is that."
"That she was probably a cool person. I meant nothing with it. I don't think I ever took the first step."
"What does it matter."
"...I guess…. I don't know. I can't remember much of the past."
"What? Did you live under a rock since you were born or something?" The comment put Misato a bit on edge.
"I only remember vague moments before I got shot in the head when I was in the army. Not that it matters now. Everything has been a rollercoaster. I can't even say that I'm human." Misato growled annoyed. A silence fell. Her hand stroked the blanket, hoping to find some distraction.

"I'll listen if you want to talk about it." Guren then replied.
"I'm afraid I can't. You'll think of me differently. You'll hate me."
"Yeah, not buying that. I won't hate you."
"I'm...even before all this…" She gestured to their situation in the vault. "It turns out… I was born to be a… sore loser? You've seen vampires right? My mother was a halfbreed. My eyes are exceptionally well. That's about the only thing I gained in the end." Guren stayed silent, eyeing her closely as she sat up. "What do you do when your father is a powerful criminal and won't hesitate to kill you if you don't listen? You obey, trying to find a way out. I failed like a whiny bitch. Nothing changed when Akito took over." She suddenly looked tired.
"Still, you turned into a beautiful woman. Kind of a nice personality as well. You're a dweeb, jumping at crooks out of cars, puking like a child when seeing tuna, and even put on a maid costume when you lost a bet. I can't say I dislike you now."
"You had to remind me didn't you? I honestly think you like messed up people."
"Hmm. I don't care."
"How did you get on with that doctor."
"Oh? You're curious about that?"
"I am, since he keeps bothering me."
"Toshihiro is kind of a nice guy." Guren growled.
"We met in the army. Young and handsome as he was, I was surprised when he asked me out. I was sitting on a bed at the time, while he was bandaging my arm."
"Did he bang you there as well?"
"Guren! That's private."
"I take that as a yes."
"You should." She replied annoyed.
"I hate that guy." Guren huffed.
"You don't see me hating all the women who are interested in you." She avoided Mahiru on purpose.
"All the women?"
"Oh come on! Sayuri, Shigure, Mito, and probably some more I don't know! You're a chick magnet! I-I don't understand. You're actually a giant asshole, still every woman throws themselves at you."
"You realize you're one of those women right?" Guren grinned.
"I'd like to think that I'm different."
"You do?"
"I hate you." Misato sighed annoyed while Guren could only laugh. "But it's fine. I don't intend to stay Guren. I'm ruined. Plus, we just had sex a few times. That's it. We didn't go on dates, texted each other things like 'I miss you', did not casually make out in a park behind some trees, and just being with you makes me realize that." Misato stood up. "And that's fine." She said as she hid her expression.
"Uhm? The actual hell?" Guren sat up, visibly annoyed. "Like we had the chance to do that! You're saying that you just want to run away now?"
"I'm saying that there won't be any more chances." At that time the door of the vault opened.
"It's time Misato." The man wore a mask and Guren did not recognize his voice. "I brought what you requested."
"H-Hey wait! You can't just-"
"Yes I can Guren! You won't see me again. Farewell." She threw a plastic bag at him and before he could stand up and grab her by the arm, the door of the vault closed.
"Misato! You stupid retard! This is not over yet!" He kicked the table and cursed. "God damn it!"

Misato sighed. She'd done it now. He was the last one. "Was I interrupting something?" The man removed his mask.
"Ah Hiso, you're back. No you weren't. How was Las Vegas?"
"Great actually, our casino's there make a good profit." Misato nodded as she followed Hisomaru to the meeting room.

"As you all know, tomorrow is our raid. Daisuke secured their location and we are good to go." Akito stated content as he addressed his underlings. Everyone nodded, although Jin couldn't care less about the situation. He wanted to get over this and leave the scene. Just like Toshihiro. "We'll divide ourselves into different teams to work effectively." No surprise there. "Kazuya and Toshihiro will be our sniper and back up team. Myself, Hisomaru, Jin and Daisuke are the main squad." He then turned towards Misato. "You'll be with us until you found your target. Depending on the situation, Daisuke will provide backup." Misato nodded.

The meeting continued until the plan was crystal clear for everyone.

Guren stared at the contents of the plastic bag Misato had thrown at him. "Seriously? A bottle of water? I could use a drink, and I don't mean water." God did he crave some booze. Anything for a good glass of whiskey. But no, he was denied the good stuff. Instead he got a measly bottle of water. And a Snickers bar. However, the letter that came with it made him lose his appetite.

"The vault in which you're staying right now, will open in 13 hours. This will all go automatically, as no one will be inside this building at that time. Should get you a decent sleep before you move out. When you do, there's a box on the right behind the door with your gear in it. Including a gun with some mags. Use this opportunity to flee. I'm taking part in a final raid against the syndicate, but since I don't know the location yet, I can't share it with you. I'll be honest with you. I don't think I'll see you again. Be safe."

"Fuckers." He uttered as he almost ripped the letter in half. Guren then realized this was an important piece of evidence and neatly followed it again, putting it in his pants pocket.

5 minutes before the raid started, the Brotherhood was in front of their destination. This was 10 hours after the meeting. Everyone set their watches right. They were in front of an old warehouse just outside the city. It was still in use, storing sea equipment and related items. The important business was below it. Misato didn't know how Akito had managed to find the location, but she was impressed. Below the warehouse, a few sewer tunnels hid the secret tunnel leading to the Syndicate hideout that was located under the whole mess. Kazuya and Toshihiro would stay in the warehouse to provide backup and cover their backs. "Alright let's go. Move out, you know what to do."