Title: Dead or Alive

Rating: K+

Pairings: Shizuo x Izaya (slight Shinra x Celty, too)

Author's Note: Hello, Shizaya fans~! This is my second fanfiction only, so if there should be any improvements or grammatical errors, or if you have any suggestions or advice in general for me, please do tell me!

Disclaimer: I own none of these characters~


So pathetic.

That is what I thought as I saw the man with my features lay in the hospital bed, crumpled and bleeding, as the countless surgeons tried to operate on him. No. The man didn't just have my features… he was me. The same ebony black hair, pale skin, thin build, and behind those closed-shut eyelids, were my crimson irises. My heartbeat continued to
slow down, the interval between each beat increasing. Their trivial attempts at getting my heart beating again with the use of defibrillators were proving useless. I am going to die was the last thought that went through my mind before the room was filled with a singular, droning sound of my silent heart.

Well, at least now I would get to know who would mourn for me. I thought as I skipped merrily towards my apartment. Of course, I knew that everyone's reactions would be the exact opposite of mourning, but that didn't do anything to reduce my excitement!

As I got off the elevator on my floor, I wondered if I would have to open the door like I normally did, or if I could just slide across the door like in all of those horror movies. Once I reached my apartment's door, I soon discovered that the latter did the trick just as well. As soon as I entered my flat, the first thing I noticed was that it was a mess, filled with boxes of all sorts. In the middle of the mess stood three females - one was a women, and the other two were girls. Mairu, Kururi and Namie-san. Perfect. I would be able to see their reactions already!

The phone rang and Mairu picked it up. 'Moshi moshi? Ah! Mom! Yeah, yeah. We've packed up pretty much all the important stuff. Don't worry, the courier guy's gonna come soon, then Kuru-nee and I'll leave and return back to our place. Mhm. Okay. Okay. Yeah, I did. Bye!' She sure sounded really cheerful for a sister whose brother just died yesterday. But, then again, that's expected of Mairu.

'Say… [What did mother say?]' Kururi got out.

'Ah! She just said that since Iza-nee won't be able to provide us anymore, she and father will take care of our expenses and will mail us money every month. We'll probably get even more than Izaya-the-miser gave us, Kuru-nee!' That made me frown. What was I? Their personal bank account? And anyway, I didn't give them too much money because they may become spoiled. I, myself, had no care for money and buying unnecessary expensive thing. Did they not feel the slightest tinge of sorrow?! Oh, well, they were my sisters. I wonder how everyone else feels about my death.

I saw Namie hold a box in her arms. Celty's head. It would definitely fit in a box of that size. I also noticed that she was on the phone speaking to someone. 'Oh, don't worry, Seiji! I'll be able to spend even more time with you now that Izaya's dead!' I almost flinched when I heard her put forth my mortality so bluntly. 'Ah, Seiji, don't say that~! I do need to meet you and spend time with you-' The doorbell rang. Namie let out a frustrated grunt, and then went back on her phone to tell Seiji 'I'll call you back in a moment, okay?'

Namie walked over and opened the door; two guys dressed in blue jumpsuits and white t-shirt stood there. Must be here to shift stuff. They walked in, and as Namie instructed them what to take, I moved out. I wonder what she'll be doing with my computers and the information… Probably use it for herself.

I used the train to get to Ikebukuro, amazed at how I could move through walls and the like whenever I wanted to, and didn't when I didn't want to. For example, I could easily pass through the gates, but I wouldn't fall through the train's floor. After I got off the train, I started walking towards Shinra's. Celty may be able to see and hear me, you know, being a Dullahan and all.

On my way to his house, I spot four familiar faces. Kadota's gang. I wonder if they know about my death. Wearing my invisible smirk, I join them. Walker and Erika were talking about the usual stuff - anime and mangas. Apparently the new chapter of a manga had just come out and it had been really frustrating and confusing. Dotachin was listening to Togusa rant about someone who put a scratch on his car; I immediately felt sorry for the poor man who had done that.

That was when Kadota's phone just rang. 'Yes, it is. Oh, okay. Oh. I understand. Yes, thank you.' Everyone's attention was on Kadota now. 'So… umm… guys... I need to tell you something.'

Ahhh… I thought, a grin creeping it's way up my face. There it is.

'Izaya…' he continued, 'well... he's dead.' Everyone's eyes widened at that.

Yes! That's the kind of reaction I was hoping for! Utter and sheer shock and disbelief! How could the great Orihara Izaya have died!

'What?! How?!' Erika exclaimed.

'Probably because of meddling in someone else's affairs. You know how that guy is. I think he deserved it. Ikebukuro - no, the whole world - would be a better place without him.' I frown at Togusa's words. I always knew that my humans hated me, but this is not the reaction they should be having! They should be feeling shock, disbelief, reluctance to accept my death, doubt. Not relief!

'You are probably right, but that person was somewhat of a friend of mine.' Kadota argued. Really, Dotachin? A friend? 'I wonder if there'll be a funeral for him.'

'Probably not. After all, his sisters can't arrange one; his parents will have to be there, and they are overseas and busy, so I don't think there will be a funeral.' Walker answered Kadota.

'Yeah… you're probably right…'

I start to walk away from them. Couldn't you hold a funeral for me, then?! The one who insisted on referring to me as a friend?!

When I finally reach Shinra's, I feel a little relieved. A little, but still relieved. Hopefully, Celty will be able to know what to do with me in spirit form. I may even be able to back into my body! I entered the house to see a sleeping Shinra. Does this guy even know that his friend has died. What kind of a friend is he?! Just then the doorbell rang and Shinra sprung up on his feet and went to get the door. Well, I guess he was just lying down then.

'Celty, darling! Wait for me~!' He said out loud enough for the person - probably Celty - on the other side of the door to hear it. Shinra opened the door and instantly jumped to hug her, only to get engulfed by pitch black shadows. Celty showed him her PDA, which probably had something along the lines of "don't do that again" typed on it. Celty walked in and I stepped in front of her, too hopeful for myself, but when she just walked past me without even questioning my presence, I knew she couldn't see me. I still tried, though.

'Hey, Celty!' I shouted as loud as I could, but my voice was lost in the empty space. Even she can't sense me.

'Hey, Celty, I have something I need to tell you.' Shinra said, after the shadows finally let go of him.

[What is it, Shinra?] Celty asked.

'It's about Izaya.' He said.

[Ugh… What did he do this time…?]

'Actually, he didn't do anything this time.'

[Wha- Seriously?!] I roll my eyes. Well, excuse me for not doing anything this time.

'Well, actually he may have… kind of… which could be why it turned out like this… but…'

[Shinra! What is going on?!] Yeah. Just tell her already.

'Izaya is… well… he's dead.'

Neither of them said anything for a while.

[So… one of his plans backfired or something?]

'Maybe… I don't know…' He then laughed nervously. 'Not like I can ask him now, anyway. But, I still want you to be careful. If Izaya did stir something up, you may get involved. I don't want you to get hurt.'

[Hold on, Shinra! Your friend just died today! Shouldn't you be worrying about him?!]

Shinra just shrugged nonchalantly. 'I can't really do anything now. Plus, he probably got what he deserved. Right now, you are my top priority. Be careful.'

[You don't need to worry so much about me Shinra. I know how to take care of myself.]

'Oh, but, my dear Celty~! It's my job as your lover to worry about you~!' He said in his cheery voice as he leapt up to hug her, only to get bound in shadows, yet again.

I walk out of the house, too irritated to stay a second longer. What is with everyone! As I stroll through the streets of Ikebukuro, I have no exact place in mind that I want to go to. I would occasionally hear light murmurs about Orihara Izaya's death, but as the news spread wider and wider as each second ticked by, the murmurs became so frequent, that they could easily be heard; after all, everyone said the same thing and had the same name on their lips - Orihara Izaya. Occasionally, I would even come across a few Yellow Scarves' members, which would make me wonder how the trio is doing, now that I'm dead. My news of death must have surely reached their ears. Observing them the way I was now was no fun. No fun at all. I wonder how the Awakusu are doing. Shiki must've just gone and hired a new informant. And that was when a loud roar suddenly jolted me out of my thoughts.



'You damn flea! Like hell you are dead! I could never kill you! You can't die that easily, you bastard!'

Ahh… Of course. Shizu-chan's too thick-headed to believe my death. I scoff. Not that this isn't entertaining.

'Hey! Shizuo! Wait! Where are you even going?!' His boss, Tanaka Tom, called from behind him as he tried - and failed miserably - to catch up to him.

'To Shinjuku to his apartment to beat his ass! Where else?!'

My apartment?!

Obviously, I couldn't have kept up with his pace, so I took the train back to Shinjuku while the protozoan just went on foot, too clouded by his fury to realise he could've just taken the train. I reach the apartment building and see him waiting for the elevator. He reached before me? How can he be faster than a train?! I know he's a monster, but this is just... I climb into the elevator with him and he presses the button to the respective floor. Later ensued the most amusing ten seconds of my life. The monster of Ikebukuro and the Informant of Shinjuku, standing next to each other without projectiles being thrown in the air. How sad it was that no one was there to record it down in a history textbook. Even if someone was there, it's not like they would've been able to notice me.

There is a ding and Shizuo and I step out. My door was right in front of us. Shizu-chan, being shizu-chan, didn't bother to ring the bell, but instead, just kicked the door down. Well, at least I don't have to pay for that now.

'Oi! Flea! Where are yo-' He stopped mid-sentence to stare at all the boxes and the packing.

See, Shizu-chan? I really am dead. I died before you. You survived for longer. My features turn sour as I think the next line: You won.

'Ah! I see! So you're running away, are you?!'

You have no idea how badly I wanted to facepalm at that moment. Namie, who must have heard the obvious commotion, came running down the stairs that lead to the second floor.

'Heiwajima Shizuo?' She asked, surprise obvious in her tone.

'Yeah! Now, where's that louse hiding?!' He asked her, and I could see multiple veins bulging out of the side of his forehead.

'Huh? You didn't hear? Izaya is-'

'Yeah, yeah! I've heard all those rumors!' He cut her off. 'But for all I know, it was him who spread them! Now tell me, where is he?' He pointed to all the boxes. 'He's obviously trying to run away, so I'm gonna kill him before he does.'

'Heiwajima-san, I'm telling you. Izaya really is dead. You can call the hospital. You can even search the entire house if you want, just don't unpack any of the boxes, it was a hard task packing everything. Also, all of that stuff is getting shipped overseas to his parents' house, since this flat will be sold and his sisters don't need it.'

'Wait! How did he die?!'

She raised an eyebrow. 'You don't know? He-'

I feel a weird swirling feeling engulf me, as if the world was spinning a bit too fast on its axis.

'Oh,' was what I heard once the feeling disappeared. It was Shizuo.

Seeing that Shizuo was content with the answer he had gotten, Namie went back upstairs. 'Also,' she shouted over her shoulders, 'the other movers-and-packers truck will be arriving soon, so please don't disturb them while they're doing their work.'

Shizuo went over to a sofa, about to sit down on it, head in his hands. 'So he really did die, huh, that flea. Dammit! I was supposed to kill you! You can't just go ahead and die like that!' Okay, so, maybe he wasn't about to sit down on the sofa. Instead, he picks it up and throws it over, my computer just barely missing getting hit.

I know it's of no use to me anymore, but I still feel a sense of relief wash over me when it doesn't get hit. Habit, eh? I think as I hear Namie scream something, but she doesn't come down. I guess she knows he wouldn't listen anyway.

'How dare you die like that… You can't die… You aren't allowed to die… I had to kill you…'

Well, I am so sorry that you weren't the one to end my life, Shizu-chan. I had to roll my eyes at that one. I know he's a protozoan, but how stupid could he be?!

'This isn't right…' he continued, much softer now. 'No… I was sure I could still… That stench… it was still there. I knew you were alive! But, I guess I was wrong…'

How mean, Shizu-chan! I don't sme- Wait, what. You can smell me? ...You can sense me?!

'Shizu-chan?' I call out weakly. 'Shizu-chan?' Now with a bit more strength in my voice. 'Shizu-chan!' I shout.

And he flinches.



I shout and he mutters. Simultaneously. He can hear me. He can hear me! His eyes look up, dazed, almost as if he were about to cry…

'Izaya!' He gasps in disbelief, eyes wide in surprise.

He can see me.

He lunges forward, as if he were going to strangle me, and though I knew that he would just pass through, I still flinch. But, neither does he try to strangle me, nor does he pass through me. Instead, I find myself in his embrace as he mutters the words 'Izaya. You are alive.'

And that was when everything changed.

Hey, guys! Sorry for the cliff-hanger and all ^^|l| I hope you like it! Please do tell me about any suggestions. This is going to be 4-shot fic, but I'm not sure when I'll be able to upload the others since I wrote this in the middle of my exams... Hopefully, I'll be able to upload the next chapter by next month.

Also, I know the name for this fanfiction sucks, but I really couldn't think up a better one. Seriously... making a name or a fanfic is more difficult than making the fanfic itself -_-

Thanks for reading~