Kyoko came home with a heavy heart. She still couldn't forget what Kiesuke said that night—a night she thought was the happiest she ever had. But she was wrong, it was a dreadful night for it was her first and last time to have a date with Kiesuke, a guy she truly admires or probably loves. Lying in her bed, she couldn't sleep. She was thinking what would she do now. Now that she can no longer watch any of his races. She cried realizing that tonight was the last time she'll ever see him again. It's past midnight, but she is still wide-awake. She thought of ways how to make Kiesuke love her more than racing. She remembered how she loves racing as well and that no man caught her attention except Kiesuke who defeated her in a race.

She suddenly realized that the way to make him love her is to defeat him in a race. But she knows she can no longer race with him again because she lost in their previous fight. The only way to defeat him is to be popular in all of Japan provinces, which means, she needs to win in all her races.

After Three years…

Kyoko woke in the sound of her alarm clock. It was six in the morning and it was cold for winter has already begun. She felt a pained whenever she remembers her last conversation with her mother. She recalled how they argued before her parents left for United States.

"Kyoko, if you remain here in Saitama, you will be alone. We will be worried all day and all night." Said her mother as she helps her pack her luggage.

"Mom, I am already an adult. You don't need to worry about me. I have a decent job here. I can support myself. Plus, you left me in this beautiful house. I can take care of everything."

"I'm worried about that racing of yours. Probably it's about time that you stop racing and go to United States with us. Who knows you might meet your future husband there."

"Please Mom, just don't worry too much. I'll find the right guy here. Don't worry about me racing. I am good at it."

Still her mom was crying and felt guilty for leaving her daughter. Her father on the other hand, promised that they will come back as soon as they get their citizenship.

She went to the kitchen and couldn't help but be sad. She recalled how her mom and dad were chatting every morning at breakfast. They just wouldn't stop talking to each other as if they are best friends. She thought, "Yeah, they are indeed best friends." How she wished she could be in a relationship like that of her mom and dad. As she cooks her pancakes, she thought of all the guys who were trying to woo her. She isn't impressed in any of them. She doesn't care about dating anymore for she is devoted to fulfill her goal, that is to win all the race in Japan. She remembered Keisuke, the guy who defeated her and the reason why she wanted to win all the races. But he is no longer the reason why she wanted to win. She yearns to win because of all the sponsorship and endorsements that she will get. It may seem petty, but she knows that when she gains endorsements and commercials, her parents will no longer force her to migrate in US and leave Japan for good. She has to prove them that she has a great future in their own country.

She rides train going to work because it is a little far if she drives her Rx7. She works at a manufacturing plant of Mazda as a mechanic. For three years, she had been skilled in upgrading and fixing her Rx7. So when she applied in Mazda two years ago, the management was impressed with her skills and accepted her. There were only two women working in Mazda's manufacturing plant. One is Kyoko and the other one is Yuri. She was a graduate of mechanical engineering, while Kyoko still has one year to graduate. Yet, she got the job because of her talent and knowledge.

As soon as she arrives work, Yuri greeted her and handed her the company's laptop. "You look beautiful Kyoko. Did you get a new set of make-up for your demo today?" Yuri asked excitedly.

"Thanks Yuri. But no, it is an old make-up. I just used different eye make-up today." She said as she reviews the presentation she made for the demonstration today.

Yuri has been with the company longer than Kyoko. But she's too timid to make presentations to clients. Kyoko on the other hand, is poised and even enjoys presentations and demo. Most of the time, the clients would ask her difficult questions but because of her knowledge, she could answer them in a snap. Clients can't help but admire her for being beautiful at the same time smart and skilled. That's why; the top management is very pleased of her.

She is determined to make the company even more proud of her so they will sponsor all her races. Even if she's an employee, she still pays for the parts that she purchases from the company. The only perk she gets is that it is sold to her half the price.

Today, Mazda releases the new parts that will upgrade their racing units such as Rx7. Kyoko was a bit nervous because there are about a hundred people audience in their showroom. Those clients were mostly the pit crew of racing teams. It is rare to find a racer in an event like this because most of the time, they are asleep in the morning to prepare for the race at night.

She walked inside the showroom that is full of men silently talking to each other. As she came up on stage, all eyes on her that made her a bit conscious of herself. But then she realized that she's the speaker, obviously they will look at her. She also remembered how respectful Japanese men were compared to foreigners. But people in the room can't help but admire her. She's gorgeous with her long hair up. She definitely looks sexy with her pants hugging the shape of her legs and hips. She was also wearing an expensive blazer and even more expensive stilettos. She looks like a woman in power. Ready to overpower all the men in the room.

Fuhimiro and Kenta attended the event because they need to learn the specs of the new parts for upgrade. Keisuke's Rx7 needs constant upgrade to win against high-powered cars.

Kenta's jaw dropped when he saw Kyoko on stage. He still couldn't believe that it was she. He remembered Kyoko three years ago as a girl and not a woman.

"Sir Fuhimiro, do you remember Kyoko, the girl that liked Kiesuke so much?" Kenta asked. Fuhimiro seemed irritated with Kenta's question and wondered why he suddenly brought that topic up.

"Yes, Kenta. But can you focus on what the lady on stage is saying? I wanted to learn here."

"Okay, but that lady presenting is Kyoko."

Fuhimiro's eyed widen, ask if he can't believe what Kenta just said.

"That can't be her. She looks different. She's confident. How could it be?" Fuhimiro said in disbelief.

"Again, I am Iwase, Kyoko. Thank you for listening. If you have more questions, you can approach my awesome counterparts. They are more than willing to help you. For purchases and orders, kindly approach the ladies in grey uniform. Thank you."

Kyoko went down the stage and approached some clients on the table. Fuhimiro still seemed shock with what he saw. "This is a different Kyoko. Different from what she used to be." He thought.

"Sir, we should probably approach her. See if she still remembers us." Kenta asked excited about his idea.

"I am not sure if that is a good idea Kenta. Remember how Keisuke broke her heart?"

"But that is a long time ago. She looks like she has already moved on. Probably she even has a boyfriend already."

"So what's the point of approaching her?"

"We just might get discount because of her." Kenta said laughing.

Kyoko was going from one table to another to talk to clients and convince them to purchase. She spotted Fuhimiro and Kenta but she is determined to pretend that she doesn't remember them. She'll just treat them as normal clients. She walks toward their table and it's obvious that Fuhimiro was trying to ignore her because he's been reading the manual for the new parts. It was Kenta who greeted her as soon as she reached them.

"Hi, Kyoko. I am Kenta. Do you remember me? This is my manager Sir Fuhimiro."

She gave them a puzzled look. "Hi, Kenta and Fuhimiro. Can you remind me where we met?"

"We are from Project D. If you remember that race you had with Keisuke in the mountains of Saitama."

"Oh! Of course, I remember Mr. Takahashi. I am glad you made it here today." She smiled.

"Yes. We were impressed with your presentation and now we are going to purchase all the parts." Fuhimiro said.

"That's great. Let me give you my calling card so you can reach us whenever you have questions after your purchase." She handed each of them her calling card and bowed.

"Ah, Ms. Iwase." Kenta suddenly became formal because Kyoko's tone was very formal and distant.


"Have you tried the upgrade? Did you use those parts for your Rx7?"

"Yes. I was the first one to test those parts. I was the first one to have it in Japan. I hope your ace player, Mr. Takahashi will be able to use the upgrade efficiently. I have more clients to approach. Bye."

She left them after giving respect (bowing). She knew Kenta, being too talkative will tell Keisuke that they've seen her. She wanted to ask him how is Keisuke. But then she realized it wouldn't do her any good. She knew how she must focus on this event because if they hit the target sales of the new upgrade, Mazda might sponsor all of her races.

While Project D's crew were preparing to have lunch in the garage, Riosuke and Keisuke came to bring more food and check on the progress of the Rx7. Kenta was so excited to tell Keisuke what happened earlier that day.

"Keisuke, you wouldn't guess who we saw today." He said full of enthusiasm while Keisuke on the other hand, sounded bored. He knew it is not interesting.

"Okay, who?" He said, so that Kenta would stop bothering him.

"Kyoko Iwase. But I called her Ms. Iwase because it seemed like she doesn't want to be called in her first name."

Keisuke suddenly became interested. It has been three years since he last saw her.

"Where could you possibly see her?"

"You wouldn't guess. We saw her at Mazda today."

"Well, of course she probably is trying to upgrade her Rx7 as well." Keisuke said and still bored with Kenta's story.

"You are partly right and partly wrong. Yes, she has upgraded her Rx7 and she did it even before the upgrade was release in the market. She's working in Mazda and it seemed like she's one of the top mechanics. She presented and demonstrated how to put all those parts. If you just saw her Keisuke, you'll admire her. She's gorgeous and sophisticated. I think some men there were frightened and shy to approach her because she doesn't look very friendly. She seem distant and formal. It seems like all she cares about is business."

Keisuke didn't expect that kind of news about Kyoko. He knew her as a friendly, and bubbly girl. Now it seemed like she's very different. Riosuke butt in their conversation.

"Have you not heard about her Keisuke? Two years ago, the A Team recruited her. She's known as the dark angel because she looks like an angel but races like a daredevil. From what I have read, she has only one lost and that was her race against you. However, she's known for being primadona. She doesn't race on weekdays because she works in Mazda. Still, so many teams would agree with her rules."

"Why would they agree with whatever she says?" Keisuke's curiosity rose.

"Simple reason. They liked her. I think most guys like her not only because she's physically sexy and attractive but because it is rare for a woman like that to be a good racer. She still hasn't had a boyfriend because she's focused on her career at Mazda and racing. I read that she doesn't date a guy who lost on a race against her. That's why if a guy likes her, he will challenge her team to race so he'll have a chance to date her." Roisuke said as if everyone should know these facts.

"How did you know all this brother? Are you stalking her?"

"Obviously, I should know. I tried to challenge the manager of the A team for a race. But she refused. She said, Ms. Nozaki already lost a long time ago to our team and racing with us won't benefit them."

"I think it's just Kyoko who's deciding everything. Why will a manager refuse because Kyoko already lost before? Aren't they open for a re-match?" Keisuke said.

"Well, Kyoko is the reason why the A Team is popular. That is probably the reason why their manager listens to whatever she says."

"So, Kyoko is a spoiled brat now." Keisuke seemed disappointed and annoyed realizing that Project D was turned down.

"She deserves to be spoiled because all her races have plenty of audience. Thus, the team who challenges them becomes known."

"But Project D is already popular. We don't need to race against them to be known."

"Right Keisuke. That's why I didn't force them on what I wanted." Riosuke left after checking on the Rx7. Keisuke stayed and watched the mechanics place all the parts. Suddenly Keisuke wanted to learn how to fix his own car. Before, he was just contented that he understands how each part work for his car. But now, he wants to do it himself.

"Keisuke, you don't need to do it yourself. You just focus on the race. It is our job to fix your Rx7." Fuhimiro said.

"I just thought, it's good if I know how to do your job." He said laughing.

"Maybe, you should ask Kyoko. She knows everything. We were so impressed with her presentation. But you should probably send her an email first. It seems like she have forgotten us. So, you should introduce yourself again." Kenta said while handing him Kyoko's calling card.

Keisuke researched Kyoko's team in the internet. He found out that A Team is an all girls team composed of Maco Kobayashi, Kyoko Nozaki and Sayuki Akagi. Kyoko is the uphill racer while Maco is the downhill racer. Sayuki is their manager and coach. The team does not have a loss yet but individually when they are not yet on the A Team both have one losses. Maco lost to AE 86 of Takumi Fujiwara and Kyoko lost to Rx7 of Keisuke Takahashi.

"So both of them lost to a Project D member." Keisuke said to himself almost laughing. He wonders when was the time Takumi raced with Mako.

He saw a lot of advertisements in their website which are not related to racing such as lotion, shampoo, moisturizer. He has seen that there are a lot of people commenting to their website. Most of them are guys who are saying that they are beautiful. In the website, he noticed a picture of the three members. "All of them are indeed beautiful, especially Kyoko. She looked different. She looked like a celebrity." He thought.

In the website, Keisuke saw a published interview of the three of them. Most of the questions were their goals. Sayuki answered most of the questions and said that they plan to be in professional racing or circuit racing since there are many offers from different companies. She said in the interview that this might be their last year on racing in the mountains. Kyoko and Mako were asked on a question about their love life. Mako said she might settle down soon with a racer whose name she did not mention.

Keisuke read carefully what Kyoko said on the published interview.

"I once liked a guy but then I got hurt. So I decided to just focus on my career in Mazda and reach our goal to be in circuit racing."

Keisuke felt a pang of guilt as he read this. He didn't know he hurt her so much that she doesn't want to love again. He felt sorry for her and thought maybe she hasn't forgiven him. He regretted that he just left her hanging for he dated her and then dumped her immediately.

He looked at the calling card Kenta gave him. He reached for his phone and dialed the number. He heard her voice. "Hello?"