It all happened so fast, chat wasn't sure what exactly had happened. There she was, fighting valiantly, and then-...then, she was on the ground, and she wasn't moving. Chat felt fear and panic grip him, starting in his stomach and blossoming through his body. Finally, she began to sit up, and Chat relaxed.
"Ladybug!" He shouted, and she looked up in time to see the akuma coming towards her once more. She ducked, but Chat jumped off the roof and landed on the Akuma's back. He grabbed the glasses off him before he knew what was happening, and tossed them to Ladybug, who snapped them in half. She captured the akuma, purified it, and set it free.
Once the akuma was settled, Chat ran over to her and hugged her, lifting her up and twirling her around.
"You're okay!" He said, though ladybug pushed her away.
"Chat! Please, i look fine but- bruises!" She said, and he dropped her down, blushing.
"Right. Sorry." He said, clearing his throat.
An ambulance was arriving to take the victim of the attack away. He looked fine, but he was sobbing. A normal reaction to traumatization from Akumas.
Ladybug watched with a sad look in her eyes, then looked over at Chat. He looked down at her with a furrowed brow.
"What's wrong, my lady?" He asked, taking one of her hands in both of his and bringing it up. She pulled her hand away, looking back at the boy.
"Nothing, just… i think i know him. And if he's who i think he is... " She trailed off and looked down. "Some people wont be very happy with me, i can tell you that." She said, gulping heavily.
Chat didnt like seeing her like this. Seeing her with a sad frown was almost… unnatural. Chat licked his lips, then put a hand on her shoulder, causing her to look at him.
"Let's go somewhere. Away from here. We should hurry, before the press get to us and we lose time on our costumes." He said.
Now, normally, ladybug would deny this. He's always flirting with her, and he'd probably go an make some bad puns, and didn't take anything seriously. But as she listened to his offer, he could hear genuine concern in his voice.
"...yeah. Let's go." She said. He smiled and took her hand, then lead her away. They jumped onto the rooftops, and found one away from all the commotion. They sat there, and watched the sun setting below the skyline.
There was a silence between them, lasting a while. Ladybug hugged her knees and watched the sunset, thinking about how angry Alya was that she let her brother get akumatized. She was probably gonna get chewed out later. She would apologize, of course, but… would Alya forgive her?
Chat watched her from the corner of his eye as she tried to sort something out in her mind. He wanted to reach out and rub her back, or hold her hand, but he knew she wouldn't see it the way he wanted her to. He wished sometimes he could let out all of his affections, and she would see that he truly meant them, not that it was just… senseless flirting.
"You know… my civilian life… it's nothing like this. I'm.. nothing like this." he said, taking his gaze from her to the watercolor sunset in front of him. Ladybug looked over at him, eyebrows furrowed. They never spoke about their civilian lives, for fear of telling too much and revealing to each other.
"My… my family isn't around much. I'm stuck more often with my… my babysitter." He said. He tried to change some words around, but as the word 'babysitter' came out of his mouth, it felt better than assistant. "I've been… alone a lot. I've never had much freedom. Once i became Chat Noir… I had all the freedom I could ever ask for. And then i met you and… I dont think i would want to spend this freedom with anyone else. I dont know what i'm doing half the time. You keep me… in line. You always have a plan. So when i need to focus, you're taking charge, and i dont.. I dont feel like I failed, because you're always there…" He said. Words kept falling out of his mouth, and he wasn't sure where they were coming from. Why he was saying them. He hadn't actually planned on telling her how he felt about her like this, but.. Here he was, his mouth speaking before his brain could stop it.
Ladybug looked at him with a furrowed brow, but sad eyes. What he said was.. Different from what he usually said. And did. This was.. Personal. This was him bringing her into a very private part of his life. But why? Where was this leading?
"Ladybug… I like being with you. You keep me in line in an area i know nothing about. When we are fighting Akumas.. You keep me in line. And when we go on patrol… i feel like we're alone in the world. And even though i'm always alone… this is the kind of alone that i like." He finished. As if on cue, his miraculous beeped. Ladybug felt a pang, and she didn't want him to go. She grabbed his hand, and looked up at him sadly, but couldnt manage to even squeeze out a small 'dont go.' However, Chat smiled softly at her.
"My lady, meet me back here around midnight, once your akuma has recharged. I want to see you again tonight." He said. He kissed her hand, then hopped off of the roof, away into the newly set nightfall.
Marinette said goodnight to her parents when they were prepping the bakery for the morning. She swiped some cookies and put them in her purse when they weren't looking, and let Tikki go to town. She then went to her room and watched her clock on and off for midnight. She paced the room, wondering what he could have wanted that made her wait so long.
"Tikki, do you know anything about this?" She asked.
"No, Marinette. No idea." She said, frowning.
Marinette didn't bother her much after that. Mostly because Alya video called her on her phone. It was so nerve wracking, since she was expecting to be chewed out. However, Alya just thanked her repeatedly, and showed her her little brother, letting her know he was okay and even playing. It was like nothing had even happened.
Finally, it was almost midnight. She felt tingly with excitement. Tikki was energized and ready to go. Ladybug nearly leapt out the window and jumped across the roofs, trying to find the one from earlier. It was in a darker part of town, so it was surprising to see… light. Bright light. She used her yo-yo to propel herself closer, and soon she could see faerie lights. Then she could see candles lining the rooftop. And then, of course. She saw Chat.
"Oh, what is this?" She asked, landing next to him on the roof. "How did you even-"
"Shh. Dont speak. I.. dont want this to be senseless flirting." He said, smirking a bit. He twirled her around and held her hands, smiling wide at her.
"My lady… i always tell myself i'm gonna tell you how I feel, but i can never get myself to.. And when i do… an akuma decides to butt in. But not now. Right now, you're all mine." He told her, pulling her in close. "Ladybug… i dont have a name for my tattoo. I have a picture. They say a picture says a thousand words, but mine says the only one i'll ever need to know." He pushed her hair out if her face, cupping it gently. "Ladybug… you're my soulmate.. You're all mine. If you'll have me, of course.." He whispered, then leaned in and pressed a soft kiss against her forehead.
Ladybug didn't even have time to process it all. He was speaking, and his words held so much meaning- this wasn't like him at all. Was this really her Chat? Or could it be some cruel trick by Hawkmoth. That thought, plus the kiss, pushed her over the edge. Tears filled her eyes, and she closed them, as one fell down her cheek.
"My-My lady? Why are you crying?" He asked, suddenly panicked. He wiped her tears, and she smiled up at him, blushing a bit.
"It's.. this is incredibly unlike you. Your words are so.. Sweet. MEaningful. I'm used to flirts and comments and passes.. To hear you speak so genuinely.. It's a surprise. I'm- i'm almost afraid its a trick." She said, blushing and looking down.
Chat blushed and put one hand on her shoulder, and the other under her chin. He tilted her head up, and smiled at her, then kissed her nose.
"I can assure you… this is all me. I could even show you my soul mate mark, if it helps you feel better..?" He asked. She laughed softly, and shook her head.
"No.. no, it's fine. Thank you though, mon chaton." She said, using her affectionate name for him. "Just… why now? Why suddenly now-"
"My lady… I've rehearsed this moment a thousand times in my head. I can never imagine a perfect scenario for this… and i can never find the perfect moment for it. So i guess after earlier… when I was telling you about me.. I realized that I want to let you in. On everything. Who I am under the mask, what my daily life is really like.. I want you to know. Because I trust you. And I-"
Her miraculous beeped, signalling her time was up. Chat noir stared at her sadly, and held on tight to her hands.
"My lady... im ready, if you are." He promised. Ladybug stared into his eyes, then nodded.
"Just.. one request, mon chaton..." she whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck. "When you see who i am... do be disappointed." She said, blushing under her mask.
Chat smiled and put his hand on the side of her face.
"No matter who you are under that mask, i will love you, Ladybug." He said, kissing her nose. He gave her a gentle smile, and she leaned in and kissed him full on the lips. A shiver ran up her spine, and then exploded in a brilliant display of fireworks going off in her head and warming her body. She felt tingly all over, and it soon came to mind that this.. This was her first kiss. She shut her eyes tighter at the thought and pulled him in closer, and his arms wrapped around her waist, almost lifting her up due to the height difference.
The first to detransform was Adrien. He felt it almost melt away, and he felt lighter, happier. Plagg fell to the ground next to him and panted, shouting something up at him, but it fell upon deaf ears. He could scream all he wanted about his stupid cheese, he was finally kissing ladybug!
Next was Marinette. She felt her transformation wear off, and her body wracked with anxiety. She pulled him in closer and tighter, scared to let go. Tikki flew up and landed gracefully on her shoulder, and hugged her gently. She was proud of her wielder. She'd grown so much since they met. And now, she was finally getting exactly what she wanted.
With Marinette's anxious touch, Adrien calmed it with a hand on her lower back, and one moved to between her shoulder blades. He rubbed his thumbs over her back as he held her, and she soon relaxed into a pleasant, sweet kiss.
Curiosity soon got the better of them, and they pulled away, eyes closed. "whoever it is behind this mask... i will love them." was the thought they both had.
And then they opened their eyes.
Marinette stared into the eyes of her long time crush, Adrien Agreste. His eyes were wide, and he still had a grip around her waist. His hand balled up in her shirt, grabbing at the fabric. A small, sweet smile graced his thin, perfect lips.
"Marinette.." he murmured. He leaned in and kissed her again, though not as intense as the first one.
He looked at her with eyes full of love, and then hugged her close, pressing his face into her neck.
"I love you, Marinette." He whispered.
Okay so it hasn't been a week. Honestly? I was watching RPGMinx play Dangan Ronpa 2 and Adrien's english voice actor does a voice in it, and just hearing his voice (and his crazy laugh oddly enough) encouraged me to write?
Well, here it is. I've sent this scene to the creator, Raydrawlings before, about a month ago. She even drew this scene! Go check her out on tumblr guys ;D
ANYWAYS like i said (did I?) Im on summer vacation, so expect quite a bit more writing.
Another thing i find funny is seeing Keiran Shipka play Sally in Mad Men makes me really want to write KAiNora fanfics (KS voices Jinora)
i hope you enjoyed this chapter guys, as it's the longest so far ;DD Fear not! It's not the end! There are at least 3 more chapters. Probably more.
Anyways, hope you enjoy, lovelies! See you next time (heart)