Lindsey Hale stormed outside her house, sporting a black eye and split lip. You could see the anger on her face, but the sadness escaping her eyes in tears. She hated her father, hated her mother even more for letting him hurt her. She honestly hated her life. Whats the point in living if all living brings you is pain and heartache. Family. It's just a word, doesn't mean jack shit. Love. Hah. That words means even less then family. People act like they're so good and helping but if you turned your back they'd be holding the knife that was in your back.
She just wished the bastard would of waited until after the first week of school in her senior year. She bumped into someone and winced at the pain it brought to her aching body. So she lashed out.
"Watch where the fuck you're going." She snarled while looking up at the mans face. He was beautiful, she'd give him that but by the way his clothes looked and the perfectly styled hair, he was well off on the money train. "My apologies." He murmured to her, his eyes looking over her face and zeroing in on the damage. He then looked down to her jacket-less arms and saw the scars, razor and cigarette burns littering them. "Yeah, whatever." She grumbled and started to walk away. "Excuse me, miss." He called as he followed her quickly. "Yeah?" Lindsey called back. "What happened, to your face?" He asked politely. "I ran into a wall." Was the last thing she said before the door closed to the school.
He picked up his phone and dialed a number. "Edward, could you do something for me?"
Lindsey was holding her arm in the car with her mother. It was broken and bruising all around it from her fathers hands, he pushed her down the stairs. Her mom was fidgeting all around and kept glancing at her stoic daughter. "Baby, does it hurt?" She asked quietly while pulling into the parking lot. Lindsey didn't answer. She simply got out and walked to the door by herself, hearing her mother get out quickly and lock the doors running after her. "You know what to say, right?" Her mom questioned quietly and nervously looked around. She checked in and was sent to a room without her mom, as she asked for it. And guess who was her doctor.
She sighed. "Hello again." She looked up into his golden eyes and tightened her thighs together. He really was sexy. He stiffened and his eyes turned black and zoned in on her. "Hi." She grunted and suddenly felt self conscious in her T-shirt and torn jeans, with muddy boots and mud colored hair in a pony tail. "What seems to be the problem?" He questioned as he stood in front of her. "Didn't the lady tell you that?" She mumbled to him. "Yes, but i'd like to here it from you." He told her, smiling softly but still stiff. "Fell down the stairs, broke my arm." She stated bluntly. "Fell down the stairs? Running into walls? Not much luck." She knew he had suspicions but she remained silent. "Well, we will have to reset it and put it in a cast. But first a x-ray to make sure thats all thats wrong with you." He looked down at her papers. "Miss. Hale." He continued.
I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. "Oh yes, where are my manners, I'm Carlisle, Carlisle Cullen." I hummed at him. He smiled a little and offered me his hand. I slowly took it and he shook it softly his thumb rubbing the back of my hand gently making me softly gasp. His eye dilated again and he let go quickly. "Dr. Cullen, how long will it take?" He took a breath and answered stoically "two hours at the most, Miss. Hale." I nodded my head. "Are you sure, you really fell down the stairs?" I looked up at him sharply. "Well, I might be mistaken but I was there and saw, well felt it happen." I snarked. He clenched his fist and with a nod left.
I breathed out and looked at the hand he touched. He was beautiful.