Unbelievable Truths

Summary: Sherlock is tired and groggy. DI Lestrade assumes drugs.

The Drug Bust.

Detective Inspector Gregory Lestrade stared at his self proclaimed Consulting Detective, Sherlock Holmes, in worry. He had seen the man at his worst and helped him through it some. The man had went from addict to a great man. Yet seeing him now, he was starting to believe that maybe the man was returning to old habits, and he'll be damned if he does that. He particularly doesn't have a death wish at the hands of a man who controlled the British Government but swore he didn't.

That particular day, after Sherlock had left the crime scene, as he had wrapped up at the scene he made a quick decision and as he walked out of the bulding he looked for Anderson and Donovan only to find them snogging by the empty cars. He shook his head at this, he highly disapproved of their relationship seeing as Anderson was married, but he didn't bother saying anything and let them resolve their own problems. Normally he ignored them in occasions like these but he had been looking for them for a reason.

"Anderson. Donovan." He calls with a clearing of his throat. The two in question jump away from each other, eyes wide in surprise at being caught.

"D-Do you n-need something, Lestrade?" Donovan asks with a small stutter.

"Gather up a team of volunteers. We're going to Sherlock's." He says and starts walking to a squad car. "Next time I find you snogging on my bloody crime scene, no pun intended, I'll have one of you transferred from my department."

Donovan and Anderson had given him a nod and had run off into the building, where most of those that hated the younger Holmes had been. He watched as they walked out five minutes later with a group of about eight officers following behind them. Donovan, Anderson, and Dimmock, who had been on the scene for an unknown reason, all hopped into his car, and he drove off, two more squad cars following after them.

Two Two One B-Baker Street was a very nice place, as was the landlady, . Yet its tennant was considered a high-functioning sociopath that had enemies all over.

In order to not give the old landlady a scare with busting down the door, Lestrade decided to knock instead. When opened the door he smiled and said the truth, knowing it unwise to lie to the old.

"Sorry to disturb ma'am, but we're here on a drugs bust on Sherlock Holmes."

"Dear god! Sherlock can't possibly be on drugs! Not with the little one's Janessa just had!" walked off muttering to herself about how incredulous the idea was. Lestrade and the other officers paid no mind to what the woman went on about. Afterall, it was not possible for Sherlock Holmes, whom had always identified himself as asexual, to have kids. Some, however, were curious as to who this Janessa was.

They marched up the stairs and found the door somewhat ajar. When walking in, they expected to find the flat messy, with papers on the floor, and books stacked up in random places, the usual sight of the maile pinned to the wall with knife and Sherlock passed out on the sofa with a needle. Instead they found an actually livable living area.

Walking inside, everyone saw a small, L-shaped, gray sofa pinned up against a wall and a small glass coffee table in the middle, the encasing of the glass black with rounded edges. On either side of the coffee table were two grey armchairs with small wooden legs that were barely and inch and a half off the floor and had the same dark blue and white cushions seen on the sofa. There were two rather comfortable looking window seats in a dark blue shade with white, bright yellow and lime green cushions to add a pop of color, with bookshelves that ran to the ceiling on each side and separating the two. The walls were painted a watery blue with with soft chalky grays. The only area with absolutely no color was the wall holding the window seats and bookshelves. Across from the sofa was an electric fireplace installed into the wall a flat telly was seen above the fireplace and four floating shelves on either side of it, Sherlock's signature skull residing on one of them. As they walk around, separating to look around the obviously, newly renovated flat. One thing they all noticed, however, was that the wall that separated the living area and kitchen. In place of the wall that supported the ceiling was a white beam and looking into the kitchen, Donovan almost fainted.

There were no experiments on the table, no heads in the refrigerator, no fingers in the microwaves. Everything looked normal. The kitchen was just as modern as the living area, with white walls, dark gray cabinetry, stainless steel appliances and another, yet smaller, flat telly attached to a wall. On the right wall there were two white bookshelves above grey cabinets. The shelves reached the ceiling and were separated by the breakfast bar for six that had two high chairs at the end. That was when Donovan truly looked through the cabinets. She found baby formula's and bottles in a small cabinet under the bookshelves. She didn't notice a glass mug as she took a bottle and a formula tin and knocked it over onto the dark wood floor that ran throughout the house. The clattering of the mug attracted everyone into the kitchen and they looked at Donovan and what she was holding. Then to the shattered mug on the floor.

"Sally, what are you holding?" Anderson asked as he walked towards her.

"A baby bottle and a tin of formula." She said in a daze.

"Maybe we walked into the wrong flat." Dimmock said as he inspected the kitchen and found the same as Donovan. It was nothing but a normal kitchen, although more modern.

"No this is definitely Sherlock's flat. The skull in the living area. I found his mail as well." Lestrade said. He atleast had the decency to start picking up the shards of glass from the floor, and as he was throwing them out, a tired voice came from the stairs.

"Sherlock, is that you? I thought you weren't coming home until later?" It was a females voice and they all turned to the entrance of the kitchen to see a petite blonde woman with blue eyes as dark as the stormy night sea. She was about five foot three, wearing nothing but a too large white shirt that reached her mid-thigh and was buttoned up, the last three buttons left open. She stared at them and they stared at her. "You're not Sherlock." She said her eyes narrowing, suddenly wide awake. In the time it took them to blink she had a gun pointed at them.

Lestrade and Dimmock quickly acted and brought out their own guns. "Ma'am who are you and why are you in Sherlock's flat?"

"I could ask you the same thing? What could New Scotland Yard possibly want with Sherlock? Didn't Lestrade call him in this afternoon for a locked room murder?" Her voice was steely and guarded. Her body was tense as if anticipating an attack and planning how to handle them all and run to safety if need be.

"I'm Detective Inspector Lestrade and this is DI Dimmock. We're here on a possible drugs bust ma'am. Please put the gun down and we can talk quietly." Lestrade said as he motioned for everyone to lower their weapons. She looked at him for a minute before placing it inside a small box in the wall that nobody had noticed.

"Put them away. And you." She said pointing to Sergeant Donovan. "Please put my children's stuff back where you found it." Her voice was still steely but her eyes had softened slightly.

"Ma'am, are you and your children being kept here by Sherlock?" Anderson asked as he started to walk up the stares to inspect the second floor.

"No. Now get back here. If you wake them up when I just got them to go to sleep, I will not hesitate to put a bullet in your leg." And everybody believed she would. Anderson walked back down and went to stand next to Sally who was now staring at the woman, trying to analyse her.

"Ma'am, may we please know your name? Why are you in the freaks home? Has he been hurting you or your kids?" It was Sally who asked the question and that earned her to backhanded slap across the face.

"One; Don't ever call him a freak in my presence because I will not hesitate to use my military training on you and I will not hesitate to put you six feet under. Second; My name's Janessa Watson-Holmes. I'm Sherlock's wife. Third; if he even thought about laying a hand on me and his own kids he would have been dead by now." Everyone believed she would comply with her threats, they however did not believe her being Sherlock's wife. Sherlock Holmes, insufferable, high-functioning sociopath, married with kids.


"Please call me Jane or Janessa. I'm only twenty-seven." She said removing her hand from Donovan's clothing.

" . Please don't lie to us. Sherlock Holmes is not married. I don't think there's a being on the planet that could stand the insufferable idiot besides his mother and brother." Dimmock said, speaking for the first time. He was trying to comprehend why the beautiful, and unevenly tanned, woman was calling herself Sherlock's wife.

She turned to look them all in the eye before walking to a book shelf on the other side of the breakfast bar and stepping on a stepping stool to grab a framed picture on the fourth shelf. As she was stepping down, she slipped and fell, landing on her bum.

One of the officers nearby helped her up and she sent him a small smile as she went to grab the picture that had slid from her grasp and walking back to the two DI's handing them the picture. Their jaws were nearly on the floor and the ever curious Anderson and Donovan looked over their shoulder to see what they were surprised over. What they saw was a younger looking Sherlock and Janessa standing on an altar with a white flowered arch over head. Sherlock was wearing a standard three-piece black suit, his usually untamable curls slicked back with two falling free at the sides. A small smile adorned his face as he held onto the younger Janessa that was clad in a tight fitting white laced dress that flowed out at her white heeled feet, a bouquet of white chrysanthemums in her hand, with white and red roses littering the floor under them. Her hair had been half pinned up in two braids that circled the top of her head like a band, while the rest of it had been curled, cascading to her waist.

"This is not Sherlock Holmes. Sherlock Holmes does not smile like that!" Anderson yelled at the top of his lungs and two muffled, yet loud, wails resounded throughout the house. Anderson was instantly scared of the promise of death seen in those blue eyes as Janessa passed by them and up the stairs, returning with two dark haired twins, their dark curls very familiar, and even in the mass of baby fat, they noticed prominent high cheekbones. She placed them in the highchairs and went to the dishwasher, pulling out two clear bottles with pink and blue designs on them. Lestrade handed her a formula tin from the cabinet, earning him a thank you. As she added the scoops of the powder into the bottles with water, she had put a small pan on the stove next to her with water to heat up the bottle some. She placed the bottles in the pan once she was done and had shaken them and went to take a look at the little ones' diapers just in case. Seeing they needed no change, she just sighed.

"You better be lucky i'm too tired to take an attempt at killing you for waking them when they hadn't even been asleep for an hour. Now, will someone please help me feed William while I feed Charlotte?" She turned off the stove and checked the bottles' temperature. Finding them okay she looked at all of them. She didn't like anyone of them. Hell she only knew their names because of Sherlock and that was barely, seeing as he deleted the important information from his brain. She was surprised when Lestrade took the blue decorated bottle from her grasp and headed towards the somewhat wailing boy.

Taking a closer look at the baby as it hungrily sucked on the nipp of the bottle, he saw the uncanny resemblance to Sherlock. Only thing was that the baby had the sea blue eyes of his mother. In the silence that enveloped the living area, as they had all transitioned for the two to feed the children in comfort, they heard voice yelling frantically.

"Sherlock! What have you done?"

"What do you mean, ?" Was her tired reply from none other than the reason of their visit, to which was forgotten.

"New Scotland Yard is upstairs! They say it's a drugs bust! But they're only for my hip."

"Are Janessa and the twins there?" He asked. His tired voice took on a worried tone.

"I had checked on them before they arrived. Janessa was sleeping with the twins in the nursery. I believe they're awake now, seeing as I heard their cries." With that loud and fast stomps resounded up the stairs and Lestrade turned to see a rather angry looking Sherlock standing at the door holding a briefcase with dark splatters on it and a bloody coat as well.

"Why didn't you say you were married, Sherlock?" Lestrade said as he started burping the baby in his arms who gurgled happily when he was done, and then they quieted as the child's eyes drooped closed and his breathing evened.

"I don't mix my work and my private life." He said as he took the boy from Lestrade's arms and the little girl from Janessa, placing a light kiss to the woman's hair. "Sorry about this, Jane. They're idiots."

"Good to put faces on the names." She said as she took the two bottles and put them in the dishwasher while Sherlock walked up the stairs and placed the kids in their respective bedrooms.

Lestrade looked at them as they reentered the living area, Sherlock having shed his coat upstairs now unbuttoned the cuffs of his purple shirt and rolled them up.

"Everyone can go home." Lestrade said and everyone but Donovan, Anderson, and Dimmock stood and left, offering quiet congratulations to the two.

"So why are you here?" Sherlock asked as he threw himself on the sofa.

"Well, you've been groggy and tired lately. Not as bouncy and your arguments with Donovan and Anderson haven't been as usual." He answered with a shrug. "Assumed you started using again." Yet now that Lestrade knew the man was married and had kids it made sense. He was losing sleep because the babies were keeping him up and that in turn made him groggy and unenergized.

"You're an idiot." He says and then turns to see Janessa entering with a tray holding five cuppas. "I told you not to worry about it." He said stifling a yawn and standing to take the tray from his wife.

"Unlike like you, I have manners." She said as she took a seat.

"You must be tired." Donovan said looking at the smaller woman.

"If you knew the energy it took to give birth to twins, have to take care of them, and deal with the Holmes', you would be tired too."

"I'm not that bad." Sherlock said as he sat with his cuppa and handing Janessa hers.

"I've known you my whole life. I practically grew up in your house. You and Mycroft are a handful, and with the way you both acted, who would think you were related."

"So that's why that man approves of you?" Anderson says as if it made sense. "Mycroft usually hates everything and anything the freak li-" A butter knife was embedded into the wall behind Anderson, cutting him off.

Dimmock and Lestrade changed to subject quickly, turning to Sherlock.

"Did you find what you rushed out looking for?" Dimmock asked and turned to look at the blood stained articles on the dark wood floor by the door.

"Yes. If the victim has a sister with a background in gymnastics and acrobatics, that is." He looked on next to him as he finished to see Janessa fast asleep her empty cuppa slipping from her grasp. He quickly grabbed it and placed it on the tray with the other empty cups.

"To think she looks so innocent when she sleeps." Anderson said and Donovan agreed.

"Yea, she almost killed me for calling you the freak that you are earlier. Threatened me with military training."

"She has bad history with the word. I could honestly care less, but high school always comes back when that word comes up. Also, yes. She is an army doctor, currently on leave. Captain Janessa Watson-Holmes of the Northumberland Fusilier and Her Majesties Royal Army." He said as he went to grab a book.

"Strong woman you got there." Lestrade said and they all looked at the innocent looking blonde that could probably snap their necks in point two seconds.

They all turned to look at Sherlock when he didn't answer and saw him passed out as well. The four detectives stood and quietly made their way out, grabbing their evidence from the doorway. On the way to the Yard Lestrade was in a good mood.

He was glad Sherlock had an anchor to keep him where he is now and he saw something he didn't think would happen soon. He always said that one day Sherlock would become a good man from a great one.

The day came without his knowing and in the form of twins.

Miracles were truly possible.

Blergh. Enjoy.