AN: Hey! It's me again with a  new chapter ^__^ Anyway, thanks goes to narcoleptic shishkabob for reviewing every chapter! Gwahahaha, and I love your stories! There better be more soon!!! Anyway, I'm going on vacation for 2 weeks, me thinks, so I can't update soon +__+;;;


I don't know how I got here. Well, actually I do know how I got here, but still, it's fun to pretend you're a schizophrenic megalomaniac. I have a huge, 30 inch TV sheltered between my arms as I make my way down to the bus station. Fancy that, Inu-yasha, leader of the "freaky" cult, catching a bus. You would've thought I had a car or something.

Here it comes, the agonizing piece of junk, with its tinsel foil coating and advertisements covering its derriere.

What is that again? I squint my eyes. Argh, Samsu the Politician? Haven't people had enough of him? I guess not, because on every bus inside this messed up city, his face is plastered everywhere.

Kagura better be happy with what I got.

I grumbled my way over to the medieval style sink after I so disobligingly woke up. Having a hang-over sure does rock your body up; hell, I felt like a bunch of flesh-eating scarab beetles ate my insides. They seemed to have a fond time eating my head up. The banging drumming in my head was growing worse by the minute and I received a few concerned glances from Kagura and Souten. Miroku, as I had expected, had not returned that night. Figures; good for that boy, he was always a soft pansy. Sango, on the other hand, was rejoicing in the fact that she had been dismissed.

"Inu-yasha," Kagura tapped her foot impatiently. I feel like grabbing it and throwing her over the window sill. Add more to this banging, huh bitch? Oh yes, the usual me is back. And you know what, I like it this way. It was much too scary and gory the other night when I had that talk with Higurashi. Letting my feelings go like that isn't me at all, no matter how good it might feel.

"Souten, go out and practice with Kanna," I ordered sternly, watching the black-haired boy stumble his way outside. A mischievous grin crossed his small face as he bows to me. God, I was like his idol or something.

"Why the fuck did you let them go yesterday?" Kagura hissed, probing my neck around for a pulse sign. She tightens her grip around my neck, trying hard to make my eyeballs pop. Her nails were hurting like hell.

"They weren't going to be of much use to us anymore," I replied back haughtily. She released her death-grip and proceeded over to a chair, sitting herself on top it.

"Do you know what this can do to us? We can be obliterated! They're going to tell the authorities where we are!" Kagura yelled, scratching her long, red nails against the clammy surface of the wall. Damnit, my ears! Shut the fu—"Inu-yasha, what is going on?"

And for a few seconds there, even I couldn't reply back. Truth be, I was a little baffled myself. One talk with Higurashi and a couple bottles of tequila got me to thinking that the humane thing to do is the best 'thing to do.' I hated myself for this declaration, but what I hated more was my emotions. I thought I got rid of them a long time ago, but maybe, once in a while, old things like to pop out. Hell, even then I was thinking like some dancing ninny.

"Answer me, Inu-yasha," she commanded sternly. She'd make a far better leader than I. She has that certain power over her that makes people respect, not fear her. Oh, I've heard the mumblings of my men and the furtive glances they give to each other whenever I'm around, and I'd be willing to admit that they're basking in terror. Simple truth is they hate my guts.

"Inu-yasha!" she shocked me back to reality. Just what the hell was wrong with me today? Let's see; hangover? Maybe some after-effects of that stupid alcohol.

"Don't talk, Kagura, having a real hard time even concentrating," I snapped, losing my footing as I tried walking out the room.

She laughed.

For the first time in that mundane existence of hers, she laughed.

"What the?"

"You're just a big softie underneath, aren't you?" she giggled, "Even big, bad Inu-yasha can't get over a hangover!"

"Funny," I replied sardonically. Augmentative statements followed this saying.

"You better watch out Inu-yasha," she's back to herself again. Those eyes are probing my soul. I wished I had my sword because that woman scares me half to death. "they're going to come for you."

I nodded.

"If you need me, I'm downstairs with the boys watching television."

The door closed abruptly.

Women, I suppose, are like talking birds. Parrots, I guess, but not as colorful. You can never predict them, one day they'll be perched on your shoulder, the other they've flown away; and they can never stop talking. For example, a little girl called Kagura was blabbing on about how she's missed her soap opera because a piece of breaking news flashed by.


"I mean, it's just that stupid Samsu politician," she cries out loud. The boys, by then, had gone away.

"It's news, news is more important than that love-hexagon of yours," I rolled my eyes.

"But it was just getting to the good part! And now that ugly Samsu guy's blocking my view!"

Samsu. Sounded familiar somehow.

Wasn't he the one who--? Yes he was, I think, catching a good look at the prissy man. He's that guy who's been talking about some stupid way to obliterate Horizon Six! Of course, he and his group of asinine men have never even confirmed our existence! I laughed out loud as he prepared to undertake his bumbling speech. Politicians are so fun to make, well, fun of.

"We will catch these predators, and we will persecute them!" he rallied, raising a scarred fist in the air. Come to think of it, his face is full of scars too.

"Mr. Samsu, sir, will you please answer our question?" A reporter shouted out, holding her microphone.

"That's it, Inu-yasha, I can't take it anymore! I hate this stupid TV!" Kagura bawled, slamming her fist into the electronic device.

"Bad move, Kagura, now no-one can watching anything."

"Go buy a TV Inu-yasha," she sighs.

A man came bounding into the room wearing a post-office uniform. "Mail delivery? Wrong room I guess."

The day couldn't get any worse.

So basically, that's how I ended up being a whipped momma's little boy. The men are looking at me weird as I scowl deeply. They don't dare say anything, though, and I can't help but feel a little disappointed.

So when one of them does speak up to whisper and point, I snarl my fang-like teeth at him as I order him to get out of the way.

It works, as always.

"Kagura!" I shout out, kicking the door open.

"Where were you? You're late!" she stomps. Obviously, she must love All My Children. It's her new obsession.

"Here, I'll plug the stupid thing in," she says, taking the heavy set as she begins to plug the maze of wires into the various adaptors. I never knew how to work electronic appliances; the last time I tried to work a microwave was the first time I blew something up. And that was when I was a 6 year old. My brother, the ever-so-perfect-mister, decided to come in and tell my Mother and Father about it.

"There we go," Kagura annotates, releasing me from my train of thought.

What the hell was that? I say to myself, dwelling in the past? This is worse than I had expected.

"No!" the seething woman beside me exclaims. Apparently good old Samsu was still on the screens. My man, Samsu, no one can get Kagura like him.

I was just about to get out of the mess when Kagura decides to take my collar and yank me over to her side.

"Look, I know you hate him, but you don't have to hurt me along with it. Damned maso-.."

"Inu-yasha, look at that," she points to a woman's figure in the hall.

"What are you talking about?"

"Have you gone daft, you wanker?" she bellows, "look closely."

And so I do.

At her ass.

"Maybe she's his whore?" I comment.

"It's that fucking prisoner, is what I tell you!" Kagura slaps my head.

I look even closer.

The girl has a good body.

Is this really Higurashi? Damn, when she gets back here, I'm not going to leave her alone. I know I sound like Miroku, I really do, but it's the truth. Now you don't want to hurt yourself by lying, do you?

"Oh my God," I gasp.

"You idiotic son of a bi--…"

"And is that Kouga, by any chance?" I add.

"Yes, yes it is," she replies a little to hastily. I never knew what problem those two had with each other.

I mute the TV as Samsu himself begins to talk laboriously like a droid. If the man had any skills, it was to babble endlessly.

"So what are your plans?"

"We wait, Kagura," I whisper, "and then we strike when they least expect it."



I don't know whether it was just me, or it was actually true, but I think I've met this guy called Samsu before. Maybe he just looks like someone I know, but something in my brain's clicking like one plus one equals two. Heck, no-one probably understands what I'm thinking, but I just have abstract remarks every now and then.

I wonder if Inu-yasha and the rest of them saw the TV briefing. They were supposed to, we want to string them along so that we can attack anytime. What we hope is that they decide to raid the place during this week. A couple of our men are dispatched in the head-quarters wearing idiotic uniforms. Most of them are disguised as post-office carriers and the like. Inu-yasha has so many men on his hand that he doesn't even know who half of them are. Big mistake, fang-boy, big mistake.

We're trying to get a blue-print of the inside of the castle; right now, the only way to get in is through the body dump. 2 guards came in a surly manner to our hide-out that day and informed us of the situation.

"Kagome," Miroku nods, passing by me. Sango's clutching his arm possessively and I all but lunge after her and break her perfect, little neck.

Unfriendly? I'm not unfriendly, just not very affable.

"Higurashi-san," Samsu nods. What is up with nodding nowadays? Why don't we just shake hands or salute each other, or something like that? "Their leader's going to be guarding the front and back entrances. A couple of shooters are going to be dispatched alongside the east and west hemispheres."

"How do you know this?"

"Trust me," he talks curtly, like his speech has been rehearsed.

Or else I'm just paranoid, but my instincts are usually right.

Come to think of it, in this whole group, it's only me and Samsu who acts like they know what's going to happen. Me, in particular because I've had the inside connections.

Like did you know when Inu-yasha was a kid he blew up a microwave? Scary, huh? I guess violence starts early.

"Kagome, sweetie?" Kouga's voice bounds through the room.

Shit, I better hide.

"Where are you, my dear?"

Stop calling me that! The boy's almost as infuriating as Onigumo, and I thought he was bad.

That's another thing no-one knows about me. The whole situation with Onigumo. Details are a little messed up though, I can't remember for sure. It was years ago.

Don't kid yourself, girl, you remember everything. He was your savior and the bane of your existence all at the same time.

"Oh there you are, Kagome dear!" Kouga's eyes glitter happily.

"Of course," I try grinning. Doesn't work.

"Are you sick, my sweet?"

"Nope, definitely not."

"If you are ill, I would kill myself to cure you," he sings. Original song? Stupid ass.

"What do you need me for?"

"Does a lover need an occasion to call his beloved?"

Incredibly bad poet, that one.

"Actually, we have a selection of weapons down in the basement."

"Let's go," I nod curtly. Fine, I've caught the nodding virus. It's contaminable.


AN: Left the chapter very uninspired. I couldn't get the words out! Argh, anyway, please review and remember, can't update for 2 weeks! Anyway, no cliffhanger here, but some stuff in this chapter will be used in further chapters!