AN: Hey, it's me with a new fic, again, as you know, Adoption is being co- written by Lady Cassandra and I, so don't forget to check under our pen name: Liquid Fire!

Summary: Succumbing to the pressure of life, Inu-yasha joins a cult where he quickly becomes the head. Once a year, a human-sacrifice is killed in ritual practices, but what happens if Inu-yasha meets the one human, that he can't possibly kill?

I know, crappy summary and everything, but please read on.


My name is Inu-yasha. No last name, no middle name, and definitely no damned family either. They were killed when I was around 13, every single one of them; my father, mother, sisters, heck, even my girlfriend was gone with the lot of them. But don't feel sorry for me, I can't stand it when people go "Oh, you poor thing," or "How do you survive?" and "It must've been hard for you!".because you know what? It wasn't hard for me at all, and to tell you the truth, I survived just fine, thank you very much. Besides, me, pops and the old lady weren't that close, after all. It was all because of my damned brother; the 'perfect' kid, the 'sole inheritor' to the family 'honor.' Ironic, isn't it, because he was the one that killed them all. Funny how the best kids turn out to be the maniac losers who decide to set their home on fire because they want to know what's flammable or not. Anyway, I've probably got you all either laughing your ass off or scared as heck, and to be frank, I don't care what the hell you're doing now, it isn't none of my business, and certainly not something that I'd be willing to interfere in.

Or else, by some miraculous definition of human curiosity, you're asking so what the hell are you doing now?

Well, I ain't got no job, no money, and no home, but I live just fine. That's all because of my buddies, I look out for them, and they look out for me, 'sides that, they give me free food, lodging an' a couple of other things that you don't want to know that chick I went with last night.she was the best out of all the ones so far.but the damned bitch retreated before I could do much of anything.

Anyway, the price of all this 'generosity' is that I have to enter their little 'club'. And notice who I quote the word 'club,'.well that's cause it ain't no club at all. It's bigger than that, far bigger than that. In fact, if you want to know, we're the 'Horizon six,' except for the fact that we're not 'six' any longer. And that's all due to yours truly.

You've probably heard of us, we're pretty famous around the world. Actually 'famous' probably isn't the world; we're more like a legend.

We can be anything, and anybody we want. We're everywhere. We're that nice dry cleaner guy you smiled at last week; we're that damned business man you lost your deal with, but we're also that homeless, leper who's been hanging around in your back yard.

Scared you now, haven't I?

There are a lot of people who want to be us, but there are a lot of people who want to disintegrate us too. To make the point short, sharp, and clear, let's just say, that for the past few years, we've been out of control, by their standards, while the only thing we're doing, is punishing the bad. We're cleansing the world free from impoverishments such as crime, murder, hatred. We're trying to make a perfect society. A utopia more like it.

So you see, the reason why your 'nice' old neighbor died a strangled death the day before yesterday, was because he needed to be punished; not by jail, not by being nagged, but by death, infinite, utter, death. It might all seem a little ruthless to you, but that's the way we work, in fact, people should be thanking us, rather than trying to take us down.

Now you might be curious of the fact as to why I said this is all due to me. Just take a minute and relax before I tell you the full story.

One breath.

Two breaths.



Are you ready for my story?


It was actually a couple of years ago when I first joined. I was treated as an inmate; rough, disrespected, and like an animal. The others looked at me like I was a rat; me with my weird clothes and manner of speaking. In fact, I spoke a different dialect than all of them, though we all know now that today, the organization is only permitted to use my style of ways.

The others told me, that if I wanted to ever rise in rank, I had to be decisive, imaginative, and efficient. I found out their true purpose, to punish the bad, and let the good live, no matter how many lives were cost. We were a group of 6 then, composed of the leader, whom I had never seen, 2 guards that obliviated the leader from the world, and 3 low-level soldiers. We were the type of people who were outcasts from society, the kids who got bullied at school, the runaways from home, or the basic homeless bastard. We continued on living our ways and purposes, until suddenly, an idea came to me.

Why don't we train the poor, give them education, a home, a 'family,' but in return, they join us?

The others quickly caught on to this like it was the plague, soon, we had 100 members, and in just a year, 90,000 people were gathered; fully trained, fully educated, and fully ready to serve their purpose. Quite annoyingly, these people had become somewhat 'happy' that we had shown them apparent 'kindness,' and even though training was as brutal as anything, they enjoyed it.

By this time, the leader had fled away from the organization, saying that he 'feared our power' and that he 'was sorry that he left.' I, nor any of the group, felt that his fleeing was of any damage to us, so we elected a new leader. Me.

It was all very disconcerting at first, but I grew to respect the position, after all, I had thousands of people under my control, my supervision, and my policies. Something that had never happened before in my life.

But the reason as to why we had gotten so legendary will be another story.

One, that I hope, will never need to be told


If you want to know more details about us, I'm sorry, but there's nothing I can do about that. That information is only restricted to the real 'Horizon Six.' You can, though, know slightly about our backgrounds and pasts, if that is applicable to your question.

You know who I am, and I am not willing to state anything more about myself.

The second head position goes to a woman called "Kagura," who was one of the original members of the group. She was once a beautiful woman, but during a fight at school, her left eye was damaged so much that it needed to be taken out. She lives to punish the people who did that to her.

The guard position goes to the two twins, Souten, and Kanna, who, despite their age, know everything there is to know about fighting and mercenary tactics.

Finally, our spokesmen position belong to Sango and Miroku. Both are adopted children into the same family. When their relationship was refused by their parents, they fled from home and joined us.

So what about this 'famed' leader I keep on talking about that fled from us? Ah, his name, was Onigumo. A man despised by many, he craved to see ritualistic deaths and destruction. There is not anything more that I wish to tell of him, for mention of his name sickens me to the brink of extremity.

Oh yes, there's one more thing that I forgot to tell. Once, every year, we perform a sacrifice that holds us clean of all the impurities we have done. That sacrifice must be that of someone who has performed a great act of crime.

Our next one, will be a girl called Kagome Higurashi.

Murderer of 6.


AN: so.that was a weird story.right? Anyway, want me to continue or just scratch the idea? Please review! Thankies!