Okay...just got a random idea here. After finishing Dark Souls and the Artorias DLC, I fell in love with Lord's Blade Ciaran. She's so cool :3

Well anyway, I decided to write a story of her. Differing from usual Dark Souls story, this rather focused on...Romance I guess?

Oc x Ciaran :P

But lol, yeah I know, some people prefers her with Artorias but I was like 'meh' and just decided to go with it. It'll be set before Artorias goes to the Abyss and some hell hole and shit. Sorta one sided but eventually change I guess...just an excuse to write a Lemon of it later XD

Buut I'll just start now. Let's begin our potentially horrid story my friends!

Note: I do not own Dark Souls

Chapter 1

Anor Londo - Soldier Barracks.

The young man sighed. To be seeing this sight was already itself a dream for him. To see the Four Knights of Gwyn in training was already a rare chance for anyone. But no...it was not the main reason why he was happy.

It was seeing HER again.

Lord's Blade Ciaran.

A name very well known throughout the Kingdom of Anor Londo and across the Land. Serving as an Assassin of sorts for Lord Gwyn, she completes her missions through subterfuge and stealth. As swift as her title, Ciaran was also deadly in the arts of blade. Her graceful yet deadly style of combat was indeed not to be taken lightly.

And it just happen that this young man has a crush on this woman.

Call it immature or futile, but the young man never really cared for what others think. He was after all, one if the few people who gets to personally meet the Four Knights.

"Errand Boy!"

Well...close enough.

The young man quickly regained his focus as Sir Artorias, a member of the Four Knights, called him. He quickly went to the field of training and said "y-yes Sir?"

"What off our schedule for the week?"

"N-Nothing Sir. The Lord has requested for the Knights to take a rest for the week as there are no signs of conflict nor danger for the week..."

The Knight made a huff before a deep voice said "do calm down Artorias. I'm very much sure you're restless when not doing anything but you've earned that rest. As the boy stated, there are no conflicts seen whatsoever...for now at least..."

"Gough is right..." Came in a feminine said. "We've been doing so much for the past years I hardly even remember how to relax!"

Artorias looked at his female friend before looking at his much more taller friend, then said "Captain?"

"We've earned our rest. We should make use of it, can't go into battle with a tired mind and body can't we?" Said the Dragonslayer. The Knight made a sigh, before nodding and said "I suppose you're right...Errand Boy!"


"You're off duty for the week as well. It's not fair for you if we get a rest and you don't..."

"N-No Sir...if I could, I would like to still continue my duties. I don't have much to do as well..."

Heh...it was but an excuse to stay near his beloved...

Ornstein looked at the young man and he can tell that he raised his eyebrow as the Dragonslayer said "you're an odd one Adrian. Three years of duty and comes a chance to take a rest, yet you don't want it? What drives you boy?"

"I-I just have that sense of duty Sir. Plus, the day I was appointed as Personal Aide of the Four Knights was the day when my life changed and that enough is for a reason for me to keep up my duties..."

Ciaran made a small giggle while Gough made a sigh in a happy manner. The latter said "but do tell if you're getting tired. You've helped us tremendously..."

"It's nothing worthy of a praise Sir. I'm but doing my duties so it's only natural..."

Artorias made a nod and said "very well then Errand Boy-"

"Artorias" Ciaran said in a disapproval tone. "Adrian has a name..."

"I-It's fine Lady Ciaran. I'm sure Sir Artorias is only fooling around. I've come to terms that it's my personal nickname from him so for that, I feel honoured"

Ciaran made a sigh of disapproval but nodded nevertheless.

Artorias nodded and said "Errand Boy..." As he placed his famous greatsword on a large cart. "Take this to the Giant Blacksmith. My sword requires sharpening"

"Take my spear as well. I require the weekly maintenance" Ornstein said, placing his spear on the cart. Gough made a nod and said "no need for me Adrian, I can do it myself..."

The young man nodded and said "I-Is that all Sir? Do you need anything else?"

"Nothing for now. Just place the weapons back in the usual place and after that, you're allowed to do as you please" Artorias said earning a nod from the young man. He began pushing the heavy cart, before stopping a bit and said "I'll be going to the 'High City' to get to the blacksmith. Do you require anything Sir?"

"Do ask the blacksmith to return my carving knife" Gough said earning a nod from the young man. Ciaran walked up towards him and said "I'll be going with you"

Adrian blinked as his face made a small blush. He said "a-are you sure Lady Ciaran? I'll be a bit slow on the cart a-and I'm sure you and the other Knights are going somewhere to take a rest! T-Tell me Lady Ciaran, what is it that you need? Weapon maintenance? Just place your Tracers in the cart. An item? I can go get it!"

Ciaran made another small giggle and said "it's fine Adrian, let's just go..."

"We'll be at the usual place" Gough said before walking off with Artorias and Ornstein.

The young man made a silent yet happy smile. He was pushing a cart with the Four Knight's Weapon in it, with his secret crush, Lady Ciaran, next to him. He felt his heart jumping up and down inside as he made a dreamy sigh.

Taking notice of the sigh, Ciaran said "something wrong Adrian?"

"N-Nothing Lady Ciaran! I'm just...happy- err...honoured that you took your resting time to...um...escort me?"

He made a facepalm mentally.

Ciaran made another small giggle which Adrian swooned inside at, as she said "well...it's the job of a 'Knight' to escort the escorted"

"But you really shouldn't have...I'm so sorry to make you go through all the trouble..."

Ciaran made a stop and playfully hit Adrian on the shoulder. She said "I've stated before Adrian, I'm doing this on my own free will so do relax a little. You've been tense since we left!"

"S-Sorry Lady Ciaran, I'm just not used to these sort if things"

"You should. It's bad being alone all the time you know? It's a bad habit of yours that I noticed over the years"

Adrian blinked. She...took notice of his habits? The fact that she paid attention to him made his heart melt. With a new found strength, Adrian pushed forward. Ciaran tilt her head at his new strength but smiled at it beneath her masked and walked at his pace.

She had always find him...odd in a sense. Sure, he held high respect towards the Four Knights but whenever he was asked to take a rest, he would refuse. He has been working non stop for three years straight and on some days, he still came even if there was no job to do.

But she too noticed something. When alone, his persona shifted onto a depressing one, like a person who hated to be alone. She picked this up two years into his job and since then, she tries to make an effort for him to open up.

He would always talk to Gough, and can even have long night conversation. He had a mutual respect for Ornstein, and while those two don't interact much, once they had conversation, it could be a long one. For Artorias...he looked up to him. Adrian always aspired to be a knight but due to his medical condition and failure during the test, he dropped his dream. During his depressed time, he stole something from the Four Knights barracks and that was the first time the four of them met him.

He was a skilled thief rather than a knight, but a crime was a crime. He was sentenced to prison, but Artorias took personal interest and since then, he was the Personal Aide of the Four Knights.

Now...as for her, Ciaran herself would always think she was the 'ood one out'. Whenever she was around, he would be stiff and tense but he would put her in priority. She was the most polite one when talked to and she was treated special. At first she thought it was because she was a woman until she realized it was something else. She doesn't know what but she didn't mind eventually.

Still...she was still a curious one. She leaned a bit nearer to Adrian and said "Adrian..."

"Y-Yes Lady Ciaran?"

"Why are you always tense when being near me?"

He stopped and widens his eyes. Ah...so there is a reason why he was like that. Ciaran was more interested but Adrian said "I-I'm not tense Lady Ciaran. It's just being near the Four Knights on a personal level makes me feel...small...or something like that..."

Ciaran made a small frown beneath her mask. She was about to ask something when Adrian said "oh look, the blacksmith! Let's go!" And rushed past her. Ciaran made a small huff but decided to not press the question to make things awkward.


"Friend. Come again. Forge again?"

"Forge again" Adrian said with a smile as he placed the cart in front of the large blacksmith. Ciaran placed her Tracers as the Giant Blacksmith said "new friend. Friend of friend?"

Ciaran made a small smile and said "friend of friend"

Adrian chuckled but said "friend needs help. Carving knife?"

The blacksmith took out a large knife and placed it on the cart as he said "borrowed from friend"

Adrian nodded and said "thank you friend"

"You're welcome. Friend always invited for forge"

Adrian and Ciaran left the blacksmith to go back to the barracks. Adrian at looked Ciaran. His heart beats faster as a small blush came upon his face as he said "L-Lady Ciaran..."

"What is it?"

He wanted to ask her if she really meant it. Was he her friend? Was she serious and not just being polite? But...wouldn't this cause an awkward thing between them? Maybe asking her could arouse suspicious thoughts from her.

He made a small sigh but said "n-nothing Lady Ciaran...sorry..."

Ciaran tilts her head but decided not to press on the question. Eventually, the two arrived at a very large tree which serves as a house and a sort of home to the Four Knights. There wasn't any door, only an open hole as no one even dare to step fifty meters of the house's range let alone thinking to steal something.

Ciaran went ahead and greeted the Four Knights as Adrian said "Sir. The weapons are on maintenance and it'll be ready tomorrow"

Artorias gave a nod of approval and said "thank you Errand Boy. You're free to do as you please"

"Thank you kindly Sir. Oh and if I may ask, where is Sir Gough?"

"He's by the top of the tree, the usual spot" Ornstein said. Nodding, Adrian said "thank you Sir, I'll be on my way now" as he left for Gough. The young man went to the top of the tree through spiral stairs with the carving knife on his back as he saw Gough overlooking the sun as it sets down slowly.

Gough looked back and said "Adrian?"

"H-Hello Sir Gough. I'm back with your carving knife" Adrian said as he placed the large knife on the ground in front of Gough. The latter picked up and made a small smile beneath his mask and said "thank you Adrian"

"Y-You're most welcome Sir..."

Adrian was about to walk down when-

"How was it Adrian?"

"Ah..." Adrian said as he made a small smile. He sat on a ledge and said "it was wonderful Sir. To be spending time with her alone? I feel, and still feel like it was a dream..."

"Mm..." Gough went, making an amused sound. "Are you planning to tell her anytime soon?"

"Hmm...not really. I'm pretty happy as of right now..."

"You should Adrian. Who knows you might lose your chance..."

"I don't think I even HAVE a chance. Have you noticed Lady Ciaran has a thing for Sir Artorias? And I'm pretty sure he have a thing for her too. I won't stand a chance against him! I'm just happy being behind her. And just standing close to her and even see her is enough for me you know?"

"Mm...that's one way to see it but there is a limit on one's mind. You need to think for yourself once in a while"

"Advice taken Sir. Thank you"

Gough made a nod as the young man left downstairs. He arrived back down and saw the other Knights sitting about and had a small talk as he said "Sir? I've done my duties. I'll be outside for standby" as he walked out out of the tree and stood outside, waiting for orders.

Nightfall came as Adrian made a small yawn. He looked up at the sky and made a small smile

Another day, another job well done if he say so himself. He stretched himself as he felt a small growl on his stomach. Adrian popped his head in the tree and said "Sir?" But only saw Ciaran in there.

He made a soft smile as she looked at him as he said "L-Lady Ciaran. Are there any final request that you need for the day?"

"Nightfall already? I'm sorry for not notici-"

"N-No, it's okay Lady Ciaran"

Ciaran made a small nod and said "I won't be needing anything for the night Adrian. You are relieved of your duty for the night"

"Thank Lady Ciaran. I shall be back tomorrow with the weapons ready at hand" Adrian said as he made a small nod and left the vicinity. He walked all the way to the High City where some Sentinels were seen but were not hostile as his presence. He left the High City and arrived at the 'Lower City' of Anor Londo. He went the outskirts of the city where a small shack was seen. He made a small smile and entered it.

He set his items down and went in front of a mirror where a small bowl of water was seen. He washed his face and looked at a mirror. He had simple brown hair and soft brown eyes. He was normal looking and wore a simple brown tunic and brown pants, giving him the look of a simple villager.

Adrian smiled and rest himself on a small bed where it made small creaks as he closed his eyes to get an early rest. He made a small chuckle and leaned to the side where a small book was seen. As embarrassing as it was, Adrian kept a Diary. It was old as he had it for five years already. He kept it since an incident and it records everything in his life, even his love for Ciaran.

He wrote down on the things he did for the day and fell asleep midway with a smile in his face. Tomorrow will be another day to see Ciaran again.

He couldn't wait.

End of Chapter

Well that's it for now. I dunno why, I wrote this without thinking as it just came into my mind XD! Thanks for reading anyway!