Title: Fix This

Rating: T

It was Derek's fault when Penelope left the team 6 months ago. When she reappears can Derek restore what everyone lost? Or have things changed too much?

A/N: First time writing for this fandom. I love these two a lot. I hope I do them justice!

Derek Morgan awoke from a half-asleep state as his cell phone buzzed on his nightstand. Groaning, he rolled over to unhook the phone from the charger and glanced at the time: 2:30 pm. An unrecognizable number flashed on the screen. He debated whether or not to answer for a few seconds.

The team just got back from a two week long case in Los Angeles a mere three hours ago. Hotch ordered them to go straight home to get some rest. Derek was not in the mood to deal with anyone at this particular moment as he finally drifted off for a few minutes of precious sleep before the annoying buzzing started.

Now wide-awake, he slid his finger across the touch screen to accept the call. "Hello?" he grumbled into the phone.

"Hello, I'm looking for Derek Morgan," a sweet female voice he didn't recognize came through on the other side of the line.

"This is he," Derek somewhat hesitantly replied, trying to place the voice. Perhaps it was some number he gave to a woman at bar or was it the female detective they worked with Los Angeles during the past two weeks.

"Hi, my name is Sandra. I'm a nurse at Georgetown University Hospital. I have you as an "In Case Emergency" contact for a patient that was just admitted".

"Who?" Derek was puzzled. He didn't know of anyone who had listed him as an emergency contact.

"Um, her name is…", he heard the shuffling of papers on the other line, "Penelope Garcia".

"Penelope?" he questioned as Derek felt the blood drain from his face. "Is she ok?" he questioned once he found his voice again.

"Let me check her chart real quick" he heard more shuffling paperwork again. "Sorry, I just make the calls. Um, it seems that she came in after fainting at the grocery store. EMTs brought her in, she's going through a few tests right now, but she is stable. She won't be able to go home until after the doctor clears her and she will need someone to take her home."

"Did she ask for me?" Derek questioned.

"No, but the EMTs looked up her ICE information on her phone and gave it to us when she got to the hospital. She has been sleeping for the most part since she came in. Will you be able to come for Ms. Garcia, or is there someone else I should contact?"

"No, I'll be right there" Derek was already out of bed and pulling jeans on over his boxers.

"Great, I'll tell the nurse's station to expect you."

"Thanks" Derek replied as he quickly hung up and pulled a t-shirt over his head.


6 months.

He hasn't seen her in 6 months.

Not since they had an epic fight that ended with her storming out of his apartment. She turned in classified transfer papers the next day and took vacation days until the transfer went through.

The team was furious with him. The little light in their team left that day. They didn't know why she left, but they all knew it was his fault. They all tried tracking her down: Rossi used his contacts, Reid tried to "math-out" the probability of where she might have went, and JJ and Emily used the guilt route: leaving voicemails offering support and using Henry and Jack as cute pawns to remind her of how she was needed as an auntie.

It sort of worked: she sent a letter through Hotch explaining that she needed the transfer. She was ok, she needed some time to work through some things, but she would be back. She pleaded with them to give her the space they needed and she would reach out to them when she could.

The problem was that she addressed the letter to everyone but Derek and that ripped him apart. The whole team started getting back into the old routine, but Penelope was far from forgotten.

Since she left, Derek picked apart every part of his life with her to see where it all went wrong. He hasn't slept since she left his arms 6 long months ago. He spent countless hours on his off time searching for her online.

Nothing. If his Baby Girl didn't want him to find her, he knew his efforts would be futile.

Seems like she didn't move that far away at all.

As Derek slipped on his shoes and grabbed his keys and wallet as he headed out the door he had one thought in mind: This was his chance to fix everything and get his Baby Girl back.

With that, he jumped into his car and sped off to Georgetown University Hospital.