Namimori's Greatest Dad

1. The Beginning.

A girl. Hibari Kyoya stared at the bundle lying next to his wife.

"Congratulations Hibari-sama." The doctor had greeted him when the said man stepped into the delivery room. "You have a healthy little girl."

"Hnn." The raven head narrowed his eyes at the baby. "Weak."

The dark haired woman with beautiful brown eyes managed a small laugh. "Of course she is, Kyoya. She's barely even a few minutes old."

"Yuki." Kyoya said. "I'll leave Tetsu to be here with you. I'm heading back."

His wife nodded. "Alright. Not too fond of hospitals and crowds. I get it."

The raven head hesitated. "If you need me, just give me a call."

"Get home without getting into a fight alright?" She smiled.

Hibari Kyoya simply smirked. "There are herbivores in every corner practically begging to be bitten to death."

Yuki sighed as her husband took long strides and exited the room. She glanced at her child who seemed so peaceful. A smile graced her lips at the sight of the baby who frowned and squirmed in her sleep. "You look just like him."

Night had fallen over Namimori. Most of the residents were already tucked into bed and cosily sleeping. For some few, work kept them awake and for the others, especially a certain household, a month old baby.

Hibari Kyoya frowned as the door to his study slid open. He placed his pen down as he looked up from his paperwork.

"Kyoya." The dark haired woman shot him an apologetic look before shifting her attention to the crying baby in her arms. "Can you please watch over Miyuki tonight? I haven't got much sleep since yesterday."

He sighed with a nod. Hibari Yuki wore a look of relief as she came over to him and placed the little girl in his arms.

The child's wails turned into soft sobs almost immediately after her mother shifted her into her father's strong arms. The woman looked offended at her child's change of emotions. "I can't believe this. That's just so…unfair."

The raven head smirked as he gently rocked the baby who grew quieter.

Her mother sighed as she proceeded towards the door. "Well, I'm going to sleep now. Goodnight. Don't stay up too late, okay?"

"Hnn." Kyoya replied before carefully adjusting the child's position as he placed her on his lap.

The little girl gave a small yawn as her eyes shut close. Eventually, Hibari Miyuki fell asleep with her tiny had enclosed around her father's finger. The raven head's features softened as he watched his daughter's lips twitch into a sort of smile before it disappeared.

"Little herbivore." He muttered before continuing with his work like he'd never been interrupted in the first place.

"Yuki." Hibari Kyoya called out as he stepped into the room. The woman didn't seem to be around which explained why the child who lay in the crib was crying.

The raven head had been trying to get an afternoon nap before the infant's piercing cries woke him. He walked over to the crib with a forming frown.

"Little herbivore." He addressed the baby who continued to cry. "Why are you crying now?"

Miyuki continued her cries. Her father sighed before picking her up and gently cradling her. His action worked like magic as the little girl eventually stopped crying.

Hibari Yuki who'd just entered the room froze in her steps. "K-Kyoya."

"She was crying." He stated as he turned to face the woman.

The woman rushed to his side and with great care, took the baby from her husband's arms. "I went to fix the water for her bath. I thought she was asleep…sorry if she woke you up."

He nodded in understanding and then proceeded to walk out of the room only to pause in his steps. "Yuki."

The woman looked up from her baby in surprise. "Yes?"

"I think she needs some company." He said before leaving the room. "She needs some toys."

The dark haired beauty who had been trained by her mother almost all her life to attain the grace and elegance of a true lady, found herself staring at the closed door with her mouth slightly open.

She looked down at her baby who seemed to be watching her with her big blue eyes. "Toys. He said…toys."

Hibari Kyoya found himself watching over his now sleeping daughter. His wife had gone to visit her sister who was in the hospital. The raven head was, therefore, left in charge to watch over Miyuki for the day since the woman couldn't possibly bring her child along to meet her sister. Afteral, babies were very much sensitive to sicknesses.

The raven head had just finished feeding her for the afternoon and had already put her to sleep. Unlike other children, the little girl had followed through without any fuss and this pleased her father.

He then seated himself in the corner of the room on a cosy chair and shut his steel gray eyes.

His life at the moment was rather quiet as he had less paperwork regarding the Foundation. A few small missions concerning with Japan would come his way from the Vongola Decimo but other than that, his days were spent reading or taking naps and of course, tending to his daughter's needs.

'Midori tanabiku, Namimori no~!'

The tone of his favourite song broke the silence which had settled over the room. He swiftly pulled out his phone and answered it. "Hello?"

"Kyo-san!" The voice of his second-in-command greeted him from the other end.

"Tetsu." He replied noting the alarmed tone in his voice. "What's the matter?"

"Some gangs got into a quarrel. They're causing trouble to the locals."

"Where?" The raven head's lips curled into a smile. A fight. It had been quite some time since he'd bitten anyone to death.

"The market. They're having a sales day today too so there's quite a crowd."


Hibari Kyoya cut the call as he stood up. He strode towards the door with a forbidding smile at the thought of facing the gangs but then he stopped in his tracks. He had another matter at hand.

He threw considering glance at the baby who was calmly sleeping in her crib.

The raven head released a sigh. It doesn't matter. She's sleeping. And those herbivores will be taken care of in no time.

His steel gray orbs shone with glee as the demon of Namimori himself, walked out of the Hibari ancestral mansion. This was going to be a day the unfortunate herbivores would remember for the rest of their lives.

Sawada Tsunayoshi stretched his arms. For the first time since he'd taken up the office in Italy, his day had been free of anything eventful. Not that he wanted anything exciting to happen. Instead, he was more than grateful.


"Come in." He answered.

"Jyuudaime." Gokudera Hayato greeted his boss as he entered carrying a slim tablet in his hand. "The reports of the others have come in."

"How are Lambo and I-pin's mission going?" Tsuna asked, his voice filled with concern.

"That stupid cow blew their cover but it ended with success." The silver head replied as he placed the tablet on the mahogany desk. "They'll be returning tomorrow."

Tsuna's shoulders sagged in relief. "I see. Thank goodness they are okay."

"Don't worry about them Jyuudaime! They're almost adults now." His right-hand man stated. He tapped on a folder which was labelled with the day's date. The bomber then brought up a picture of Yammamoto Takeshi on screen. "These were taken earlier today. The idiot successfully wiped out the assasins who tried to take on an allied family."

He closed the picture and after a few seconds of tapping, he displayed a mail which was from Chrome Dokuro. "That Mukuro is still out of our reach but Chrome assured that he's very much alive. As for the lawn head…he sent a video recording of his mission's progress but it's too loud."

Tsuna nodded in understanding. The first video Ryojei had sent relating to how his mission was proceeding had been extremely loud that Tsuna jumped out of his in surprise and knocked his head against the wall. Ever since then, Gokudera had made sure to view the videos by himself and report about the Sun guardian to his boss.

"He's still caught up with the mission in the US."

"Thank you Gokudera-kun." The Vongola Decimo smiled. "It's a relief to know that everyone's doing fi- wait. What about Hibari-san?"

"Tch." Gokudera shook his head. "That bastard's too stuck up with Namimori."

"So he declined the offer to live in Italy again, huh?" Tsuna sighed. "Well, that's just like him…"


Gokudera immediately clicked on the message that had just arrived. "Speak of the devil. Apparently, he took out some people who were causing problems in Namimori's main market today. It's a short video…"

"It's alright. Play it." Tsuna said as he noticed the look of uncertainty on his guardian's face.


"He's still as scary as ever." Tsuna commented with a nervous laugh as he watched the video.

"That fighting maniac…he should just accept Jyuudaime's offer and come to Italy! That way he'll get more opportunities to-"

"G-Gokudera-kun." Tsuna abruptly cut off the silver head, a shadow falling over his eyes.

"Jyuudaime?" Gokudera raised an eyebrow.

"Is that a baby?" The Vongola Decimo deadpanned.


"In the video. Is that a baby?"

The silver head's eyes snapped back to the video. He let the video rewind a little before hitting the pause button when a got a clear picture of the Cloud guardian.

True. There was a baby strapped to the aloof guardian's chest and not only that, the baby appeared to be sleeping peacefully despite what was going on.

Gokudera's eyes also shadowed. "Yes, Jyuudaime. That…is a baby."

Sawada Tsunayoshi almost suffered a cardiac arrest that day. To think his guardian fought without hesitation while carrying a baby- no. That wasn't the important thing here.

He was well aware of the fact that Hibari Kyoya was married. The invite had shocked him into fainting. The whole family had of course travelled back to Tsuna's hometown where the ceremony was carried out in the traditional way.

But the Vongola Decimo, along with a dozen 'barely alive' victims and his right-hand man came to know an unknown fact that fateful day.

Hibari Kyoya, the Demon of Namimori, Vongola's strongest guardian, the man who was feared by many, the one who could wipe out a whole legion of assassins single-handedly, that very man…was a father.

Hibari Yuki was confused when she reached home later that evening. She had dropped by the market while returning from the market to restock the groceries.

For some strange reasons, the old women minding the stalls gave her discounts to extras and even free items!

"Your cute little baby needs to grow stronger. Here, take this."

"Your child's such a doll. What's her name?"

"Hibari Yuki! Such a lucky woman!"

"Do take this as thanks for your husband. He's such a wonderful man!"

All their comments had confused her greatly. She being married to Hibari Kyoya was a well known fact. But she having a baby? She didn't recall ever taking her little girl out even once.

"Kyoya?" She called put after entering the house.

Her husband appeared from one of the rooms in the far end of the wooden hallway, the said baby in his arms. His hair was tousled and his eyes appeared sleepy. He shot her a questioning look.

"Ah. I was wondering-" Yuki cut herself off with a shake of her head. Her husband would never go out for leisure walks and never with his daughter too. Maybe somehow the old women came to know. They were, afteral, old women who loved to talk. "Can you continue watching over her while I prepare supper?"

The raven head nodded before disappearing into the room he'd been in.

Yuki was left to wonder whether it was just her imagination or did Hibari Kyoya really seem to be in a good mood. She just sighed. Everything was a mystery to her.

A/N: The first chapter of my first KHR fanfiction! xD

I had the craziest thought on how Hibari Kyoya would be as a father. That's what made me start this fanfiction. It's my first KHR fanfiction so I would like to apologize if the characters are off-character (T^T)/

Feel free to point out any grammatical errors and your opinions too!


Even though it's a one word review :'D