Trailer 3 "The Heroes Combine"
Donkey Kong Island
D.K.'s Treehouse
"Thanks for letting us stay with you for a while, Donkey." A honey bear's paw is shaking an ape's hand. Then the view changes. The paw and hand belong to a yellow shorts, blue backpack, shark-tooth necklace wearing honey bear and a red necktie wearing, brown furred gorilla. The gorilla grins. "No problem, Banjo! You're always welcome at my treehouse!"
DK leads Banjo outside and they are greeted by Eris and Diddy. "We don't mean to scare you, but there's a lot of people gathered on the beach." "What?" "Crocs, a ship, some guy in a cloak, and other people." "How many 'other' people?" "The sand is covered by them. I suggest that we stay inside until they leave."
A few minutes later, the two monkeys, the eagle, the bear, and the breegull are back inside the treehouse. "Now what?" "How long do we have to wait?" Then a portal opens in the wooden ceiling, and four suit-wearing animals fall through the portal to land on the floor in a pile.
They slowly pick themselves up off of the floor. "Fox, you okay?" "I'm alive. Falco?" "I'll live." "Slippy? Peppy?" "I'm okay!" "I am not wounded….but what about General Pepper? We left him in the clutches of that madman!" Fox bends down and picks up his pistol from the floor. "I know. That's why we're going to do everything we can do get him back." "May I ask, but who are you?" Eris has approached Fox and his co-pilots. Fox turns to greet her. "Who am I? Only one of the best Arwing pilots around. I'm Fox McCloud. To my right is Falco. To my left is Peppy and Slippy. Who might you be?" "Eris." "And where do you come from, Eris?" "Chima." Before anyone else can say anything, another portal opens and a boy and his horse fall through it.
The horse is frightened of the animals and rears. "Epona, it's okay-they won't hurt you," The boy turns to the group. "Will you?" Falco shakes his blue feathered head. "No. Who are you?" The boy manages to calm his horse and steps away from her. "Link. Link Forester." Introductions are made then the talk turns to how they came together, "You said that you traveled through one of those things?" Fox nods. "We did. It appeared from nowhere, on the flight deck of the Great Fox, my team's home base. Where did you come from, Link?" "Hyrule. A friend of mine was taken by a man named Vortech. He also took the Three Pendants of Virtue, Artifacts of the Royal Family." "...Vortech? He stole a map that showed the location of every planet that we were going to visit…..oh no….I think we just doomed everyone alive….Didn't Vortech say that he was on a quest to take over all of the dimensions that exist? He knows where they are now." Link stands up and unsheathes his sword. "Which is why we have to get to them before he does." The rest of the group nods. "That's a good start, except there's just one problem-how do we get to other dimensions?" "Maybe those portals we came through have something to do with it." Around the same time, yet another portal appears in the wall. "There's another one! ….Wait….did you hear that?" The door breaks open, sending shards of wood everywhere. Various henchmen of various villains pour through the opening, surrounding the group. Then , Vortech appears, with both the map and the Pendants. "You thought you could hide from me?! I am Lord Vortech! Thanks to you idiots, I can rule over every dimension! Starting with all of yours…." Vortech laughs madly and begins to destroy the treehouse. The group begins to back up, and then they run towards the portal. Vortech rushes them, but all but one person disappear into the portal, his sword blade reflecting Vortech's helmet. "We will meet again, and when we do, my sword shall be the last thing you shall ever see!" The boy then steps back and is swallowed up by the portal.
Vortech can only watch as the portal disappears. The man turns from the wall, then begins to laugh his famous laugh. "Escaped again….No matter, I have more villains on my side they have have heroes on theirs! More than the last time. And none of them can stop me once I get my hands on the Golden Power….once I find the Triforce and take it for myself, I'll be unstoppable!" The madman's laughter echoes around the island, while armies of villains fight each other on the beach. Vehicles of various designs and types are in the air, sea, or beached on the sand.