A/N: Guys, I'm really sorry I have to begin this chapter on this note, but I think some of you missed the point of me asking you guys not to leave reviews saying "please update" or some variant thereof. I also don't like "please continue". Some of you acknowledged this, but proceeded to do it anyway. This is incredibly disrespectful, guys. Please do not continue to do this. "I'm really excited to see where this story is going!" conveys the same idea, but in words that annoy me less. I am under no obligation to write this. Please understand and respect this.

On other notes, since some of you have been asking- there are no plans to discontinue this story, and if that changes, you'll know. If I haven't updated in a few months but you get no discontinuation notice, it means I'm either taking a break, or I'm really struggling with this chapter. The latter was the case with this chapter.

With that said, I hope you enjoy this chapter, given the long wait!

"Marinette!" Tikki exclaimed as she saw the tears running down the ravenette's face. "Are you okay? What's wrong?"

Marinette shook her head to indicate that she was alright, wiping away tears with the back of her hand. "I'm fine, really," she insisted. "I'm just a little… overwhelmed by joy. Those were happy tears."

She expected the kwami to be confused as to how she was excited before anything had been explained, but instead the ladybug spirit's expression morphed into one of understanding. "It's good that you're enthusiastic," she chirped happily. There was a flash of red light, and a set of heart-achingly familiar earrings were being held out to her.

She fumbled with the jewelry, thrilled at the prospect of being Ladybug again- for real this time. Eventually, she got them onto her ears. She glanced at Tikki to see if there was any further instruction, receiving only a nod. She assumed that was her cue to transform.

"Tikki, spots on!"

Sixteen seconds later, Marinette stood in her full Ladybug costume once more. Giddiness overcame her for a moment as she brought her hands up to her face to feel her mask. She felt fifteen again- the age she'd been when she'd fallen into her coma.

You know what? Don't even think about that. Just concentrate on the akuma you have to defeat. There'll be plenty of time later to be philosophical. Just… focus. She shook herself slightly. Okay, where did the akuma go?

It didn't take much searching to find the angry demon continuing her reign of terror. She held herself back from announcing her presence in typical Ladybug style- with her muscles still recovering full mobility and Chat Noir absent, she couldn't afford to take unnecessary risks. She tried not to think about her (hopefully only current) lack of a partner.

Instead she analyzed, as she would do with a Lucky Charm. Her akuma is in that necklace with the piece of rock on it, it has to be. Powers are pretty obvious, controlling the earth… any weaknesses?

She couldn't identify any. Not that all akumas had weaknesses such as the Evillustrator's inability to draw without a light source, but not having them certainly made the battle harder.

The ground beside her shook violently, forcing Marinette to reveal herself out in the open to avoid getting her feet trapped in rubble. Soon enough, Earthshaker's beady eyes landed on her.

"Ladybug!" she screeched triumphantly. "Master Hawk Moth said you'd come. This doesn't have to be a mess if you peacefully surrender your Miraculous."

"Over my dead body," she replied confidently, shooting the akuma a defiant glare. Vaguely she knew her life was at risk here, but that wasn't a new sensation for her. She'd believed that the same had been true in her dream, even if she now knew it wasn't.

"Have it your way," Earthshaker sneered, and several buildings began to tip, all aiming to bury her under the rubble. Marinette swiftly used her yoyo to pull herself to safer ground, only for it to shudder and shake beneath her once her feet touched down.

I can't keep on like this, she thought as she headed for a safe place once more. But I can't afford to use Lucky Charm too early, either.

"Just give up!" the akuma spat at her. "You know very well it'll be better than being buried beneath piles of rubble!"

"Maybe so, but you've forgotten the third, most likely scenario- your defeat!" Marinette replied smoothly. I can't think of anything that will help me out, so I guess I really have no other choice but to use Lucky Charm.

She scanned the vicinity for a place to safely use her power. At first, she picked up on nothing. Suddenly, the ground began to crack all around her, fast and swiftly. Panicking slightly, she noticed a single building that had yet to be destroyed. She instinctively threw her yoyo at it and pulled herself to the top, glancing down at the akuma. She looked dazed and exhausted.

This is my chance to use Lucky Charm! While the demon was weakened, she threw her yoyo up in the air. "Lucky Charm!"

"A hose?" Marinette stared at the tubing that fell into her hands. "Okay, let's see…" Water… earth… mud! The solution clicked in her mind. Of course, that's it! I just need a water source…

She opened her compact, checking a map. The nearest fire hydrant was a few blocks away. That's perfect! The akuma still looks dazed, so if I hurry, I should be able to shake her off for long enough to prepare the plan without interruptions.

Sliding her compact closed again, she headed towards the identified location of the fire hydrant. A team of firefighters and police were assembled nearby.

Realizing she'd need to get into the fire hydrant, she approached a firefighter. "Excuse me, sir. Can I borrow a wrench?"

The firefighter gave her a strange look, and Marinette remembered that no one in the awakening world knew who Ladybug was. "Ma'am, you need to leave. This area is dangerous!"

"I know," she said in desperation. "Sir, I know this might be hard to believe, but my name is Ladybug and I'm a superhero. I can fix this, but I really need to borrow a wrench!"

The fireman stared at her for a few long moments, and she could feel her hopes plummeting. "Very well, but if you're told to leave again, you must leave."

Marinette's heart soared as a wrench was held out to her. "Thank you, sir!" she said in delight, taking it to the fire hydrant she'd identified earlier. Earthshaker still hadn't shown up, and Marinette estimated she had maybe a minute left before the akuma made her reappearance.

Quickly attaching the hose to the fire hydrant, the ravenette braced herself. Soon enough, Earthshaker's arrival was heralded by the rumbling of the ground.

"There you are, Ladybug!" she shouted, pointing an accusing finger at the heroine. "Did you really think you could get away from me?"

Marinette shook her head calmly. "Of course not. I just needed some time." With a deep breath, she turned the hose on the akuma.

The jet of water caught Earthshaker off guard, a cry of pain being torn from her throat. The ravenette's hands shook as she kept the stream trained on the demon, but she couldn't let her emotions get in the way of the city.

After too long, Earthshaker fell silent. Though Marinette knew she was only unconscious, a cold chill swept through her body and her legs felt like jelly as she made her way over to the prone akuma. With trembling fingers she removed the rock pendant, smashing it against the ground. The black butterfly fluttered out.

"Bye bye, little butterfly," she whispered as she purified the akuma, before casting her Miraculous cure. Out of habit, she turned with her fist held out. Then she remembered- Chat Noir wasn't there.

Something ugly and bitter curled in her chest. She didn't have time to dwell on it, however, as a groan signalled the awakening of the akuma victim. Kneeling next to her, Marinette asked kindly, "Are you alright?"

The teenage girl looked up at her with confusion written all over her face. "Who are you? Where am I?"

Though she kept her demeanour calm, Marinette couldn't help the soul-crushing disappointment of the realization that she'd really have to fight to rebuild Ladybug's reputation. "My name's Ladybug. You should head home- your parents must be worried sick." She helped the girl stand.

"Well, whatever happened, thank you, Ladybug." A soft smile was offered to Marinette, and she returned it. Then the girl was gone, to be replaced by crowds of reporters. Microphones were being pushed in her face from all angles, and the ravenette couldn't help but feel claustrophobic. This wasn't how her first battle had ended in the dream, after all.

Beep! Beep!

"My name's Ladybug, and I'm going to protecting the city of Paris from now on," she hurriedly introduced herself for the third time that day. "I'm really sorry, but I have to go now. I'll answer your questions at a later time!"

She swiftly escaped from the crowd of reporters, detransforming once she reached her house. She collapsed on her bed, breathing heavily and her heart racing. The strain on her muscles was really starting to kick in.

Tikki popped into view, smiling down at her charge. "You did really well, Marinette!"

She smiled, one of the warmest, most genuine smiles she'd had in awhile. "Thanks, Tikki."