"We have the apartment to ourselves, Jo is out with Charlie and Sarah." Dean said on a cold and windy Monday night as he settled down onto the couch and practically moulding into the worn fabric. Sure he'd thought about getting a new couch, mainly because Jo and Cas both spent most of their time bitching about it, but he'd grown to love the worn pile of springs. "So we can get down to it." He added arching his eyebrows suggestively.

"Very funny Dean." Cas said in a dry tone. "I assume by that you mean completing these charts while I look over some more of my research proposal. I've been invited to talk at the TED conference so I need to make sure I've got everything sorted." Cas said from the kitchen. He had finished clearing away the last remains of dinner and was searching for something to drink that wasn't beer or one of Jo's many deathly concoctions.

"You're going to the TED talks?" Dean asked. "Holy shit Cas, that's amazing." To be honest Cas never failed to amaze Dean sometimes, the dude was a genius and he was going to kill his board exams in a few months. He was the best fifth year resident in the hospital and Dean wasn't just saying that because of them being together, he actually meant it.

"Yes, I'm doing a speech on my cardio research as long as I don't throw up and make a fool of myself." Cas said.

"Yeah like that's gonna happen." Dean snorted sarcastically. From the kitchen Cas continued to rummage around, opening and closing several cupboards in the process. "Cas...what are you up to in there?" Dean asked warily. To be honest Cas couldn't cause that much damage in the kitchen but living with Jo made Dean cautious.

"I'm looking for wine glasses. How is it that you have a multi pack of neon shot glasses and several mugs shaped like Batman's cowl but not glasses for red wine?" Cas asked, the annoyed tone of his voice ringing through to where Dean was sitting. From his place on the couch Dean smirked at the knowledge that Cas was most definitely staring at the cupboards with a pout best befitting a small child.

"I don't know but Jo could probably answer that question. There's still shit loads of liquor clogging up the cupboards from that party of hers. She's suggested another one but it ain't happening anytime soon." Dean said as he flicked through the files he needed to sign. Cas returned, looking very disgruntled, with two large Yale Medical School mugs in his hands. Dean fought the urge to smile at Cas' clear irritation.

"This is no way to drink Merlot." Cas complained as Dean snorted loudly. "I'm going to buy you wine glasses for the future. Without amusing slogans before you ask."

"I'm sensing you're calling me less than cultured there Doctor Hot Stuff." Dean said. Cas rolled his eyes and placed the two mugs into the coffee table.

"I swear there is nothing in your cupboards apart from alcohol, bags of coffee and peanut M&M's. I honestly wonder how you and Jo survive sometimes." Cas said shaking his head. Despite having nearly the whole couch to sit on Cas sat as close to Dean as he could without being in his lap, which Dean really wouldn't have minded actually. The two men settled into a comfortable silence as they worked, the only sound coming from the stereo which was playing Zeppelin's Since I've Been Loving You quietly in the background. "I swear you would die of malnutrition if it weren't for me." Cas said with another shake of his head.

"Like you don't enjoy cooking for me." Dean countered.

"Well your orgasm noises when eating burgers never ceases to amuse me." Cas shot back, a playful grin on his face.

In the month since he had told Sam, Benny and Jo things had gone surprisingly well. Sam was growing to become more accepting of the relationship, though Dean had his suspicions this was to do with Cas offering Sam good pieces of advice on his college assignments. Dean wasn't one of ever acknowledging when things were going well because that was usually when everything fucked up but things with Cas…well things were good.

He glanced over to where Cas was leant against the coffee table, that small crease that appeared between his eyebrows when he was concentrating was incredibly noticeable and Dean couldn't help the fond smile that spread across his face.

Cas reached for his wine all the while still frowning over the fact it was in a damn mug. Dean chuckled to himself over Cas' irritation earning a bemused but questioning look from Cas himself. "I sometimes wonder if you're actually real." Dean admitted with a shake of his head.

"A chipped mug is no way to drink wine, most people could tell you that."

"I once drank beer out of a shoe." Dean admitted.

"It truly worries me that I'm not even remotely surprised."

"Hey, you do questionable and stupid things when at college even if you are studying medicine. Well normal people do, inhuman cardio Gods are a different class of student altogether." He said smirking as he nudged Cas playfully. Dean found it far too much fun riling Cas up sometimes. Dean picked up his own mug and took a sip of wine. He really didn't care if Cas thought any less of him, the red could have done with something that made it taste less…well less like wine if he was being perfectly honest.

"I like how you assume I'm uptight one when the several hickeys on your hip bones were thanks to me in the shower yesterday morning." Cas said so innocently Dean almost choked on his damn disgusting wine. The smirk that flew across Cas' face told Dean that was his real intention. "That's what I thought." Cas said smugly. Well two could play that game. Dean placed his mug of wine onto the coffee table as a smirk of his own dance across his face.

The files on Dean's lap quickly slipped to the floor as he fluidly straddled Cas' hips before the other man could say anything. His lips met Cas' hungrily and Dean's heartbeat began to race. Even the smallest of touches between them could make Dean's pulse race. He ground his hips down against Cas' as he reached for the buttons on Cas' shirt, quickly opening it to gain access to the tan expanse of Cas' chest. Dean's lips travelled along Cas' jaw and down towards his chest, Cas emitting small groans at each slight nip of teeth as the music played steadily in the background.

Dean was just working on what was going to be an impressive bruise when the buzzer for the front door filled the room.

"Fucking hell." Dean groaned into Cas' collarbone as the buzzer ran out again. "If that's Jo forgetting her keys again then I'm letting Sam reclaim her room. She can live in the intern's locker room until we're residents." He said clambering off Cas' lap and smirking at the impressive hickey he had left on Cas' collarbone. It was just in the right position to be hid by Cas' scrubs but Dean got a kick out of knowing it was there.

"I think that is only fair." Cas said smirking right back.

"Jo if you've forgotten your keys then I'm letting Sam reclaim the spare room and Cas agrees with me!" Dean called out as he started walking to the apartment's front door. "You've got no one to blame-" Dean stopped as he opened the door an inquisitive blonde but it certainly wasn't Jo. "Mom?" He practically gasped out as he took in the blonde woman standing in front of him, a brilliant smile spread across her pretty face.

"Surprise!" Mary called out flinging her arms around Dean's neck and pulling him into a hug that he was sure broke several ribs. Mary's familiar scent enveloped Dean and it made Dean miss home back in Kansas more than normal. Moving away to Connecticut then Chicago had been vital for his career but that didn't mean that Dean didn't miss his home back in Kansas, Mary especially. "God honey, I've missed you like crazy."

"I've missed you too mom." Dean said clinging onto Mary even if she was slowly crushing him.

"Mary stop crushing the poor boy, he can't operate with a collapsed lung." John said from where he was stood next to Mary. Mary let go for Dean, somewhat reluctantly, as Dean looked over towards his father. "It's good to see you son." John said pulling Dean into another hug which was thankfully less bone crunching than Mary's. It was slightly more terrifying though.

"Dean I assume for the lack of profanities it wasn't Jo at the door." Cas' voice came floating down the hall and moments later Dean was joined by the man himself. Thank God he'd had the sense to button up his shirt to hide the huge hickey. Mary looked over at Cas inquisitively, clearly trying to figure out who he was as Dean tried desperately not to flush red.

"Um yeah...Cas these are my parents Mary and Dr John Winchester. Mom, Dad this is Castiel Novak." Dean stopped before he continued. Telling Sam, Jo and Benny was one thing but Mary and John? That was something else entirely. "Cas is my resident at the hospital." Dean said wishing that the ground would actually swallow him up. Dean looked over towards Cas, hoping not to see a look of disappointment. A calm and openly friendly look greeted him but it was still slightly unsettling. He hoped that Cas would understand why he wasn't able to really introduce him to his parents.

"It's an honour to meet you both." Cas said taking both Mary and John's hands to shake. "Dean and Sam have told me so much about you and I've read several of your articles Dr Winchester, it really is an honour to meet you." Cas' words rang with honesty and it really took all of Dean's restraint not to kiss him right there and then. For all his asshole tendencies at the hospital it seemed impossible for Cas not to be polite towards parents.

"Thank you, Castiel was it?" John said as he firmly shook Cas' hand.

"Yes sir." Cas said nodding his head.

"We haven't interrupted anything have we?" Mary asked as she and John followed Dean and Cas into the apartment.

"Not at all, I was merely having Dean help me go over some past patient files. It helps in preparation for the intern exam." Cas lied smoothly. Well it wasn't so much as a lie, they had looked over charts until Dean has decided that kissing a bruise into Cas' collarbone had been more fun.

"Starting early aren't you son?" John asked. "Not that I'm complaining at all, it's good to see you working so hard." The for once wasn't said but it was clear that John was implying it. He'd always thought that Dean had spent most of his education partying instead of working as hard as he had. The few rough years Dean had gone through in high school had made John see him as a slacker for several years. Now though he hoped that John would see he was determined in becoming a surgeon, determined in becoming the doctor he'd always dreamed of being ever since he was young.

"Thanks Dad." Dean muttered as he cleared away the papers and bottles of red wine from the coffee table. "Can I get you and mom drinks?"

"Coffee please honey, I'll come and help you." Mary said following Dean into the kitchen. "Sorry for the surprise but your father had a few days off for the first time in a long time. We thought we would come and see you then see Sam in California."

"Like I could be annoyed by you turning up." Dean snorted. "I've missed you since I moved here."

"Good, so does that mean you'll call me more often? Once a week is not enough." Mary said with a small laugh as she started looking through Dean's cupboards for the coffee. "I'm not even going to ask why there are so many bottles of alcohol here. I'm honestly wondering how you and your friend Jo have survived all there months with just cupboards full of Ramen and peanut chocolate."

"Funny, Cas says the same thing." Dean said with a smile as Mary handed over a bag of coffee.

"So that's your resident? He seems like a nice man, it's kind of him to help you with preparing for your intern exam." Mary said returning the smile with one of her own.

"Yeah well…we're friends." Dean said cagily.

"It's nice, having a good relationship with your resident will really help you."

"We're not friends because he's my resident mom, I actually really like the guy." Dean said becoming dangerously close to telling Mary the truth.

"I know honey, I know." Mary said and the look that she gave him told Dean that she understood, she understood what was going on and why Dean just couldn't tell her or John right at the moment.

Mary had always had that knack when it came to her sons, she knew what was going to with them sometimes before even they realised it. The coffee machine beeped, pulling Dean's attention away from Mary and he set about making four mugs of coffee. Mary occasionally lambasted him on the state of the kitchen (which was actually Jo's fault as it had been her turn to clean up) and the lack of vegetables in his fridge. It reminded Dean of when Mary used to visit him in Connecticut and sigh over the sheer amount of pizzas Dean used to eat.

"Oh, don't put any sugar in your father's coffee." Mary said before Dean even pulled out the bag of sugar.

"Since when did Dad stop putting five sugars in his coffee?" Dean asked cocking his eyebrow.

"Since I pointed out he'd die before he hit sixty." Mary said. John might have been the award winning surgeon but Mary was the one who always wore the pants in the Winchester household. "Now come on, your father looked ready to grill that poor resident of your's within an inch of his life." Mary said grabbing two of the four coffees and walking back into the living room where, sure enough, John was busy questioning Cas who seemed to be taking it all in his stride.

"Castiel Novak...not the same Castiel Novak who published that article earlier this year on the advancement of detecting heart deformities and disease in patients using their blood cells?" John asked taking the mug from Dean's hands with a nod of thanks.

"Yes, that would be me sir." Cas said with a modest smile.

"You got a good resident here son." John said and Dean felt his cheeks reddening. "I hope my son is working hard."

"Dad." Dean groaned.

"Your son is one of my finest interns, there's nothing to worry about." Cas said and Dean could feel his ears burning at the tips along with his cheeks. He loved his dad but sometimes John was too much. Still Cas did a damn good job of making John see how vital Cas found Dean. He talked in depth about the patients they'd worked on together and once they got onto the subject of Krissy, how had been successfully discharged the week previous, they were talking for nearly an hour. Dean watched as John looked more and more impressed as Cas talked and it filled Dean with warmth over how much Cas thought of him. They talked for so long Mary seemed shocked to discover it was nearing midnight.

"We better head to the hotel and let you go to sleep or you won't get up in the morning for rounds!" she said. "Do you want us to give you a lift back to your apartment Castiel? It's really no trouble for us." she asked innocently.

"Cas is camping on the couch tonight, we're going over some more research for my exam before rounds." Dean lied. John seemed to accept this, even if he did frown for a moment, but from the look Mary gave him Dean knew that he wasn't fooling his mother at all. He would have to get her on her own before they left and explain something…anything.

"It's been good seeing you son, good to know you're working hard here." John said giving Dean a quick hug before he turned to Castiel and gave him a firm looking handshake. "It was good to meet you Castiel, I look forward to reading more of your articles in the future."

"Thank you sir, that means a lot." Cas said while Mary gave Dean a firm hug. Dean hugged his mother back just as tightly because he really had missed her since moving to Chicago. Once Mary pulled away she fixed him with a steady look that seemed to say so much. I know there's more to this and I know why you're not telling us but I'm not mad. Dean gave her a weak smile as they said there final goodbyes and it wasn't until his parents left that Dean realised he'd been holding so much in.

"You should take the morning off tomorrow." Cas said when he and Dean were getting into bed half an hour after Mary and John left. "You can catch up with your parents before they go to visit Sam in California." Cas added while he shuck off his shirt, throwing it onto the chair were Dean's own clothing had been flung only moments before.

"I can't, solo surgery is up for grabs and half the interns are camping out at the hospital." Dean said getting into bed and Cas followed him. Dean pulled Cas close so their chests were flush together and Dean rested his forehead against Cas' bare shoulder.

"Dean, I hate to tell you this, mainly because I know that as soon as I do everyone will go back to slacking off or falling asleep at the nurse's station, but they have already chosen who they want to perform the surgery." Cas said with a small chuckle as he carded his fingers through Dean's hair.

"They have?" Dean asked moving to look at Cas who nodded his head in reply. "You're not going to tell me who it is, are you?" Dean added with a tiny sigh of exasperation.

"I would if I knew but I don't, Josie Sands hasn't told me who it is yet. I might not even know until all the interns know." Cas said.

"God you're useless sometimes, why am I even with you?" Dean asked derisively while Cas rolled his eyes in a very 'Sam' way that was kind of unsettling. "It doesn't matter if they've made their choice or not, I can't just take the morning off because my parents are here. Mostly because it would convince my Dad I'm some sort of slacker who jumps at the chance not to go into work. "

"He seemed impressed that you were studying for the intern exam."

"No, he seemed surprised that I was studying this early. You might see the award winning trauma surgeon when you look at him but I see the guy who tried to talk me out of going to medical school countless times. I love him but he's never really been the most supportive of fathers." Dean said with a sigh as he moved towards his bed, pulling Cas along with him as he went. Both of them were too tired to do anything but lie there, limbs entwined together, but even that still sent twinges of content through Dean's whole body. They both settled down to sleep and the silence enveloped the whole room for several minutes before Cas spoke up.

"You value your parent's opinion a lot, don't know?" he asked and Dean knew instantly what he was getting at. Cas hadn't missed how Dean had skirted around introducing him to both John and Mary.

"Cas, they're from the Mid-West and it's not the most…progressive place there ok? I didn't want to start something this evening with them when I introduced you as my boyfriend. Plus my Dad becoming a surgeon and all would have something to say about the whole 'intern dating his resident' bullshit."

"So you're not embarrassed to introduce me to your parents?"

"That's what you thought?" Dean asked in disbelief. "Cas…you're…for fuck sake. You're a kick ass cardio surgeon who is going to be giving a speech at the TED conference. You've been published a shit ton of times and you're not even an attending yet. There is no way I'd ever be embarrassed to introduce you to my parents! It's just that they'll need coaxing a bit before I tell them, they're still in shock from the last time I told them I was dating a guy."

"Did you realise we've never had that conversation?" Cas said.

"Which conversation?" Dean asked.

"About ex partners." Cas said.

"Yeah and we're not gonna have it right now because it's getting late and you'll wake up cranky." Dean said firmly.

"I'm not cranky in the mornings." Cas said and Dean couldn't even reply to that because he was snorting too hard. Cas was a lot of things but he certainly wasn't a joy to be around at five in the morning when he hadn't even had a single cup of coffee or a shower. "You're an asshole Dean Winchester, a real asshole." Cas muttered before he buried his face into the crook of Dean's neck. Dean continued to chuckle to himself for several moments, absentmindedly running his hand up and down the curve of Cas' spine until he heard the soft sounds of Cas' deep breath telling Dean that he'd fallen asleep.

Dean was just on the cusp of falling asleep himself when the phone he'd placed on his bedside table before getting into bed buzzed loudly. He rolled his eyes and reached over, making sure not to disturb Cas as he did so, and picked up the phone. A message from Jo flashed up onto the screen and Dean fought the urge to roll his eyes. If she had forgotten her keys then the treat of reclaiming the spare room was going to become a reality.

The weirdest thing has just happened.

Dean fought the urge to roll his eyes. Jo's definition of weird and his were several miles apart on the weird scale. Plus Dean was trying to go to sleep.

I'm trying to sleep here Jo. For the last time it is not possible to see Bigfoot in Chicago of all places.

You never know that" Bigfoot could be anywhere but that's not the weird thing.

Did you actually remember your keys for once?

No, they're under the couch in the living room but I'm crashing at Charlie's tonight so it doesn't matter. Anyway…Adam just asked me out. As in 'out on a date out'.

Very funny Jo, trying to sleep here.

I am deadly serious. Adam just asked me out on a date.

"Ok Harvelle, spill it." Dean said as soon as he spotted Jo in the locker room the next morning. It turned out he didn't need the morning off to spend it with his parents as they were filling their day up by doing touristy things like seeing all of the city's sights. As they were driving to California later that Dean made a promise to Mary to come and visit them in Kanas as soon as he could. She made it clear, almost scarily clear as well, that he needed to stick to that promise.

"What? My coffee?" Jo asked looking down at the paper cup in her hand.

"No, you idiot." Dean muttered with a groan. Was no one awake and alert before nine in the morning or something? "You kept me awake with your stupid 'weird thing' so just tell me about." He pressed.

"Oh yeah, fuck." Jo said placing her coffee down and looking like she was about the launch into an epic tale. "It was when we were at one of the bars near The Art Institute, they do really good but cheap cocktails there and everything."

"Is that vital to the story?" Dean asked.

"No I'm just telling you about the cheapness of the drinks. Anyway, I was on my second-"

"Fourth" Sarah interrupted. "It was your fourth drink."

"Ok mom, I was on my fourth Coco Spice when I got this message off Adam asking me if I was free after work this evening because he's not on shift in the ER for once and he was hoping to take me out somewhere for dinner or something like that. How freaking weird is that?" Jo said, lowering her voice so the rest of the locker room couldn't hear their conversation.

"Not that weird, he's been staring at you like a lost puppy since that stupid intern's mixer that Dean bailed on before we started here." Charlie said while she pulled her red hair up of her face and into a messy knot. Dean watched in slight awe as she pulled out a small bag full of bobby pins. Endless supplies of bobby pins seemed to be a universal trait between women as Dean was forever finding Jo's supply in the strangest of places in the apartment.

"Ok, how did I not notice the lost puppy stare?" Jo asked looking utterly bewildered.

"Because you're kind of oblivious sometimes. Did you not see how down he was after he found out about you and that guy from reflexology?" Sarah intoned.

"It was radiology and no, of course I didn't. You mean to tell me that Adam has liked me since we started here?" She asked. Dean, Sarah and Charlie all nodded their heads while Jo stared back in shock. "Fucking hell…and none of you thought to tell me this?"

"Well I was going to but then I got distracted by the sexual tension between Dean and Novak, no offence but that was more interesting than Adam's unrequited love for you." Charlie said shrugging her shoulders. Dean glared over at her but she just gave him a blasé look in return.

"Unrequited love?" Jo asked as she cocked her eyebrow.

"Ok then, unrequited lust." Charlie said with a shrug of her shoulders. "Anyway, you didn't tell Dean the best part."

"Did Jo get drunk and call him a 'fucktruck'?" Dean asked, a smile spreading across his face from the memory of the last time Jo drank too much and went on a long rant about her ex-boyfriend. The words 'fucktruck', 'fuckwit' and 'useless paperclip' were used several times that night.

"No I did not…I did agree to go to dinner with him though." Jo said wincing when Dean burst out laughing. "Fuck off! It might not be as awkward as we all think it's going to be."

"No it's going to be worse." Sarah said with a small smirk. "He's going to moon over you and you're going to say something really cutting that will break his poor little heart." She added and Dean had to nod his head in agreement because there was a very big chance that Jo was going to chew Adam up and spit him out. "It's going to be like a car crash in slow motion."

"Thanks for the support, it's nice to know my friends are so nice to me." Jo snapped with a voice dripping in sarcasm. "You're all assholes you know."

"You say that like we didn't know it already." Charlie said grinning over at Jo. "Come on, we can keep the torment up while doing rounds."

"Seriously you're all assholes." Jo groaned as she finished off the last of her coffee and held out her hands for Dean to pull her up off the bench. Dean rolled his eyes, Jo could seriously be lazy sometimes, but he still helped her up. "Ok you're less of an asshole." Jo said giving Dean a small smile.

Once the interns had finished rounds they found out they were switching up the departments they were working in. Dean waited with baited breath, hoping and praying he wasn't stuck with the chief or someone like that. When Cas told him that he'd be down in the ER with Benny the relief was clear for everyone to see. Jo gave him a high five when she found out she was down in the ER as well and the two were soon hurrying down to the department before Benny gave them shit about being late.

For a weekday the ER was packed with people. There was nothing serious, nothing like what had happened with Andy Gallagher the month before, and the shift was actually quite enjoyable. Dean was assigned to a six year old girl who had fallen of her bike and broken her arm. He kept the girl entertained with stories of his own injuries of when he was a child, if there was a tree Dean could have fallen out of he did, and even made the girl laugh loudly when he agreed with her that he big brother was a butt head for pushing her bike too hard down the hill. The girl's mother was on the phone most of the time but when she wasn't she shamelessly flirted with Dean much to Jo's amusement.

"Did you see her readjust her shirt when she found out you were her kid's doctor?" Jo asked after the little girl was discharged. Dean groaned slightly at the memory and nodded his head. Jo snorted and handed him a freshly made cup of coffee she'd just grabbed from the vending machine. "I swear she was seconds away from asking for a check-up." Jo added with yet another snort.

"She was hot but I'm with Cas, I'm not exactly gonna flirt with some random woman am I?"

"You're such a good boyfriend it's actually sickening." Jo said rolling her eyes. "What did your parents think of Cas?" she asked. During their shift Jo had heard all about Mary and John turning up and had laughed her ass off over how they could have easily of walked in on Dean and Cas going at it on the couch.

"They like him, they think he's damn smart and really good for me."

"You introduced him as your resident didn't you?" Jo asked seeing through Dean's vague response. How the hell she did that was completely beyond Dean. "What did Cas think of that?"

"He gets it, my parents want the best for me and them knowing I'm seeing my resident probably isn't the right thing for them to hear right now."

"Yeah sure, he's probably pissed as hell but he's not really gonna tell you." Jo said unhelpfully. Dean groaned slightly but tried to convince himself that Jo wasn't at all right about this.

"Winchester when you're finished getting your caffeine fix the chief wants to see you." Benny said looking grim. What the fuck could have happened now?

"The chief? As in chief of surgery? Did he say what it was about?" Dean asked. Benny just shook his head and motioned for him to go. Jo gave him a supportive look before taking his coffee out his hand.

"Come and find me after, I'll be getting ready in the locker room."

"Pissing myself over you wearing a dress might be needed." Dean quipped but the smile he gave Jo felt very forced. He hurried out the ER and headed towards the elevators.

Since he began his internship Dean had met the chief of surgery once though he'd seen him around the hospital a fair few times. Sarah occasionally complained about his rudeness and demanding nature all the time but apparently Crowley was an amazing surgeon. Still that didn't stopped Dean wanting to curl up into a ball and pretend this wasn't happening. He reached the chief's office after a few minutes and braced himself before going in.

"Chief?" Dean said walking into the room even though he would have preferred to be anywhere else in that moment. The office was elaborately decorated for a surgeon's office and looked more like an antique store than a work space. It was just as Dean was wondering if the deer head that mounted the wall was real that he saw Cas sitting in a low backed chair opposite Crowley. Fuck. "Is everything alright?" Dean asked warily.

"That depends Winchester." Crowley said in his clipped English accent. Fergus Crowley had been a famed surgeon in England before he moved over to America and became Chief of Surgery in Chicago and even after being in America for over ten years his accent was still strong. "I've just been having a very interesting conversation with Novak here and I would very much like your side of the story." Dean looked over at Cas with about ten questions in one look. Cas' reply was an apologetic wide eyed stare. Fuck…

"What story would that be sir?" Dean asked finally looking away from Cas and trying to sound as innocently casual as possible.

"Don't play dumb here boy, it doesn't help matters at all." Crowley snapped. "Now tell me, what exactly is your relationship to Novak?" Crowley then asked, his eyes narrowing. Dean couldn't help but gulp loudly. Shit, how had the Chief found out?

"My relationship to him?" Dean asked. There was no way around this but Dean couldn't just blurt out that he'd been sleeping with Cas and was quite possibly in love with him if he didn't know what Cas had said. "What exactly did Dr Novak say?" Dean then asked. Crowley's jaw clenched at Dean's question.

"Well Winchester he said, and I quote, 'Dean Winchester and I have been in a relationship for the past few weeks. While the relationship is of a sexual nature it has not affected the professional relationship between is and I have in no way favoured Dean over my other interns.'" Crowley said in a crude imitation of Cas' deep voice Dean had begun to liken to honey and whiskey. In his head of course. "Which I am guessing is Novak's fancy way of saying you two have been fucking like bunnies despite him being your resident. Is this true?"

"The fucking like bunnies part or the part about it not affecting us here at work?" Dean asked though he knew he was skating on thin ice here. "Because my love making skills have never been likened to that of a bunny before." He quipped and he could have sworn he saw Cas' lips lift up in a tiny smile.

"Watch it Winchester, you might be a smart lad with a fancy surgeon for a father but you're still an intern. Relationships between staff is frowned upon at this hospital."

"But not against the rules which means that Dean and I haven't done anything wrong technically."

"If you want to fuck up your career for an intern then go ahead Novak but if I hear that he's getting any special treatment from you then you can bet one of you is going to be fired. Now get out of my office, this is your final warning." Crowley snapped pointing at his door.

"'My love making skills have never been likened to that of a bunny before' really Dean, really?" Cas said as he cracked a smile. "You really don't know when to stop do you?"

"He started it." Dean pointed out before letting out a sigh of relief. "Fuck…I was convinced I was going to be fired." He said breathily.

"I must admit that I did a large quantity of persuasion for you on that point." Cas said. "I wasn't going to sit by and let him try to fire you just because you're with me, Crowley might think that I'm messing around with my career by being with you but really it's your career that's important here. You're just starting out and he can't mess things up for you just because we're together."

"You don't think he would, do you?" Dean asked with a sinking feeling in his stomach. His whole life had been about becoming a surgeon, he couldn't fall at the first real hurdle just because of his personal life could he?

"No, Crowley may be an asshole but he's not unprofessional." Cas said. "I'm sorry about what happened but I can make it up to you." He said sounding so innocent but Dean knew there was a hidden meaning behind the words.

Without another word Cas gave Dean the most wicked grin that sent a pang of want through Dean's gut. Shit, Cas couldn't just smile at him like that when they were in the middle of the damn hospital when they were supposed to be professionals. Dean rolled his eyes, slightly smug that he got to be the one to do that for once, and made to move down the hall until Cas stopped him with a hand on his arm. Dean raised his eyebrows until the grip on his arm tightened and he realised Cas was all but dragging into the nearest on call room, locking the door behind him as he did so.

"Cas-" he tried to say but was completely cut off by Cas' lips colliding into his own. He wasn't even going to bother complaining as it had been many hours since he'd last kissed Cas and it was long overdue. With careful and deft hands Cas removed Dean's coat and his hands so slid under Dean's scrub top. Dean's breath caught in his throat as his skin reacted to the touch. Muscles jumped as Cas' fingers ghosted over them and without even thinking about it Dean found himself pushing Cas gently towards the nearest bunk. If they were going to do the whole 'making out in the on call room' then they were going to do it properly. With nimble hands Dean pulled his scrub top over his head and threw it onto the floor, smirking ever so as he watched Cas' eyes roam over his chest.

Cas settled himself down onto the lowest bunk, shucking his own coat as he went, his strong arms propping his upper body up as Dean moved towards him. Well that was until Dean's head hit the bar of the bunk above them.

"Ow! Fuck!" he cursed bring his hand to feel where his forehead had connected with the metal. Being the unhelpful asshat that he was Cas just lay there and laughed loudly at Dean's pain. "Oh you think that's funny?" he jibed.

"I'm sorry but I do, just a small amount though." Cas bantered with another loud laugh.

"I could put my shirt back on and go to find something to do that doesn't involve taking any item of your clothing off." Dean said while Cas continued to chuckle.

"You could do that but then I could also say that I won't make burritos for dinner tonight." Cas said smugly. Dean stopped and cursed. Damn Cas and his damn burritos. Ok and damn Dean for his total lack of willpower. "That's what I thought." Cas jested smugly.

"Yes and there was me thinking that you were someone who was above making out in an on call room. So much for being the stony professional you tried to be in front of Crowley." Dean quipped. With a roll of his eyes Cas took a gentle hold of Dean's wrist and guided him down until Dean was lying down next to Cas. Dean was incredibly tempted to let out a clever wisecrack until Cas took charge of the whole situation swiftly straddling Dean, his sturdy legs either side of Dean's hips. Cas' soft but slightly chapped lips ghosted over Dean's jaw, his hands travelling up Dean's waist with a light and nimble touch.

"Stop worrying about Crowley or the solo surgery or your parents, it's just us right now and I plan to have it just be us for a while." Cas said and a pang of longing, nothing to do with lust, sent shivers through Dean's whole body. Cas would sometimes say things like that which made Dean realise that Cas wanted them to have a future, he wanted so much for them and even though it sometimes scared the shit out of Dean it was something he wanted too. Cas' skilful hands roamed over Dean's bare chest, fingers digging into the skin with just the right amount of pressure to make Dean let out a small moan. Cas smirked as his hands went to the waistband of Dean's scrub pants. Cas was pulling at the waistband of the pants when his pager blared loudly.

"I swear to God the universe is against us." Dean groaned. Cas looked at his pager, rolled his eyes and threw it onto the pile of Dean's clothes. "Very professional there Cas."

"Shut up, it's just some administration crap." He said grinding his hips down against Dean's. "It can wait, this can't." he said pulling Dean's scrub pants completely off. Cas' pants soon followed along with their underwear. Thank God for locks because if anyone was to walk in on them they would have seen a lot of naked skin. The kisses between became more frantic, Cas' fingers digging even harder into Dean's skin and Dean was soon reaching into the pocket of his pants for his wallet. Yeah it was stupid to keep condoms and lube there but where else was he going to freaking keep them when he was at work?

He quickly worked Cas over until they were both on the brink, clinging to the edge before anything had really happened. They hadn't been together like this for days, work and Dean's parents visiting stopping them from doing more than make out or quick fumbles in the shower. Dean had missed the feeling he got when he was with Cas, that feeling of being completely whole. He'd missed how their bodies pressed together like they were made for one another, just one another. As Cas' breath became more and more ragged Dean slicked himself up and gently pushed himself in, making sure he didn't go too quickly. Cas bit down on his shoulder as a small sob escaped his lips and that nearly Dean over the edge there and then. Dean's hips snapped as his rhythm became more desperate, he needed to feel closer to Cas after everything that had gone since the night before. He needed Cas so much it was terrifying.

"Dean." Cas gasped as Dean continued his wild rhythm. As Cas bit down on his shoulder again Dean tipped over the edge, Cas following only moments later. Dean's rhythm slowed until he and Cas were just rocking together, the fervidity of before cooling until both were content with justbeing. Once Dean had pulled out and thrown the condom in what he hoped was the general direction of the bin he pulled Cas down to lie next to him on the rapidly cooling, albeit uncomfortable, sheets. Dean lay contentedly stroking Cas' arm for several minutes before Cas turned to him with a tender look "Dean…" he said in a near whisper.


"I'm in love with you." Cas said and even in his hushed tone the honesty and seriousness of his words could be heard. "I don't care if you don't say it back for a day, a week or even a year I just want you to know that I'm very much in love with you. You make me truly happy."


"I mean it, you don't have to say it back. I just needed you to know how I felt." Cas said. Dean was silent as Cas' words sunk in. All those stupid fears and doubts that had been whirling around in his brain seemed so insignificant now because Cas loved him, actually loved him. Dean knew he wasn't ready to say it back, he knew that there was a part of him that loved Cas but there was still some uncertainty over whether Dean could really be in another relationship. He'd poured his heart to Michael and yet he'd still left, that couldn't happen again.

"I can't…I can't say it yet…there's things that…well it's complicated but I want you to know that I trust you Cas, you make me feel happy and safe." Dean said and he longed for Cas to realise that trusting someone was just as big as loving someone in Dean's eyes. The fond look and tender kiss Cas gave him as a reply gave Dean his answer.

Dean found Jo in the locker room with Charlie and Sarah. Once Dean had gotten over the amusing sight of Jo dressed in something that wasn't scrubs or jeans he pulled her aside, rooting her to the spot with a serious look while Charlie and Sarah were given the 'important' task of finding the right shoes for Jo to wear.

"Jo…you haven't told anyone about me and Cas have you?" Dean asked taking deep breaths in order to remain clam.

"Why? What's happened?" Jo asked clearly skirting around the question. Fuck.

"Jo who did you tell?" Dean asked still trying far too hard to remain calm.

"No one! Well…no one apart from Sarah and Charlie." Jo said grimacing when Dean swore.

"Jesus Christ Jo!" Dean hissed.

"I'm sorry, I really am!" Jo said hurriedly. "It just slipped out and I didn't even realise what I'd said until a few seconds afterwards! It's not like either of them are going to say something to someone…well anymore people that is."

"Fucking hell! You do know I was just dragged to the chief's office right? He knew about all about Cas and he wanted to know if it was true. Fuck, fuck, fuck." Dean gabbled.

"Wait…you're not gonna get into trouble for this are you? It's not against the rules to date residents, the hospital just gets pissy over it." Jo said looking worried as hell which was pretty dumb as she wasn't the one freaking out over potentially losing their job. "I know I shouldn't have said anything but it was an accident. I swear I didn't tell anyone who would tell the chief though!" Jo added quickly.

"Well who would tell him?"

"You…you don't think it was Cas do you?" Jo asked with a frown. Dean snorted loudly and shook his head. "Hear me out here Dean, he could have told the chief so it looked better than it coming from a nurse or someone."

"Why would it come from a nurse?" Dean asked narrowing his eyes.

"Charlie's told a lot of people." Jo said wincing slightly. Dean swore loudly and once again Jo gave him an apologetic look. "I am sorry you know."

"Yeah I know…I know you're sorry." And Dean knew that Jo was, sometimes she spoke without thinking and yet she was still one of the best friends he'd had in a long time so he couldn't hate her for her small flaws, after all he was riddled with them. "It's just…with the solo surgery coming up it's just going to make things that much harder. I want people to think I'm scrubbing in on surgeries and working on good cases because I went to Yale and not because I'm with Cas."

"Yeah, you got a genius level result on your MCATS so I know you're working on these cases because you're good at this and not because you're with Cas." Jo said giving him one last apologetic look before she looked down at her dress. "So how ridiculous do I look?" she asked. Dean looked at her, really looked at her, and he had to admit that Jo looked stunning. The black dress she'd chosen wasn't too girly and it really suited her.

"Jo you look…you look really good." Dean said smirking when Jo blushed furiously. "I mean it, you look good. Adam's not going to be able to string a sentence together."

"Stop it, I'm already freaking out about it. It's either going to be really funny or just awkward as fuck." Jo said smacking Dean on the arm.

"If it's awkward then you can put it down to karma seeing as you told Sarah and Charlie about me and Cas."

"Technically you told Charlie when you told her you liked Cas before you told me." Jo shot back with a triumphant look. Dean groaned because he hoped that Jo hadn't found out about that. "So there, you can't really call it karma, you asshole."

"I'm hoping the date is awkward now, it will serve you right."

"Jo! Stop bitching to Dean and come here, Sarah has picked out your shoes!" Charlie hollered from across the locker room. Dean and Jo walked back to where Sarah and Charlie were sat surround by shoes. "I suggested the flats and she told me to shut up so I just left her to it." Charlie explained as Sarah handed Jo a pair of heels. "Oh and I wanted to talk to you and Jo for a second." Charlie said suddenly sounding serious. Dean's brow furrowed at her serious tone.

"What's up Charlie?" He asked.

"It's nothing bad so don't get your panties in a bunch, it's just that my roommate is moving out so I'll have a spare room. I know Jo living here with you was only temporary until she found somewhere else so I was wondering if Jo would want to move in with me." Charlie said. "This way your brother gets his spare room back and I don't have to go through the whole shit fest of looking for a new roommate."

"You'd actually want me to live with you?" Jo asked raising her eyebrows. She had a reason to look surprised, Dean spent most of his time complaining about Jo leaving towels everywhere.

"Well yeah, I'd prefer having a friend live with me and like I said, this frees up Dean's spare room for his brother now. Plus you did only say that living with Dean was a temporary thing." Charlie said. Jo glanced over at Dean and gave a look, it was almost as if she was asking his permission to more out of the apartment. Dean rolled his eyes but gave her a weak smile.

"Charlie's got a point, it would free up the spare room. Maybe now someone will stop deleting all my stuff off the TiVo box as well."

"It's not my fault you watch shitty shows." Jo retorted before she turned back to Charlie. "If you want me to live with you then I'd love to."

"Great, you can fill her cupboards up with booze and eat all her cereal." Dean said.

"At least Charlie won't have loud shower sex at five in the morning unlike some people I could mention." Jo shot back. Dean gave her a small smack on the arm as Charlie and Sarah laughed loudly.

"I'm not guaranteeing you anything." Charlie quipped with a smug smile. Jo rolled her eyes heavily while Dean gave Charlie a well deserve high five.

"Fuck sake, I give up with the pair of you." Jo muttered as she shook her head. "Will you stop being dicks and wish me luck?" Jo asked sounding like a petulant child. Dean rolled his eyes and pulled Jo into a hug.

"Good luck…you're gonna need it." He said with a smirk.

"What, with the date or when it comes to living with Charlie?" Jo asked.

"Oh both, definitely both." Sarah quipped with a grin. Sometimes Dean found Sarah a bit judgemental but it was times like this when he remembered why they were friends.