Will Tauriel survive? Just read the chapter.


Kili let out a cry of anguish as he held Tauriel in his arms. Her abdomen had been punctured four times leaving four bloody wounds, one of them filled with an elven dagger. Her eyes were closed since she passed out when it happened. A small trail of blood ran from her cheek down past her neck.

Legolas stood, rooted to the spot, with wide eyes as he looked upon his friend. Edward wanted to say something but the words couldn't get past his throat.

"Tauriel no, don't leave me." Kili all but whimpered.

Edward then broke out of his shock. "Kili. Kili!"

Kili answered by looking up at the pirate with red eyes. "We need to get her down to Dale. I think there are elven healers who could help.

"What is the use?" Legolas managed to get out.

"Shut up!" Edward shouted. He marched forward and kneeled down.

"Kili let me carry her." He saw a small glimmer of hope pass Kili's eyes as he spoke.

Kili moved and propped up the wounded elf for Edward to grab. Edward slid his arms underneath Tauriel. One arm holding up her back, the other behind her knees. Tauriel's head then slid her head down his arm and stopped against his upper arm, adding a bit of red to the black that coated his robes.

"Follow closely. Orcs are still around." Edward then turned around and headed up the stairs.

They ran through the labyrinth of stairs and hallways on Ravenhill without interruption. They were trying to reach and cross the river. Eventually they reached a door that led out to the river. Edward ran forward but almost tripped over something. He turned around as Legolas and Kili followed. He looked down only to see Fili lying on the ground in a pool of his own blood. He was dead, his eyes still open.

A clash then a roar brought the trio's attention to the river. Azog was standing over Thorin with his blade poised towards the dwarf's chest but Thorin's sword kept it at bay. Edward saw Thorin's arms shake as they held back Azog's sword. Edward gently put Tauriel down and then broke into a full sprint. He heard footsteps next to him and he noticed Legolas was running with him. Edward drew his pistol but when he pulled the trigger it merely clicked. He quickly looked and noticed the pistol was covered in Tauriel's blood. Because he used his waist pistols, he had no other ranged weapon. He didn't stop he drew his swords as Legolas drew his daggers. He pulled every ounce of energy and pushed towards his goal: Azog.

Edward slammed into Azog causing the pair to fall to the icy ground with a clatter. Legolas instantly jumped onto Azog but the orc blocked his attack. Edward got up and dodged a swipe and brought his swords up for an attack. He and Legolas attacked at the same time but Azog managed to swerve off Edwards swipes. He pushed his swords to the side and stepped forward as Legolas passed and before Edward recovered he grabbed the Assassin and threw him across the lake. Thorin was getting up as Edward was in midair and the pair collided with a crash and sent Thorin into the water. Legolas was thrown up onto the other side of the lake. Azog took his open window and charged forward towards Edward. The orc picked up his prized mace which he had lost in his battle with Thorin. Edward brought up his swords to block but Azog's attack sent him flying again.

Thorin clambered back onto the ice and picked up his sword. His entire body ached with wounds and fatigue but he ran nonetheless. He picked up speed as Azog advanced on Edward. He clashed with Azog and ended up on top but Azog threw him onto his back next to Edward. Both the Dwarf and the Man recovered at the same time. Edward attacked first but Azog's mace sent him back again. Thorin then darted back as Azog attacked. Legolas was running across the lake but Thorin was pinned by Azog and the tower. Orcs had come out of the tower and engaged Kili and now Edward. Thorin had no help. He swung his sword towards Azog but the Orc smacked the weapon from his grasp.

"There is no hope. Die now Son of Durin." Azog spat. He lifted his mace with a roar but the roar was cut off.

Azog's mace fell from his grasp. He stumbled back with the mixed look of both horror and victory etched on his face. Thorin then noticed a dagger embedded in the orcs neck. Thorin then dove for Orchrist and heaved the weapon in a mighty slash that removed the Orc's head.

"Tauriel!" Kili shouted as he stabbed the last orc.

Thorin turned and noticed the flame haired she elf looking at him. She was breathing heavily but then more blood came up her throat causing her to choke. Her head then dropped into the snow.

"No, no, no, no, no." Edward said as Legolas closed his distance.

Edward turned Tauriel onto her back. She had pulled her dagger from her abdomen and saved Thorin's life by letting it rest in Azog's neck. The wound it was in then began to ooze blood profusely.

Edward picked her up again and started running across the lake followed by Kili, Thorin and Legolas. An Eagle's cry then split the air. The group turned as the great eagles passed over them to face the army that Bolg had brought. They brought their claws down to ground level and picked up speed. They hit the army with a speed and ferocity that destroyed several columns of them. An object then fell from one of the eagle's backs and by the time it hit the ground it was an enormous bear.

The group then continued as the forces of Dwarves, Men, Elves and Eagles destroyed the last remaining Bats and Orcs. Dale was again a fiery mess that could almost compare to Smaug's devastation. Fires burned and bodies lay all through the town and the fields of Erebor. The battle had been won, but at great cost.


Dale was hectic. Elves had set up a medical center in the great hall and in several tents for the wounded. People were shouting for their loved ones and others were trying to clean up the bodies.

"Move." Edward constantly repeated as they moved through the square. Tauriel's bleeding was causing worry on how much blood she has lost. Her face was starting to pale but there was still warmth in her body. She was fighting for her life.

"Lord Legolas!" An elven voice shouted. Legolas looked over to one of the healing tents.

"Edward come here." The group then moved towards the tent but Thorin and Kili desperately tried to keep up in the chaos.

"Livenir, Tauriel needs medical attention right now." Legolas ordered.

The healer, Livenir, put on a rather questioning expression.

"But what of King Thr-"

"That does not matter." Legolas snapped. "She is dying."

Livenir nodded and gestured for Edward to bring Tauriel into the tent.

Wounded elves lined both sides of the tent. Most had rather superficial injuries but some were rather serious, and bloody.

"Set her down here." Livenir said as she gestured to an open bed.

Edward gently placed Tauriel on the bed and stood up. His robes were no covered in a mixture of orc and elven blood.

"These wounds were not given by orc weapons." Livenir pointed out.

"An orc used her own dagger against her." Legolas informed.

Livenir nodded her head and called out to several other healers.

"You must leave. But you must know that she may not survive."

"No I must stay with her." Kili spoke up.

"You can't we have to perform several healing spells that are complex, confidential and require no one other than those performing it and the patient" Livenir replied.

Thorin placed a hand on Kili's shoulder but the dwarf brushed it off and marched outside followed by the others.

Legolas walked off into the crowd without another word as the others stood to the side of the tent entrance.

"Kili." Thorin said. Kili looked at his uncle and Thorin gestured for him to follow. Edward stood there in complete utter silence.

Kili followed his uncle into a secluded alley.

"Why do you care for the elf?" Thorin said with an angry expression.

"She saved your life uncle." Kili said as he avoided the direct truth.

"But from what I saw your care for her went beyond that." Thorin replied.

"Why aren't you worried?" Kili asked defensively.

"She is an elf. What would you expect of me?" Thorin shot back.

"For you to let go of your pride and arrogance and realize that all elves are not like Thranduil." Kili answered. "Even his son is better. He saved your life and gave your sword back."

Thorin then donned a genuine smile. "You love her."

Kili looked at his uncle in utter surprise. "I wouldn't. I, I" Kili stuttered.

"While I am not happy it was an elf of all choices. You are different Kili. You deserve nothing less." Thorin said.

Kili could not believe that Thorin was saying this.

"But what of Dain, The Company and the other dwarves. Will they not look down on us?"

"Come on your love isn't that short."

"Ha, ha. I'm being serious."

"Yes that is true. None will approve. If you truly love her then I don't doubt you would give up the throne if it meant losing her."

"But I am losing her."

"While I may hate elves. Their skill in healing is undeniably great."

"That does me no consolation."

"Kili. I can't make them approve but, I cannot believe I am saying this, it doesn't matter."

Kili was on the verge of fainting. Surely Thorin was messed up by the battle.

Several hours later Kili sat outside the tent where Tauriel was being cared for. Darkness had blanketed the land and Dale was licking its wounds. Most of the bodies within Dale were buried and burned. Edward's crew was buried on top of the northern hills in honor of their brave defense. Adewale's grave was made most prominent and once it was done Edward sat in front of the graves for the entire evening.

Eventually Livenir appeared in the entrance of the tent. Kili jumped up and looked at her.

"There is both good and grave news." She said.

"Just me." Kili said.

"She is alive." Kili's heart soared at these words.

"She is going to recover with minimal defect." Livenir said.

Kili's heart wobbled in its flight.

"Minimal?" He looked at her.

"The wound which held the blade the longest became infected. She will be sick until tomorrow. The wounds will leave scars and the worst of it is she will not be able to produce a child."

Kili instantly got Livenir's hint of their situation.

"I personally don't care." She whispered.

"Can I see her?" Kili asked.

"Certainly." Livenir replied.

They then entered the tent. The wounded had decreased as the healers had worked hard the entire day. Tauriel was in the back and was cordoned off.

"It will be private." Livenir said.

"Thank you." Kili said with sincerity that surprised Livenir.

Kili entered the small room. There was no trace of any blood or impurity. Tauriel lay on the bed in the center. She was pale and in pain but she was alive.

"Kili." She breathed.

"Tauriel, you, your alive." Kili said as tears of joy ran down his cheeks.

"I would not leave you my love." Tauriel weakly replied.

Kili smiled as he listened.

"We won." He said.

"What of Bolg." She asked.

"I think he was slain by Edward." Kili replied.

"And Azog?"

"Thorin beheaded him."

"What do you think will become of us?"

"You will never believe it."

"Oh really."

"Thorin knows, he is completely fine with it."

Tauriel's eyes widened.

"No not possible."

"Like I said."

"You are being serious."

"Dead serious." A far deeper voice than Kili's answered. The couple turned to the doorway and saw Thorin. He looked much better after access to medical attention and clean clothes. Bilbo was just behind him.

"I never thought such a day would come Thorin Oakenshield." Tauriel said.

"Don't press your luck." Bilbo mouthed to them so Thorin would see.


"Tauriel." Kili corrected.

"Tauriel." Thorin corrected. "You managed to steal the heart of my nephew. Under any other circumstances I would hate you and forbid this. But you stole another thing."

Puzzled looks were passed around.

"The death sentence of the Line of Durin. The dwarves owe you a debt that can't be paid unless they offer up their lives in the way you did. To be honest you don't seem to be too bad."

"You must have hit your head Thorin." Bilbo said.

Thorin chuckled as Tauriel laid there utterly dumbfounded.


The battlefields were now utterly spotless. Dale still needed reconstruction and there was plenty of work to be done but something plagued Thorin's mind. Edward hadn't been seen in two weeks. When Thorin went up to the graves of his crew all he found was Adewale's sword laid out on his grave.

Thorin was working with Bard and Thranduil in Dale one on discussion of a triple alliance between the kingdoms. Soon Fili was to be buried in Erebor and Thorin crowned king but he wanted an early start.

He had gone up onto the south wall and look over the lake. Lake Town still lay in charred ruins and Smaug's remains still poked up above the water. The Jackdaw had not moved ever since its crew came to Dale.

Thorin stood there, hands clasped behind his back, breathing in the fresh air of peace and possibility.

He felt a presence next to him. He turned slightly and recognized the presence to be Legolas.

"Kenway has not been heard from. Your nephew claims he may have gone down to his ship." Legolas said. The cannons and mortars had been carted back to the Jackdaw by the men of Dale. And they repaired them as well.

"Who knows what he may be doing. He is a mystery." Thorin replied. A small puffed of smoke then came off of the Jackdaw only seen by Legolas. Then a small echoing boom disturbed the morning silence.

"Found him." Thorin said. He then turned and made his way towards the stables.


There was a point where I wanted to put actual elvish in but I want to avoid any legal issues possible. I hope you are happy with the way it turned out. There is far more waiting for this story.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything. It belongs to J.R.R. Tolkien and Ubisoft.

Teaser for this story: The mechanic has awoken. The Observatory is not done with Edward Kenway.