So, in case you didn't read the description... Percy saved Annabeth by closing the Doors of Death from the Tartarus side and holding the elevator button for her. Percy managed to find the Doors a second time, and equipped with a roll of duct tape that he got from killing an empousa who happened to be a janitor impersonator. After he exits the 'elevator', he finds himself in the shadow of a castle-school called... Hogwarts?

(I don't know what Hogwarts time period it starts during, just whatever you guys think makes the most sense!)

Please review, it makes my day! :D


Harry only wanted a nice walk. He didn't count on the weird elevator doors that appeared out of nowhere 50 yards from where he was just happily walking along. Or the boy that fell out of them onto the beach, stumbling and collapsing onto the dirt, as if his legs couldn't carry the weight of himself. Harry couldn't just leave him there on the ground, though. There went his relaxing stroll.

As Harry ran closer, he noticed that the boy didn't actually have that much weight on his body to carry, anyway. He could see the boy's ribs through his tattered orange? shirt. Grime and blood covered his whole body, and cuts marred his face. One eye was swollen shut. The boy was unconscious. Harry hesitated, but picked him up. He was lighter than he expected.


Harry had left the boy in the sick wing, under the care of the nurse. He hurried through the halls, trying to find Hermione and Ron. He needed to figure out what the hell had just happened. Disappearing elevator doors? Half-dead boys? It all made absolutely no sense. He sighed. Perhaps Hermione would know.


The trio knocked on the door to the sick wing. Nobody answered the door, so Ron opened it, and they quietly stepped inside.

The boy was sitting up in his bed, engaged in a loud argument with the nurse.

"No. I said no!"

"Let me at least bathe you. You look like you just took a stroll through hell."

"You have no idea," the boy muttered under his breath. "I told you no! What about that don't you understand? I'm perfectly fine and I need to go RIGHT NOW."

The boy started to cough, covering his mouth with his hand. When he brought it away, Harry could see that it was considerably redder than before.

"You are in no condition to go anywhere, young man."

Harry could understand the nurse's point. He had no idea how the boy even managed to sit up at this point.

"Fine. I'll just find my own way out." The boy slowly managed to get out of bed and, leaning on the end of the bed, began to shuffle in the exact opposite direction of the door. Hermione had to stifle a giggle.

Wow. That guy was definitely full of surprises.

The nurse heard Hermione. "Can any of you talk some sense into this boy?" She asked, exasperated.

The three hurried over to him.

"Um.. Hi. I'm Harry Potter." Harry said, extending his hand to the boy.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Percy, Percy Jackson," said the boy, his voice hoarse. "Could you mind telling me where the Hades I am?"


"... and this school, Hogwarts, is still here, educating young witches and wizards. Does that answer your question?" finished Hermione.

Percy laughed, the sound quickly turning to coughing that racked his frame. "Yes, and all the other ones that I didn't even get a chance to ask."

Hermione blushed.

"It's okay. You actually remind me of Annabeth..." Percy trailed off. His eyes glittered with unshed tears. Clearly this Annabeth meant a lot to him. "Never mind. Could you bring me to Bu-Dumbledore?

"Sure thing," said Ron.

"Whoa, whoa. Are you sure that's a good idea?" asked Harry.

"What?" asked Percy, descending into another coughing fit.

Harry looked at him pointedly.

"Oh. Don't worry, I'm fine."

"No, you are not. At least wash off or something. I'll help you," Harry added.

"I'll do it on my own, thanks,"

"It's okay, really. Here, let me help." Harry moved to help him off the bed.

In a flash Percy was standing, fists balled in a fighting stance. "Don't touch me," he growled.

"Sorry," Harry said, slowly backing away with his hands in the air.

Percy dropped his hands and sat back down. "It's fine. I should be sorry. It's just... Never mind. By the way, could I borrow a shirt and pants or something? Mine are a little... ripped up..."

"Sure. Here, you can come to my room. There's a private bathroom you can use."


Harry and Percy left the room, Percy brushing off the nurse who tried to force him back into bed. He stumbled, and Harry caught him. Percy let Harry support him as they walked into the hallway.

Ron and Hermione shared a smile. They both knew these two would become good friends.

Only the nurse was annoyed. That kid was dirty. He had left blood and dirt all over the sheets, and she would have to spend the next 20 minutes cleaning it off. She sighed.