Part 16: We have all the Time in the World
We have all the time in the world. Time enough for life to unfold all the precious things love has in store. We have all the love in the world. If that's all we had, you will find we need nothing more. Every step of the way will find us with the cares of the world far behind us. We have all the time in the world just for love! Nothing more, nothing less, only love…
--Louis Armstrong, "On Her Majesty's Secret Service"
The Fellowship stayed only for a little while before Pluto and Boromir had to take them back to their own time and place. The Senshi blessed Aragorn's new kingship and upcoming marriage to Arwen ("If there is one," he noted, but everyone said their would be soon enough) and Ami and Legolas seemed determined to remain connected until the joined forces of Haruka, Makoto, Minako, Gimli, the Hobbits, and Aragorn were able to disconnect them after much pulling and pleading and pointing out that they could probably see each other later.
The circle of remaining Fellowship members gave their goodbyes, pried Ami and Legolas apart again and with a flash of light they were all gone. A moment later, Setsuna and Boromir came back to see Ami being comforted by pretty much everyone and anyone who was around.
"Ami-chan," Setsuna said, smiling calmly at her, "Don't worry. Legolas will come again, during the reign of Neo-Queen Serenity and Neo-King Endymion."
Haldir and Makoto seemed interested as well, and looked over at Boromir. The former Steward of Gondor nodded, "I did check, just to make sure that it was our world. You see, Middle Earth is the far past of the Earth you know. Back then, the world was still changing. In the end, the Elves began to head away, and will end up going through time to a place where everyone is 'undying'…Crystal Tokyo. The dwarves will recede into their mountains and the Earth, but will return one day shortly after Tokyo celebrates the second return of the Princess, Lady Serenity. As for Hobbits…I'm sure you know about them, hime."
"I do," Chibi-Usa said, "though I didn't hear the name Hobbits before. As a matter of fact, two of the older ones look a great deal like Frodo and Sam…it might be them!"
"Probably," Haldir said, "I heard from Lady Galadriel that Frodo, if he survived, might be granted sanctuary in the Undying, if he wanted it. Knowing Sam, he probably would join his friend as soon as he could get away with bringing Rosie and their children, or after she died."
"How do you know about Rosie?" Ami asked.
"I overheard him talking to 'someone' during the night."
"Anyway," Setsuna continued, "at one point, Legolas will be able to come to the Undying…"
"Crystal Tokyo," Ami said happily.
"And, by that time," Boromir added, "you'll probably be in retirement, so you two can…well…"
"Continue to do what we were doing before you two tried to 'wake' us up?"
Boromir and Setsuna turned red again.
"I will go to her land when I go to the Undying Lands?" Legolas asked Elrond when he saw the tall, dark-haired elf who gave away his daughter to Aragorn, now King Elessar of Gondor.
"So Pluto told me to tell you when I next saw you, on pain of bodily harm and various other things I won't mention at this moment. When you travel toward the Undying Lands at the time you decide, then you will travel through Time, as all Elves and those who travel with them will do, and in the end you will end up in a kingdom next to that of Crystal Tokyo. There you can continue with Elenaithil what Gimli and the others suspected you of doing." Elrond raised an eyebrow, "Is it true?"
"That depends on what you heard and what I feel like telling. Oh, by the way, Elrond, I'm sorry, but Elenaithil and I had some time to talk and we came to a conclusion about you."
"Green is not your color."
Years passed on Middle Earth and Earth as well. The Great Freezing happened, and soon everyone was restored by the power of the ginzuishou. Crystal Tokyo came and was a utopia, having only the Black Moon family to deal with before peace once more came. Pluto and Boromir married after a strange incident where the Senshi seemed to be sick from a past event and Chibi-Usa left to find out what happened, then appeared again. Haldir and Makoto also married shortly afterwards.
In Middle Earth, the Shire was rebuilt after the scourging by the forces of Saruman and Grima, and the four Hobbits who participated in the quest became local heroes. Frodo was elected Mayor, but in the end he left to go to the Undying lands with Gandalf and Elrond.
At the shore, Frodo spotted nine figures standing, dresses moving in the breeze as the ship finally came up and docked. They walked down and all bowed as the Elves, Wizard and Hobbit came off the ship.
"Konnochiwa, minna-san," the women said, each familiar to Frodo and Gandalf as well, only two known to Elrond.
"We welcome you to the Undying Lands," the women said, "We are the Princesses of the Planets, the ones who help with the rule of Crystal Tokyo. We are happy you have come here. Please," they motioned to the lands beyond. "we shall show you to your new homes."
Frodo smiled and followed Makoto along a path of green hills which reminded him a great deal of Hobbiton. At the end of a pathway was a small Hobbit-hole like Bag End, and Frodo looked around wide-eyed as he explored his old home. He could almost hear Bilbo walking up…
Frodo turned quickly and suddenly faced a slightly younger version of his uncle. Surprised and happy, Frodo yelled out, "Uncle Bilbo!"
"My boy!" the two embraced, Makoto watching from the small round door before closing it to let the two catch up on lost time. She walked down the green path to where Ami stood waiting.
"I'm glad we were able to get him here. I don't think Frodo was ever so happy."
Ami smiled as they walked along the pathway. "Well, I did meet Bilbo in Rivendell. He was a wonderful old Hobbit, and I'm happy that Serenity would bring him here. It seemed right, for the two who carried the Ring to be together again and to have a new lifetime worth of writing and adventuring."
Makoto nodded. "You're just waiting for Legolas, ne? I can understand that now. Though I'm happy that Mako-chan can take up my duties now with the others and I'm left with Haldir and my duties as the Queen of Jupiter."
Ami nodded. "That is true. I think I and Rei may be the last to find love. Minako seems to find it everywhere."
Makoto looked up the sky. "Well…Minako and Rei…"
"I'll tell you back at the castle. In the meantime, let's go and check on the others."
After the death of Aragorn, it is said that Legolas built a ship and sailed to the Undying Lands, and with him went Gimli the Dwarf.
At the first sign of land, and when they saw the woman standing there alone in the blue dress, her hair short and blowing in the wind, Legolas nearly leaped off the ship and all but swam to the dock, but Gimli was able to keep him back long enough to throw the line to some of the attendants on the dock before Legolas raced to embrace his lost love.
Gimli smiled as they hugged, oblivious to the rest of the world, and then looked over to see the young girl, much older then before when he had seen her as a kitten, standing nearby.
"Ah, Diana," Gimli said, "Can you show me to my home? I'm sure Ami can show Legolas the way."
"Gladly, Gimli-san," Diana told him, the two walking away. The lovers stood on the dock only a while longer before they, too, left for their new life together in Crystal Tokyo, the Undying Lands.
Author's End Notes: YES, I'm done with it! I know, short ending. But oh well. I'm not writing a sequel, though. This thing has given me enough troubles, and now I have to move it over to my website too. Urgh. Anyway, questions? Comments? Flames for cooking s'mores? I take them all. I just get annoyed with flames, especially bad ones. They don't cook s'mores very well, and I'm not going to lower myself to microwaving them.
But for now, bye bye! I am onto other fiction, mainly continuations of my Galaxy Soldiers stories, some Star Trek: Deep Space Nine stories, and my Myst stories. Please read! Anyway, bye-bye again!