You say

You say you love me,

Yet let go so easily.

You say I am your only love,

Yet such beauty surrounds you,

You say you need me,

But I know you'd survive without,

And perhaps even be stronger,

Without this vessel of doubt.

Then you argue that you want me,

Well, I can't argue against that,

But I can ask why?

Why caress me as though I am perfect?

Why treat me like a queen?

How many other girls have too whispered these lovely, empty words to?

She who came before me was gentler than I,

Beautiful and intelligent, off to study law,

I will be the angry girl, off to study politics,

Her route is logical, mine is fuelled by passion.

Please return to her, where you are happy and safe,

Please kiss her, as though I never existed,

Treat her like your queen, for I was a pretender,

Leave me to break on my own.