
Sup…Been a while. . . Im gonna try uploading once every week, cuzz i seriously don't have that much time to have fun anymore :/ Surrey but please do enjoy this chapter xD

He couldn't believe it. He just couldn't believe what was happening.

Po knew that Tigress had her charm at attracting pandas, but he didn't expect her to be flustered about it. Whenever they'd go visit the panda village, everyone seemed to be dazzled by the tigress. Even his father.

It had been a long and wearisome day, spent visiting a number of different pandas. Po had been completely worn by this, so he left Tigress alone with Lei Lei to go and rest at the hut they were staying in. The tiger shrugged him away, and before she knew it, it had turned to night, and all the pandas where starting to head home.

Tigress left to go rest as well, but a few of the pandas stopped her, and gave her a basket with a cloth covering the top of it. She thanked them for the offer, and just when she was about to question what it was they left her all alone, in front of the hut she was desired to go into. She walked up the few stairs, that was nothing in comparison to what they had in the valley of peace, and silently opened the door.

Tigress found Po sitting on the his bed, looking at a picture of him when he was a cub. There was another person besides him, and elder female panda. She was guessing that was his mom. When Po heard her settle down on her bed on the opposite side, he looked up from the picture with a questioning look.

"Where have you been?" demanded the dragon warrior. "I have had no-one to talk to all day!''

"I have been visiting some of the other pandas, man they sure know how to spend the day. '' Tigress answered, and stretched. She put the basket down besides the bed, and policed over to it.

"What have you got there?"

"Got where? This?" She tapped the crane of the basket, "It´s from Lei Lei´s house. I haven't opened it yet."

Po pouts down at the basket, then crosses his arms. ´´Lei Lei never gives me presents," he said. Tigress picked up the basket and gently took away the cloth onto. ''It´s a cake'' She simply answered. They made it and gave me a sixth piece of it.''

''What kind of cake is it?''


Another day has gone by, and so far Tigress has been receiving much more love than before. She had been receiving a ton of presents, hugs and compliments, meanwhiles Po was on the side looking at her, his fame going down town. He had nearly lost it when some pandas even started flirting with her. Just small compliments, nothing to bad right?

Nope, everything was bad! real bad! He could even see how happy amused she was, with her paw on her hip and soft eyes looking at the all the pandas in front of her.

''Maybe you should stop them before they take her.'' Li shan´s voice cut trough his head, and he looked up from the tigress he had been staring at all day. He gave his real father a questioning look, and the elder panda shrugged. ''Just a suggestion.''

And Po took that suggestion, as he stood up and walked over to her. And at that moment he had realised something. This was all bad because he hadn´t done anything. You can't just leave something and come back to it after a while.

''Okay! Thats enough for today!'' He called out to the other pandas as he separated her from them. ''No more flirting with MY Tiger!''

Crappy chapter, i know. Im just a bit sorry for not uploading anything for nearly 6 months! Sooorryyyyyyy!