I think I will stick to this quick update of chapters as long as I'm able to! Thank you again for all your support everyone.

Chapter 31

The calm, quiet and peace…

…All before that of a storm

Natsu and Lucy had headed towards the castle at full speed, realizing how late it had become. Their escapade was no longer secret and immediately upon their arrival, both were ushered to their respective chambers.

"You obviously are not happy, but try to bear with it." Gray spoke, breaking the silence of the workroom. It was a rare occasion that Natsu and Gray were left alone and they hadn't uttered a single word against the other, owing to the constant scratching of the pen on the pile of paperwork. Natsu didn't look from the documents as he answered, "I don't care if they come or not. I just don't understand why now. There's obviously something more to it."

"There's no way anyone could know that Lucy and Levy have come along with us. It's not even known to the soldiers, and Juvia has seen to it that the maids who know have no contact with outside. And by what Juvia had been saying, it seems that those maids are totally mesmerized by your fiancee, so hardly any chance that they would let the cat out."

Natsu mumbled, "She's not my fiancee yet." which Gray waved away, "Technicalities. Anyways what I had been saying was that they don't know that we have fairies here."

Natsu argued, "But why the formal letter then? If Dimaria wanted to visit, she could have told anyone anytime anyway. It's not like she has never dropped by suddenly uninvited. Why send her family sealed letter? Obviously to ensure that she comes here by any means."

Gray didn't say anything for a long time. Natsu, being his age old friend, immediately realized, "What is it? Just say it."

Gray stopped inspecting the documents and asked in a serious tone, "It had been all settled, right?"

Natsu sighed and dropped his work as well, "Of course. I had made it as clear as possible. Anyways, it had been a mutual decision. We knew that it wasn't going to work on that level. And now, after Lucy, I can't be more sure. Wipe that foolish smug from your face ice-head! It's not like it's anything unknown to you, thanks to Juvia!"

Gray smirked, "But you matured really fast. What if you hadn't gone to Tenrou and met Lucy?" to which Natsu instantly replied, "I can't even imagine that. Is this how it is supposed to feel? At such an intensity?"

Gray shrugged it off with a simple reply, "If it's meant to be, then yes."

Before resuming the work Natsu added, "Take care of her Gray. I'm going to have my hands full with trouble the following days. Be with her if I cannot."

Gray acknowledged the authoritative tone and complied seriously "Yes denka." and added gently, "Don't worry. We are all there for both of you Natsu. Everyone adores her almost as much as you do. And..we have Erza here this time. Did you tell her everything?"

"And got my fair share of nagging as well don't you worry. I really wanted to avoid letting her know. But I didn't have a choice."

"What did she say?"

"You mean after scolding the hell out of me? She was relieved that I let her know in advance."

"It must have been difficult."

Natsu snorted, "Difficult doesn't even cover it! Thankfully I had Jellal there with me so he didn't let me get into as much pinch as I would have been if it were Erza alone.."

"You told Jellal as well?!"

"What other option did I have?! Erza would have killed me if not for him!" Natsu muttered.

Gray stayed silent for a moment before asking, "Does..Lucy know as well?"

Natsu almost jumped off his seat, "HELL NO! What do you take me for?!"

Gray retaliated back, "I don't know myself! How would I know what goes in that furnace brain of yours?!"

Natsu shouted, "What the hell did you say ice-brain?!"

"Didn't you hear flame-brain? Or are you now flame-eared as well?!"

"As much as I'd let you both fight to your hearts' content, we have a hell lot of work to do kids, so behave" Gildarts interrupted both of them, barging in and piling stacks of documents in the center of the room, "I was thinking to let you both rest a while, but you seem so giddy and active..so better finish all of these as well. The old man is going to take his rest. Night!" and went out before any of the two could utter a syllable.

They stayed silent for a while before Gray muttered, "We messed up, didn't we?"

Natsu laughed, "Not for the first time!"


"Hmm?" Lucy looked up from her desk at her friend who was doing her share of writing on her bed in Lucy's room.

"Did Natsu say anything? Regarding the 'guests' who are coming, to be more specific?"

Lucy halted a bit before replying, "They were his childhood friends Levy-chan. They would be understanding."

"His exact words?"

"Yes, don't you worry."

"Hmm.. 'Were' his friends..what about now?"

"Would you stop being so paranoid?!"

Levy removed her spectacles and said, "If you would stop neglecting this issue, I would. Come on Lu-chan. I know you are worried. Why didn't you ask Natsu more about them?"

"He already has enough on his plate. Anyway, I didn't want him to be uncomfortable, it was obvious that he is very much distressed about it."

"As he should be. We all knew it wasn't going to be easy, and he brought you here, proposed you, made you stay here. He should take the responsibility."

"Doesn't mean I can't help him. I'm equally at fault here."

Levy sighed, "I can't help but feel that it's going to be a real headache from tomorrow onwards. And for once, I wish I am wrong."

"So do I Levy-chan…"

"You should sleep Erza, you have been working since early morning." Jellal said softly, stroking the red-hair of his lover as she lay curled up against him.

"So have you. You are the one who must be more exhausted. I have been indoors, almost all paper work..you must have been tired from all that ruckus outside."

Jellal shrugged it off, "Laxus and I had it covered. Did not have much to do except revise the borders, strengthen security, more focusing on internal security, taking care of the emergency alert team.."

Erza interrupted him, "And a lot more of the same work." and sighed.

Jellal scrunched his brows in confusion at her reaction and looked down at her, "What is it?"

Erza raised herself half up on his chest to stare into the dark gray irises, "It's not good if both the..umm..both partners are workaholic.."

Jellal chuckled, "How is it not good? Means we are compatible. It's good for us."

Erza didn't reply, which made Jellal to cup her cheek with his hand, "What is it?"

Erza whispered, "I'm worried.."

"Regarding what? Tomorrow? Don't worry Erza, it will all be fine."

"No..it's not that.."

"Then? What has you worried?"

"Us..I'm worried about us.."

Jellal clearly was taken aback. He thought for a while and asked, "Did anyone say anything to you? It's unusual of you to worry about these things."

"No..no one said anything.."

"Did I miss any cue when you talked about us being workaholic?" to which Erza nodded in affirmative. Jellal sighed and brushed her scarlet bangs out of her eyesight to look clearly into her eyes, "You don't have to worry Erza, we will be just fine. We always have been. And, this just means how much we understand each other. And we always have loved our works equally..unless..I misunderstood you at any point of time and.." Erza shushed him with a finger on his lips before it got out of hand. Trust Jellal to know exactly what to do when the kingdom goes in crisis but be a total daft when she tried to be subtle at saying the news. She traced his lips and went down his neck to play with his see-through shirt that was a makeshift of a simple night dress, "No doubt we both love our work.. But then who would take care of our baby who would arrive in less than six months from now?"

The news made Jellal suck a breath in surprise. Erza was still deliberately playing with his shirt's button, not looking at him, clearly worried about his reaction.

The day had been a hell of one! She'd had sickness for the past few days, waving it off as overeating or mild food poisoning. But today she knew she had a tons of work to complete, so had thought of going to Wendy for a medicine. A quick visit to her, checking of her pulse and internal energy had resulted in a worried expression on the young girl's face. Which had been Erza's state as well when Wendy had suggested her to go for a checkup to a gynaec-expert. Wendy had been kind enough to accompany her when she went for a check-up and had been soothing her after the obvious conclusion was reached. There hadn't been any doubts. She and Jellal had their share of moments when they had been reckless, desperate enough to totally forget about protection, and everything else for that matter, other than making love to each other, sometimes fucking each other, depending upon their moods and the situation. But the upset had lasted only for some minutes, slowly turning into awe and glee of her condition. Though babies hadn't been in their agenda, the moment she knew of the life that she and Jellal had created, now budding inside her; she was sure that there was no other option other than taking care and welcoming the precious little baby into the world. She wouldn't have it any other way.

Erza knew it was a bit unfair to Jellal, dropping the bombshell of a news on him suddenly, especially now when they had so many other things to take care of, so she just waited until he calmed down. Knowing Jellal, he would never do anything that would disappoint her..but she couldn't help but feel anxious for his reaction.

Jellal broke the silence, "Three months?"


"Since when did you know"

"Today only. It hadn't been overeating like I had thought for the past few days."


His short statements did nothing to calm her nerves. As each second passed, she tried to calm herself and remind herself not to overreact in case Jellal said anything inappropriate; she owed him that much at least.

Therefore the sudden flipping over the bed so that she was laying on her back and staring at his dark gray eyes surprised her as much as the morning's report.

Jellal said huskily, his voice heavy from both the happiness and lust, "Time for a small celebration then, and also to enjoy your undivided attention while I still can."

Erza chuckled and put her hands in his hair, bringing him closer, "Did you know when I was small I wanted to have at least four kids of my own."

Jellal almost but ripped his shirt then helping Erza take out the slip off her he said, "As many as you want. I'm at your service!"

And that's it! Heeheehee..I was thinking of continuing, but sorry lemon-lovers; you'd have to wait a bit more! It would have been unfair for our protagonists otherwise! Well..as the chapter's name suggests, it is the prelude of the main events. And I hope you all remember Dimaria (the manga readers). For the ones who haven't read the completed FT manga, no worries. You wouldn't know anything less or miss anything as the story progresses.

I had been thinking to directly jump, but thought it would ease the flow of story more if I proceeded like this. I know it is but sidelines, but I loved writing these interactions. All three of them, Natsu-Gray, Lucy-Levy and most of all Jellal-Erza. I hope you liked them as well. But for the ones impatient, I would work hard to satisfy and meet your expectations as soon as possible and with my best capabilities. I guess many would have guessed how things would proceed, and if you don't; well..enjoy the suspense! Because I do! So I would again thank you all for your patience and support and hope to update soon.