Another story finished. I hope there aren't to many mistakes this time. Writing in English is so hard!
This story contains boy x boy. If you don't like it, then don't read.
Diodeshipping is the name for Ash (Satoshi) x Clemont (Citron)
This is not a one-shot. I plan to write at least one other chapter.
No one's pov
Serena, Bonnie, Ash and Clemont arrive at the pokémon center. Serena's next performing battle takes place in this town. Tomorrow is the big day for her. This gave her another chance to win a princes key. Everyone settled down and starts to enjoy themselves. Serena starts to train. Clemont works on his new invention. Bonnie is playing outside with Dedenne and Ash decides to have a special training session. Everything seems perfect.
"That performance looks great. I see you have worked a lot."
She knew that voice. "Miette?! Thank you. I assume you are here for the performing battle to?"
Miette smiles. "Yes and I'm going to win."
The brunette smirks. "I think I will win. I won't go easy on you."
The girls start to discuss, each of them trying to prove they had grown a lot.
After a while it starts to get boring. Miette changes the subject.
"We both think we're good, the battle tomorrow will decide who the winner is. I have an important question for you."
Serena got curious. "What is it?"
"I saw Ash training when I walked to the Pokémon center. Are you and Ash a couple?"
Serena blushes. "No, why do you ask?"
This made Miette very happy. "So I have a chance then. You're too slow Serena."
The fight was on. The two girls start to challenge each other.
"I haven't confessed to him but we travel together. I'm sure he likes me. It's just a matter of time."
"You are so weak. Have you ever tried something?"
"Tried something? What do you mean?" Serena asks.
Miette couldn't believe it. Serena traveled with him and she never tried something to get his attention? This competition looks so easy to win.
"You can do a lot to get a boy his attention. You can flirt with him, kiss him and hug him. You can give him a massage when he's stressed for his next gym battle. Buy him presents. Say your back hurts so he would give you a massage. You really didn't try anything of this? I can't believe it."
Serena didn't like this. She was too scared to try anything. She hoped Ash loved her and would take the lead. It hadn't happened, he only cared about his battles and being friends.
"What do you suggest then?" She asks.
Miette starts to think. "I have a plan."
Serena gets curious. "Can you tell me about it?"
"Yes, Ash never denies a challenge. We can dare him to kiss someone, with tongue of course. He can choose whoever he wants. We make sure we are both next to him when this happens. The person he kisses wins. The kiss is the prize. I think we both want that."
Serena thought about it. This plan, it was great. She hopes Ash would kiss her.
"Wait, I don't think Ash ever kissed someone before. He never mentioned it. What if he's too afraid and refuses to do this?" the brunette asks.
"Then we tease him about it. Believe me, he won't have a choice."
The girls agree on the plan. They start to figure out when and how they were going to do this.
Ash his pov
Ash finishes his special training. He is satisfied and returns back to the Pokémon center. When he arrives the two girls greet him.
"Hello Ash" They both say.
"Hello girls, Miette are you here for the performing battle?"
Miette smirks. "Yes I am."
"Good luck to both of you. I'm looking forward to it."
"Ash, I have a question for you." Miette tried to look innocent.
"Okay, what is it?" the pokémon master asks.
"Have you ever kissed someone before?"
He didn't expect this. Ash never kissed someone before but he didn't want the girls to know. If they told it to their friends everyone will know. That was not something he looked forward to.
"Why do you ask? I won't tell it to you anyway."
Serena listens to the conversation. Miette is really good, I hope this will work.
"I see. You never kissed someone before, haven't you?"
This is bad. What should I do? If I tell the truth they will go and gossip about it. Maybe I can say I did. They have no proof to say otherwise. That's seems like a good idea.
Ash tries to look confident when he talks. "I had my first kiss a while ago. It doesn't matter. Why do you want to know?"
Miette starts to heat up things a little bit. "I don't believe you. If you really had your first kiss then you won't mind showing us you know how to kiss?"
Ash looks at Miette. "Is this a joke?"
"No, it's not. I challenge you to kiss someone. I don't care who it is but you have to do it now. Prove me you know how to kiss. Before I forget, you have to kiss with tongue. You want to be a Pokémon master but you're afraid for a kiss? Are you scared?"
"I'm not scared!"
"Then do it!"
What the hell is this all about? I don't know what to do. If I don't do it everyone will think I'm a coward. If I tell the truth about my first kiss that I didn't had they will laugh. This is so mean, is this why girls always have fights? Stay Calm Ash, what are your options? I don't want to kiss anyone, but I have no choice.
Option one: Miette. I don't think this is a good idea. She's challenging me. I think she knows how to kiss. If I kiss her she can tell everyone that I am a bad kisser.
Option two: Serena. I don't like this. She didn't defend me when Miette started this challenge. Maybe they are planning this together. Girls, I never understand them. See, this is the reason I never felt in love with a girl before. They are mean.
These two are not an option. What else can I do? They said I can kiss anyone. Is that, Clemont? He's working on one of his inventions. He's a good friend. I don't mind kissing him. He won't tell everyone if I'm a bad kisser. I never thought about this but he's very attractive. How his hands move over his invention. He's so smart and kind.
I remember this moment. I had bought this magazine that had some articles in it about kissing. I was curious and wanted to know how it works. Clemont found it and asked me about it. We admitted we never kissed someone before. We both got curious and started to read the magazine together. Clemont asked me if there was a person I'd like to kiss. I told him I didn't knew. He told me he wanted his first kiss with a good friend or the person he's in love with.
That's it. Clemont thinks I'm a good friend. So I can kiss him and he won't get mad. This is perfect. For the kiss I can use the advice from that magazine.
The kiss has to be with tongue? That's not going to be easy.
Ash made his decision. When he walks to Clemont he surprises both girls.
He is very nervous but manages to say something. "Hey Clemont."
The inventor turns around. "Hey Ash. Is there something wrong?"
Ash hesitates. "Yes, the girls gave me this challenge. Do you mind helping me?"
Clemont is curious. "Not at all. How can I help you?"
The inventor feels Ash push his lips against his. He feels him move closer. Ash moves one arm to Clemont his back. He uses his free hand to play with Clemont's hair. Then the nerd feels something pushing against his lips.