Wow I know it's been awhile since I posted this story, I have had major writer's block with it but I hope that you are still interested. Who else loved the Rollins vs Balor match last night? I was disappointed that Seth didn't win the title I for one think that he deserved it.

It had been a wild ride the last couple of years for the Lopez household Seth had taken on more of a role with creative and was working with Paul (Triple H) more backstage. His wrestling academy Black and Brave was very successful and he also devoted a lot of time to that along with his wife and his kids. They were growing faster than he liked he couldn't believe that Aubrey was going to start Kindergarten this year and that the twins we now toddlers who were so full of energy that they kept him on his toes. They truly were his sons in every sense of the word with their dark brown curls and chocolate eyes and their constant need to wrestle each other and jump off the furniture. They loved going with their daddy to the gym and especially to Black and Brave and getting to play in the ring with him and their Uncle Joe and Uncle Jon. It was usually Jackson who was now 6 and Lucas who was now 3 and Ethan and Eli who were now 2 against their daddy's they were called the Shield 2.0. Aubrey was still a daddy's girl but she also loved doing girly things with her mommy now also like going to get their nails done and playing Barbie dolls and she was taking ballet classes. Her daddy called her his little ballerina and he had even been to a couple of her recitals where he would bring her flowers that made her feel really special. It was Summerslam Weekend and it was being held in New York and Colby and Neysa had decided to bring the kids for the weekend since it would be the last time they could do it for awhile since Aubrey was going to be starting school.

Colby and Neysa were sitting in the airport waiting on their flight as Neysa was handing out snacks to keep the kids occupied until it was time to board the plane. Seth was scrolling through is phone checking his messages and making sure everything was in order for when they arrived at the hotel. He had some interviews to do and he was supposed to help Paul out with NXT Takeover on Saturday Night. He was interrupted by his daughter when she shook his leg trying to get his attention

"Daddy, it's stuck it won't play anymore" Aubrey said as she handed Colby the Ipad.

"Let me see" Colby said as he took the IPad and saw that it had lost the Wi-Fi signal and he got it back and handed it back to Aubrey "It's all fixed baby girl"

"Thanks daddy and I'm not a baby anymore" Aubrey said as she continued to watch her movie.

"You will always be daddy's baby girl" Colby said as he leaned over and kissed her on the top of her head.

"Elijah Lopez you stop that right now little boy" Neysa said sternly as Eli looked up from what he was doing at his mommy and Neysa laid her head on Colby's shoulder "I'm tired and we haven't even gotten on the plane yet".

"You are super mommy and have been going since before the crack of dawn this morning" Colby replied as he leaned down and kissed her on the temple.

Colby looked over at Eli who was still dropping his goldfish on the ground "Eli, mommy just told you to stop doing that, I want you to get down bring me those goldfish then your going to pick those off from the ground and put them in the garbage"

"Why does he listen to you and not me?" Neysa asked as she saw Eli toddle over and give Colby his snack.

"Because I'm the daddy" Colby replied with a smile

Colby had a interview and a VIP Meet and greet to do with Joe and Jon so they decided to bring the boys along.

"Welcome to Off the Ropes with Jonathon Coachman, I'm here with WWE Superstars Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose who look like they have some guests with them.

"These are my sons, Ethan and Eli who are 2 Seth said with a smile, This is my son Jackson who is 6 Roman said with a grin and this is my son Lucas who is 3 Dean laughed.

"We like to call them the Shield 2.0 the future" Seth said with is smirk as he ruffled Ethan's hair.

"So tell me boys who wins the matches you or your dads?" Coach asked

"We do because their old" Jackson replied with a huge smile.

"I like it already talking the smack" Coach said with a huge smile and nod of the head.

"Did you expect anything less from our boys?" Dean said with his laugh

After the interview was done Colby, Joe and Jon took the boys to the VIP meet and greet and let them met some of the fans and they really thought they were hot stuff especially Jackson. A lot of pictures were taken by WWE of the boys with their dads and the photographer was going to share them with the marketing team to see if they could come up with a advertising campaign. Colby noticed that the twins were getting tired it had been a very busy day for them. He laid their blankets down behind the autograph table and laid them down gave them their passy's and they fell asleep. He looked over and saw that Lucas was sitting in Jon's lap with his sippy cup almost asleep as Jon was trying to sign autographs. Jackson was the only one that was up and about and he was having a good time greeting all of the kids and introducing them to his dad. Colby smiled as he thought about the first time the Shield had an autograph signing and now that they were husbands and fathers what a wild ride it had been.