This a Naruto and Star Wars fan fiction only.

I found the trip to the Arms Factory to be uneventful truth be told, and thanks to my shadow clones I was able to complete plenty of things that both helped people, gained their trust and in some cases become quite loyal to me.

I also learned a lot of things I didn't know and gained a lot of information and practice doing things I never had much experience doing, everything from negotiations to rebuilding something some people thought of as impossible.

As I fought against the Rebels, and they soon realized that it was far better to leave me to walk by without picking a fight with me or I would end up harming if not outright killing the idiots that pick a fight with me.

This made the situation rather both boring and mundane, I had no one to fight, the rebels after I got through and into the trenches, realized like I said, that fighting against me was both futile and a suicide attempt all rolled into one.

The actually instead of fighting against me became rather friendly, and some of them would even give me directions to the Arms Factory, to someone else this might seem strange to say the least, one minute I am an Imperial enemy and the next they were as sociable as if I had been that person's neighbor for years.

Vette was smiling and laughing as we walked through the trenches that had claimed so many Imperial lives, she found it hilarious that some of the rebels greeted us with a smile and some others simply waved their hands in a sign of universal greetings.

"Well Naruto at least we are making a good time, why are you so quiet? Is something the matter? If you tell me you know I will help you if I can. So come on Big bro, what is eating you?"

I looked at Vette and began shaking my head, "Is it just me or are we getting a much wider area of personal space than we got when we landed on this planet? We are walking through trenches with dead bodies of allies and enemy all over the place, but the second they see us they keep fighting each other but completely ignore us or treat us like we should really hurry along and not bother them."

I looked at yet another rebel drinking something from his canteen and the man doesn't even bother to look at us, he just drinks his water, I hope that is water and pretends he didn't even see us. "This entire situation is ridiculous so let me tell you. Sure the Imperial laws are tougher, and punishments are harsher, no denying that, but don't they realize that thanks to those as they call them cruel rules they are actually safer?"

Vette looked at me like I was crazy, "Piracy is down in Imperial held sectors, Kidnapping is a death offense, well most of them are, Drug sales are regulated and people don't overdose as much, Murder and Theft is down, well some Sith actually do them, but by citizens it is down."

" They rather live under the Galactic Republic? A place that has so many useless, greedy senators, that they take a vote to even think about taking a vote to consider a problem, and if that incident doesn't have anything to do with their sector of space they expect either a bribe or they just don't care at all. Nothing gets done with a system like that."

Vette looked at me as we actually made it to the Arms Factory, "Of course you would say that Naruto, your father is on the Dark Council, of course, you would love the way the Empire does things, I wouldn't be surprised if you actually wished that one day you could actually be a member of the Dark Council yourself."

Knowing what my father goes through every single day, I would say that is not exactly true, I would work with the Dark Council true, but be a member of that? I would sooner go to Hutta and open a bar. I am not kidding, it would be far less stressful than being in the Dark Council.

To me it was nothing short of a miracle that the members of the Dark Council don't try to murder each other, all the members were actually in it for themselves, my father not being the exception, the only thing is that it might not be as selfish because his way of thinking was not to the extreme than the other Dark Council members.

According to father, the way he was simple, to ensure the Empire was an honorable, with fair laws and protection of the people made for loyal and appreciative citizenry, the second aspect was that they actually felt safe and would not need to worry about the safety or health of themselves or those they care about, all this made for largely an Empire that is loyal and productive, which in terms of some points almost becomes self-sufficient.

Meaning the Sith would have only one actual duty in the system as dear old dad wanted, the duty would be enforcers and judges of the Imperial Laws. This would allow the Sith to actually spend time more efficiently, the only problem was that some Sith were only thinking of their power gain, and to hell with the consequences, take Darth Baras for instance, I know he is my master, but to kill good loyal spies because they might expose you to me was and will always be both selfish and wasteful.

As we walked into the Arms Factory I was not expecting to see the very person I had a picture off, a Miriluka female, who just happens to be dressed in the garb of a Jedi. "So you finally made it here, how nice of you to finally make it. You and I have some unresolved issues, I got a bone to pick with you. How dare you using a mind trick and getting the resistance to think I am a Sith pretending to be a Jedi!"

I looked at her and began shaking my head, "Look I don't know what your major problem with that is, I didn't exactly have a wonderful time on this planet either, to make it here I pretty much had to pretend to be a Jedi, so I gathered you didn't enjoy the grief and obstacles the resistance placed in your way, is that it?"

She looked at me and then looked at Vette, "Pretty much what you just said, they did everything in their power to get in my way, but I am a Jedi Knight, they just didn't realize what they were getting themselves into. I should not be that angry with those fools since you are the cause of all my problems, to begin with."

I looked at her and began to feel that I needed to laugh, "Oh, this is ridiculous, you are angry, whatever happened to your precision Code? There is no emotion, there is peace. How is it that I am absolutely at peace with everything I have done, yet you are frothing at the mouth in rage? Honestly, do you think your Jedi Master would approve of this? I certainly don't think so."

She looked at me and threw a large flaming barrel at me with a force throw, well that was simply rude. "I did use a mind trick, I did make them think that I am a Jedi and doing so saved countless of lives that otherwise, I would have to hurt or even kill. I did not do it to make you angry, I did do it to save lives, now be honest which of us actually is walking in the light?"

I took my lightsaber and just cleaned the hilt before placing it on my belt. "I honestly have no desire to attack you at all, I am just trying my best to save a man who is so wrongfully accused and his men, give them a chance to live within the Empire as spies to promote peace and understanding. Honestly, if my Master could hear this he would either want to kill me or throw up his lunch."

She looked at Vette and then at me again, it seems she was not expecting this at all. "Sith are supposed to be the embodiment of evil, selfish, cruel, vicious, love to cause pain and suffering, well you at least cause me quite a bit of stress and pain I can certainly say that much, but to do it to save the lives of the very people that want to break free from the Empire, could you please explain that to me."

I looked at her and smiled, "I would be happy to, you see the Empire is not such a horrible place as you might think, we got a few people in high positions that are evil, but then again what government doesn't have those, I live and breath to promote justice, the safety of the citizens of the Empire, and peace and well-being towards all the citizens of the Empire, or at the very least all those I can help. It is my one joy in life, to make sure people be able to live a good and decent life."

"But in all honesty I could never be a Jedi because your code is too restrictive, you lack the challenge and proper training, I have to constantly fight against myself, to control my emotions and never to give in to my base instincts, this practice alone gives me a much stronger connection to the force than you can imagine."

"I am a Sith, yet I walk in the light, I use my skills to injure and sometimes kill, but never for selfish or simply out to cause pain, always to defend, in a sense my very angry Jedi I live in balance with myself and the force. I don't intend to destroy the Republic, they are doing that themselves without my interference. I don't hate the Jedi, your order is like cousins to us. It is tragic when cousins fight over a such a small misunderstanding."

After my long monologue I think she is even angrier than she was before, "Let me get this straight, you do not hate me, and you only did this to me to save lives, lives I ended up mostly killing on my way here, and you have no desire to injure you, you go as far as to say the Jedi Order and the Sith are cousins."

She jumped at me and if it wasn't for my training I could have been cut in half by her lightsaber, "Well my dear cousin, you might not want to kill me, but I certainly want and need to kill you. The only piece a Sith piece of garbage like you deserve is the peace of the grave, but I secretly hope you are sent to a flaming inferno to suffer for all eternity, now that is a nice image to think about."

Vette looked at her and then at me from a distance, "Why is she called a benevolent Jedi when she is acting like such a raging psycho? I mean you are a Sith and you are the kindest person I ever was known."

That made her even angrier, "Way to go, sis, you just had to add another few gallons of fuel to the raging fire. Please just try to remain safe and quiet, while I try to disable her." She told her if she didn't shut her mouth she was going to be next after she got done with me, that did it, I don't like it when people threaten my little surrogate sister.

I used the force and sent lighting through the control nearby, they activated and grabbed the Jedi, they applied enough pressure to knock her out. Just as she fell from the grip of the massive metal claw a group of Imperial Soldiers appeared.

"Sir, Lieutenant Quinn sent us to apprehend the Jedi that was heard that wanting to kill you." I looked at the trooper and pushed my holographic communicator. A small image of Quinn appeared on the small device in my hand.

"Quinn you are to take custody of this Jedi, treat her wounds and then after the proper recording of her fingerprints and photo identification is taken care of, you will arrange for her to be sent to the Jedi Council, the planet Tython I would think. Men treat this young lady, she has been under a lot of stress. I suggest restraints and a muzzle for your safety and hers."

The image looked at me as stoic as ever, "It shall be done my lord, do you require any more soldiers to act as backup?" I told him there was no need, I was actually just going to deal with matters in a civil manner, and as such, I was in no danger, I wished the troops a safe trip back to Sobrik. They each did an imperial salute and they took the unconscious Jedi with them.

I walked through the factory, a long and dark corridor was where we had to go, Vette looked at me with an almost confused look on her face it was when we were in the middle of the hallway that she finally decided to tell me what was bothering her.

"Why would you treat the enemy with such kindness Master?" I knew that we could be overheard and decided to answer in the role I was playing. "Padawan, they may be our enemy today, but one day your life could depend on them later, cruelty is not our way, life is precious we must save as many as we can, and never forget that if you kill an enemy you might harm more than that person. Always look towards a peaceful solution and take life only when it is necessary and there is no other alternative."

As we walked into the large chamber that it was no doubt a droid assembly line, I looked at the soldiers all who were ready to open fire it seems, I guess my Sith robes made them nervous, but it was until the officer we were planning to meet saw us that he came towards us and greeted us as a friend he had not seen in a long time."

"Impeccable disguise my friend, I should really not expect anything else from a member of the Jedi Order. Men you can relax this Jedi has dressed in Sith Armor as a means to pass through the enemy, he must have some important business on this planet to risk himself like this."

I looked at him and nodded my head, "Indeed I and my padawan have some important things to discuss with you and possibly will affect you and your men's current deployment orders. I, however, must discuss them first in private, is there a place where we can ensure nobody will listen to our conversation?"

One of the soldiers pointed out that there was a soundproof room nearby that was used for blaster testing. "Very well Commander Rylon, if you please, we need to first discuss a few things in private, now if you please follow me to the soundproof chamber, Padawan ensure that the men do not let their curiosity get the better of them, why don't you asked them for a few interesting stories."

She smiled and told me she would do just that, as soon as the door was closed the officer seems to relax, "I know why you have been sent my Lord, you are no doubt the Apprentice of Darth Baras, I suspect that he has sent you to eliminate me, if he did he must have good reason, probably thinks I am a security risk for the Empire, with that blabbermouth I got for a son I really shouldn't be that surprised, if anything I am surprised he has not sent someone sooner."

I looked at him, "Rylon you have done exemplary work in maintaining the peace and saved the lives of countless people both Imperial and Republic. Yes, my master thinks that you are a threat to his spy network, I, however, think that ending the life of such a capable officer is a tragedy if not an absolute act of a traitor."

"What I propose we do is simple, you and your men will fake their own demise, we have enough explosives to more than likely make such a thing happen, I will tell your men that you and your men will go undercover and pretend to be servants in the house of a Sith, there you will gather information about possible weaknesses to the Empire, and gain information about Imperial protocol and culture."

He looked at me and began to nod his head, "Yes, that could actually work. Who is supposed to be the Sith that will gain these many servants? What Sith could possibly allow my men to work undercover like this?"

I, of course, held my hand to my own chest, "That is simple, I shall be the one to provide you with such an opportunity, I will explain that my work in understanding the enemy has placed me in a position to be in a long-term undercover mission. My identity will remain secret, the only one they will know is my supposed fake identity as the son of a Dark Council member."

We both worked on the possible explanation and sure enough, when we told the men they accepted without even a moment's hesitation. We faked the death of him and the others, we then used a ship from a smuggler friend of mine and that got them off the planet and would transport them to my estate. For all intents and purposes, Commander Rylon and his men died in the line of duty.

As we made it back to Sobrik we were met by Lieutenant Quinn, he told us that the Jedi had been treated and sent to Tython as I had instructed and that my Master wanted to have a world with me. I hope that my training to shield my mind was successful otherwise Baras would know what happened to Rylon and his men.

Rylon and his men would have reconstructive surgery as a means to hide their identity, it turns out the research that I helped keep safe and the fact that Lord Grathan was grateful would make this a possibility. Like I told Vette life is precious, if Baras thinks it necessary to kill these operatives I think they are indispensable.

He wishes to eliminate them off his spy network, well it only means that I have to start building my own network, but unlike them, the people that serve in this network are people, not disposable pawns. "So Apprentice I see that your mission has been a success, we have no time to lose, return to your ship immediately we much work ahead of us."