Sup, guys! : p

I was really excited to let you guys read this chapter as soon as possible... I don't really think it's that good... but, anyway, hopefully you'll like it!

Actually, the thing is... my betareader is on a break and I've no help from her, soooooo, my chapters might be a little bad at grammar... so, please, cope up with it! Sorry! But I've tried my best to correct all the mistakes I found while re-reading! Hope you guys understand my problem! *peace sign*

Anyway, anyway, go and read it! (I know, the chapter name of this chapter is similar to chapter 2 of IOLY! I'm really, really, not good at naming chapters!)

Chapter - 23

Surprise or Surprise!

"Hey, c'mon! Tell us what you're planning!" I heard Leaf groan.

I could feel everyone's eyes at me. I did feel a bit uncomfortable with all of them piercing their eyes through me! I grinned, "Okay, so, first...Drew and May, this is the place where you can continue making out... No one's gonna interrupt!" I winked at them, coyly.

May yelled, embarrassed, "Dawn! Don't say it in such a vulgar way!"

Drew turned to May as he grabbed her hand and started walking away. "Since, you gave us the permission... we're not going to let you down!" He winked back before disappearing into the bushes. Though, May seemed a bit flustered but went with him, nonetheless.

Of course, who would say no to making out with your boyfriend! ...Man, how badly I want a boyfriend, now..!

I laughed as I cupped my mouth, "Don't go very far away or else you won't be able to see, what I want you to!" I heard a distant, "okay" from Drew.

I cheekily, went to Leaf and whispered in her ear, "Leaf, you remember the dare which I gave you, yesterday, right?"

She blushed as she replied, glaring at me, "Y-yeah, unfortunately, I do."

"Good," I said. "You can go a bit further away from us, along with Gary and complete your mission there." I smirked.

"Ugh, and here, I was doing a mental celebration thinking that you had forgotten about it!" She said, annoyed.

I grinned. "You never let go of me, so why would I?"

"You're a devil, y'know?"

"I know! Now, go!"

She nodded, still flustered. Piplup jumped down from my arms since he went with Pikachu to pluck some berries for themselves.

I saw Gary talking to Ash, so I went to him and held his hand. "Can I borrow him for a sec?" I asked Ash, who nodded in response.

I took him away from Ash and Gary questioned, "What's up, Dawn? What is that you want to talk to me about, so privately?"

"Bent a little down!" I instructed, since he was taller than me. I cupped my hand over his ear and whispered, "Remember, my challenge, yesterday?" He nodded. "Hm, so be ready to do it, now...or else.." I trailed off.

He brought his hands to his face, "Alright, alright. I get it." He then, asked, hesitantly, "Are you sure that.. Leaf won't be upset about it?" He rubbed the back of his neck, while giving a side glance at the brunette.

I shrugged, "How am I supposed to know that? You'll have to figure that out, yourself..." I crossed my arms and turned away, "You've been with her for almost three months! You should know how she feels about you."

He sighed, "Alright...I'll try.."

"Hey, Gary!" I shouted as I ran to him.

He raised an eyebrow, "Yeah? What's up?" He stared at me for a few seconds and then, asked, suspiciously, "Why are you smirking like a witch?"

I gulped, getting rid of the smirk and shook my head. "Nothing! How's the protection barrier doing? Is it okay to go?"

He grinned, "Yup, all set."

"Hmm," I nodded, understanding. Then, I slowly chose my words, "Gary, I had a challenge for you...but I doubt it you'll be able to actually, do it, you know?" I bit my cheek to stop the giggle, which would escape any moment.

He smirked, "Dawn, didn't our friendship of twelve years teach you that, I don't back down from a challenge? I am eveready to accept any challenge, be it easy or difficult."

That's the Gary I know! I was just waiting for this! "I know... but, still... it's very-"

I was interrupted by Gary, "I don't care! Tell me what the challenge is and I'll do it."

I warned him, "You can't back down after I tell you what it is, okay?"

He sighed, "Okay, this Great Gary Oak never had and never will back down from a challenge!" He puffed out his chest with a proud look on his face.

"Alright, alright." I nodded with a small smile tugging my lips, "So, the task have to kiss Leaf, tomorrow at night, after we are done with the mission," I quickly said, releasing my breath.

I saw his eyes widen and mouth agape, "No way!" I gave him that warning glare, to which he sighed, "Fine, I'll do it." Then, he looked at me, "You'll have to do something in return, too."

I gave him a questioning glance, "What is it?"

"Just don't feel upset or angry about what happens tomorrow night," he said, with a bit of guilt in his voice. "It'll be really very...awkward for you. Also, you'll be experiencing it for the first time so...don't get mad, alright?"

I stared at him, confused. "Gary, I don't understand what you're saying."

"Just promise me!" He irritatingly, insisted.

I nodded, "Okay, okay, I promise."

He gave me those threatening eyes, "Don't you dare forget this."

"I swear, I won't forget," I said, as I touched my throat, to show him.

Then, I saw Leaf drag away Gary into the deep but I knew that she wouldn't go too far. I had a bright smile on my face, a triumphant smile. "I really hope they get together, today," I muttered, quite concerned.

"What do you mean?" I heard Ash ask. Oops, I didn't know that he was still here...

I turned around with a nervous smile, ""

"You're being a cupid, aren't you?" He asked with his arms crossed, as he leaned against a tree.

"You could say that..." I scratched my cheek in embarrassment. As I walked towrads him and grabbed his arm, "Since I have done that much... what is there in witnessing my victory?" I grinned.

He was about to question but I dragged him with me. "I mean, let's follow them." We followed them, with cat steps, making sure not to make any noise. We quickly, hid behind a bush when I saw them stop at a place.

Ash slapped his hand on his forehead, "I don't know why am I even doing this." I just smiled, while trying to hide my smirk. We crouched, my knees were touching the ground. "Your kimono will get dirty if you sit like that," he pointed out. He was seated with his one knee and other feet on the ground.

I replied, "Since, the ground is filled with grass and the mud isn't wet, so I don't think any stain will come on it." He nodded.

Then, I heard Leaf speak, "Uh...Good weather, right?" Seriously?!

Gary nodded, "Yeah, it is." I saw both of them stare at the sky. None of those two were ready to face each other.

" look good in this yukata, you know?" She complimented him, while pointing at his clothes. "It suits you well!"

He smiled as he ran a hand through his hair, "Umm...thanks. Even you look... pretty amazing in this kimono..."

"Really? For the first time, I not being teased by you! Wow, that's a good change," she giggled as she shook her head.

Gary smirked, "Or if you really want to get teased, then...I will be more than happy to do that!"

She smiled, "Nah, let it be. I am enjoying the way you're, now!"

I pouted, "C'mon, hurry up! And kiss, already!"

"Can you please keep quiet? They'll hear us," I heard Ash scold me, annoyed with me. I kept quiet as we turned our heads in their direction.

"Hey, I think our relationship has improved a lot since day one!" Leaf noted.

He laughed in response, "Yeah, even I think so, too! Remember, on the first day how irritated we were at each other. When I look back at those times, it really makes me laugh!"

She giggled as she nodded, "Yes, we were really stupid, back then! I can't believe that you used to tease me a lot even before Drew and May came!"

He rubbed the back of his head, "Actually I really do enjoy pissing you off! Your face is the thing that everyone should see when your cheeks are all puffed out! Ha, you really entertain me!"

"You're making of fun of me and that too, on my face! I guess, the old Gary's back, huh?" She shook her head and then smirked at him "..Or he was never gone!"

"Hm, Gary Oak is never innocent, milady..." He bowed his head as he joked.

She giggled, "True to that, actually!" They both started laughing.

I gritted my teeth, "What are you both doing?!" I whispered while shouting a bit.

Just then, I felt Ash put his palm over my mouth, covering it. He hissed, "What the hell are you doing?! Will you stop fidgeting in your place like this?! It's very, very annoying! Also, they will hear us." I innocently looked at him and kept my mouth shut. He still had his hand over my mouth, loosely.

I then, heard Leaf say, "Okay, so... Anything you want to do?"

"Actually, let's just talk for a while. I didn't know I'd enjoy having normal conversations with you," he said as he gave her his charming smile.

I saw her blush as she replied, looking down and fidgeting with her bag, "Okay."

I couldn't hold it anymore, so I cursed, "Damn, they won't do a thing. I'll have to do something!" I held Ash's palm as I removed it from my mouth. I quickly took out my mobile from my carry bag and texted something.

"What are you doing?"

"Something which will urge them to do what they are asked," I smirked, evilly.

"Umm, I think you should let go of my hand," I heard him say as I blushed and quickly let go, muttering a small "sorry" to him. He nodded and turned his head.

We turned our focus back on them. I saw both of them taking out their mobiles and see something, which caused both of them to blush. They kept their mobiles back while muttering something. I smiled, evilly.

"You did something, didn't you?"

I nodded, "Yep." I showed him the text I sent those two.

Have you done it, already? Have you kissed? If not, then, HURRY UP! 11:36 pm.

He chuckled, "You sure are persistent." I winked at him and smiled.

Then, we heard both of them say, together, "Sorry, but please, don't mind this!" As soon as they said this, they claimed their eyes. Gary placed a hand on her waist while Leaf cupped his cheek and... such perfect timing! They both kissed, each other, together! Which meant, that they were returning it.

I saw them geting all too dazed in that one kiss. I couldn't help but click a picture with my mobile, without flashlight, of course. When done, I smiled in satisfaction. "There, done!" We both turned our heads away since we couldn't watch them kiss, anymore.

"You were successful. Congrats," Ash smiled.

I grinned, "Thanks!" I raised my index finger, "But only one thing is left."

He questioned, "What?"

I answered him, "Confession!" Then, I smirked as exclaimed, "But, no need to worry, it won't be long until that happens." We turned our heads when we heard their voices, which meant they weren't kissing anymore.

Both of them had their eyes widened and pink colour dusted on their cheeks, "Wh-why did you...?" Leaf questioned, embarrassed.

Gary stuttered, astonished. "You... you aren't mad at me? For kissing you?" It's definitely worth all those efforts since I got to see his comical, pfft, haggard expression!

She turned the other way, "Even you... I mean, you kissed me back? Why?" She scratched her cheek, "Sorry, it was just a dare."

He frowned, "Even me...I am sorry, if you're hurt or something...but, it was a challenge... Wait a sec! What did you say? A dare?"

"And a challenge?!" She uttered giving a confused frown.

I saw their eyes widen in realization, "Dawn!" Suddenly, the fireworks began to blast in the dark night sky, just the perfect timing. Looks like I was found out! I thought, sheepishly.

I smiled, proudly. Just then, I felt Ash grab my hand and drag me away. Startled, I yelled at him, "Hey, I wanted to watch the rest!"

He replied, "Give them some privacy. Let's go." I didn't want to but, I sighed as I followed him.

Then, we came to a halt at a place where we could see the fireworks, very clearly. The bright shining colours of them bloomed in the sky... just like sparks of electricity...

I couldn't help but stare at those fireworks, wide-eyed. My eyes were shimmering with happiness and joy. I knew I was awestruck by its beauty and amazing view. I saw Ash stare at me as he quickly snapped a picture.

I glanced at him, questioningly and blinked, perplexed. "Hey! Why... why did you take my photo?!" I asked, quickly.

He shrugged as he looked at my photo in his phone. "You looked really beautiful, so I couldn't help taking the picture. The scenery was just too amazing for me to not take any photo," he replied, looking at me with his chocolate-brown eyes.

I blushed, as I realized what he had said. How can he be such a sweet-talker! Oh man, why am I blushing! I turned my gaze back at the sky, where different colors of lights were sparkling. Thinking about Ash's words. I heard him say, "Y-you look really dazzling, this traditional dress." I saw him blush, slightly as he turned the other way.

I blushed, even harder as I replied, "Uh...thanks. This yukata suits you, as well. I do admit that whatever you wear, you'll look very awesome...Uh...You do have a handsome face, which makes anything suit you..." I don't know how I said that, but I, actually, did! Gosh, what am I saying?! Aaah! I'm such an idiot!

"Thanks? I didn't think that you'd ever admit it," he replied, still looking at me form the corner of his eyes but not facing me.

I muttered, "Neither did I." Admit it? Look at his confidence, man!

"You said something?"

"Oh, um, nothing! I said... let's click a pic, together? We never took one, alone, I mean, uh, whatever!" I didn't wait for his response as I quickly, took his mobile from his hand. I went to him and clicked a selfie with him, though he didn't smile or anything. But, I kinda made him...even I don't know how...but, I did! Gaaah! I'm so flustered! I don't even know what's happening, anymore!

I looked at the picture and my eyes widened. Oh, dude, it turned out to be good! It looked kinda cute!

"Do you mind if we take a full picture, too? I mean, it'd be a waste to not take a full photo in a kimono!" I asked, hoping he wouldn't say 'of course, I mind' or 'I hate taking photos' or 'I don't want to' or... I can't even remember more of his dialogues.

He nodded and replied, "I don't really mind."

What happened to Ash Ketchum? Something seems fishy...

Dawn! He must be trying to open up to you and make up for his previous mistakes by agreeing on all your requests today! Stop overthinking!

I sighed and shook my head. Yeah, right. Right.

Then, I set a timer and put the phone on a nearby branch as I went and stood next to Ash, without making any contact with him.

"I won't bite you, y'know," he said, looking down at me with a smile. Aaah, am I getting captivated by his smile?! He looks so perfect when he's smiling!

Then, I came back to my senses and cleared my throat as I returned him the smile and moved closer to him, my shoulder touching his arm. I felt a shiver run down my spine. What the fuck is wrong with me, today?! Why am I so conscious of him!?

"Be ready, it's going to click the photo, now," he reminded me, bringing me back to reality.

I nodded as I flashed a nervous smile and I knew Ash was smirking. Then, a flash came, capturing the moment. Quickly, I got away from him and dashed to get the mobile. I clicked on the image and a smile crept up on my face.

"Is it nice?" He asked, coming over to me and standing behind me. I could feel his chest touching my back and gosh, that was making me so damn nervous! "Mm, I'm impressed. But your face looks like you just did a crime and you're nervous about it!" He said, chuckling.

I frowned. "I don't!" But to be honest, I look really nervous in that. I glared at him. And, you're the one to be blamed for that. I handed him his mobile back... Then, I said, "Look at the fireworks, now! They are really very cool!" I held Ash's face with my one hand and turned his face in the sky's direction. "There."

Just then, I heard Ash ask, hesitantly, "You remember about our deal, yesterday?"

I nodded, "Yeah, I do."

"So, I'll be doing that dare of mine, now... So, be ready," he warned.

"Now?" He nodded. "Alright...let's get over with it!" I beamed.

He took a deep breath. "Then, here I go..." He trailed off. "Can you look in my way?" I nodded as I turned around to face him but as soon as I did, Ash bent a little and grabbed my chin. And...My eyes widened at the contact...

The fireworks bloomed behind us...In multiple colours, making us shine bright...

His lips were locked with mine.


Ash Ketchum had kissed me.

What do you think?! Can you guys believe it? Ash kissed Dawn?! And it took him 23 chapters to do that! Man, even I'm excited! ; p

To be honest, I had written this chapter, I think... 1 year or six months back? Yeah and I really didn't remember this thing I wrote! And the next chapter is done too but i need to edit it! Y'know, I was so excited reading this chapter that I quickly read the next chapter too! Ha! (It's kinda sad that you guys can't read it back to back like me! It's ridiculous how am I acting like a reader right now!) But, it needs a little bit of editing so, it will take a few more days or week, maybe? Don't worry, it will be up soon!

And I really, really, really hope that you guys loved the part where they had their little moments of taking a pic and all!

Also, I think... it was the shortest chapter I've ever written! Only around 3k+ words! It's kinda upsetting for me, tho! I wrote this one long back and I just wanted to get it done so... I was a bit hasty at that time and wrote it short! But srsly, I feel like it's very short!

Anyway, any Blackpink fans here? Heard 'How you like that?' I'm a huge fan of it currently! *tiny hearts in my eyes*

Okay, so read, review, follow and favourite!

Lemme know your thoughts and views on this chapter! : D