This couldn't be happening. That was all Raven could think as she stared at the twitching body of their leader as he lay almost lifeless in Cyborg's arms. He was trying to shake him awake, yelling hysterically whilst Starfire was crying, silently begging him not to go and holding his eyes with her own like that was the only link they had left keeping him with them. Everyone else around them was either deathly quiet and pale or frantic and shrieking. Nobody saw how she was trembling under her cloak.

She couldn't believe no one else could feel it. She knew she was the most susceptible person in the room to this but even so…She hadn't been able to get anywhere near him with her healing powers. Robin's body was coursing with dark magic, so much that it was making the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. This time, there was no doubt in her mind who was behind all this. A steely resolve shot through her and she clenched her fists. No one else would suffer tonight, she promised. Not after I'm finished.

Cyborg had then rested Robin on their sofa and he lay there limply like a puppet whose strings had just been cut. She had ordered them to keep pressure on Robin's wound no matter how much he protested. Starfire had initially tried but had found it too hard when she saw the pain that flared up on his face when she touched it. Instead the grisly job was now in the compassionate hands of Kole and Jericho who were calmly ignoring their patient's weak whimpers as they stemmed his bleeding. Their faces were blank but Raven could feel how much it was paining them to do this and she forced herself to keep calm. Without Robin she knew how quickly they could all fall apart and somehow she had ended up at the helm, trying desperately to steer them from disaster.

She and Herald had got everybody back to the Tower and thankfully no one else was missing. Argent and Bumblebee had faced dozens of questions when they had got back but they had had the exact same answer-one minute Robin had been with them, the next he had gone like he had disappeared into thin air. It was only when they had heard him screaming that they had been alerted to where he was and when they had found him with everyone else, he had been exactly where they had last seen him.

Now Argent was huddled in the corner with Hotspot attempting to give her some comfort, her face buried in her knees as she sobbed. Bumblebee's response was the complete opposite; she was stalking around the room trying to keep everybody calm but was barely keeping her own fear under wraps. In a surprising twist it was now Mas y Menos trying to calm her down. They raced after her, saying reassuring words in Spanish but she still kept pacing. It was only when they blocked her path, one standing on the head of the other, did she finally allow herself to crumble, cuddling them tightly to her as they patted her gently. Speedy and Aqualad stood by each other looking like they wanted to say something but it would pain them too much. Kid Flash was helping to tend to Robin by fetching more bandages, his face as white as chalk. He had taken the place of Starfire who was now weeping onto Beast Boy as he tried to tell her everything would be alright without his own voice breaking. Raven looked at him and their eyes briefly met across the room. She looked away, fearful she might tear up and lose all pretence of being in control. What if he was the next target? She thought and her heart pounded with fear. That wouldn't happen, she wouldn't let it.

She pulled her hood up and made her way quietly to the door. She was just about to slip out when she felt a rough hand on her shoulder.

"Raven? Girl, what are you doing?" She was yanked backwards and she found herself staring defiantly into Cyborg's eyes. His robotic red eye scanned her face beadily whilst his human brown one looked into her own concerned. "Where are you going?"

"I need to go back Cyborg." She told him, pushing his arm away. "I need to finish this."

"No you do not!" He hissed back flatly so nobody else could hear. "Have you seen what happened to Robin? We can't afford any more casualties; we need you here where it is safe!"

"If I don't go, nobody will be safe for much longer!" She snapped. "I know who did this, it's staring me in the face right now and I'm the only one who can end this! You need to let me go!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Dark magic. There is an overwhelming amount of dark magic in Robin right now." They both cast looks over at the sofa and saw his face was almost grey. "It won't let him heal and there's so much of it, I can't stop it with my healing powers. Unless I do this now Cyborg he will die a slow and painful death due to blood loss, I mean it. You have to let me go."

She saw the way Cyborg searched her face before looking over at Robin and regretted being so harsh with her choice of words. His face contorted with pain and he let out a sigh.

"Alright." He said. "Keep your communicator on and update me every five minutes. Any signs of trouble, anything at all, you call me. Deal?"

"Deal. Thank Cyborg." She smiled at him and presented her switched on communicator. "Don't tell anyone where I've gone. I don't want to cause a panic, OK?"

"Sure." He heaved with a worried look. "Are you sure about this?"

"Of course I am." She answered before disappearing out of the door, hiding that she was still shaking a little. He watched her as she vanished into the dark without another word, taking up his position at the door like nothing had happened. He felt bad about letting her go but he knew what she said was right; desperate times like these called for desperate measures.

Raven arrived back at the warehouses and made her way suspiciously through the dark. Although she moved cautiously she made no effort to hide; she knew she was going to be found. The place was still eerily quiet with only the sounds of her footsteps keeping her company. The rain rapped on the metal roofs of the warehouses she passed like warnings to turn back but she kept on walking until she reached the spot where they had discovered Robin. There was still a pool of blood there that had been diluted by the rain and she grimaced at it. She threw her hood back and called out into the shadows.

"I know you are here! Show yourself!"

At first, only the rain answered her. Then she heard the deep sound of chuckling and she whipped around to face it.

"My, my, my dear." A voice purred as a figure emerged from the darkness, slowly clapping as he made his way towards her. "Aren't you the brave one, coming to save your pitiful friend?"

"Enough with the games, Father." Raven said, her voice curling in disgust. "Step out of the shadows and face me or don't you want me to see the pathetic thing that you've become?"

There was a dark growl and Raven flinched. She recognised it all too well. "You dare speak to me that way?"

"I dare to speak how I please." She snapped back, sounding a lot more formidable than she felt. "You have no sway over me anymore. I do not fear you."

"Really?" The first voice murmured almost playfully as the figure fully stepped into her vision and she gasped. "Are you so sure of that?"

"No…" She whispered breathlessly as the sounds of the rain grew more distant. "It can't be…"

"Cyborg, have you seen Raven?"

Beast Boy's voice jerked Cyborg's attention away from the communicator he was holding out in front of him like an offering. He looked over at the face of his green teammate before flicking his eyes back to the screen. It had been seven minutes and fifty-one seconds since her last update and he was beginning to get seriously worried. If anything happened to her, it would all be his fault…

He looked back at Beast Boy's perplexed expression and answered quickly "Not sure bro. She's around here somewhere."

"I don't think she is." Beast Boy replied, his eyes scanning the room for the tenth time in search of her blue cloak amongst the crowd and seeing no trace of it. "I've been looking for her for the last few minutes and I can't see her."

"Maybe she's off getting more bandages for Rob." Cyborg tried to sound casual and shrugged.

"She's not, I just sent Star off to do that. She needed to do something productive so I sent her to help Kid Flash." Beast Boy looked at him and his eyes narrowed. "Is that what she told you?"

"Is that what she told me when?"

"When you guys were talking earlier. You were standing here talking to her and I haven't seen her since."

"I don't know what you mean." Cyborg said. There was still no answer from his communicator. It had been well over eight minutes. "Why, are you keeping tabs on her?"

A faint blush appeared on Beast Boy's face as he stammered slightly. "That's not the point dude, I really need to talk to her. I've been thinking-"

"Isn't that kinda dangerous for you?"

"Shut up, I'm being serious! If there is dark magic involved like she said there could be, don't you think it could affect her?"

"What do you mean BB?" Cyborg now looked really worried and was clenching his communicator tightly.

"I mean she could be the next target." He said solemnly. "If you were killing off Titans with dark magic, wouldn't it be logical to take out the one who can sense it and thus destroy your plans?"

"Yeah…Oh no. Oh shit!" Cyborg gulped in panic as the communicator in his hand started to make bleeping noises. "Her signal is going haywire…"

"Her signal? You mean on her communicator? What is going on, where is she?" Beast Boy demanded, seizing his arm and forcing him to look away from the communicator and at him.

"She's…back at the warehouses." Cyborg admitted, at a loss at what else to say. "She said she knew who's behind all this, she said she was the only one who can stop it…"

"Jesus fuck!" Beast Boy exclaimed loudly, his face going a lighter shade of green as Cyborg stared at him in shock. He usually never swore. "And you let her go! What were you thinking?!"

"She said she could stop it, I only let her because she promised to give me updates but her last one was over nine minutes ago!" Cyborg explained. Other people were turning their heads and listening to them as the volumes of their voices rose but neither of them noticed.

"No…" Beast Boy turned and stomped out of the door. Cyborg followed and yelled after him, grabbing hold of his shoulder.

"Dude, you can't go after her by yourself…"

Beast Boy spun around and faced him, his eyes burning. "I'm going and you can't stop me." He said, his voice low and dangerous. Cyborg let go and he whipped back around again, running off into the night before Cyborg could do anything else. He spoke softly into the rain heavily beating him backwards so his own words were pulled back into his ears. "I've already lost Terra. I'm not going to lose her too."

"No…" Raven repeated mindlessly as Brother Blood stood before her, grinning manically.

"What's the matter, little girl?" He sneered. "Afraid now?"

She was unable to answer as she stared at him in horror. Every shred of humanity that he had once had had been stripped away. His robotic limbs that had been shattered by Cyborg were now back together and the cracks left gleamed with black energy. He now had two sets of eyes that all glowed dark red and his grey hair was now white and fell long and bedraggled onto his metal-plated shoulders. The skin on his face was now blood red and she could see one long white fang protruding from his mouth that almost reached his chin. The second deep voice of the demon king hissed from that corner as the mouth ripped into a sinister smile. "My dear…"

Raven dragged her eyes away and saw black was encasing the air around them, trapping her. "How did…how did you ally yourself with my father?" She asked, taking a step back from him and surging her own power to her hands, making them glow.

"Easily." He answered in his smooth voice that made her shudder. "He needed a body from which he could gain power and I wanted revenge on the Teen Titans."

"So you allowed him to possess you?" Raven said.

"He has given me power beyond anything I could dream of." He answered slickly. "In return, he is my Master and I do his bidding to make him strong again."

"So you've gone from being a headmaster to having a master in your head?" Raven retorted. "Sounds like a step down to me."

"That is because you are insolent and foolish!" Trigon's voice spat as it took control of Brother Blood's mouth, making it shift into a new shape that was disturbing. "You won't be so rash once I have all my power back! Then you will never be able to defeat me!"

"Is that why you attacked my friends?" She said, her eyes glowering at him. "How would that get your powers back?"

"My Master needed to feed," Brother Blood's voice returned and his mouth shifted again as he spoke. "Feed on the evil lurking within people. It was the perfect combination; he got to feed and recover and I got my revenge."

"So why them? Why those particular Titans?" She asked. She could feel the darkness was closing in and she could no longer feel or hear the rain. Her communicator was buzzing on her belt as it tried to regain signal but she knew it would never find any. Nobody was going to come and save her now.

"Those Titans were ones who had turned their backs on evil. They had it all festering inside them and it would have been such a waste to let it stay there." Brother Blood laughed hollowly and his voice echoed with another of Trigon's growls. "The young girl you call Terra was easy pickings after she betrayed Slade. It was easy to lure her away from that petty excuse of a life she lived. She only served to whet my Master's appetite anyway."

Raven felt sick at the mention of Terra's name. She couldn't bear to think of how her last moments had been as a plaything to this monstrosity. "Then you targeted Jinx and Robin? Why?" She called out, keeping them talking although she didn't know why. Maybe somewhere in her she hoped help would come, she thought as she clenched her fists tighter. If it was coming it had to come soon…

"Jinx was a little indulgence my Master allowed me to have." Brother Blood went on, crossing his metallic clawed fingers as he smiled with satisfaction. "She deserved it-throwing away all I taught her for that stupid boy…still she had a good amount of evil in her. She was one of my best students after all. If you hadn't shown up, she would be dead. As for Robin, there was so much darkness in his soul it was really a shame he didn't follow it. There was so much there to feed on…" He paused before his red eyes flashed and locked onto her eyes as he took a step towards her. "But you…you the daughter of evil incarnate…you will be plenty."

"Don't take another step." She warned him but he ignored her, getting closer and closer as his grin spread, appearing to crack his face in two. His aura of dark magic was so strong she felt like she was choking on it. She raised her arms to fight but they felt like they weighed more than a ton and she could only move them sluggishly around like she was wading in water. The magic fizzled out of her fingers as he stood in front of her and she could only rasp as the clawed fingers tightened around her throat, lifting her off her feet. She kicked about, trying to find the ground but her legs suddenly were pinned together and she couldn't move.

"So perfect," Brother Blood drawled as he ran a thumb over her cheekbone, drawing a little blood from the scratch the point made. She could feel the skin on her throat stretching as he grinned at her evilly. "Our next target, walking straight into our trap…soon, my Master, you will be more powerful than you could ever imagine… then we will march on her friends and destroy them all. I'm particularly looking forward to taking your friend Cyborg apart, limb by limb…"


Suddenly Brother Blood was bowled over and Raven was knocked to the ground. The black around her reverted back into the regular shadows as her trance was broken and she sat up sharply, now able to use her limbs again. She looked over and saw Brother Blood was being pinned to the floor by a huge green tiger who was lashing out at him with his jaws and growling inches from his face.

"Beast Boy!" She warned him as a surge of black energy sent him flying into the air before he crash-landed next to her. He switched back to his human self and crawled over to her, taking her face in his hands.

"Raven! Are you hurt?" He said in a panic before he noticed the scratch on her cheek and the beads of blood forming on her throat where tiny rips had been made in her grey skin. She heard him snarl with anger as he scowled and stood back up to face Brother Blood.

"You will pay for that!" He shouted as he transformed into a gorilla and lunged for him. Brother Blood stood there as he got closer before holding out one arm and shooting out more cackling black energy, sending him hurling backwards into a wall with a loud smash.

"No!" Raven screamed as she stood up weakly and used her magic to pick up some crates that she fired at him ferociously. Brother Blood sneered as he deflected them easily, making them explode into wooden fireworks as he advanced on her.

"There's no use fighting." He jeered as he got closer. She could hear Trigon's laughter ringing in her skull and draining her strength. She sank to her knees as Beast Boy tried to get to her but he was held off by Brother Blood's power holding him against the wall. "Neither you nor this boy have the strength to defeat me-"

A flash of bright blue sent him sprawling backwards again as a loud crashing sound filled the air. Raven and Beast Boy turned around to see Cyborg standing there, his sonic cannon outstretched and steaming and a stern determined look on his face. "Brother Blood." He said stonily as he walked towards them. Beast Boy ran over to Raven and pulled her up, linking her arm over his shoulders as she tried to balance. "What disgusting hole did you crawl back from?"

"Cyborg." Brother Blood hissed in pleasure as he got back to his feet. "How lovely of you to show up." They all heard the sound of Trigon snarling and Cyborg turned to Raven.

"Is that your old man in there?" He asked, jabbing over at him with his thumb as she nodded. He shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal. "Figures."

"Enough with this nonsense!" Trigon's voice boomed. "Even with the robot, you still cannot defeat me!"

"You're right." Cyborg said. "But I think all of us stand a pretty good chance."

There was a rustling of footsteps as all of the Titans suddenly appeared behind them, all with steely looks on their faces. Brother Blood gaped as they sprang up all around him, dozens of pairs of angry eyes staring at him, the man who had taken their friends away. He spun around like a lost child, looking for an exit but there was none to be found.

"It's over Blood." Cyborg told him, stilling pointing his cannon at him. "You might as well give up, you can't win now."

Brother Blood turned his gaze back on Cyborg and another evil smile spread across his face. "That's what you think." He said as he drew black energy up all around him, all his eyes glowing dark red. "You will be singing a different tune when my Master has all his power back! You will tremble before us!"

"Not gonna happen!" Cyborg retorted with glee. "Everyone?"

"TITANS GO!" They all cried as they swooped into battle. They all attacked at the same time, leaping from their positions with great force. Despite their furious attack, Brother Blood had put up a shield around himself and was firing his magic in all directions, making it difficult to get anywhere near him. They all ducked and dived, launching their own powerful attacks on the shield but it refused to break. Several Titans got close, Gnarrk welding a crystallised Kole like a sword, Bumblebee firing her stingers and Kid Flash running at him with a battle cry, but they all got pushed back by the dark magic it emitted. Still they kept doggedly trying; they were all fuelled with anger and were determined that he wouldn't leave this place a free man.

Aqualad swerved around him, his fists holding bubbles of water he had pulled from the rain outside. He charged, shooting them at him but was hit and forced back into the wall. He saw Brother Blood grinning at him as he readied another burst of energy and he held his arms up to shield himself. He heard it go off and yelled but nothing happened. He opened his eyes and lowered his arms to see Speedy standing in front of him, his bow outstretched from just firing an arrow and a furious look on his face.

"Nobody touches my boyfriend!" He yelled before running around him and shooting more arrows that exploded and lit up the air with bright flashes of light. Aqualad turned to see Bumblebee flying a little distance away, staring at him with her jaw hanging open. Aqualad went red and gave her a little smile and a shrug. "I can explain…"

Raven could see Brother Blood was getting weaker and weaker with every attack and she moved to deliver one herself but abruptly Beast Boy gripped her arm and pulled her backwards. "What are you doing?" He said to him as she struggled against his tight grip. "Let me go!"

"No, Raven!" He forced her to look at him and she stilled for a moment, transfixed by the stern look on his face. "Listen to me. If he gets hold of you and drains you of your life, we will be lost...he would be too strong." He took her hand and the connection between them shot through both of them like an electric shock. "I'm not going to lose you Rae, I couldn't take it!"

"Beast Boy…" She murmured astonished as they stared into each other's eyes like they were making a pact. Then a branch of the dark energy shot out and clamped around her waist, fixing her arms to her sides as it pulled her into the black force field.

"No! Raven!" Beast Boy tried to pull her back but it was too strong and it sent him crashing to the floor. "Everybody stop!"

Everybody stopped attacking as Raven was dragged into the shield with Brother Blood before resuming in panic. She fought against the magical binds as the world around them started to spin and turn black but she was growing weaker again.

"No, I will not let you take me!" She shouted but Brother Blood had already taken hold of her throat which she could feel was tightening as his fingers dug into her skin.

"There will be no escape for you this time…" Both he and Trigon said, their voices blending into each other as they drilled into her mind. "No escape…"

"No…" Raven shut her eyes to shut out their leering faces and tried to concentrate on her magic. If I can just find something… she thought desperately as she steadied her breathing. Something positive, something good… Her mind tried to conjure up the image of Azareth but the pain made it impossible. Her ears picked up the distant sounds of yelling and she recognised the voice. Beast Boy…she thought as it grew louder and stronger in her mind filling her with a rush of emotion she had spent so long battling with. I never got to tell you how much I…

A scream and a shattering sound punctured her thoughts as she was heavily thrown to the floor. She spluttered for air and opened her eyes weakly to see the force field had blown up and Brother Blood was lying a few metres away from her, trying to get up but failing. She moved her arm but her head felt dazed and her vision blurred a little. She watched as her friends all advanced on Brother Blood as he shakily got to his feet.

"You…fools…" He coughed out. "You…will…never…"

"Enough Blood." Cyborg stepped forwards. "It's over."

"No, it's not!" Trigon's voice bellowed. Black started to spin around them all and Raven called out to them to run but her weak voice was quickly lost. "I will never be defeated! Your puny friends never deserved their powers!"

"What they didn't deserve was what you put them through!" Cyborg shouted. "And they didn't deserve to die at your hands! This is for Robin!" He shot his sonic cannon and hit him in the chest, making them both howl and stagger backwards.

"This is for Jinx!" Kid Flash came forwards and pounded him in his eyes. The black around them span faster and faster as the great demon king started to lose control.

"And this is for Terra!" Beast Boy lastly cried out, transforming back into a gorilla and punching him into the wall with both his fists and all his might. There was a great scream of agony and the sound of an explosion before the blackness stopped swirling. There was a moment of silence as they all held their breath. The sound of rain tinkling on the roof marked the silence. Raven caught a glimpse of the crumpled body on the floor as they all walked away. Brother Blood's mangled limbs had now fallen apart again into crumpled metal flakes and his skin was no longer red. He looked like a sad old beggar, his eyes staring straight ahead of him at nothing.

"Raven!" Beast Boy ran over to her and collapsed by her side. He lifted her head towards his and his other hand returned to her cheek to briefly touch the mark left on it. She looked up wearily and focused on his peridot eyes as her strength slowly returned.

"Beast Boy…what happened?"

"You took him down, that's what happened!" He said, smiling at her like he couldn't believe she was there in his arms. "It was amazing, he had you in his grasp and then there was this flash of white light and the thing he made was broken…" His voice trailed away and she realised he was crying. "I thought you were going to die and it would be all my fault for distracting you, for not getting here fast enough…"

"Nothing was your fault." She interrupted him, placing her fingers softly over his mouth. "You saved me Beast Boy…you came and found me here and…the only reason I was able to do that was…because I was thinking of you."

"Rav-" Beast Boy started to say before Raven lifted her head and stopped him with a kiss. For a second he sat there stunned before he closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around her, drawing her deeper into the kiss. She brought her hands to his face and found their tears were mingling on their cheeks.

The rest of the Titans awkwardly looked away and started dealing with Brother Blood. "Did anyone else see that coming?" Cyborg whispered and several people shrugged, equally confused. "Hey, has anyone seen Star?"

"She stayed behind with Robin. I think she said his wounds were still bleeding…" Bumblebee replied as Cyborg's communicator started bleeping. He picked it up and Starfire's beaming face appeared on the screen.

"Friends! I have the most joyous of news!" She cried out. Cyborg could see traces of tears on her cheeks as she brushed them away. "Our friends have awoken! Robin's wounds have stopped the bleeding and they are both awake!"

"Hey guys." The screen was shakily moved and they saw Robin sitting up on the sofa, his torso crossed with white bandages and his hair even spikier than usual. He looked paler than normal and he was obvious he was still weak from the amount of blood he had lost but he gave them a wave and he had a rare grin on his face. Sitting next to him was Jinx who also waved at them with a tired smile.

"Jinx?" Kid Flash looked over Cyborg's shoulder and pure joy spread across his face. He sped away and within seconds he flew onto the screen of the communicator, engulfing Jinx in an embrace with his face buried in her neck. She stood up and the pair of them clung to each other like they were never going to let go. Cyborg could hear them murmuring something to each other and smiled indulgently, his smile growing when Starfire reappeared. She put her arm around Robin and he pulled her towards him, wiping away the tears of happiness that kept pouring from her eyes.

"Alright guys, we're just cleaning up here then we'll be back. Cyborg out." He shut the communicator and started giving orders as Raven and Beast Boy carried on behind him, oblivious to the world.

"Jesus, how soppy can you get?" Speedy said under his breath, not realising Aqualad was sliding towards him and overheard.

"Yeah I know. Who would possibly do a thing like that?" He said sarcastically as their hands wove into each other. Behind them, Bumblebee and Cyborg's eyes went wide and they looked at each other whilst silently pointing.

"OK," Cyborg whispered, even more quietly than before. "Did anyone else see that coming?"


It took a while for the team to get back to normal and even once that had happened, some things were never the same. Starfire couldn't look at the sofa without seeing Robin's blood on it so it was replaced, Raven couldn't enter the medical ward without shivering, nobody went alone to the warehouse district. Life went on and the city still needed saving but this case had been one nobody could forget.

Jinx and Robin told their stories in full to everyone the following morning. They had shared the same experience-hearing a noise, the world going black, being frozen as they were torn apart. Raven found that it had been the dark magic left behind trapping them both in comas and if Brother Blood hadn't been defeated they might have never woken up. Both of them had been reluctant to show their scars, particularly to their loved ones. A few nights after waking up, when Jinx finally allowed Kid Flash to see the long lines that marked her skin, she had closed her eyes and turned away, not wanting to see his reaction. She had been amazed when he had laid a trail of kisses along them, from her stomach to her throat, not missing an inch of the puckered skin. She had then burst into tears and he had held her, fighting back his own at the realisation of how close they had been to losing each other. Robin had held out for almost two weeks longer, telling Starfire that they didn't matter, they were only scars after all. It was only when she did see them, one night on the roof as they stood there in the moonlight, that she saw on his face how much they did matter. Her only response had been to hug him and he realised that was the only response he had needed.

Speedy and Aqualad came out about their relationship not long afterwards to much rejoicing from everyone even though a few women had complained about all the good ones being 'that way.' Beast Boy and Raven also no longer made their attraction to each other a secret and Cyborg was known to comment on how he had thought Robin and Starfire were bad but now he knew better. Nobody really cared though-just seeing Raven happier than she had ever been well made up for the constant make-out sessions in the living room and the awkward encounters with Beast Boy in the corridors early in the morning.

Terra's funeral was held on the island not long after the defeat of her killers. The girl who had considered herself so lonely and isolated in life now had more people at her funeral than she could have ever imagined. Beast Boy and Raven aced as chief mourners, Beast Boy allowing himself to let his first love go and Raven finally able to forgive her. She was laid to rest in a tomb of rocks with a new statue on top. There was also a new inscription which read


A Teen Titan

A true friend

Sadly taken from us before her time

You will be missed more than you will ever know

Ok I'm done! Thank you so much everybody, I hope this was worth the wait and the read. Sorry this took so long, I wanted to get it just right (and also work got in the way a bit as well). Please leave a review to tell me what you think. I adored writing this so I hope you all adored it too. CursedRedRose out