1 - The author does not own nor does claim in any way any right over Miraculous: The Adventures of Ladybug and Chat Noir, Samurai Jack, its characters or likenesses. The folowing tale is meant for entertainment purposes only

2 - Thanks a lot for the great reaction on my first tale. Criticisms, suggestions, and "please-defenestrate-your-computer" welcomed.


The roads were bare as they could be. Only a figure dressed in white, with an oversized hat breaks the monotony of the sparse yellow-ish, short vegetation. Here and there, the figure finds an edible root, stops for a while and returns to his journey. He walks until the moon is high in the sky, and resumes his travel before the faintest sign of the sun light appears in the horizon.

After days of this routine, he found signals of civilization. Primitive huts. Humans trying to grow vegetables on that poor soil. Women who appear to travel for miles to bring heavy water buckets home.

And, what bothered the traveler more, every single villager smiled at him. Not a word. Not even the usual caution look, reaction so common to strangers in that world. Just smiles. A chuckle, a quiet laugh here and there. As he climbs a small hill, the constructions start to look more elaborated, until he finds the unmistakable smell and noises of an inn.

Often, walking into such place cause people to become silent in the spot. Here, the laugher did not stop. If anything, noticed the stranger, it became louder. More persistent. He approached the counter. On the walls, between the bottles, not a single image of women in scantly clothes. Instead, images of clowns, kittens and flowers. No rude words or body parts engraved on the counter. Instead, He saw a limerick scribbled with a knife. A clean limerick. Sure, the samurai was a prisoner millennia ahead of his time but, even in the chaotic future ruled by his enemy, he learned an inn was an inn. Before he could reason more about the place, a bartender with a smile larger than necessary in any situation came to him.

"Hey, welcome to Pehrz. My name is Luc. Let's have something for you to relax, traveler."

The stranger took of his hat, revealing his dark hair tied on a topknot.

"They call me Jack."

"Very well, Jack. I see you carry swords. Well, in your small city you will find no reason to unsheathe then. No siree."

"I hope this is the case."

"Oh, it is, it is. In fact, we would like your solemn promise not to draw then."

Jack raised an eyebrow. Luc smile seemed to grow even larger. He could sense some of the presents starting to move towards the exit.

"Is there any problem around?"

"Problem? What problem? No problem whatsoever. In fact, there is no reason our boring, normal city to stop your journey. I am sure you will sleep like a baby in one of our rooms upstairs and will be happy on your way first thing in the morning. Hehehee."

"I am looking for information about Aku."

With that, the inn finally got silent, and Jack felt the eyes of everybody on him.