Disclaimer—I do not own Harry Potter, Deadpool, or any of the characters therein. Nor do I make any moneys from the posting of this fanfiction.

Our adventure is nearly finished. Enjoy.


"That was fun! Let's do it again!" Deadpool crowed as they entered into his grungy apartment.

Laughing, she said, "I have to go soon. The writer has this idea she's been playing with. Hopefully it won't turn out duller than dirt."

"Something just occurred to me," he said, as he went over to the kitchenette and checked out the fridge to see if the Chimichangas were there. Sure enough, there they were. "The writer never explained the change in my backstory."

Laughing she said, "Seeing as the story is over, it's too late to go there, don't you think?"

He nodded in agreement. "We make a great team," he told her, as she went over to his computer.

Turning it on, she nodded as she said, "That we did. It helps that there's never a truly dull moment with you around either."

"Thank you very much!" He blinked at what she was doing, asking, "What are you up to?"

"I have it on good authority that there's an article about you out there that you might want to read…A-ha! There it is." She pulled it up. She skimmed over it with a small smile. "There you go. Have fun reading it." Hermione got to her feet, facing him. "I'm going to miss you, Wade."

"And I'll miss you too, Sweet Cheeks." He pulled her into a hug. "Try to convince the writer to write up another story with us, would ya?"

"I have next to no influence on the woman, I'm sorry to say," she muttered. "Take care of yourself, Wade. Read the article. It's on your favorite topic—you!"

Letting her go, he sat down and started to read it as she was strolling away.

"What do you know, it is about me!" He mumbled the next few words before snapping, "Omni-sexual?! What the hell is that?!" He looked at her.

"Keep reading," she told him, backing away from him.

He was still screaming curses, as she was slipping into her cab on her way home. Wiping away a tear of mirth, Hermione hoped that the next adventure the writer sent her on wasn't quite so esoteric in nature. She smiled just the same. Whatever it's going to be, she thought, it would be fun.


And there we are. The end of our amazing journey and the story I never thought I could write. It's amazing how one can change one's mind after a computer crash and one loses all of their works in progress. I'm currently working on several stories, not to mention ideas. Thanks for your continued support. With any luck I'll have another story up and running again soon. Take care and may today be bigger and brighter than the day before. And until next we meet, hang loose!