Authors Note: I hope these last three chapters could make up for all the time I haven't been updating. Which again I'm sorry for. Here's Chapter 9 the Homecoming.

Chapter 9:

A week had gone since Syo's surgery she was still in a deep sleep and Ai had never left the hospital once because he wanted to be by her side the moment she woke up. Natsuki had told him that media and fans were outside of the hospital because one of the other patients had told them what had happened.

Press wanted to know an update on her condition, fans wanted to wish her well and shower her with gifts. Thankfully hospital security was keeping them from entering if they weren't sick. The ones that faked being ill couldn't get to the floor Syo was on because it was restricted. Kaoru got mistaken for Syo one day while visiting when she was unconscious still but thankfully everyone realized Kaoru wasn't Syo but then they started demanding for information which security got him out of.

Ai was currently sitting by Syo's side looking at her face, "Don't worry Syo, I won't leave your side. Please come back to me." He saw her eyelids flutter a bit before they finally opened revealing her blue eyes. Ai looked at her, "Syo? Dear do you feel alright." Syo went to say something but her throat felt dry but her chest surprisingly didn't hurt as bad as it usually did.

Ai realized she needed water when she grabbed at her throat. Ai, "I'll go get you some water dear." He got up and walked out of the room for a second before returning with a glass of water. He sat it down on the bedside table before helping Syo lean up, he grabbed the water and held it for her while holding her head.

Syo couldn't bend properly because of the big incision over her chest, if she moved the wrong way she could tear it open which would be bad. After Ai helped her drink the water he placed her back down, but put an extra pillow under her head to help her lean up a little bit. Ai, "Syo try not to move too much, they had to do an open-heart surgery so the broke your ribs to get to your heart. The doctor recommended you not lean up by yourself until the stitches can come out. Also, try not to move so much so your ribs can heal properly. You can't work for the rest of the year so you can recover."

Ai was saying so much it took Syo a second to register what happened. Syo voice was hoarse, "I had the surgery." Ai nodded, "Yes, I signed for it." Syo, "What happened." Ai moved Syo's bangs to the side, "When you had the flu your heart couldn't take it and completely shut down. You had called me before you fell unconscious. Nearly scared me half to death you little shrimp." Syo coughed a bit, "I'm sorry." Ai, "Don't be. You had told me you were getting worse; I just didn't realize how bad. I'm sorry for not being by your side sooner." Syo shook her head. "It's okay."

Syo flinched in pain, "It hurts." Ai got up, "I'll go get the nurse." Syo, "It hurts because I hurt you." Ai realized what Syo was talking about. Ai, "I'll never leave your side dear. Even if you try to get rid of me now I won't leave." Syo then realized something and tried to sit up. "oh!" Syo then flinched and Ai had her lay back down, "What just went through your head to make you want to sit up when I just told you not to."

Syo, "I think I saw Aine." Ai stopped, "What." Syo, "I had this dream where I was staring at myself and I saw everyone crying and he grabbed me and pushed me towards the other me saying, "It's not your time yet, don't leave him alone like I did." Or something like that."

Ai let out a pained laugh, "That pain in the butt… he saved you." Ai looked out the window, "Thanks Aine for making her stay put." Syo, "Ai?" Ai looked back at Syo, "Well now that you are awake I should let everyone know." He walked to the door and opened it and down fell the rest of the members of STARISH plus Kaoru. Ai looked at all them, "How many times have I told you all to stop that. This is a hospital. Nanami stood up, "Syo your awake."

Syo, "Yeah." She waved her hand gently. Kaoru ran over crying, "Sister. Don't scare us like that again. Do you know how worried we've been." Syo, "I'm sorry." Everyone started to lecture Syo for not informing them about how bad her condition had been and for scaring the living death out of them before the doctor came in to her rescue saying they all needed to go home. That's when the doctor looked at Ai. "Mr. Mikaze, as you can see she finally woke up so I think you should go home as well." Ai, "But." Syo, "Ai have you not left the hospital once?" Ai looked at Syo, "Well I…" The doctor cut him off, "He has not left this room other than the time to ask for water."

Syo, "Ai got get proper rest, I'll be here when you get back. Don't worry. I'm not leaving anytime soon." The doctor, "Plus we'll be running test for the next 7 hours where you can't be in with her so there's no point." Ai, "Promise to be fine when I get back. Syo nodded, "I promise."

Ai grabbed his things and Ranmaru had just arrived pushing the children to leave while grabbing Ai, "Come on." Ranmaru practically dragged his ass out of the hospital to make him rest properly.

Two weeks had gone by since then and Syo was finally being released from the hospital, she was wheelchair bound until the stitches and staples could come out and Reiji and Natsuki where the ones to pick her up. Syo, "Wheres Ai and Kaoru?" Natsuki, "Camus and Ranmaru told them they had to stay because they haven't had enough sleep to drive." Syo, "Why." Reiji ad Natsuki looked at each other and smiled, "Nothing." Syo, "Your hiding something."

When they arrived back at the dorms Syo new something was up now. "What's going on." Natsuki, "Want a cookie." Syo, "I nearly died once please don't send me back." Reiji knew Natsuki cooking was horrible but it was a great distraction as he was wheeling her in.

"SURPRISE!" Syo eyes widened in surprise as Quartet Night, STARISH, and several other Idols were there too. Syo, "Everyone." Ai walked up to her, "We wanted to celebrate your recovery. I hope you're not mad that I didn't pick you up." Syo, "Ai… everyone." Syo started crying. "I love you guys." Ai, "Well come on and enjoy your party."

After the party was over Syo and Ai were out by the water fountain looking at the stars. Ai looked at Syo, "Syo…" Syo turned her eyes away from the sky and looked over at Ai. "Yes?" Ai, "Syo, there is something I have to say. You've become my best friend, my shoulder to lean on, the one person I know I can always count on; you're the love of my life, you're my one and only, you're my everything." Syo turned her full attention to Ai turning her wheel chair. "Ai." She had a tear roll down her face. Ai, "When I look into my heart, I see only you. Because of you I learned what Love is. Love is like a cloud, Love is like a dream, and Love is one word and everything in between. Love is a fairytale come true. Because I found love when I found you." Syo was in tears. That's when she saw all STARISH and Quartet night come out.

Ai, "I didn't realize how in a flash you could be gone and I can't imagine my life without you. I want to grow old with you because the best is yet to come." Ai got down on one knee and opened a red velvet box, "I can guarantee there'll be tough times. I guarantee that at some point we'll get angry at each other and want out of this thing. But I can also guarantee that if I don't ask you to be mine right now, I'll regret it for the rest of my life, because I know, in my heart you're the only one for me. Syo Kurusu will you marry me."

Syo, "Oh Ai". Syo was crying her eyes out, Ai just poured his love out for her, she was in tears nodding. Syo, "Yes. Of course, I love you Ai." Otoya, "SHE SAID YES!" Everyone cheered and Ai got up and put the engagement ring on her finger it was a three-stone white sapphire with a sterling silver band engagement ring, oval cut. The ring had to be around 5 carets. Syo started to cry more.

Nanami ran over and hugged the wheel chair bound girl, "I'm in charge of your wedding!" Syo, whipping her tears, "Don't you have your own wedding to plan." Nanami, "Ours can wait." Syo looked at Otoya, "But." Otoya nodded his head, "Yours and Ai's is much more important." Syo, "We couldn't you guys." Ai intervened to, "You were engaged first. We can't impose." Nanami and Otoya smiled, and so the Tokiya, he knew the story. Otoya, "Nanami said she couldn't live with herself if you guys didn't get married first. We talked it over and agreed that we want to see you two down the aisle first."

Syo, "You guys. Everyone." Syo started to cry again and Ai held her hand. They had wonderful friends all around them. Syo, "I can't tell you how much I'm feeling right now. I'm just… so overwhelmed. That beautiful proposal all this… I'm just so happy." Natsuki, "I got the proposal all on camera too." Ai, "Natsuki you promised!" Natsuki laughed and Kaoru joined in, "My little sister is getting married to the love of her life. Who knew this would happen."

Everyone, "We did." Ranmaru being his usual self, "About damn time!" Everyone laughed and Ai walked over to kiss Syo's hand, "I guess we have a wedding to plan." Syo nodded. Who knew her life would turn out so good.