I Will Be Queen

Leah instructed the group to all join hands, and she closed her eyes, focusing on the small woodland area that they'd originally found themselves in when they came from her world. In her mind she pictured the spot where the fire had burned and then the small clearing where she and Thorin had made love. Thorin and Kili gripped her hands tightly either side of her, bracing themselves for what was about to happen.

The blinding light which Leah was so used to by now; the others groaned, closing their eyes tight for protection.

Once the light had disappeared, the others opened their eyes slowly to see that they were now indeed in the wooded area which Leah had intended to take them to; the very first rays of sunshine were beginning to dance through the trees. "I think I can only go through my own memories and timeline," Leah said, releasing Kili's hand, but keeping hold of Thorin's. He looked up at her, smiling. "Everything has to have a link to me in some way, so I don't think I can take you all straight to Azog. Last time I tried, it felt like something was stopping me. It physically hurt my head."

Gandalf moved so he was standing in front of Leah and looked down at her being taller. "My dear, you still hold so much of this on your shoulders but it shouldn't all lie with you."

"I told you all, I brought him back to life so I want to be the one to kill him. I didn't even manage to do it right when I had the chance before. Surely a blow to the neck would have killed him," Leah said, hanging her head in shame and sighing loudly.

Thorin put his hand to her chin, encouraging her to look at him as they stood almost eye to eye in height. "You will not feel any shame for this. None!" he demanded. "I will never allow you to feel shame. Do you understand?"

"I'm sorry," Leah whispered.

Bilbo then cleared his throat and began to speak. "May I just say that without you Thorin would not be truly taking the throne of Erebor. This is what he fought for and you've given that to him. You've brought a friend back to many of us."

"What is done is done, Miss. You must live with what has already happened and look at the amazing things which are about to open for you," Neldra said encouragingly.

Thorin turned slowly around and stared at Neldra, approaching her, and then he narrowed his eyes. "She is to be your Queen and you address her as Miss?"

"Thorin, stop it!" Leah said sternly, stepping between Thorin and Neldra. "What else is she supposed to call me? I'm not a Queen. It doesn't bother me so it shouldn't bother you."

"May I suggest that we move along?" Gandalf said, his gruff voice becoming louder over the bickering.

"Please, before a fight breaks out," Leah sighed. "Calm down, please," she said, nudging Thorin's arm and walking on past him. "Where do you propose we go first?" she asked Gandalf.

Gandalf looked at the young woman beside him who was now dressed in a long, dark blue tunic and leather over jacket, very similar in style to Thorin's. He'd noticed the courtship and engagement braid which was now in Leah's hair. The only physical attributes about Leah which did not appear dwarf was her slightly taller height, although she was only an inch or two taller than Thorin, and her higher cheekbones. Other than that, her clothing and weapons all showed that she was a part of the dwarf race now, even if not born into it.

"My guess would be that Azog would try and build his armies again, which would mean seeking counsel from Sauron in Dol Guldur and and also going back to his place of origin, Gundabad. He fought with orcs from both Dol Guldur and Gundabad," Gandalf replied.

"We could find Tauriel. She would help us," Kili said enthusiastically. "She is an expert tracker and would aid us greatly."

"Kili's right," Leah said. "And he obviously wants to see her again. We shouldn't deny him that." Leah then looked at Kili and winked.

"So you're suggesting we seek help from the Wood-Elves?" Thorin snapped. "I know they fought beside us, but I still do not trust them."

"We need all the help we can get, Thorin," Leah told him. "What reason would Tauriel have to stop us? You seriously need to let your guard down a bit more."

Thorin gripped Leah's arm and looked up at the rest of the group. "May we have a minute?"

Fili and Kili looked at each other, smiling. "Arguing like they're already married," Fili said cheekily.

Leah followed Thorin so they were out of ear shot of their companions. "Leah, I know you try and see the good in everyone, and that is one thing I admire so much about you, but my guard has only been put up through experience. Not everyone who smiles is a friend. You let the serving woman come along with us and you do not know her."

"Thorin, you gave me a chance, didn't you? I could have been anyone and trying to infiltrate the group to stop you achieving what you needed to. Granted, you didn't trust me at first..."

"You had no home and were stranded. We could not have left you behind!" Thorin argued. "My love, you are my One," he continued, his voice lowering. "Nothing could have stopped me falling in love with you...not even my own pig headedness."

Leah sniggered a little at his comment. As she laughed, Thorin reached out and brushed her courtship braid through his fingers. "Stay close to me," he said softly, looking directly into her eyes. "Do not stray too far."

The group walked out of the small wooded area, knowing they were quite close to the Carrock and not far from the edges of Mirkwood. The area became all too familiar where they had had their breakfast alongside Beorn, the Skinchanger.

Gandalf was at the front of the group and had announced that he believed Azog would be summoned to Sauron first before going to Gundabad. Once Sauron, despite having no physical form, had received word that Azog was still alive, he'd no doubt call the Defiler to his counsel. So the small group were heading for Dol Guldur but Gandalf was trying to persuade Leah to go back to Erebor where he believed she'd be safe.

"You have no idea how dangerous any of this is!" he'd shouted at her. "We are stepping right into the lair of Sauron. He is re-collecting all the Rings of Power to bring a darkness upon the world."

Leah swallowed hard and looked up at the wizard, respecting him far more than she let on. "Gandalf, I know that you only have my best interests at heart, as all of you do, but I can't go back to Erebor and wait. I don't trust Dain and how can I rest knowing you're all out here?"

"We could always split up," Kili suggested. "Some of us seek help in Mirkwood and the rest continue on south to Dol Guldur."

"We are not calling upon the Elves, Kili!" Thorin snapped, glaring at his younger nephew. "I know you wish to see the Elf maiden again, but we must all stay together."

"Leah can take me there as she has been to Mirkwood before," Kili argued.

"No, Kili!" Thorin barked.

"Maybe Kili has something there," Leah said. "I can take him and we can find Tauriel, and then we come back to you and all enter Dol Guldur together."

Gandalf coughed. "You will not be entering Dol Guldur, Leah. I shall go before you all and bring him out."

Neldra stepped forward. "If I may, I think Leah is right. We need someone who can track Azog and maybe this Elf woman is the way to do that. I shall go with Leah and Kili."

"Do not speak in matters that do not concern you!" Thorin snapped angrily. "Leah will stay with me. You all will."

"Will you stop talking to Neldra like she's something on the bottom of your shoe that you've trod in? I'm sick of it, Thorin," Leah growled.

"Thorin, I'll take Leah and Neldra into Mirkwood," Fili said. "Kili's want to see Tauriel, I feel, is his main motivation in this. I'll go with them. All we need to do is get into the forest and if we encounter the Elves and they become hostile, Leah can pull us back out."

"No, I want to go," Kili snapped at his brother.

"I know you. You let your heart rule your head too much, and at times when you need to think rationally. I'll bring her to you," Fili said, smiling at Kili. "You have my word on that.. We will find her."

Leah looked at Thorin and Gandalf, each in turn. "If I'm to become Queen, I think you two need to try and trust me a bit more."

Up until now, Bilbo had remained mostly silent but he looked at Leah. "They do trust you but they are concerned for your safety. Maybe I should come along with you."

"You don't have to, Bilbo," Leah said, smiling appreciatively at the hobbit.

Thorin sighed. "I shall entrust her to you, Master Burglar. Keep her safe for me. And Fili."

Once Leah had kissed Thorin farewell and agreed to meet him, Gandalf and Kili back in this spot in two days time, she took the hands of Neldra and Fili. Bilbo joined hands with Fili. She concentrated on the dark, dreary forest that she'd had the misfortune to venture into previously with Thorin's Company. She absolutely dreaded the spiders and crossing paths with the disgusting things, but she knew that this had to be done. Tauriel, as an Elf, would be absolutely invaluable to them. She was Captain of the Guard of Mirkwood, and her tracking skills would no doubt easily match those of Rangers.

The bright white light burst before them, sending them travelling into the great forest of Mirkwood. They, one by one, opened their eyes to see the all too familiar webs and feel the darkened, heavy air around them.

"I don't think we're far from the palace," Leah said. "Surely Tauriel won't be far away."

"Try not to make too much noise as it will alert the spiders," Fili told the group.

They began walking north, hoping they were walking in the general direction of the palace where King Thranduil lived. The air was so dense that it was like breathing in smoke. The four of them trod carefully, keeping to the path. Every now and again the path seemed to disappear beneath fallen branches and leaves, but thankfully re-appeared for them to all follow.

After a couple of hours, Leah had to sit down and catch her breath. Her head was aching considerably and her vision seemed to be blurring. "I forgot how horrible it is in here," she said as Fili and Bilbo sat down alongside her on a large boulder. So far they hadn't come across any spiders, but if they were in the northern reaches of the forest, perhaps there were far less nests which had been exterminated by the guards.

"Would you like some water?" Neldra asked, holding out a water skin to her. She'd left another skin and food packages with Thorin, Gandalf and Kili.

"Please, that'd be lovely," Leah replied.

One by one, they all took a drink from the skin and rested a few minutes. Leah began to notice Bilbo's hand keep messing in his pocket, as though he were fiddling with something. The atmosphere seemed to be affecting her the most; so far, Neldra, Fili and Bilbo didn't seem affected. "I hope we don't have to stick around here much longer," Leah said, exhaling loudly and putting her head between her hands.

"I can always go on ahead with Bilbo and look," Fili proposed.

"We need to stay together. Look what happened last time we were here," Leah insisted.

"I think Fili is right. We will only go a short distance ahead," Bilbo said.

Reluctantly, Leah walked on behind with Neldra as Fili and Bilbo disappeared about a quarter of a mile ahead. The path seemed never-ending and Leah could feel the tension gripping her chest at the prospect of never seeing them again. She felt so alone even though she had Neldra walking beside her.

"So, how did you meet Thorin if you don't mind me asking?" Neldra asked, offering a smile.

"Oh," Leah began, being caught off guard. "I met them while they were on the journey back to Erebor to take it back from Smaug."

Leah's heart began racing so deafeningly in her chest and ears, and breath seemed to be lost from her lungs. Where had this sudden attack of nerves come from? She previously ran away from a dragon, dodged arrows from Wood-Elves, and here she was feeling as though her heart was about to break from her ribcage. Something was amiss here and Leah could feel it hanging in the air so deathly thick.

She looked at Neldra who smiled, but gradually the smile turned to an evil smirk. Leah looked down to see a small dagger in Neldra's hand.

"Stay back!" Leah called, stepping away and grabbing her sword from her scabbard. She awkwardly lifted the weapon and pointed it at the dwarf woman who laughed.

"Are you going to try and take a swing with it?" Neldra chuckled. She rushed forward, knocking the sword away onto the ground with her thickly padded arm, knowing that Leah would drop it with how inexperienced she was. Neldra pushed Leah against a tree and forced her forearm to her throat. Her other hand lifted the dagger up in front of Leah's eyes. "You have no right to wear this," Neldra growled, brushing Leah's courtship braid with the blade of her dagger. "You think you're a dwarf; you're nothing."

Leah glared at the woman in front of her, feeling the anger burning hot inside her alongside the terror. "I will be Queen, Neldra," Leah began, gritting her teeth. "And my son will be King after Thorin! Dain can take his ideas of a pure bloodline and shove them up his fucking arse!" With that, Leah kicked out at Neldra, slamming the sole of her boot into the dwarf's kneecap. Neldra screamed out in pain and toppled backwards, giving Leah access to move out from against the tree.

Neldra lifted her head slowly, her gaze drilling into Leah, and then she ran at her with the dagger raised in her hand. "This is for King Dain!" Neldra shouted and lunged at Leah.

Leah ducked and moved to the left, missing Neldra's blow but mere inches. As quickly as she could, Leah dashed back to her sword which was lying in the dead leaves, but as she leaned down to pick it up, Neldra was too strong and fierce for her. An agonising pain split through her abdomen, just below her stomach where her womb was. "You won't dirty our bloodline," Neldra hissed, pulling the dagger back out.

Suddenly out of nowhere an arrow hit Neldra directly through the head, splitting through her skull and sending her falling to the ground in one quick drop. Blood sprayed against Leah's cheek.

Leah had dropped to her knees and was clutching herself, blood dripping through her fingers, pulsing out with each heart beat.

A figure raced to Leah's side and got down to her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Tauriel?" Leah asked, looking up at the red-headed Elf maiden.

Fili and Bilbo soon re-appeared, racing towards Leah and Tauriel. "We must get you back to Thorin. Are you strong enough to take us all?" Fili asked.

"I'll try," Leah gasped as the pain split through her every time she breathed. "I'm so sorry, Fili." Tears began to fall down Leah's cheeks as the guilt racked up inside her, hitting a whole new height alongside what she already felt for bringing Azog back.

Tauriel and Fili both helped Leah to her feet, holding her up steadily. She wavered slightly as the blood still dripped down from her tunic. "We must hurry," Tauriel said. "She will bleed to death if we do not get her help. The King does not trust strangers, as you know, and won't help, so we must get her somewhere with experienced healers."

"Take my hand, Bilbo," Leah said softly between gasps, reaching out to the hobbit. Between the pain and impending fatigue, she saw Thorin's face before her eyes, along with Gandalf and Kili. She kept their faces in her mind, trying desperately to push the pain away. But as the white light came before them all and then disappeared again, Leah fell down out of the grip of Tauriel and Fili.

"My love!" Thorin shouted, racing to Leah as she appeared, and grabbed her tightly in his arms. Her eyes were closed and her face was blanched of any colour. "Stay with me!" he called out, rocking her back and forth as he got down on his knees with her locked in an embrace.