Again all the apologies for this story taking a lifetime to finish, this is the final chapter hope you enjoy it and sorry for any mistakes!Thanks again for all the lovely reviews and for taking time to read this :) x

Chapter 9

Andy was instantly aware of a persistent thumping in his head the intensity of which made him groan, his neck and face felt slick with sweat. Realisation of what had happened hit him just as he heard the panic in Sharon's voice.

'Andy, are you alright? Can you look at me?'

Andy let out another groan, not because of the thumping in his head but out of frustration, he couldn't believe he had passed out again especially when he was supposed to be taking care of Sharon.

'I'm fine Sharon,'

'Well you could have fooled me,' said Sharon softly. 'You gave me a fright, I will get you some water and do you have your pills?'

'I've got them here,' Andy reached in to his pocket and took out his blood pressure medication looking at the bottle it dawned on him that he hadn't taken his pills in a few days, with everything that had been going on with Sharon he had completely forgotten. Feeling like an idiot Andy pushed himself up on to his feet trying his hardest to ignore the rush of blood to his head making him dizzy.

'Andy what are you doing you need to sit back down!'

'I'm going to sit on the couch of that s all the same to you,' Andy couldn't hide the anger in his voice, he wasn't mad at Sharon he was mad at himself. He wanted to care for Sharon now he looked weak and he didn't want Sharon thinking he was. Sharon was aware of Andy's sudden foul mood but she wasn't going to indulge it, she knew why he was frustrated but she also couldn't hide that that she cared deeply for him and with that came worry especially when it came to his health.

'I realise it can be difficult for you but please don't get yourself worked up Andy it's not good for your blood pressure which is obviously too high.'

Andy ran his fingers through his hair, there it was that tone he had dreaded hearing, he knew she cared but right now he did not need that mothering tone.

'Sharon don't,' replied Andy sharply.

'Don't what?', asked Sharon surprised at his response.

'I know my blood pressure is high or I wouldn't have ended up in a sorry heap on the floor, I also know that it's because I forgot to take my damn pills the past few days and then your jackass of an ex-husband coming around pretending to be concerned so he can put the moves on you just happened to raise it even more ok!'

Sharon looked at him, he looked dishevelled and all together worn out, after everything that had happened she hadn't really thought about the effect it was having on him. Jack was always a particularly tough subject and Andy found him especially hard to deal with. She walked over to where he sat and put the glass of water on the coffee table then slowly lowered herself to sit beside him, pain still causing her a lot of discomfort. Andy turned as she sat beside him letting out a large sigh as she went.

'Hey, are you ok?' asked Andy softly. Sharon looked in to his deep brown eyes, she slowly lifted her hand to stroke his cheek.

'I'm fine, the pain is getting less every day. How are you?' Andy dropped his head, 'I'm fine just mad at myself, I need to be taking care of you not the other way around'

'Andy, I will have you know that I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself, that being said I can't deny that its nice having you take care of me and for that to continue you need to take care of yourself.' Andy took her hand in his knowing that she was right.

'I promise I will do better,' he met her eyes and gave a small smile.

'Now please tell me why you allowed Jack to get to you? Andy's smile faded instantly at the mention of Jacks name. He knew he had to be honest with her, they had both promised to be honest with each other after all that business after Hickman.

'When you were in hospital Jack did come to see you and he was acting kind of odd, I got the sense that he had an ulterior motive for being there then when I came in and seen the flowers and then you said he helped you shower...'

Sharon lifted her finger to his lips to shush him. 'First, Jack did not help me shower he simply turned it on as I was having difficulty with it, second I'm fully aware of all Jacks patterns of behaviour and I quite believe he expected to turn up and pretend to be a hero and look after me. Andy, you not telling me about him played straight in to his hands.' Andy nodded he realised that he hadn't given her enough credit, he should have known that Jack poses no threat to them but like an idiot he let Jack get under his skin.

'I'm sorry,'

'You don't need to be sorry but please believe me when I say you have nothing to worry about when it comes to Jack, he came here put on his act but you allowed him the satisfaction of knowing that he got to you, now he will be in some casino no doubt feeling very smug.'

Andy laughed, she was right, he felt instantly relieved and like a fool all after one conversation, there was no doubt this woman was a force of nature and god did he love her.

'Now we both need to get some rest its very late and I for one am exhausted.'

'You're right,' agreed Andy, 'in fact I'm slowly realising that you are always right' chuckled Andy.

'Oh, Andy please don't tell me you are only just beginning to realise' said Sharon mockingly, 'Now do you think you can get too bed without any more fainting because I assure you I won't be able to pick you up so I would be forced to leave you in a heap.

'Yes, I will manage thank you good to know I have you looking out for me' laughed Andy again.

'Always' said Sharon and winked very flirtatiously at Andy.

They both walked slowly down the hall together towards the bedroom relaxed in the comfort of one another's love and companionship, the events that they had gone through recently allowed them to see that their relationship was strong and if they let their past relationships remain in the past their lives together would bring complete contentedness.

'Oh, Sharon'

'Yes?' asked Sharon as she turned the bedroom light on.

'I want you to know that I won't let Jack bother me anymore'

Sharon smiled and then gave him a slow kiss on the lips.

'But those flowers are going in the garbage tomorrow.

The End.