Just a short story, hope you all enjoy it. Sorry for any mistakes!

Dealing with Today

Sharon quickly shut her office door and closed the shutters, she sat down at her desk and let out a frustrated sigh. It unlike her to allow someone like Mark Hickman to get to her but her time spent at Major Crimes had almost made her forget how she used to be spoken to, she was angry at herself for allowing it to affect her. Rubbing her temples, she replayed the scene over again in her head.

Andy, still cheating on your girlfriends?

Another irritated sigh left her, Andy had changed over the years she knew that but hearing that did not stop her old insecurities from returning. After years spent in a marriage in which fidelity was a term her Husband took as a mere suggestion and not a promise meant that even the idea of Andy being unfaithful allowed the humiliation and hurt she had lived return leaving her vulnerable. Talking to Andy would help reassure her she knew that but it was difficult when her initial feelings towards him were of anger. She was mad he had ever behaved like that, mad that she had been reminded.

Sharon knew this was unfair to Andy, she had gone willingly in to this relationship accepting him of his past and faults like he had accepted her. All her instincts were telling her to build a wall, shut herself off from him so she would not get hurt but she knew her feelings were too deep, too invested for that to work. Sharon threw the pen she had been playing with on the desk and crossed her arms cursing herself for allowing the drunken ramblings of a disgruntled ex-officer to cause issues in her relationship. She would talk to Andy tonight, a small smile appeared when as she remembered how he had stood up to Hickman;

Emile is the key to all of this, by the way, if you re too clueless to figure that out

Hey, you want to you watch your mouth Hickman?

That was the Andy she was in love with she had to forget whatever Hickman had said and put all her focus in to solving this case, there was tension within her team and the added pressure she was under from the chief meant she wanted this case solved and fast.

Andy had watched her go in to her office and close the shutters, he couldn't tell how she was feeling, this had always been a frustration when it came to his relationship with Sharon she had the ability to mask her feelings so well he never knew what she truly felt unless she chose to tell him. Judging by the retreat to her office he knew that something was bothering her, this case was getting to everyone and he knew she would put further pressure on herself. He wanted to go check on her but he didn t know whether to or not, the line between personal and professional was fine and he was always so conscious not to cross it; but he desperately wanted to comfort her. Hickman's comments had irritated him but he wouldn t expect anything less from Hickman, he was worried though that the cheating remark had maybe upset Sharon, he was ashamed of his past but it was the past and he hoped she knew that. Andy tried to concentrate on the work he had in front of him but it was useless he couldn't focus until he knew what she was thinking. He headed to the break room thinking how much he wanted this case to be over with.

A gentle knock at the door caught Sharon's attention come in she said without raising her eyes from the computer screen she already knew by the knock who it was. "Hey thought you could do with some tea" said Andy gently as he walked mug in hand.

She looked up and smiled at him his face was such a mixture of concern and love. He had never been good at hiding his feelings, it was one the many things she loved about him. "Thank you, come sit with me I could use the distraction for a while" smiled Sharon. Andy took a seat across from her his face covered with a wide grin.

"Rough day so far huh?" said Andy, his eyes searching her face for any indication of how she was feeling." Yes indeed it has, you know I just feel we are missing something so obvious and I hate that Hickman has any involvement at all. I don't trust him" said Sharon she took a sip of her tea and relaxed in to her seat, she hadn't realised how much she needed the tea.

"Couldn't agree more, I never liked Hickman he always thought he was too smart for us. And of course there is the fact the guy is a top grade asshole". Sharon let a small laugh "well yes there is that" she said, silence quickly filled the room. Andy met Sharon's eyes and she held his gaze, they could communicate so much with just a look.

"Listen, sweetheart about what the jerk said about my old girlfriends" said Andy quickly, Sharon instantly shook her head and placed her mug on the desk she knew he would be worried but she didn't want to talk about it here.

"Lets leave that for talk for for later, are you still staying tonight?" asked Sharon quickly, no matter how effective she was at masking her feelings she could never hide the self doubt that showed through when she allowed herself to need Andy.

"Do you even need to ask" Andy smirked," it's the only thing getting me through today" . Sharon smiled and stood up walking over to him. He stood and opened his arms enveloping her in a tight hug, reassuring her.

"Thank you for the tea" she said and lifted her head to meet his eyes. "Anytime Captain" he replied with a wink causing Sharon to giggle he could never resist when she giggled like that, he quickly caught her lips in a deep kiss. Sharon hummed in return feeling all the tension she had been holding slowly melt away. The kiss ended sooner than either of them wanted but they were aware they were at work.

"Back to work lieutenant" whispered Sharon, patting his chest. Andy looked down and placed a finger under her chin raising her face so he could look in her eyes he wanted so badly to kiss her again but resisted.

"Sure just do me a favour?" he asked.

"And what would that be?" she asked curiously.

"Open you shutters again" he said.

"Why is that?" replied Sharon almost seductively.

"So I can keep an eye on you" he said with a smirk "and of course keep an eye on those legs", Andy winked again and Sharon replied with a cheerful laugh.

"Nice try now back to work" she shook her head and walked back behind her desk.

"Can't blame a guy for trying, until tonight said Andy and left her office shutting the door behind him.

Sharon sat back at her desk, her previous worries and feelings almost completely forgotten. She would still talk to Andy tonight about how she had felt. It would always be difficult after a marriage like hers to forget all the insecurities and self doubt but today she had dealt with them. Sharon went back to work relishing in the delightful feeling of contentedness that Andy made her feel.