Hey everybody! Due to hiatus fever, I got this idea to write about Team STRQ's time at Beacon! Now, obviously, at the time I start this, we don't know a lot about Team STRQ. As such, I'll will be taking some creative freedom in regards to the characters. That means, as we learn more about STRQ, a lot of the stuff in this story may become invalidated. I will try to accommodate any new information regarding STRQ, as long as it doesn't contradict what I have already written. Besides that, this is RWBY's Universe, and I'll try to stick to the canon as closely as I can. Enjoy!

Day 1


Summer Rose stood at the airship station with her father, waiting for her ship to Beacon Academy. It was the first day of her first semester, and she couldn't be more nervous.

"But Dad, what if people don't like me? What if I can't measure up to the other students?" she asked him.

"Summer, for the millionth time," her father answered. "You were at the top of your combat class at Signal, and you're one of the most likeable people ever. You shouldn't have a problem making friends." Summer wasn't buying it though, she was way too nervous. "Now come here and give me a hug, pumpkin, before you miss your ship."

"I'm gonna miss you, Dad," Summer said as she hugged her father.

"I'll miss you too, sweetie," he replied, choking up a bit. "Please remember to call me if you need anything, and most of all, be careful."

"I will, Dad. I love you."

"I love you too, Summer, and I'm so proud of you," he said as he kissed his daughter on her head. "Now go on, save the world!"

Summer let go of her father and boarded the airship, and waved goodbye as the ship lifted off. She looked out the window, admiring the view of Vale from the sky, and wondered what the view from Beacon would look like. The distinct hum of a hologram pulled her attention away from the window, as the hologram of a young, blonde woman appeared.

"Hello, and welcome to Beacon," the woman greeted. "My name is Glynda Goodwitch."

Is she a professor? Summer thought to herself. There's no way she's older than 25.

"You are among a privileged few that have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy. Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future Huntsman and Huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world."

Well, she seems nice! Summer thought to herself. Maybe studying here could be fun if the professors are all like that.

As Glynda's hologram dissipated, Summer saw it. Beacon Academy. The sight was breathtaking, the massive school overlooking the Vale Harbor from the cliff. Summer began to feel intimidated as the airship approached the academy, the campus soon starting to tower over the ship. She made her way to the port docking hatch, she wanted to be one of the first students off of the ship. As she stepped off the ship, she stopped and looked up in admiration, Beacon's CCT Tower dominating the sky around her.

"Hey, back off!" a woman yelled, grabbing Summer's attention. She looked to her right to try and locate the source. What she found were three people, two standing, with the third on the ground.

One of them was a woman, who Summer reasoned put the other guy on the ground. She was taller than Summer, had a very young, pretty face, fierce red eyes, and long, midnight black hair. She wore a red and black dress that went down to her thighs, wore red gauntlets on her forearms, and black thigh-high boots. On her hip sat what Summer assumed was a katana, in a high-tech sheath.

Next to her was an equally tall, handsome man. He had short, slicked back hair, the same color as the woman's, as well as the same red eyes. He wore a nice-looking grey dress shirt and pants, and had a long, red and black cape hanging off his shoulders. Under the cloak, Summer could make out what looked like a very large greatsword,

And getting up off of the ground was a blonde, scraggly man. He wore a tan vest over a lighter tan button-up shirt, and khaki pants. On his left arm, he had a red bandana tied to his bicep, and he wore a silver pauldron on his right shoulder.

"Geez, Raven!" said the dark haired man, laughing. "At Beacon for two minutes and you're already picking fights?"

"Don't even start with me, Qrow!" the woman, now known as Raven, shouted back to her counterpart, visibly growing more agitated. "He was the one that came at me!"

"Came at you!?" the blonde boy shouted. "What gave you that idea? All I wanted was to see your weapon! Is that a reason to deck someone?"

"You came close to me and looked below the belt, what was I supposed to think?" Raven reasoned.

"Wait, whoa whoa, he did what?" Qrow said, getting agitated. "You some kind of perv trying to get a peek at my sister?"

"I can handle this, Qrow!" Raven pleaded with her brother.

"I already told you, I was just trying to look at her sword!" the blonde boy argued.

"Were you trying to play with her sword, or yours?" Qrow replied, getting in the blonde boy's face. Summer could swear she saw visible sparks between the two men, and any second, a fight could break out.

"That's enough, Qrow!" Raven said, breaking the two boys up. "He's not worth the time."

"Yeah, you're right," Qrow agreed, backing off. "Good luck at initiation," he said, smirking at the blonde boy. As Raven and Qrow were walking away, Summer walked up to the blonde boy.

"Why did you just take that from them?" she asked him.

"It's not a good look for me to break someone's face on the first day," the boy said confidently as he turned to face Summer. "Hi there, Taiyang Xiao Long," he said as he held out his hand. "Tai for short."

"Summer Rose," Summer introduced herself.

"Huh, you don't really look like a 'Summer,'" Tai said.

"Oh? What do I look like, then?" she replied coyly. Taiyang thought about it for a moment.

"You look like a… Ruby!" he said happily.

"Well I'm sorry to disappoint," Summer replied sarcastically.

"Well, tell you what, you can make it up to me by letting me check out your weapon!" Tai said, grinning.

"Didn't you almost get in a fight over someone else's weapon?" Summer teased.

"What can I say? I like weapons," he answered, scratching the back of his head.

He seems harmless enough, Summer thought. I suppose it couldn't hurt. Summer drew the dual swords that she kept beneath her white cloak and handed them to Taiyang.

"Whoa!" he said, as he admired the craftsmanship and mechanics. "Dual longswords with .45 caliber pistols built into the hilts. Blades are telescopic and folding to convert into pistol mode, and a switch to equip silencers to the pistols. This is impressive, Summer! You designed these?"

"That's right!" Summer replied, feeling some pride in herself from the compliment.

"Does it have a name?" Tai asked.

"Yeah, Silent Thorn," Summer answered.

"Fitting name," Taiyang agreed as he returned the swords to Summer. She looked Taiyang up and down as she sheathed Silent Thorn, and noticed that he didn't have a weapon on him.

"So, where's your weapon?" Summer asked him.

"Right here!" he said, tapping the pauldron on his shoulder.

"That's your weapon?"

"Yeah, check this out!" he said, excitedly. Suddenly, bits of metal started forming around Taiyang's arm, eventually encasing it, covering him from shoulder to fingers. The silver colored metal turned into a bright golden color as his Aura began to course through the gauntlet.

"Wow!" was all Summer could say. She had never seen a weapon designed like that.

"Impressive, huh?" Taiyang asked, his confidence and pride showing clearly. "This is my pride and joy, Dragon Fist!"

"What is it exactly?" Summer asked.

"Well, it's a gauntlet that can channel my Aura and work in tandem with my Semblance. It encases my entire arm to distribute the recoil," he explained.

"Recoil from what?"

"The explosions that it causes when I punch with it," he said, matter-of-factly. "So, I guess you can say it packs a punch."

"And just like that, my interest in being your friend has disappeared," Summer snarked in response to the pun.

"Gee, first time I got that response," Taiyang replied sarcastically as Dragon Fist retracted into the pauldron.

"Speaking of which," Summer said as she pulled out her scroll, "let me see your scroll, we should trade numbers!" Taiyang complied as Summer exchanged their numbers. After giving Tai his scroll back, Summer noticed the time. "Oh crap! Tai, we're gonna miss the Welcoming Ceremony!"

And with that, the two new friends bolted to the main hall. They walked in and tried to find a spot in the large crowd of people. As they found a spot, someone walked up to the microphone that was set up in the sparring ring. He was a taller man, dressed in a dark green suit, with a coffee mug in one hand and a cane in the other. He had messy gray hair, and his brown eyes peered over some small sunglasses.

"Who's that?" Taiyang asked.

"Th-that's Professor Ozpin, the headmaster!" Summer replied, surprised that Taiyang hadn't known.

"That's Ozpin?"

"Yeah, didn't you see him during your entrance exam?"

"No, that Glynda chick was the one that tested me."

"I'll keep this brief," Ozpin said, interrupting the two friends. "You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills. And when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction." Summer and Taiyang threw questioning looks at each other.

"You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only take you so far. It is up to you to take the first step," Ozpin finished. He stepped down, and the blonde woman from the hologram, Glynda, stepped up to the microphone.

"You will all spend the night in the ballroom tonight, and tomorrow your initiation will begin. I suggest you all get plenty of rest," she explained.

"Did he seem… disinterested to you?" Taiyang asked Summer.

"I mean, he's not wrong," she replied. "They can't hold our hands forever."

"Yeah, I suppose," Tai agreed. "C'mon, we should probably find the ballroom."

The two friends set off to explore Beacon's campus a bit, looking for their temporary lodging. Once they found it, they said their goodbyes to go find their belongings. Once Summer was all dressed in her pajamas and washed up for bed, she hunted around the large floor space for a empty sleeping bag. Once she got settled in, she pulled out her scroll, excited to update her father.

"Hey Dad!" Summer sent him. After a minute, she received a reply.

"Hey honey! How was your first day?"

"Not as bad as I thought. Already made a friend :)"

"See? What'd I tell ya? How'd you meet them?"

"He almost got in a fight after we got off the airship xD"

"He, huh? I hope you're behaving yourself!"

"Oh don't start, I just met him! Besides, he's not my type"

"If you say so…"

"Relax, you know me better than that. I should get to sleep soon, initiation is tomorrow."

"Okay, goodnight sweetheart! Good luck tomorrow!"

Summer smiled and put her scroll on silent, deciding to call it a night. She'd need the rest for tomorrow.