Later on, Harry would be entirely sure that what he did was entirely on instinct. He didn't know what he was consciously doing at all, and, yet, he was sure that he would be able to consciously what he had done anyway. He blamed it on the knowledge he had gained when he had grasped the first spear.
He jumped back, after kicking the boy in the gut, knocking his sword away as he did so. He slashed the head of the spear down on his left, the X shaped blade clashing in a shower of sparks with another sword. He spun the shaft of the spear around, disarming the girl, before he jabbed to his left, the head of the spear being deflected off of a shield.
He glanced hastily over to Percy and Lee, ensuring they were out of the way of the fighting. Lee seemed to be out cold, while Percy seemed to be trying to crawl towards the stream, whatever that was for.
He quickly put them out of his mind as he caught the blade of someone's sword in the mouth of the dragons head blade of his spear. He lunged towards the sword, directing his spear and the sword into the ground, before he ran up the blade of the sword, flipped and kicked the swords wielder in the head as he did so. He landed quickly, but unsteadily, but was thankful when one of his floating spears blocked a sword to his left, and another from behind.
He shifted his grip on the spear in his hand, spinning around at the same time he swung the spear very much like a bat. The flat side of the blade came into contact with someone's head with a sickening crunch, while another floating spear lunged forward, but was deflected off a shield.
As he spun around, blocking and parrying, deflecting and returning blows, he made absolute sure that he wasn't doing irreparable harm. He knew, just from the way the edges of his spear blades shone, that they were deadly sharp, and could do some serious damage if he wasn't careful. He glanced back towards Percy and his cousin, making sure they were okay yet again. Lee was still unconscious, which was odd. He didn't usually take this long to get up, even if he had been knocked out. Harry quickly thought out a plan, rifling through the immense amount of new knowledge that he now had regarding his new weapons.
And he found something that could work. It would be dangerous, but he was already in a dangerous situation. Either way, he was going to do it.
He quickly commanded the floating spears to clear some space, keeping a firm grip on the one in his hand, as he gathered his magic to the surface. He backed up a bit, before he broke out into a run towards the enclosing attackers.
They got closer and closer before, finally, he drove the dragons head blade into the ground, his speed and momentum launching him into the air, while his grip pulled the blade from the ground as he flew. As he did so, he funneled his magic into the spear, as he twisted in the air to place his feet on the spear's shaft.
The spear, as if sensing what he was doing, shot off through the air, as if he were on a broom stick. A sticking charm on the soles of his shoes ensured he wouldn't fall off, as he flew the spear through the air of the clearing as if it were a skateboard. He summoned another spear to him as he did so, the weapon appearing in a flash of light, rather than zooming to his hand like he thought it would. This was going to be even more fun he thought.
He thought too soon, as a sharp pain went through his right shoulder, causing him to drop the second spear, and sending him to the ground in a nose dive. He almost didn't forgot to release the sticking charm on his shoes before he crashed, before he went flying, a sharp snap echoing through the clearing. The fighting stopped as Harry continued to roll, ending just at the edge of the stream.
Strong hands grabbed him, rolling him over to inspect the damage as he heard "I heard something snap, are you okay? Is anything broken?"
Harry raised himself up on shaky arms to find Percy watching over him expectantly, and worryingly. The pain in his shoulder made him gasp in pain, his left hand shooting towards the source of the pain, to find a broken bone had pierced the skin.
No, wait, that didn't feel like bone.
He looked down, to see a broken arrow shaft sticking out of his shoulder, blood seeping from the wound. He grasped his hand around the shaft, but gasped again as he the movement caused the arrow head to shift and cause more pain and damage.
"Hang on, let me do it" a soft voice said, and he noticed it was Percy again. "I'm sorry if this hurts, but it needs to get taken out."
Before he could say anything, Percy's hand had pushed his aside, and wrapped around the broken shaft. Without warning, which Harry would think later was the better decision, Percy yanked his arm back, ripping the shaft and arrow head free of Harry's shoulder. Percy hurriedly threw the broken arrow aside, pushing his bloodied hand to the now open and gushing wound. Pain lanced through his shoulder, but he was sure he would survive.
"Here, I think this might help" Percy said, and it was then that Harry noticed that Percy was kneeling in the stream, his free hand lazily submerged in the water. Harry noticed something glistening on Percy's arm, reflecting the light of the setting sun weirdly, and when he reached out with his left hand to touch it, found water sweeping up Percy's arm.
It was then he noticed the cool sensation of cold water on his skin, and looked down at his now exposed shoulder to find the water pooling out from where Percy's hand was set against his shoulder. It stayed around the area the wound was situated at, not running down his skin like he would have assumed water would, as he felt the skin and muscle of his shoulder knitting back together. When it was done, Percy removed his hand to reveal smooth, unblemished skin where there had been the gaping hole from the arrow.
"T-thank you, Percy" Harry whispered, awed at what he had seen. He looked up at Percy, giving the boy a genuine smile as he moved his shoulder around, testing it to ensure he had his full range of motion. He did.
"That's okay" Percy said in reply, his voice also a whisper. "What are friends for? And besides, I'd do it all again in a heartbeat if it means you weren't in pain."
Harry just stared at the other boy, mouth gaping like a fish as Percy got up, sword in hand, as if to protect him. Harry quickly scrambled to his feet, summoning the two spears he had used to him, the two appearing in a flash of light in his left hand. As he did so, he walked over to Lee's fallen body, checking his vitals before he pulled out his wand. He pointed it at his cousin, before muttering "Enervate".
With a jerk, Lee shot up from the ground, wide awake, as if nothing had happened. He stumbled around a bit, making sense of his surroundings. Once his senses got to him, he spun around, his eyes landing on Harry as he asked "What happened?"
"You were knocked out, Lee" was Harry's reply. "Harder than usual it seems. These demigods certainly know how to hit harder than Piers and his Gang."
Lee chuckled lightly, as he again looked around, finally noticing the crowd that had gathered around them. Startled, he jumped behind Harry, though his larger frame made it harder to hide behind his slightly smaller cousin. Harry glanced at Percy, standing to his left, who now looked as if he hadn't been almost knocked out and beaten into submission. "Shall we get them?" Harry asked the boy.
"Certainly" was Percy's reply, an almost predatory smile on his face.
Harry's other spears quickly returned to life, taking advantage of the stunned crowd, and quickly thinning their ranks. This time, Harry made sure to watch for arrows, deflecting them easily.
As he spun around the clearing, the spears in his hands knocking out more and more people, the slight breeze that had started earlier when he had first grasped the spears started to pick up, and get stronger and stronger. He wasn't entirely sure, but he thought he was the reason the breeze was getting stronger.
Before long, through the combined efforts of both Harry and Percy, everyone from what seemed to be Athena Cabin was either out cold, or had been disarmed and surrendered. All of them, except two. Before them, stood the blonde girl who had originally ambushed them, Annabeth, and Hermione.
"So, it's two on two it seems" Hermione called out to Harry and Percy, the four campers circling each other around the clearing. Harry's arms felt like lead, and he was sure he had only been fighting for about twenty minutes by this point. He grasped the spear in his hand tighter.
"Certainly seems like better odds than I've faced already, don't you think?" was Harry's snarky reply. "Sending an entire cabin to attack me? Really?"
"It wasn't my greatest plan, in hindsight" Annabeth replied, a contemplating look on her face. "The only person who could have faced those odds and won had to have been a child of Athena or Ares. What do you think, newbie? We might be siblings."
"You really are arrogant aren't you? No, I know for a fact that my mother is not Athena, thank you very much."
"Then why don't you tell us who she is, if you're so confident you know who she is."
"I won't, only because I promised not to."
"Really? Are you sure you aren't just ashamed of who –"
Annabeth was cut off quickly, by Hermione, when she snapped "Enough, Annabeth. You won't like where you're going with this. If I were you, I wouldn't insult his family." She looked cautious as she backed away from Harry, noticing the enraged look on his face. "Especially don't insult his mother, Annabeth. I don't care who she is, just don't insult her. If he doesn't want to reveal who she is, he doesn't have to."
"You're taking the newbies side, are you? Well, if the newbies ashamed of who his mother really is, then so be it."
Lee's not so quiet whisper of "She's done it now" was quickly followed by a roar of anger.
In an almost blind fury, Harry charged towards the arrogant blonde, a spear flying through the air in front of him as he did so. She quickly and hastily blocked the oncoming projectile, sending off to the side as she did so. She didn't, however, react quickly enough to the kick to the stomach she received from the oncoming Harry that she had missed. She quickly found herself on the ground, disarmed and her sword too far out of reach to be of much use, and a spear point digging into her neck.
"Don't you even dare think about insulting my mother ever again, got that" Harry said, voice deadly calm as he did so. It scared Annabeth even more than if he had yelled. "I don't care how good you think your mother is, got that. But the next time you insult my mother-" Harry removed the spear point from her neck, and left the sentence hanging, the threat obvious to all who heard. Harry stumbled back, shaking his head as if to clear it, as he moved back to Percy and Lee.
"So I think that went well" Harry said, a grin plastered on his face. He looked up in shock, however, when gasps filled the clearing. He noticed Chiron standing at the edge of the clearing out of the corner of his eye.
Above his head, floating in the air, was the symbol from the night he had cast his patronus to save Sirius and himself, the same purple phoenix with electric blue lightning bolts clutched in its talons. He noticed a different symbol floating above Percy's head, a sea green trident enclosed in a circle. Another, this one in crimson red, floated above Lee's head, taking the form of two crossed spears.
He noticed Chiron and the other campers all kneeling, even Annabeth, who looked shocked at the previous events, when Chiron's voice rang through the clearing.
"All hail, Lee Dursley, Legacy of Ares, the God of War. All Hail, Percy Jackson, Son of Poseidon, God of the Seas. All Hail, Harry Potter, First Born Son of Hecate, Goddess of Magic, and Son of Zeus, King of the Gods."
So there you guys have it. Harry's true parentage has been revealed. I hope the fight was to your liking. It's the first fight scene I've written, so I know there might be some inconsistencies and misunderstandings, so please review so i can improve in later chapters. Now, I think it's about time to answer some questions I have been asked through the reviews.
Il2swim57: Thanks for noticing the fact that I gave Harry Xaldin's spears. I had originally planned on giving him a sword, but I thought that this would be more fun. Sorry if the other characters seem to be rather "cardboard cut versions" as you said. I've just wanted to provide a view of the Harry I imagined would work well in this first. I hope this chapter helped move away from the cardboard cut versions of the other characters. And at the moment, yes, the Romance is just an afterthought at the moment, but it will show up, eventually. And no, you did not hurt my feelings either, sometimes a good negative review, from a different perspective helps with my writing. Thank you for reviewing any way.
Child of Music and Dreams: Who the Hell is Alabaster Torrington? I've never heard of him, and even if I had, he probably wouldn't have existed in this fic to begin with. With what I have planned for later on, Harry kinda needs to be the First Born Son of Hecate.
Sea and Chaos: Yes Harry is seeing auras, as well as other things as well. You might just have to read on to see what they are.