A/N: So after listening to a few songs I was inspired to write this story. This is also my first attempt at writing a wrestling fanfiction in an alternate universe. So I hope it is good. There will be plenty of love, friendship, and drama. This is a Dean/Renee and a little Seth/Renee. Roman is going to be more so a background/support role. Enjoy the read and leave a review. Hope to hear from you guys

I apologize for any grammatical errors in punctuation or spelling. This was done on the phone. So I am apologizing ahead of time.

Chapter 1

Five year old Renee's stepfather is in the military so unfortunately for her she moves around the country a lot. Her stepdad has yet to be moved out of the country, but neither her mom or stepdad want that to ever happen. This time he got stationed in Ohio. Lucky for the little girl's mom, LeeAnn they were moving back to her hometown. She couldn't wait to find out if her friend, Danielle still lived there. She'd love to see her again. The last time she saw Danielle they were both pregnant. They lost contact so LeeAnn never did find out what her best friend had.

Once LeeAnn and her family were settled in their new home she took her daughter to get her enrolled in school. She pulled up at the elementary school and looked over at her daughter.

"This was my old school." She told her as they got out the car. She grabbed her daughter's hand and the two walked into the glass door. "This is where I met my best friend so many many years ago." She smiled as they walked into the office.

"I hope to meet a friend." She smiled up at her mom.

"I'm sure you will." She smiled back.

Once her daughter was registered the lady behind the desk smiled at the little girl. "You're going to be in Ms. Mitchell's class. You want to visit the room? They should be having snack. You want to go and meet your new classmates?

"Yeah." She smiled.

"Okay." The lady nodded her smiled never fading. "Let's go."

LeeAnn held her daughter's hand as they followed the older lady down the hall. They entered the first hallway. The walls were covered in paintings and drawings all the kindergarteners had done over the week. They stopped at the last door on the left. She cracked open the door and poked her head in to see that Ms. Mitchell was indeed having snack time with her class.

"Ms. Mitchell, a moment please?" The lady asked kindly. The teacher nodded leaving the children to their snacks as she walked over to the door. "Ms. Mitchell this is Renee and she will be joining the class tomorrow, but I thought I'd let her visit and meet her classmates for a little bit this morning. If that's okay with you ma'am?"

"Of course." She smiled as she looked down at the little girl. "Well hello Renee." She greeted the little girl. "You're going to love the class." She informed the girl as they walked towards the table that was currently littered with paper towels, cookie crumbs, and cup rings from the drinks spilling and sweating. LeeAnn and the older lady followed them in. "Class." Ms. Mitchell spoke silencing the talking that was going on amongst the kids. "We have a new classmate." She said walking the little girl to the front of the table. "Her name is Renee and she will be joining us tomorrow. So class, what do we say to Renee?" She asked kindly as she made eye contact with all of her students.

"Hi Renee." The children replied in unison.

"Renee, do you want to have a little snack with us?" The teacher asked. Renee nodded as she looked around at all her classmates.

"Renee you can sit here." A little boy with dirty blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes spoke up.

Renee smiled at the boy as she walked around the table and sat down next to the little boy. "My name is Dean." He told her with a smile.

"Thank-you Dean." She replied her smile never fading.

"Here." He told her as he handed her half of his cookie. "You can have some of mine." He smiled.

Renee made eye contact with the boy for the first time. "Thank-you." She smiled bigger and brighter.

"Welcome." He smiled back.

"That was very nice of you Dean." Ms. Mitchell spoke up smiling over at her student.

"I know." He replied as he and Renee took bite from their split cookie.

Once snack time was over Renee stood back to her feet and was about to walk back over to her mom when Dean spoke up again. "I'll see you tomorrow then?" Renee nodded at the little boy's comment. "I save this seat for you." He smiled.

"Thank-you Dean." She smiled as she reached over and gave him a hug.

"Welcome." He smiled hugging her back.

Once they broke the hug Renee rejoined her mom. They began walking out the door when she turned back around and waved goodbye to Dean. "Bye." She smiled.

"Dean waved back, "Bye."

The next day was Renee's full day at school, and just as Dean had promised he saved a seat for her right next to him. She smiled as she saw him tapping the empty seat next to him motioning for her to sit next to him. She quickly joined him and that's where it all began.

Throughout the year their friendship continued to grow. They quickly became best friends. They were inseparable. They did everything together from sharing snacks and lunch to playing house together during choice time. The two of them decided to continue playing house when they went out for recess. They made their house behind a couple of trees. It was private what the both of them wanted.

"So if we're mommy and daddy, shouldn't we act like a mommy and daddy?" She asked as the two of them were standing behind the trees.

"Like how?" He asked curiously.

Renee shrugged, "Maybe we should kiss."

Dean shrugged, "Okay." He agreed as they leaned in, puckered up and kissed each other's lips.

A little girl from their class happened to walk past them and saw the kiss and froze. "Ooooo." She said as she watched the kiss. "I'm gonna tell." She said as she quickly ran off. "Ms. Mitchell, Dean and Renee are kissing behind the tree." She tattled as she pointed to the two trees at the far side of the playground.

The teacher stifled a smile as she got up and walked over to the trees that the little girl pointed out to her. "We're you guys kissing?" She asked trying to stay serious.

"Yes Ms. Mitchell we were." Renee responded looking down at the ground. "Don't be mad at Dean." She told her. "It was my idea."

"Well, he did agree so that means you both have to sit out of recess the rest of day." She said as she led both students to sidewalk. "Also means both your parents are going to get call." The children nodded as they stood on the sidewalk watching the rest of the kids playing.

At the end of the day the parents came to pick up their children; she decided to keep Dean's mother and Renee's mother to speak with them about what happened on the playground today.

"Dean, sweetheart you ready to go?" His mother asked as she walked into the classroom.

"Ms. Mitchell wants to talk to you." He replied as he continued to play in the house corner with Renee.

"What'd you do?" She asked.

"Ah, Mrs. Taylor, glad to see you." Ms. Mitchell smiled as she walked over to Dean's mother.

"What did he do?" She asked as she adjusted the purse on her shoulder.

Before she could answer Renee's mother walked through the door. "Oh yes, the other lady I was looking for." She smiled. "Mrs. Hendrix a moment please."

LeeAnn and Danielle made eye contact and immediately recognized each other. "Danielle?"

"LeeAnn?" She squealed back, "Oh my God! How are you?" She asked as the two women embraced.

"I'm good." She nodded as they pulled away. "My husband and I just moved in. It's so great to be back home and to see you again."

"I know." She nodded. The teacher cleared her throat to grab the two ladies attention. They both immediately stopped chatting and looked over at the teacher.

"Sorry Ms. Mitchell." Danielle spoke up, "Long lost friends." She explained.

Ms. Mitchell smiled, "I see. Anyway I called you both over because your children may have offended one of their classmates today."

"Offended?" LeeAnn questioned, "How?"

Danielle crossed her arms over her chest as she stood next to her friend waiting for the teacher to explain herself.

"Well on a positive note,there is no doubt your kids are close friends." She smiled. "Which is completely fine. I'm actually happy Renee was able to meet a friend so fast, but however, on the negative side of things, some may say they are a little too close. Today one of my other students caught them behind a tree giving each other a kiss."

LeeAnn and Danielle smiled they were trying so hard not to laugh. They turned around and watched as their children played house. Obviously once again playing as mommy and daddy as they passed the crying baby back and forth to one another. The two friends looked at each other as they slowly turned back to face one another.

"I'm sorry about that." Danielle apologized. "I'll be sure to have a talk with Desn today about what happened."

LeeAnn nodded, "Yeah I'm sorry too. I'll sit down with Renee as well."

"Thank-you." The teacher nodded. "And hopefully it won't happen again. If it does we may need to separate the two children and put them into two different classrooms."

"That won't be necessary." Danielle shook her head. "We'll make sure it doesn't happen again.

The teacher nodded as Danielle and LeeAnn turned around and began walking to their children. "Dean, let's go son."

"But I don't wanna." He replied. "Renee and I are in the middle of something."

"You'll see her tomorrow and then you guys can pick up where you left off."

"Fine." He huffed as he turned to face his friend. "I'll see you tomorrow." He told her with a pout as he reached over and hugged the little girl. "Bye Renee." He told her as he took his mother's hand.

"Bye." She replied.

"Here." Danielle said as she handed LeeAnn a piece of paper. "It's my number give me a call. Maybe we can get together and catch up let the kids have some fun.

"Sounds great." LeeAnn smiled as she took the paper.

"Nice seeing you again." Danielle smiled as she and Dean left the classroom.

"Alright sweetheart let's go." She said as she took her daughter's hand and the two of them walked out the room.

After discussing with their children that it wasn't nice to kiss behind a tree and how it offends people the kids decided not to do it again. They were informed that hugs were okay and they could do that instead of kissing, and they never did get into trouble for kissing ever again.