A/N – I don't normally write non-kayfabe, in fact this is my first such story, but after Fastlane and Raw last night, I had to get some thoughts on paper. And since I've been told I get into characters' heads pretty well, here is my attempt at getting into Joe's and Paul's following Monday night's assault.

It was one thing for the crowd to boo him at Fastlane as he stood victorious after pinning Jon for the 1-2-3. In fact, Joe had pretty much expected it given the reactions he had been receiving ever since the disaster that was the Royal Rumble. But what happened on Monday night, he certainly wasn't expecting.

Joe had been booed as a babyface before so that really wasn't anything new. He thought there were limits though to how much the crowd actually honestly disliked him and he truly thought those limits included getting pedigreed onto the steel steps, a crimson mask covering his face.

But no, they didn't. In fact, not only was he booed but Paul, playing the part of the perceived heel in this situation, was being praised. The crowd cheered for "Triple H" and demanded the pedigree "one more time." And then they engaged in Daniel Bryan's famed "Yes!" chants as Paul slammed his head repeatedly against the announce table.

To say this wasn't the reaction Joe had expected would have been an understatement and to say that all of it wasn't starting to get to him, well, that would just be a downright lie. Let's just say, he never quite became immune to the incessant booing the way Vince and others had assured him he would.

Paul stood atop the steps holding the title high in the air and the crowd continued to cheer him, the guy who was the villain, the bad guy. They cheered him on to the first victory in the duo's war.

Trying to stop the fans from chanting his name, Paul took a quick glance down at Joe who was flat with his back on the ground. He could tell Joe wasn't selling an injury and that he had actually, probably during his match against the League of Nations, messed up his shoulder given the way it was positioned. The blood, that part was fake, but the fans weren't supposed to know that. They were supposed to believe as Michael Cole had said, that "Roman was busted open."

Paul sighed and offered his opponent a slight nod indicating the segment was over. It was all he could do at this point as it was clear any further attack would only lead the crowd to cheer him more, not to draw the ire and heat it was meant to.

This was supposed to be Joe's moment, his road to Wrestlemania. This was supposed to be his triumphant narrative. He was supposed to be greeted with cheers not boos and chants of "Roman sucks."

He was the man who would be king and Paul was ready to complete the coronation.

But if the road continued on as it did that night, the coronation, which was happening regardless, would be met with disdain and disappointment, outrage and agitation. Joe would stand atop the mountain but he'd do so as hundreds of thousands of boos rained down on him, and unlike last time, there would be no cash-in to save the crowd from leaving unsatisfied, unhappy.

That would be his Wrestlemania moment, a chapter in his legacy, despite that not being at all what Vince and Paul had wanted for him.

See Paul knew that Joe had a thicker skin than most but he could tell tonight especially, the reaction being such the opposite of what they had assumed backstage, that it was starting to get to him. Paul saw in the former and soon-to-be future champ's eyes, the sad realization or resignation rather, that this was the way things were going to be. That no matter how hard he worked, how much he improved both in the ring and on the mic, no matter what he did, the crowd just wouldn't accept him the way Vince had intended.

Paul took another deep breath, offering Joe a soft glance as if to say, "just hang in there kid."

He knew this was tough but there was such a reward at the end of the tunnel. Joe had gotten the chance to improbably experience that once before as Vince managed to get him over in front of a tough Philly crowd. Paul was sure his father-in-law would magically be able to do it again.

Joe just needed to hang in there a little bit longer, just put on that fake mask and keep up appearances for a little bit longer.

However, as Paul knew and as anybody in Joe's position would likely tell you, the concept of going through the motions, especially given the harsh backlash, was easier said than done. It was a lot to manage and that was without all of the expectations.

Again, Paul could relate. He didn't come from a wrestling dynasty like Joe did but he married into one. He felt Vince's pressure to succeed the way he guessed Joe felt when it came to emulating the success of his cousin or his father or uncle.

So knowing Joe had so much on his plate, Paul just hoped he could channel Triple H's darkest, most vicious side, using it to get Roman Reigns over with the WWE universe. At the very least, he sure as hell was going to try.

The crowd began to leave the arena but not before voicing their opinions and their annoyance at continually being ignored by WWE brass.

The fans booed vociferously all the way out the door, hoping that Vince would finally take notice and stop shoving Roman Reigns down their throats. They didn't want him to be champion and given they cheered one of the most devious heels the company has ever seen, they were convinced that much was clear. If these fans had their way, they'd push Roman Reigns off a cliff much the way they pushed Daniel Bryan into winning the WWE title.

Joe took one last sympathetic look at Paul before the referees and medics came over to tend to the kayfabe injuries and one real one, he had sustained. Paul just nodded slightly, wishing there was something more he could do or say.

He understood far better than Joe would ever know just what kind of hell being in that position was.

Although, to be fair, even when he received the loudest vocal opposition, he did so as one of the company's top heels. So getting booed was part of the job for Hunter Hearst Helmsley, for 'The Game,' 'The Cerebral Assassin,' Triple H, almost from day one. The Roman Reigns character however was a babyface.

So Paul knew and he knew Joe did too, that this reaction of loud and unceasing displeasure, wasn't supposed to happen, especially not in the light of a viciously savage beat down.

Paul left the ring, title slung across his shoulder, thankful he didn't have to smile as the crowd cheered him and his heinous assault. They were supposed to be booing him for that. It didn't make him feel good that they weren't especially as it came at Joe's expense.

Joe, as was scripted, shook off the medics, and followed closely behind. Of course, not before being given an exit serenade, one last chorus of those deafening boos. He felt defeated as the remaining members of the crowd channeled their inner Bray Wyatt with chants of "Anyone but you Roman," ringing out loud and clear.

Taking a deep breath, Joe smiled as confidently as he could manage, holding up appearances until the very second he disappeared behind the curtain. It was then that he allowed his face to fall in disappointment, in pained anguish.

He was quickly met by an intern who handed him a towel to wipe the "blood" off of his face. Joe thanked him and then began to head toward his locker room. He just wanted the night, or rather the past two nights, to be over. No more boos, no more hurtful chants, just a skype call with his daughter and then some much needed sleep.

Before he could do any of that though, Joe was met backstage by Paul, who had intentionally stayed close by the curtain, having anticipated the young superstar might need a comforting and encouraging word.

"You did great out there champ," he smiled, winking as he looked at the belt draped over his left arm. "It's as good as yours. I'm just keeping it warm."

"Thanks," Joe muttered still unable to ignore the boos which echoed in the back of his head. "But you heard them out there last night. They were pulling for Jon, hell even for Brock. It was booked as a triple threat with three babyfaces so I became the defacto heel. They needed someone to boo and well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that fell on me. And then tonight. I don't know why I thought things would be any different. They hate me and not because I'm a heel, not because I'm getting heat. No, they just genuinely don't want me to succeed."

Joe took a deep breath before glancing at the belt. The one that was once his and that was scripted to be his again. At least for now. He knew better than anyone just how quickly those things could change. And given tonight, given last night, he wouldn't be surprised if that was exactly what happened.

"This is the last thing they want from the Wrestlemania main event," he said, his eyes locked on the title. "They don't want me in the match let alone walking out as the champion. They'd rather have you keep it and you're a part-time guy. So is Brock. And yet, here we are. The universe prefers them over me. Anyone but Roman. I heard it loud and clear."

All of this was upsetting Joe and it was clear now this was taking a bigger toll than Paul originally assumed. He could only imagine the impact this was having on Joe's psyche and couldn't help but wonder just how much longer he'd be able to take it if things continued along this path.

Paul tried to shake off those thoughts. Losing Joe was not an option.

"There's only one person, one opinion you have to worry about in this business and that guy has all of the confidence in the world in you, you know that right?" Paul tried to assure him. "Vince has your back 100 percent and that's more than I can say for a lot of the guys in this company including Jon and Colby. You're his guy Joe, Roman Reigns is his guy."

Joe just looked at Paul. He knew Vince backed him as the top guy but times like tonight made him wonder just how long the boss could and would have faith in a performer such as himself, who was constantly drawing the opposite reaction he was supposed to.

"Well he does and you are," Paul continued amidst his colleague's silence. "There's a reason he pushed you so hard last year to improve and you have. Joe, you are so much better in that ring than when you first came up in 2012. You've gotten crisper and your timing is much better. You know how to take bumps and I've never doubted you've known how to give them. And this is coming from a guy who took his fair share of spears last year. Vince appreciates that hard work and talent and kid, you've got both."

Joe sighed heavily. The compliments were overwhelming and incredibly appreciative. But he was having a hard time believing them. See, when the crowd is constantly rooting against you, booing during a tag team match when and only when you are in the ring, when no matter what you do to get them on your side fails, well, it's kind of hard to stay positive.

So maybe his bosses saw him in the way Paul was describing but Joe didn't. He didn't see that guy when he looked in the mirror and at the end of the day that was all that mattered.

"I know it's easier said than done but don't let them get to you," Paul added reassuringly. "We've all been there and you know what, they learn. They learn that things would be a hell of a lot worse if we weren't around. So keep your head up and smile, a real bonafide smile fitting of a previous and soon-to-be future champion. You keep doing that and they'll have no choice but to rally behind you and you can believe that."

Paul winked and Joe managed to offer a slight chuckle in response, causing the older man to display his, or rather his character's signature smirk.

"That's more like it," Paul said simply as the pair's walk ended at Joe's locker room door. "Just remember, those growing pains are real and we all go through them. Just ask your cousin. Fans chanted 'Die Rocky Die,' for quite some time before they accepted him. And look at a guy like John. My point is, you can talk to me and you can talk to any of the guys here. Don't ever feel like you are alone because you're not."

Yeah, but have any of those guys literally been met with alternating boos and cheers based on when they landed a punch as opposed to when their opponents did? Have any of them been booed out of more than one building, not for being a heel, but for genuinely being disliked? Have any of them been the last guy in the locker room the fans wanted to see as champion not once, not twice but three times?

He didn't think so.

"Thanks," Joe said softly, deciding not to repeat out loud what he had just thought to himself. What good would it have done anyway? It's not like Paul or anyone else could do anything about it. All they would have to offer is pity and apologies that weren't theirs to give. No, Joe didn't want that, he didn't want any of that.

But Paul wasn't stupid and he could tell there was more on Joe's mind than what he was saying.

"Oh and one more thing," he added before he could get too far down the hallway. "If all of this is really getting to you, please, just promise you'll come talk to me before you make any sort of big decisions, okay?"

It was like Paul was reading his mind.

"I'm not going to quit," Joe replied insincerely, not sure if he was trying to convince himself or Paul in that moment.

"I know," the older man simply replied. "Just, come to me if you need to talk about anything. Anything."

There was an unspoken silence between the two, both fully aware of exactly the words they weren't saying. Joe had nothing else to say and Paul was being respectful of that while also not pushing his own agenda.

There was a conversation there that might be for another day, but until then, he knew this was Paul's way of saying they weren't going to bring up the future until Joe was ready to talk about it. He had a lot on his mind right now and Paul understood.

And for that, Joe was much more grateful than the simple nod he offered the man as he walked down the rest of the long hallway, would seem to suggest.
