Hey guys! This is the Luke chapter, as one guest requested. I hope you enjoy it! If you want to request more characters, leave a review!
Disclaimer: I don't
Luke did not regret his last decision. He was happy that he had died for Olympus, he had died to repay the mistakes he had made in the few years he was on Kronos' side.
Luke wished he could see Percy and Annabeth. He wanted to thank them, and to apologize to them for all the pain and death that had been spread due to his rash mistakes driven by anger.
Percy was such an amazing and kind person, Luke thought it was no surprise Annabeth had taken on such a liking to him at such a young age- twelve years old. He had a feeling that Percy and Annabeth had gotten together after the war. He was happy for them, at the same time exasperated at Percy for being so oblivious that he didn't notice Annabeth liked him.
After he had died, he had a vision of everyone on Olympus. Percy was offered immortality. He had declined, and made sure Luke's dying wish was fulfilled. At that moment, gratitude filled his heart, and he felt truly happy and peaceful for the first time in forever. No more anger, fear, guilt, uncertainty. All thanks to Percy.
Percy had given up immortality for not only Annabeth, the little girl he used to take care of, but also to make sure Luke's wish was granted.
Luke trusted Percy to take good care of Annabeth. He had heard rumors amongst the dead that Percy had literally fell into Tartarus to be with Annabeth. Luke admired Percy for his capacity and ability to love someone to death… or worse than death.
He was sure Percy knew that the stronger your ability to love someone (and not just romantically), the more pain affected you. Yet, he didn't try to pull away, try to run, or try to detach himself from those around him. He embraced the pain thrown his way. He never complained once about the injustice of life, of the world.
Percy may not have been the smartest person he met, or the brightest, but he had street smarts, and knew how to think properly. He may not be Athena's child, but he understood the wisdom of life, the wisdom of friendship, the wisdom of trust, and the wisdom of love.
Being on Kronos' side for so long had helped him to understand Percy and his motives. His fatal flaw was loyalty, he gave everything up for his friends. That was the key to Kronos' twisted plans to try to either a) kill Percy or b) get Percy to join his side.
When he appeared for judgement in the underworld, he was judged by Hades himself. Hades seemed to be in a good mood when they met. Luke was literally shaking from fear at that moment, fear that even though he sacrificed himself to save Olympus, he would still be judged for his mistakes and years when he was working for Kronos.
Taking a deep breath he braced himself for the worst. If Percy was in his place, he would just accept his fate without any thought of complaint, any thought of injustice. But then again, if he were Percy, he probably never would have joined the Titans in the first place. Looking up, he stared straight into Hades' dark obsidian eyes.
Hades tilted his head. "Elysium," he had said firmly.
Luke had smiled slightly, and with a quick mutter of thanks, he proceeded to Elysium.
It was all thanks to Percy, he thought. All thanks to Percy that he was standing in Elysium at this moment, together with all the fallen heroes that he had made peace with. Percy was the one who had given him the chance to fix his mistakes.
He looked over the horizon of the Underworld, towards the palace of Hades. His eyes travelled around the Underworld, settling on everyone around him. Everyone who had done good deeds in the world that they had once lived in. Not exactly a perfect world, but Luke was sure, with people like Percy up there, noble, selfless people who saw the big image instead of just the one person that was him or herself, that the world could become a much better, a much more beautiful place.
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