Disclaimer-I do not own Naruto or DC, Marvel or any other comics, games or manga, which I used while writing this...unfortunately.

Note: found a good cover image for my fic, all rights reserved.

Dark Sorcerer.

Chapter VIII.

War… war never changes. But since when there were a fucking Nazi zombies in it?!

Naruto Von Doom. Conflict with Tenebrae.

DC Bombshells Universe. Secret Facility of Amanda Waller.

Amanda Waller learned many harsh lessons in her life. She created her Bombshells to fight against the threats never before seen. Or seen and forgotten. When Hitler rose to power in the Germany it worked like a catalyzer to much worse things.

Powers of old, dangerous and thirsty for human souls and flesh returned to this world, aliens crashed on their planet. Meta-humans popped out everywhere. Order was needed, and order will be upheld, through her loyal soldiers.

Right now she worked over her new project. She deduced, that if the undead were real, then many other things were also worthy of her research and with help of doctor Kimiyo Hoshi and 'Big Barda' Free, her right and left handed maidens, she was now looking at the transdimensional gate, courtesy of her science brigade.

However, she had never expected that it will activate on its own creating the rift in space continuum, leaving several people behind.

"Amanda Waller." said the one, in strangely shaped armor and covered by black cloak. "Why am I not surprised, that you are nearby, when world is about to be blown to hell."

His presence was overwhelming, but Waller managed to calm herself. "Who are you and how do you know my name?" asked she.

"I'm Doctor Doom." answered he. "And you, miss Waller, were a large thorn in my side, back in my own dimension."

"You know her?" asked Fate.

"Our version of her. When you need to do the dirty work through the dirtiest way possible… You need Amanda Waller." answered Naruto, "Unfortunately, right now we need someone like her, to deal with Luthor."

"Luthor?" asked Waller. "How Alexander Luthor got into this mess?"

"Not Alexander, Lex. Lex Luthor." answered Doom. "Our version of Luther, bent on world domination and clad in battle armor."

"Well…" Amanda knew that Alexander was dangerous man, but the version from another world seemed even worse. She knew what she needed to do, but it took a lot from her to recognize that she was completely helpless. "Looks like the best course of action will be unite against our foes."

Meanwhile, with Lex.

Armored figure of Lex Luthor, with Solomon Grundy in his hand, appeared inside the magical circle. In front of him, stood the bald man in white suit. Several armed soldiers, in form of the Third Reich regime, pointed their weapons at him.

"Greetings, Lex Luthor. I serve the King Beneath the Black. Have you brought what you promised?" asked he.

Instead of answering Lex threw the motionless form of Grundy to his feet.

"Good. Rise Solomon Grundy, be reborn on Monday!" said Tenebrus, raising his arms in the air. Lightning shoot from his fingers into the motionless form of Grundy. For several minutes nothing happened, but soon Solomon rose to his feet.

He opened his eyes glowing with blue light, raised his head and roared.

"I think I fulfilled my end of the bargain." said Luthor. "Where is an army you have promised me."

"Patience, Lex Luthor, patience." said Tenebrae. "With each day, our armies grow and soon when we will cover this world… You will have your army. Right now though… let me introduce our other allies. Joker's Daughter…"

Woman in cabaret dancer's outfit made a reverence.

"…Brother Night…"

Man in form of the Nazi officer nodded.

"And Zattanna and Constantine, Daughter's guest… and a spy-turned-pet."

Woman in fishnets and cabaret dress nodded as did the… rabbit with cigarette in his mouth.

One of the many battlefields of the Second World War.

Baroness Paula Von Gunther swore her alliance to Tenebrae for the treasures that they promised her. Themyscira, its woman, riches and that she will wish for. King Nereus, their new ally will have the seas, she will have the riches and Tenebrae will have the dead.

But also she wanted to prove that she is the mightiest woman on this earth, the rightful ruler who walks upon it. That's why she followed Diana the Amazon Princess to this distant location in Europe. She needed the worthy enemy to prove herself.

"This is the end, Amazon." Said she. "As you can see, the new Tenebrae Battalion will claim your allies, still alive and those, who are already dead."

"We battled your kind before and sent them to the depth of Tartarus where they belong!" screamed she throwing her lasso in the direction of the Baroness. However, she grabbed the lasso and pulled Diana back, towards her.

First of the Baroness hit her abdomen with tremendous force. All too familiar to the Diana.

"Your speed, your force… What are you?"

"I'm the Baroness, I rule my Barony and protect those within it. This bargain have I made with Tenebrus the Binder and his army of Tenebrae. I will not let humankind pass of this earth. I will protect those devoted to me. I will even let you have your pet… Isn't peace through submission an amazon virtue after all?" asked she as Diana and Trevor fought the undead.

However, something happened exactly the same moment Diana decided to answer the remark.

At first everyone on the Earth had felt it. Like the feeling of coming dread. Then came the sound… like the heavy artillery's projectile flew at your position and it happened all around the world. Then it happened. It hit the Earth.

Flaming meteor fell somewhere in the arctic ice. But all, who knew at least something about the powers of this world, felt that it wasn't usual meteor. It was something else.

Somewhere in the melted ice, slowly covered by snow, lied a beautiful grey skinned woman. She clenched the golden trident in right and lasso in the left hand.

She was slowly covered by snow, until metal hands didn't dig her out. Figure in dark robes took her bridal style and carried her away, through the blizzard, slowly disappearing in it.

Meanwhile, in Europe, Baroness and Diana slowly breathed in and out after all that happened in last seconds. But Baroness wasn't given any time to collect her thoughts and armies, several explosions scattered her warriors behind her.

"Well this is certainly a new level of a saying 'Good Nazi is dead Nazi'." Came a male voice from behind them. Both women turned and saw a man dressed in black combat gear, with long brown hair, half mask covering the lower part of his face and metal left arm that shone even in darkness of the night.

"Fortunately I have enough explosives to make dead stay, well… dead."

"I do not know who you are, but believe me, soon you will bow to the might of… ack!" she was forced to duck, as Diana inserted her fingers into the earth, ripped the good chunk of it out, and threw it into the Baroness.

"For all that you fight like one, you are no amazon!" said she standing proud.

"Hey lady! Take cover!" something flew past her and landed right in the swarm of the Tenebrae. Seconds later it exploded leaving only the destroyed bodies lying all around.

"Very impressive, I must say, stranger." said Baroness looking at the man in the half mask. "Who are you, you are certainly not of this world, Tenebrae can sense something like this."

"Name is Bucky." answered he, grabbing something from his belt. "But the likes of you, call me Winter Soldier." He threw a spherical object in the direction of the Baroness. With nasty way it beeped even the dead Tenebrae understood that it was dangerous.

They jumped over it, protecting the Baroness from harm.

Bright flash blinded everyone for several minutes, also vaporizing the undead. Bucky protected his sight with his googles and now, with battle knife in one hand was aiming for the kill.

But what happened next stopped him in his tracks. Wounded soldiers, prisoners as he presumed, and soldiers of both armies ran away from something.

"Help! Help us!" screamed they. "The dead came to the camp for prisoners!"

"You see…" said the Baroness. "Between the two armies, I'm your only path to salvation. Kneel or become the Tenebrae, your choice."

"Wonder Woman…" said the huffing female doctor, who managed to run to her position. "The undead, the came to our camp, killed so many… so many… And the prisoners, the Nazis… they are loose!"

"They are not loose." huffed the Winter Soldier. "They are trapped, alongside us."

"With army of Tenebrae in front of you…" said Baroness clapping the neck of her undead horse "And the army of Tenebrae behind… you are trapped now, Wonder Woman. Kneel and find your salvation in your servitude to me!"

"My sisters had already fought the Tenebrae. Fought and vanquished!"

Instead of answer, Baroness showed Diana her hands. The princess gasped.

"Amazon gauntlets? Where did you take them?"

Baroness smiled and took away the carpet that covered the back of her horse. "As you said, the King Beneath the Black fought your people, too, Diana… and just as with the dead, he keeps what he claims." Horse started to glow with blue, ethereal light.

It sprouted two large, bat-like wings and spread it wide, with Baroness, once again on its back, looking down with triumphant smile.


"Retreat!" screamed Diana.

"To where?!" screamed one of the terrifying men, there is no place to hide.

"Over there is the cave!" screamed the Winter Soldier and pointed in the direction of the cave, continuing to shot the undead.

"No! German soldiers to me, you must return to the army and continue to serve the Third Reich!"

"The POWs, the Nazis…" started the doctor, but one of the soldiers shut her up.

"NO! Gun down the Kraut bastards. Do What you should have done days ago!" but golden lasso hit them like a whip. "If you are living, GET INSIDE!"

"You see." Said Baroness, speaking with the Tenebrae. "There is no quarrel beside the dead. And Diana cannot commend even her followers. Smoke them out! Dig out the trees and burn them!"

Meanwhile in the cave.

"Listen to me! LISTEN TO ME!" screamed Diana gaining attention of everyone. "This is what you have chosen! This chaos! This conflagration! You turned your back on your people, because all humankind, beyond the land, the race, the faith, were still your people!"

"Blind Wretched! Hateful! That you could look on your fellow creatures and see strangers, see enemies. You chose hate and now you are allies and servants of death. And you have made him your master. Is this what you desire? Corpses? Rot? Oblivion?! You going to held to such believes? To your petty hatred? To desire for killing? To thoughts of being righteous and noble men?"

She stretched her lasso. "Surrender. Submit to me. And redeem yourself for what you have made of this world." They kneeled in front of her touching her golden lasso.

"AGH!" screamed Baroness on her flying nightmare. "Fools! Scum! Abominations! You betrayed your homeland, you betrayed your fathers!" screamed she to the German soldiers, who ran alongside the Allies' soldiers and fought the Tenebrae.

But she was forced to shut up as bullet from the Winter Soldier's rifle nearly pierced her skull and Wonder Woman's lasso grabbed the nightmare's neck.

"We cannot repeat the crimes of our beloved generations simply because they are beloved." started Diana pulling her lasso and forcing the mare to land. "We cannot raise our children as our parents raised us. The world moves forward. Ours is different time." Losing her balance Baroness fell from her mount and Diana attacked her while she was falling.

"We must create something better than that from what we came. Now stand and FIGHT!" Back of the rifle hit the head of the Baroness and the fell, clenching her head. Winter Soldier pointed his rifle at the Baroness. But Diana placed her hand upon it.

"NO more deaths for today we will not give the Tenebrae more soldiers." Bucky nodded and lowered his rifle.

"No matter what you say, we will have the world." said she as blue sparks covered her gauntlets. In bright explosion of blue energy, she disappeared. Diana grubbed the reins of the nightmare and starched her hand to her companion.

"Come Steve Trevor. We have a work to do." said she.

"Is it a private party or can I tag in?" asked the Winter Soldier, riding another nightmare.

"Of course. Winter Soldier, isn't it?"

"That's my code name. I'm James. Sergeant James Barns."

AN: Happy 9th of May to all! Again ;)