Disclaimer-I do not own Naruto or DC, Narvel or any other comics, games or manga, which I used while writing this...unfortunately.

Note: found a good cover image for my fic, all rights reserved.

Dark Sorcerer.

Chapter I.

For many years, my main desire was to be loved, to have a parent… Never before had I imagined that it will be fulfilled.

Naruto Von Doom.

Victor von Doom required an heir. He understood that even if he will sire a child, he or she may not have needed criteria or potential. So he just used magic to search for somebody with potential equal to his own and without a parent, so nobody will have deeper influence on the child aside from himself.

The wish of the two was granted.

Through years of vigorous physical training, learning magical arts and understanding the scientific powers and even more harsher training to control his demonic powers, given to him by his biological parents, Naruto Von Doom, forsaking the surname given to him many years ago, became the secret heir of Victor Von Doom.

All that was left… is one final test.

Naruto kneeled in front of his father, clad in his new armor made of eternium fusion of adamatium and vibranium.

"Rise, my son. There is no reason for person with power and will equal to my own, to kneel before me." said Victor.

"Yes father." said Naruto raising to his feet.

"Today, you start your path to greatness, like I did once." Said Doom. "Today, you will prepare to built or conquer a kingdom for yourself. Today, I will send you to another Earth, for your final test!"

Purple lightning from his hands struck the surprised Naruto.

I returned to my senses on the wasteland. It seemed that my father randomly had chosen a word for me to build a kingdom in. Kilometers around me were covered in dead bodies and destroyed war tech. Whatever happened here certainly wasn't pretty.

I continued my path using Kurama's power to locate the living beings. I followed the trial and it led me to the village attacked by the bandits. I noticed that weapons used by them are at least equal to that of twenty first century.

Not my century, but I saw many alternative dimensions to tell how the technology will evolve with and without interference of some aliens, evil geniuses and gods.

I saw, how one of the bandits raised his battle knife upon the young child, who tried to protect his mother.

And I acted.

Severed head fell on the ground, blood and bodies ripped asunder fell on the earth seconds later. And in ground soaked in blood people kneeled before me. Before their Savior.

Under my mask I smirked. Maybe this world will not be as bad as I thought.

It tookNaruto a year. Only year later, he, after conquering the no man's land and calling it the Kingdom of Latveria, crowned himself as Naruto the First or as he preferred King Doom. Just like his father before himself he started to build his kingdom from scratch. Before it was no man's land different mercenary bands roamed the territory that in other dimension was called Latveria.

No country wanted to deal with it, to dirty their hands, to deal with the crap that the unification of Latveria will produce. When Naruto was crowned, nobody cared, they thought that he is another one-day ruler.

When they understood their mistake it was too late.

Naruto knew about the hidden riches in Latveria's soil and used them as economical booster. He managed to create his laboratory that was actually equal to that of his father. When rulers of other states decided to deal with him army of doombots awaited them.

Goddess of Victory was on the Naruto's side. However, due to this, he was seemed as ruthless and merciless dictator. Propaganda of other nations was rather powerful to fight against, especially with his resources.

So he decided to focus on raising the level of life of his subjects. Naruto worked his fingers to the bone and year later he was one of the greatest leaders in the pharmacy.

They couldn't raise his head upon him without causing the great damage to their precious economy. All in all, he ruled the second Swiss. He reached the so wanted neutrality and was a king in his own country, but to solidify his position he needed allies.

Doom Corporation received several… propositions from different companies. The one who was most local about it was Lexcorp, Star Labs wanted them more like funds than an ally and Wayne Industries send an invitation just out of simple courtesy.

However, Naruto will answer it. He will visit mister Wayne in Gotham. But before… he needed to deal with unwelcomed guest.

He levitated over the castle's tower. Golden cape, golden gloves, golden boots, dark blue tights and Helmet of Fate.

Doctor Fate.

Unlike him in his dark silver armor and black cape, Naruto looked like some dark wizard.

"I presume you are the tyrant of Latveria?" asked Doctor Fate.

"I'm not a tyrant, I forged this country myself! I'm the rightful king of Latveria!"

"That may be, but your presence here is anomaly, and I, as Sorcerer Supreme of this dimension, must deal with you accordingly." Said Fate.

"Try me." Said Naruto as magical energy focused near his fists. However, both were stopped as in bright flash of light they appeared in the central of the large hall.

Fate and Naruto looked around. They were surrounded by different people.

"Fate!" they turned to see a man in brown coat, he spoke with British accent and Naruto didn't like him from the first glance. "What the fuck are you and me, are doing here?!"

"Why are you speaking like this is my doing?" asked Fate.

"Maybe because you are the Sorceror Supreme?" asked female voice behind him. To them moved a woman with long black hair. She was clad as stage performer, or rather illusionist.

"Hey baby!" cheerfully said the man, who spoke with them first.

"Constantine…" said she with noticeable disdain in her voice. "An here I thought what's smelled here?"

"Hey Zatanna, don't so serious. I can bet that this is the golden bucket, who must be blamed."

"I seriously doubt that." Said another female voice, it was a girl in dark purple cape, Naruto could barely see her chin, with dangerously pale skin.

"Raven." Said Constantine. "What do we owe the pleasure?"

"Golden bucket isn't the one, who did this, even the other one with the immense power wasn't." said she nodding at the Naruto.

"Then why all of us here?" asked Constantine.

However, their chat was stopped by the sound of booming voices, which spoke as one.


"Challenge? What does it mean?" asked Fate. "What kind of challenge?"

"A battle royal one." answered Naruto. "And if it the one I think about that means one certain thing."

"Which is?" asked Raven.

"The fact that buckets position of Sorcerer Supreme is… suspended."

"What?!" screamed the Fate. "What kind of madness are you speaking about?"

"Every period of time, chosen by Supreme Magical Beings of each universe, a challenge of sorts is held. A battle for the title of the Sorcerer Supreme."

"But why were you chosen?" asked Fate.

"Will of Supreme." Said Naruto.

"So, all of us will fight?" asked Constantine.

"What? Afraid that the lady will kick your ass for some, without a doubt, rightful reason?" asked Naruto.

Constantine scoffed.

"Look, who is talking. With all that armor and dark cape, you look like third rate classical black wizard from some old fantasy boo… uhk." Shot from the Naruto's hand forced Constantine shut his mouth, and without a motion he fell to the floor.

"One more thing. My armor is filled with the greatest tech you can dream of. So I'm very modern mage." answered Naruto to the crawling form of Constantine on the floor.

Zatanna laughed at the Constantine's misery. "Oh, I don't know about you guys, but seeing this jerk like this was totally worthy of coming to some god-knows-where held competition."

"This isn't over." said Naruto while Constantine slowly rose from the ground. "Laugh as much as you wish, Zatanna, but our dear opponents will soon try to take us down." said Naruto.

Meanwhile with loud roar, one of the mages attacked the other one. And hell went loose.

"Fuck…" muttered Naruto, evading the fist of Doctor Fate. Jumping in the air to evade his strikes, Naruto turned around and kicked Constantine, who was trying through curses and his crafty planning which involved the betraying and other stuff. Naruto sighed, he really hated, when nearly all fights for really important things end up like a brawl in some third-rate pub.

However, Naruto had another plan. Dealing with contestants one by one like true shinobi wasn't an option anymore. So he moved to plan B: kick Fate's ass, like he always did, and destroy all bastards, who he didn't like from the first glance, like he did with Constantine.

"Azarath Methrion Zinthos!"


It looked like Zatanna and Raven decided to deal with their differences in their own way.

Fate tried to hit Naruto's mid-section, however, his hand was blocked and twisted under impossible angle. However, someone stopped the finishing blow.

Felix Faust decided that it was the right time to strike from behind. Naruto pierced his body with his right arm. Felix disappeared like all, who were mortally or gravely wounded. However, Fate seized this moment to escape the hold.

Several moments of constant butchery later, the only standing were Naruto and Fate.


"So be it." Said Fate gathering the magical energy for the strike.

"Yes." Thought Naruto. "Do it. Step right into the trap."

"Take this!" a power blast of golden light hit Naruto right in the center of his chest and he didn't even attempt to protect himself.

Next moment they were once again above the Naruto's castle's tower in Latveria.

"You didn't attempt to protect yourself." Said Doctor Fate.

"And you stepped right into my trap. Now, you must grant me my wish and you cannot use your position of Sorcerer Supreme to deal with me. Since I was summoned to this challenge, I'm the member of this magical society and you cannot use the 'you are the danger from another dimension, so I must put you down' card." Said Naruto. "You can go now, I'm not your opponent anymore, and I will contact you later, when I will need you to grant my wish."

Doctor Fate scoffed at this. Glowing golden ankh appeared behind him and in bright, also golden, flash, he disappeared.

Meanwhile, Naruto started to prepare for the meeting with mister Wayne. Also, he wished to require the help of one certain supervillianess and mad scientist, who could help with one of his projects.

Recently Naruto started to work over one certain project. He managed to create the substance, which he called regenerin. It healed the wounds in seconds and can close even the large one, if used in right amount and at the right time.

However, it cannot regenerate limbs, and the cure of cancer, which the project started as, was still unreachable. The further tests and experiments made another version of the medicine. However, it fastened the metabolism for such state that it turned the human or any other organism into the living bomb.

It was found accidently when one of the scientists decided to test the cure on himself, hoping to return his arm, which he lost during the accident in the laboratory. He managed to return his arm and even received superhuman strength alongside the high-speed regeneration.

However, everything came with a price. Fortunately, when his health worsened he was in the laboratories, they did all that they could, but in the end all that they managed to do was shorten the list of casualties.

It was a miracle that nobody had died.

So, as result he returned to experiments on plants and aside the economical and scientific might of Wayne Industries, he needed the help of the greatest botanist on the planet, doctor Pamela Isley.

(AN: this project was started to relax from the long chapters of my several triple crossovers. I will try to update as fast as I can. The image of Naruto in his armor can be seen on my profile, under the title 'images for the Dark Sorcerer', all rights reserved.)