I found my notes from when I first started this story and as I was reading through them I remembered things that never actually made it into the story? This story has gone a whole different direction from what I had planned, but I'll make it work. ((Piper was originally suppose to find out about Percy and Annabeth last chapter BUT...))

ALSO. My new story will be out tomorrow! Keep a lookout for Bad Faith :)

AND. I want to start a group chat on like kik/imessage or something for fellow writers. I need more writer friends! So if you're interested, message me!

Anyway, onto the chapter. -J

"Silena told me that she thinks Percy is seeing someone." Piper said, as she took the platter of pasta out of the over.

Annabeth looked away from her, pretending to be busy painting her nails, "Yeah? Seeing who?"

"That's the thing, she doesn't know. Apparently no one knows. But he's different, everyone's noticed. He's very... reserved from advances lately. He hasn't hooked up with anyone or been seen with anyone since that Halloween party with Rachel, and besides the formal... if it were Rachel she would be flaunting him around."

"Maybe he just isn't interested in someone."

"That could be," Piper started, "but this is Percy Jackson. I've seen him single before. He might not be a player, but he definitely wouldn't turn down a hot girl. He's only like this when he's in a relationship."

Annabeth felt the panic set in, "Would it bother you if he moved on?" she asked as Piper joined her on the sofa with her dinner.

Piper tapped her fork against her lip as she thought, "Before, probably.. but now? I think I'm over it. A part of me always knew it wouldn't work, you know? I'm definitely not hung up on him like I was in the beginning. Like, I think it was mostly that Percy Jackson, one of the most wanted boys in our school, wanted me. I just finally came to terms that it wouldn't work between us."

Annabeth frowned, "Why is that?"

"I just couldn't let go of the image of Percy Jackson – the hot swimmer and guitar player who every girl would throw themselves at." Piper shrugged, "That's why I couldn't trust him. I never tried to know the real him and nor did I let him know the real me. I always wanted to be... prettied up for him. I only wanted him to see me at my best. It wasn't a healthy relationship from my end."

Annabeth nodded, "That makes sense, Pipes."

"Would it... hurt you to see him move on to someone else?"

"No. I want him to be happy." Piper glanced down at her wrist, "Oh shit! It's already five-thirty! Jason is going to be here any minute!"

Annabeth raised a brow, "Jason?"

"Yeah, I promised I would go to the store with him." she answered as she quickly jumped off the couch, rushing to the kitchen.

"Hey, why wasn't I invited on this little errand date?"

"Not a date." Piper said, pointing a finger at her friend before shrugging on a jacket, "he asked me at lunch today."

"Lunch, huh?" Annabeth teased.

Piper made a face, "Shut up, Annie."

"First the formal, then secret lunch dates, now a store date? I wonder what's going on."

Piper rolled her eyes, "Annabeth, I-..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Jason opened the door, poking his head in, "Piper, huuuurry!" he called before spotting Annabeth with her elbows on the back rest, her face in her hands, watching them with playful eyes, "Oh... hi Annabeth Chase."

"Jason Grace." she said slyly as Piper joined him at the door, "Have fun on your date!"

She watched a slow blush spread on both their faces as they ignored her and left through the door.


Annabeth waited a couple of minutes before making her way to Percy's apartment. She let herself in, glancing around before spotting Percy doing pull-ups on the bar in the doorway of his room. His hack was turned towards her and the music was blasting, completely oblivious. She admired the view for a moment, seeing the muscles of his bare arms and back clench as he raised himself up.

She whistled, "Hey, secret lover." she teased.

Percy let himself fall to his feet, turning around in surprise, "Annabeth." he said, a grin spreading across his face at the sight of her. Before she could say anything else, he had already made his way toward her and lifted her against his chest, "I missed you." he said, placing a kiss against her lips.

"You saw me last night." she pointed out with a smile.

"Exactly. It's been a whole day almost." he smirked, pushing her onto the couch and climbing on top of her, "Too long."

Annabeth laughed, "Control your hormones!" She squealed as his mouth found the sensitive spot on her neck, "Percy, this is also Jason's couch. Probably not the most appropriate place to jump me."

He growled against her neck in response. She laughed, running her hand through his hair, "Hey, remember that weird remote control moment we had on this couch a few months ago?"

Percy grinned, sitting back up and pulling her into his lap, "Yeah, I remember."

Back when Annabeth was still a decoy, she had hung around Percy's apartment a lot. They would mostly talk or watch movies. There was one day where Percy had wanted to watch a swim meet and Annabeth had wanted to spend their time watching some new movie. Percy had been holding the remote so she reached for it, Percy pulling it away. She had brought her upper body against his, hand on his forearm while the other was still reaching for the remote. It was all very innocent until they realized jut how closes their faces were.

"Yeah, I remember wanting to jump you then, too. I felt really guilty about feeling that way though since I was dating Piper."

Annabeth gasped, "Seriously? I never thought you felt like that back then."

He wrapped his arm around her, his hand lightly caressing her outer thigh, "Are you kidding me? You caught my eye the second you thought I was Jason. I just... avoided the feelings because of the situation. Especially that night you stood in front of me in barely anything. Gods, it was torture." he muttered, tightening his hold on her, "Had to fight some pretty bad thoughts of my girlfriends best friend."

Annabeth blushed, "Yeah, that was pretty bad."

"I still can't believe you didn't cover up." he teased, his hand traveling under her shirt.

"You had scared me! I didn't realize what I was wearing until I was in front of you!" she explained as her breathing quickened at his colder hand traveling up her stomach under her shirt.

"How long do you think they'll be gone for?" he whispered in her ear.

She squirmed in his lap, "I don't know, but probably not long."

He sighed in disappointment and pouted playfully.

"But, speaking of them, isn't it interesting how Piper and Jason have been spending a lot of their time together? They even went out to lunch together today!"

Percy shrugged, "And?"

"Come on, don't tell me that you don't see something beyond friendship there."

Percy took a moment to think about it, "Before Piper and I got together, I always thought there might be something there. But when I asked Jason about it he said they were just friends."

"Well of course he would say that! Piper was like in love with you!" Annabeth said, exasperated.

"But yeah, I always felt like the way they connected was different that how her and I connected."

"So... Are you still hung up on her?" turning to look at him curiously.

"What? You know I'm not." he leaned back into the couch "Piper is beautiful, and she had much more substance that other girls I've date, but... when we started going out, that side of her completely disappeared. I thought she just needed some more time to get comfortable around me to be herself, but it never happened. She's always been that way with Jason, I guess."

Annabeth nodded in understanding, "Would it upset you if she moved on?"

He raised a brow, "She deserves to be happy, Annabeth."

"Were you upset when you two broke up?"

"Why the sudden third degree? Honestly, I was relieved. I didn't feel so guilty about dating her but feel things for you."

Annabeth fought against a smile, "Oh... That's... Good. I personally think her and Jason are going to get together soon."

Percy smiled, "It's about time."

Annabeth smiled, nodding in agreement and brought him in for a lingering kiss, "What do you say about finding a way to tell Piper and Jason about us?"