Epilouge - Dietrich knew that a tough road filled with even tougher choices lay before him. He knew that anything he did might put his beautful Lennore and angelic Marta at risk...but what else could he do. He shuddered at the thought of the camps...the deaths... Gazing out over the familier terrain of the african desert, he felt a sudden sense of peace, he knew that God would help him...he knew he would find the right path...of this he was certain.

Troy and Tully spent the majority of a month at the hospital near allied command headquarters being pampered and spoiled by a dozen nurses, eager to make life a little easier for the wounded men recouperating there. But they knew that once the wounds healed they would be back in it...back fighting the enemy...back fighting for the ones who couldn't fight for themselves. But despite the dark happenings of the last month, the hope of tomorrow...a free tomorrow devoid of war, brightened their dreams and rekindled their fighting spirits.

The End