Chapter 49
The next week went fast. Construction was started on the studio and all the paperwork was signed and filed. Jason is now a homeowner.
He had already moved some clothes into the cottage and they are heading to pick up the puppies.
When they arrived, Doreen and Jim were already getting out of their cars with an excited Chloe. When she saw her brother, they barked at each other. Susan is very happy to see Chloe and showed her some love. When Jason got out of the car, Chloe's excitement could barely be contained. She raced over to him and Jason hugged and petted her.
"I told you she loves her some Jason," Liz said.
Susan grinned. "Chloe has a big heart."
"Where's my baby?"
"Follow me."
The puppies are a lot bigger. Doreen stayed on the other side of the fence with Chloe so that they couldn't knock into her.
Rumble barked when he saw Liz and ran right to her and so did his brothers and sisters. She was swarmed and couldn't stop laughing.
Jason took a picture as he smiled. Remy walked right up to him and sat, waiting for Jason to notice him.
"Hey, Remy," he said kneeling down. Remy put his paws on Jason's knees and barked at him.
Chloe growled and all the puppies stopped and looked.
"Chloe Thompson! You behave," Doreen said.
Chloe made a groaning sound and lay down.
Jason brought Remy over to the fence so they could meet. "Chloe, this is Remy. Be nice okay?"
Chloe sniffed the puppy as Remy looked at her curiously.
"That's a good girl," Doreen said.
Chloe's eyes fixed on Jason and then she whined.
"It's alright, Chloe. You know I still love you."
She didn't look too sure.
"I brought her a healthy treat. I'll give it to her when we bring the puppies out."
Jim reached down and scooped up Rumble. "Look at how cute you are."
Rumble licked his face.
"You and me are going to get along just fine." He took him over to meet a curious Chloe.
"You can bring them out," Susan said. "Just keep a hold of them."
They had brought some collars and leashes. Susan helped put them on and the puppies didn't like it at all. She let them get used to it and then they clipped the leashes on it and let them drag them around for a bit before trying to lead them around. Remy was a little more agreeable. Chloe just yawned like she was thinking, "Amateurs."
"They are going to whine a little when you put them in the crate. You'll get used to differentiating between a distress whine or if they are just bitching."
Jason chuckled. "Okay."
The puppies went over to Chloe and tried to play. Poor Chloe looked like she wanted to be anywhere but there.
Jason got her treat and handed it to Jim. Chloe moved towards him and took the bone and plopped onto the grass.
The puppies tried to follow, but were stopped by the leash.
"I think you have everything. I put a list in the bag about food and when they'll need to get more shots."
"Thank you, Susan," Jason said.
He and Jim got the puppies in the crate and then they headed to the cottage. Once they got there, Chloe found a spot to finish her bone and the Q's came over to meet the puppies. Monica was overwhelmed by their cuteness.
"You better keep your shoes locked up. Rumble likes to chew," Edward said.
"Is he talking bad about you, baby?" Liz asked.
Rumble ran over to her and plopped into her lap, making Edward chuckle.
Alice is in love.
"You know you can't be here all day, Alice."
She ignored Edward. If the puppies need her, then they are going to get her. "You don't worry about a thing, Remy."
Alan smiled when the dogs decided to jump in his wife's lap.
"And no, you can't bring them to ELQ and show them around," Jason said.
Edward frowned. "Why not? They are part of the family."
"Unless you get a dog bone division, I don't see them wanting to work there."
Alan chuckled before going to give Chloe some attention.
That was how they spent their evening, getting to know the newest members of the family.
Everyone had a lot to be thankful for. Jason and Liz loved the house. She spent several nights a week there, but also stayed with her father too. He and Carly were doing well and Julian finally seemed like he was leaving the Ava drama behind. Georgie and Elizabeth were working hard to start the after school program and they had twenty-five kids already signed up to start in the spring. They were interviewing some volunteer teachers to help.
Johnny and Ellie are still going strong and Georgie and Ellie are now roommates. Georgie is finishing her college classes in the evenings. She and Felicia are still going to therapy, but they are doing a lot better.
They gathered at the Q's and the dogs are on leashes on the patio. All three are chewing on some bones. Chloe and the puppies are now best friends
Everyone had gathered around the table when Brooklyn waltzed in with a little Yorkie.
"Oh, my goodness, she's so cute," Ellie said.
Brooklyn smiled. "This is Tabitha."
Johnny snickered at the expression on Jason's face.
She put the dog down.
"I hope it's house trained," Edward said.
"Of course it is."
She sat next to her dad as Edward grinned as he admired the food on the table.
"Finally, a good meal."
Tabitha went to the screen door, which is open, and looked around and when she saw the other dogs, she began to shake. Chloe started to bark, which set off the puppies and then it was on. Tabitha yelped and then started to run to her mom and Chloe toppled the chair that secured the leashes and ran into the house with the puppies hot on her heels.
"Shit," Jim muttered. "Chloe!"
Tabitha jumped into Brooklyn's arms and the dogs leapt at her, crashing into the table and Edward's mouth dropped open when the table cloth started to move.
"Chloe! Get down now," Jim yelled.
Chloe tried to retreat, but Rumble grabbed the edge of the tablecloth and pulled. Remy followed his brother's lead and helped. Michael tried to stop them, but made it worse.
Carly yelled. "No!" And the food started sliding off the edge.
Liz and Jason jumped up and ran around the table, but it was too late. The turkey had fallen onto the floor and Rumble was lapping at the spilled mashed potatoes.
Jason grabbed Remy and handed him to Ned as a rattled Brooklyn tried to brush rice off of her and Tabitha.
Jim put Chloe back out and Liz grabbed Rumble.
"Bad puppy," she said.
Rumble whimpered. He wasn't finished eating the potatoes.
Edward just stared in disbelief and then suddenly, Tracy started to laugh and soon she is in hysterics. "That was the funniest thing I've ever seen."
"Can it, Tracy," Monica yelled.
Carly tried to stifle her laughter as Cook stood in the doorway with tears in his eyes.
"I'm so sorry," Jim said.
"Who has a pet bear? She could have eaten my dog." Tabitha is still shaking.
"It's a Newfoundland and if I knew you were going to bring a dog, we would have left ours at the cottage or at least we could have introduced them properly," Doreen said.
"I was going to leave her, but I didn't want her to get lonely."
Ellie walked over to her and petted the dog. "It's okay honey. They won't eat you."
Ned, Jason, Julian, Johnny, and Jim started the cleanup.
"What a mess," Jim muttered.
"It was kind of funny," Johnny said.
"I'm just glad it wasn't my fault," Tracy added. "We still have dessert and some sides."
Jason pulled out his phone and made a call. "Can you be at my house as soon as possible?"
Everyone watched him curiously.
"Thanks! I owe you one."
"Should I order pizza?" Monica asked.
"No. I have it taken care of. We're all going to my house. Dinner will be there when we arrive. I had it pre-made just in case," Jason said. He figured if they didn't need it, he'd take it to the shelter in the morning.
Monica smiled. "Thank you, Jason."
"Cook and Alice are welcome to come too. I don't know if it will be better than Cook's meal, but it should suffice."
Cook gave him a slight smile and then grabbed some of the things that survived so he could put them away before they left. Everyone pitched in and then headed to Jason's.
Six Months Later
Jason and Elizabeth made their way to a hospital room. They quietly went inside to find Doreen napping and Jim talking to their little boy. He looked up and smiled. "Hey."
Liz smiled. "So cute," she said as she touched the smoothness of his arm. "He's so beautiful."
"You want to hold him?"
She nodded and Jim handed him off. Liz swayed from side to side. "He smells so good."
"Yeah well, wait until you have to change his diaper."
Liz giggled.
Jason looked over her shoulder. "He's cute. Did you decide on a name?"
"Yup. Please allow me to introduce you to Paper Airplane Thompson."
Liz stopped moving and you could have knocked Jason over with a feather.
Doreen chuckled. "Stop teasing them. Do you two really think I'd let him name our son that?"
"Fine, then it's Jimmy Snooka Thompson."
Jason grinned at the old school wrestling name. "He could have gone with Iron Sheik." Milo and Max were always yammering away about wrestling.
"That's a good one."
Doreen rolled her eyes. "It's Morgan James Thompson."
"You named him after me?"
"You brought Elizabeth into our lives and became a very good friend. You have always been more than generous and we consider you family. Face it. You've changed our lives in many wonderful ways. He is lucky to have such a great godfather," Doreen said.
Jason averted his eyes, feeling emotional as he bit his lip, struggling to fight it.
"Do you want to hug it out?" Jim asked.
Liz giggled at his tone and Jason just shook his head. The little quip did the trick and Jason looked up to a sea of smiles. She handed him the baby and Jason gently rocked him.
"You're a natural," Doreen said. She couldn't wait until Liz is knocked up.
"I guess I'm going to need some practice. It has been a while."
"You're doing fine."
After a few minutes, he handed him back to his dad. Liz put a basket of baby items on a counter and then sat on the bed next to Doreen and hugged her. "I'm so happy for you. Morgan is a very lucky little boy."
A tear ran down Doreen's face. "Thank you."
They visited for a while and then went back to the house where the dogs are and unpacked. Doreen will be home the next day and they are going to hang out for a little bit to help.
Three Months Later
Jason had decided that he is done with their living arrangement. Elizabeth needs to move in with him full time. So he did what any man in love would do, he proposed to his future wife.
The music stopped in the newly remodeled restaurant at the Metro Court and Jason pulled back. Liz started to turn, but he grabbed her arm. "Wait."
She looked at him curiously.
The rest of the family stood and moved closer, knowing what is coming.
Jason took her hands. "Elizabeth Jerome, I love you more than life itself. You changed my life in so many ways."
Liz's mouth drops open when she realizes what he is doing.
"I want to spend the rest of our lives spoiling you and loving you." He got down on one knee. "Will you marry me, baby?"
Tears were rolling down her cheeks, but her smile could have been seen for miles.
Everyone cheered. He pulled out a box and took out a ring and Liz gasped.
"It's beautiful."
"It was Lila's. I thought it was appropriate since Edward once told me that you are my Lila. She would have adored you."
Jason slipped the diamond onto her finger.
"It's perfect."
He stood and they kissed as everyone continued to clap. They were quickly swallowed up by the crowd. Liz moved in the next day.
Six months later they were married at the mansion and went to Italy for a three week honeymoon.
The night they got back, they made love and Jason went down to the basement. They had hung all the funny pictures that had been taken of them and their friends on the wall. Jason called it his wall of shame. Fondly, he looked at every one and when he came to the end, he gasped. "Elizabeth!" he bellowed.
She is in kitchen and almost dropped the glass she is carrying. "Shit."
Stan walked into the gallery as Liz hurried over to him.
"Did you get it?"
Stan chuckled. "Yup. Felix hit pay dirt this time." God knows the man had tried over and over to find that file for Liz.
She grabbed his arm and dragged him into the office. "Hurry up. I've been waiting forever to see this video."
"She was pretty clever, but I knew I'd outsmart her."
Apparently, Brenda routinely renamed the file and changed up the video."
"It was buried within another video."
Liz waited for him to cue it up and her mouth dropped open. Jason and Johnny stumbled into a hotel room. They are both ridiculously drunk.
"Where are they?"
"Are they drugged?"
"We think so. They had a horrible hangover the next morning and I've never seen either one of them like this."
She watched them do really silly things. Johnny started an air guitar battle and it was hilarious. Then he couldn't get his shoe off, so Jason tried to help him and ended up hitting himself in the head with it. He fell backwards onto the floor and she held her breath for a moment, thinking he was hurt and then she heard it, the sound of Jason giggling.
He couldn't stop and soon Johnny was laughing too. Finally, they stopped and somehow stood. Johnny went into the bathroom and Jason fell onto the bed. The lights went out and you could barely make out Jason's form.
"Who put the camera in the room?"
"I have no idea. It was probably whoever drugged them."
"Do you have any idea how Brenda got a hold of it?"
"I think Max found it and texted a photo to her and she badgered him until she got the video. He won't talk."
Liz shook her head. "Unbelievable." She must have something on him too.
She watched as Johnny stumbled and then fell onto the bed next to Jason. There are two beds in the room, but Johnny was too tired to care. Suddenly, the room is filled with light and Liz gasped. "Holy shit."
Jason is lying behind Johnny and his arm is thrown over his friend's body. They are knocked out.
"Now it all makes sense. Between the giggle fit, air guitar, and this, Jason was probably mortified."
The film skipped forward again and they watched as Jason's eyes snapped open and then he sees Johnny and pushes off of him and Johnny crashes to the floor.
Liz and Stan laughed at the way Johnny hit with a thud.
"What the fuck?" Johnny said.
"Why were you in my bed?"
Johnny looked around. "What?"
"You heard me."
"That was my bed."
Jason shot him a look. "If you tell anyone we slept like that, they will never find your body."
Johnny suddenly realized it was Jason behind him and not the hot chick from the bar. Thank God, he was too drugged to turn over. "Do you think I want anyone to know that you spooned me?"
"I did not—" Jason pinched the bridge of his nose. "I think I'm going to be sick."
The video ends and their gaze connected.
"You can't tell anyone else," Liz said.
"I won't. I value my life too much. What do you want me to do?"
"Did you delete it from her computer?"
"Good. Knowing her, she probably has a backup."
"I don't think so. She's too arrogant for that."
"Let's hope so. So, what does Jason have on Brenda?"
Stan grinned. He brought up another file and Liz had tears in her eyes from laughing. There were several pictures that were not flattering at all. Brenda looked so bad. It was the worst mug shot she had ever seen.
"Alright, send me the mug shot just in case Brenda gets out of line. And I need a picture of Johnny and Jason snuggling."
Stan gave her a look.
"Don't worry, only Jason will see it."
Jason grabbed the picture off the wall. It is his worst nightmare. Liz ran down the stairs and their eyes locked. "Where did you get this?"
"I have my ways."
"Elizabeth!" His tone was harsh and she folded her arms in front of her chest.
"First, dial it back. That, believe it or not, is a wedding present to you. I don't care if you burn it. I was just teasing you. Bottom line, I got the video from Brenda and she can't hold it over your head anymore."
He is at a total loss of words.
"Don't worry about how I did it. Just know that your secret is safe with me."
"Unbelievable. How long have you been searching for it?"
"Since after she threw it your face at the spa."
He got the picture out from behind the glass and then opened the closet and shredded it.
"You two did look kind of cute."
He spun around. His eyes darkened and then he pounced, grabbing her as she screamed and then he threw her down on the couch. "I'm going to make you pay for that."
"I love you so much that I had Alex distract Brenda and I grabbed her phone and ran into our room at Ric's."
He thought back. "That was what you were doing?"
She nodded. "Are you mad at me?"
As much as he wanted to be for her printing that picture to needle him, he couldn't go there because she looked so damn sexy.
She recognized the look in his eyes and pushed him and he fell to the floor, completely shocked by her actions. She took the opportunity to jump on him and then kiss the hell out of him before making him scream her name as she pleasured him. By the time they were done, he couldn't remember why he was mad.
Ellie and Johnny were married six months later. They snuck away to Vegas. Elizabeth wasn't happy that they eloped, but they let her throw them a party in their honor instead.
A month later, Jason fired Milo and gifted him with a building for his service. Milo was stunned and promised that Jason could have a lifetime membership. He already had the money to buy the equipment, so he got started working on his gym immediately. His father wasn't happy, but after some convincing from Georgie, Maximus eventually gave his blessing and helped his son out.
Julian and Carly wed soon after Milo's opening. It was an intimate ceremony. They were so happy and Michael already called him dad. Alec and Brenda were on and off, but currently they are on. Everyone had bets on whether they'd last. Eventually, Brenda found out that the video was wiped from her computer, but she never found out who did and assumed it was Jason. They never spoke of it again.
Enzo pursued Felicia with Georgie's blessing. She was a little concerned about the age difference, but Enzo didn't care and spoiled her so much. It is the healthiest relationship she has ever had.
Mac ended up dating Alexis and they are really happy.
Max and Tammy eventually hooked up. It didn't last long though and she ended up dating Paulie. They are very happy too.
Nathan and Ric were married and Jason stood up for Nathan at the wedding while Sonny stood up for Ric.
Doreen and Jim visited often. The baby loved the dogs and they were so good with her.
Six months later, Liz developed an illness and after some blood tests, they discovered she is pregnant. Eventually, she gave birth to a baby girl they named Lila Faith Morgan. A few years later, they had a little boy named Joshua Edward Morgan. Ellie and Johnny eventually had a little boy and Milo finally got his dream and married Georgie and they had a little girl two years later. Carly would end up having another boy for Julian.
The after school program ended up being a big success. In fact, several other counties asked Elizabeth to help get them started. She is very proud of their accomplishment. Georgie ended up running the gallery so Elizabeth could focus on the program and painting. Their lives are full with love, laughter, friendship, and family. Liz couldn't have asked for more. Well, maybe a little girl.
The End.