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Elliot took a deep breath staring out at the New York skyline. The sun was just rising and his morning coffee was already cold. Although whether it was cold or steaming hot, it wouldn't effect him the way caffeine should. The world felt like it was crumbling around him, yet his current position should've been making him feel like he had conquered the world. The case he had been working on for the past six years was closed, but with that closure came new mysteries. "Where are you?" He breathed looking out at the city still buzzing with live, about to become bombarded with cars commuting to and from work.

His attention was torn away from the city when his phone chimed on his bed. Grabbing the item, he saw a message from his boss with a picture attached. He ignored the last statement about sending a quick reply, trying to figure out how to tell his boss that the woman they had seen at the gala the night before was supposed to be dead and was his daughter.

Olivia moaned softly stretching out in the large hotel bed. The silk sheets brushed on her bare back, reminding her of a lover's touch after spending hours grabbing at each other in anyway but gently. Her eyes opened to the sunlight pouring in her window from outside. The waves were already in full roar, crashing into the shore just enough to scare off a rookie swimmer, but perfect for a trained surfer. Her phone sat silent as she pulled on the new surfer suit sent to her from Washington, a note of congratulations attached to it. She let her hair fall free grabbing her ankle strap. Her eyes caught her reflection in the mirror, the scar on her neck catching the brown orbs.

The steel felt cold against her neck, but began to burn her when it broke open her flesh. "Please, I don't know what you're talking about." She pleaded with the man holding her down onto the pavement.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about. You have the program." He barked into her ear, pushing down on her chest harder.

Suddenly, he was off of her and on the ground writhing in pain. Another man dropped onto him, cuffing him and dragging him off. A different man showed up above her and helped her up without much effort on her part. His black hair was short, almost cropped, and his blue eyes seemed to cut right through her. "Are you okay?"

"No, what is going on?" Olivia asked before he brought a handkerchief up and pressed it against her bleeding throat.

"I can't tell you that." He said before helping her back to the car they brought. "All I can tell you is that I am here to protect you."

Olivia furrowed her eyebrows, yanking herself away from his arms. "Protection? From what? Why do I need protecting?"

The man sighed running a hand down his face. "I'm protecting you on your father's behalf. Taylor Worth, that's your father, right?"

"Yeah, he's my father. What's wrong with him?" Olivia asked immediately feeling her panic start to take over.

"He's in the hospital. I'll take you to him." The man stated before holding out his hand for her to take. "My name is Elliot Stabler."

She could still feel the blade. The man that did that to her ended up staying in holding until he committed suicide two weeks after they took him in. The world turned upside down for her in more than one way. Those blue eyes... they still cut through her like a knife. The night before was the first time in years she had let her true feelings show.

Olivia laughed while hanging on the arm of the wealthy socialite beside her. It was the fifth joke he had told in two minutes and none of them were funny. In fact, they made her want to strangle him. He let her step ahead of him to sit down. Although she was there to kill him, she couldn't let him know she was there for anything but to act stupid and sexy for him. She purposely dropped her bracelet onto the floor before bending over in the red silk gown that hugged every curve she had. It was funny how something so expensive could be torn so easily. The fabric was flimsy, but did the job of making her look like a blood sucking bimbo. "I hope you don't mind; I hired some protection for the night." He spoke in a hushed tone before glancing behind him at the two rows of seats that were clearly full, most of them occupied by common black ties.

"Are we in danger?" Olivia asked scooting closer to him. She rolled her eyes when he looked down her dress to get a better look at her.

"We may be. So, stay close to me." He whispered into her ear before wrapping his arm around her.

Olivia nodded her head once before looking to the far wall, using her peripheral to search for anyone that looked somewhat capable of protecting the baboon beside her. The steely blue eyes made her freeze in her seat. He hadn't seen her yet, too busy paying attention to the passing guests looking for seats. "You know, if we're in a dangerous place, maybe we should go somewhere safe."

His arm tightened around her. "I'm sure we'll be fine."

"Well, I'm sure we will, but I'd really like to go somewhere more... private." Olivia purred into his ear before licking the shell. He squirmed slightly in his seat before looking around. "What do you say?"

"We'll have to be discreet." He said before taking her hand into his and standing up with her. Olivia watched the tag team until they were out of site. His hand immediately fell from the small of her back down to her ass, not masking to anyone what they were sneaking away to do. "Let's go in here."

Olivia saw the familiar brown sign that read janitors closet. Of course, he would pick this place! She took his face into her hands before pulling him into the closet, shutting the door quietly, and kissing him. His hands rushed to lift up her dress, but he couldn't even lift it above her knees by the time she twisted his neck just enough to kill him. The cracking noise echoed in the small dark room before he hit the floor.

Smiling to herself, she opened the door again and stepped out. The entire hallway was clear. She pulled out her compact from her clutch and checked her make up. Nothing had changed to drastically from what she had imagined. As soon as she slid it into her clutch again, she felt someone else near her. The goose bumps broke out across her skin. Someone was staring at her, coming closer.

"Hey you, the show is starting. Nobody is supposed to be out here." The voice made the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. Olivia looked up to find blue eyes staring back at her from down the hallway. He froze in his steps, his mouth falling open at the site in front of him. "Olivia?"

The second her name fell from his lips, she bolted down to the other end of the hallway. He started running after her. She went around the corner and opened the door to the stairwell. Gripping onto the railing, she flung herself over, getting rid of her heels in the process, and dropped down the two floors to the basement. She hit the floor and somersaulted to keep herself from shattering the bones in her legs. Out of instinct, she looked back up to find Elliot just getting into the stairwell. "Olivia!" He yelled after her.

Olivia ran through the next door and continued to change directions until she was sure she had lost him. Her heart was pounding, not from the physical workout she was putting herself through, but from the adrenaline running through her system. She took a few minutes to calm her breathing before opening up the door to the next hallway. The door closed before she saw Elliot standing on the other end of the hallway with a gun pointed at her. "Olivia Worth."

"That's not my name anymore, Stabler." Olivia stated before leaning against the door. "Look, I have somewhere else to be."

"Like your grave?" Elliot asked taking a step towards her. "I've been to your plot. You're supposed to be dead."

Olivia crossed her arms over her chest. "Yeah, well my father was supposed to die fifteen years ago. Things aren't always what they seem."

Elliot frowned, the shock still present on his face. "How is this even possible? How are you alive?"

"You're a smart man, Elliot. Figure it out." Olivia said before opening the door.

"Freeze or I'll shoot!" Elliot barked at her.

Olivia chuckled darkly, her hair falling front of her face. "I don't want to have to kill you, Elliot. Besides, you told me you were going to protect me. I'm pretty sure my father wouldn't like it if you killed his only daughter who is supposed to already be dead. It's a lost opportunity really." She waved a finger at him. "I'll see you around." She disappeared behind the door after that.

Elliot ran to the door, but found only an empty room and no trace of where Olivia went.

She looked over at the dress that had been tossed onto the floor from the night before. Her holstered gun sat on the table next to her bed still loaded and ready from the time she took on this assignment. Once she had escaped the gala, she knew she couldn't stay in the same city as those blue eyes. Her own eyes closed thinking of the way he looked at her, the same way he looked at her all those years ago. "Don't you dare think about it, Olivia. That life is over now." She said to herself before getting ready to head down to the beach.

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