Author's Note: I wrote this months ago, I just wish I had the time to actually devote myself to it. Instead I'm just going to upload the first chapter as a one-shot.
"Oh fuck me." He groaned as his head pounded with a vicious throbbing and his eyes fluttered open.
The last thing he remembered was being hit with a cheap-shot from that fucker Nnoitra after fighting the Kurosaki kid. He blinked hard several times to get rid of the daze in his eyes and shifted uncomfortably as something hard pressed against his back.
As clarity came over his vision, his battle senses overtook him in the new, unfamiliar environment. His eyes did a quick sweep and he took in everything within his line of sight. A small wooden room, most likely a storage supply judging by the various crates and barrels, and two burly human males.
His gaze zeroed in on the two. The two of them weren't the most pleasant looking representatives of their species. But then again, Grimmjow always thought of humans as nothing more than food covered in fleshy shit.
They must have heard his earlier groan and trudged over towards him. One with a wicked grin, the other looking down at him in a mixture of sympathy and pity. Grimmjow nearly growled. He did not like being pitied.
"Well, well," The grinning one said. "Looks like our little fish woke up."
He made an attempt to stand up but found his movements impeded. He looked down in confusion, only to be surprised that his arms were bound in thick rope. He cast a glance over his shoulder to find the ropes going around him and over a thick barrel of some rather respectable weight.
"Should curse your stars, mate." Grimmjow looked back towards the two humans. This time, it was the one with the sad look on his face that spoke. "You were adrift out at sea only to be picked by our crew. Not the best bit o'luck."
"Hmph," The one with the scathing grin scoffed. "Consider yourself drafted onto Captain Alvida's ship."
'Ship?' His brows furrowed in confusion.
There was no water in Hueco Mundo, ergo no such things as ships. Although, it did explain the strange way the floor seemed to roll. Which also meant that he must be in the human world. Granted, now that he thought about it, was a given with the humans in front of him and everything.
'Right, well, first things first.'
He flexed his shoulders and the thickly woven ropes around him tore like papier-mâché. As he stood up, Grimmjow stretched his rather sore back and rolled his stiff neck. Feeling the soothing cracks in his back, he mildly noted how the humans were staring at him wide eyed with their mouths hanging to the floor.
He blinked at that. Were humans always anatomically capable of unhinging their jaws that wide?
Like most things, he decided to shrug it off and moved towards the door. However, as soon as he took a single step, both of the heavily muscled (and now that he was near them, quite smelly) men drew crude knives at him in a threatening manner.
As if mere humans could harm him.
He rolled his eyes at the idiocy of their actions but stopped half way through the motion when his eyes snapped towards the blue hilted sword with a jagged S shaped guard on the formerly ginning man's waist.
"Oi asshat," His eyes narrowed as they stayed transfixed on the all too familiar blade. "That's my sword."
The two exchanged a look before their faces set in grim determination and they lunged at him with their knives.
Ten seconds later, he was slipping Pantera back into its traditional place in the loop of his belt while the heavily bruised and bloodied bodies twitched and groaned in agony.
However, as he fixed Pantera into place, his eyes widened in astonishment.
"Holy shit," He breathed as his hand fell down to his abdomen. "Where the fuck is my hole!"
And indeed, the hole that was found somewhere on all Hollow kind, had utterly vanished. Leaving only smooth and hard abdominals in its place. Grimmjow began patting his body down and checked himself over wildly, entirely panicking that his hole had moved somewhere else.
His alarm only increased as his hands padded his face and found that the fragment of his hollow mask was missing as well. "The fuck is going on with this shit?!"
He kept inspecting himself over and over to make sure no other part of his anatomy had suddenly changed. Arms, check. Hands, check. Legs, check. Feet, check. Eyes, nose, ears? Check, check and check. Dick…?
He copped a feel and let out a sigh of immense relief.
Everything else seemed to be the same. He still had the scar from Kurosaki and his Espada uniform was still in place. So that left the question…what the frick happened!?
After a few moments of wondering what the hell was going on, his impatience got the better of him and he stormed off. He could feel several people through his Pesquisa slightly above him. However, just as he approached the door, he absently noted a small wooden sign hanging from a single nail on the door.
It read:
Hope you enjoy this as much as I will!
-Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg
He held the crude sign in his sight for a brief moment of confusion before muttering a small complaint about the stupidity of humans.
Then he kicked down the door.
It barely took him a minute to navigate through the ship and find himself on the deck. There was some sort of event going on as all the men on board were standing in a large circle.
"Who's the most beautiful woman on the seas!?" A disturbingly deep feminine voice cried out.
"You are, Captain Alvida," Every single man in front of him yelled.
Rather curious as to what was happening, Grimmjow walked forward with his hands stuffed in the pockets of his white hakama. As he got closer, the wall of sailors blocked his view so he did the most logical thing that came to mind.
His foot lashed out and hit the nearest person.
This caused said person to fall forward into several of his contemporaries and sent them all sprawling to the floor. There were more than a few cries of pain as he deftly walked on the fallen sailors to the center of the circle.
He briefly observed how every single eye had fallen on him, but his own attention was fixed on the three figures standing at the center of the gathering.
One was a short boy with an ugly bowl cut hair, thick round glasses and a face still fresh with baby fat on the cheeks. The second was a slightly taller boy with a shock of black hair hidden under a straw hat and a dull red vest and jeans rolled up to his knees. When Grimmjow's unimpressed regard turned towards the third member of the party, only years of battle honed instincts kept him from recoiling.
"Holy shit," he muttered in mild horror.
He wasn't young by any standard of the word. Becoming a Hollow, turning into a Gillian, evolving into and surviving as an Adjuchas was a centuries long process. And in that time, Grimmjow had seen some downright awful and nasty sights. Hollows were far from being the most aesthetically pleasing creatures in the world.
But this…?!
Copious amounts of flailing blubber stuffed away behind clothing that was way, way too tight…made for a damn repulsive sight.
Grimmjow's mouth twisted sourly as he felt bile creeping up his throat.
Before he could say or do anything, the kid with the straw-hat spoke up excitedly. "Hey! You're the guy that was napping away in the cabin!"
Distaste still plainly etched on his face, Grimmjow turned towards the kid and gave him a flat stare.
"Uhh Luffy-san," The pink hair kid softly intoned, though not soft enough to escape Grimmjow's enhanced hearing. "He doesn't look too friendly."
Grimmjow grunted. Give the little fucker a cookie.
"Ah, you're the ruffian my boys fished outta the water." He tried to ignore the massive human's voice as it grated on his ears. "You should be on your knees, thanking me! Because I'm the most beautiful woman sailing the oceans! Ain't that right boys!"
"Yes Captain Alvida!" Came the unanimous reply of all the men.
A snide remark on the tip of his tongue, Grimmjow was beat to the punch by the kid with the straw-hat…what the pink haired brat call him…oh right, Luffy.
"You ain't no lady!" Luffy pointed his finger at Alvida accusingly.
He snorted in amusement as the all the fat on the woman, and Soul King's left nut did he use that term loosely, jiggled as her eyes widened in fury.
"What did you say," She grounded out as in seething rage.
"He said you're a fat fuck that looks like something you'd point and laugh at during a trip to the zoo." Grimmjow drawled out with a dry stare.
There was moment of terrible silence as every human, besides the Luffy kid, stared in shock with their jaws on the floor. Seriously…since when could humans do that?
"Y-Y-Y…how dare you!" Alvida screeched as several veins popped violently across her forehead. A feat which impressed him considering how many layers of fat those blood vessels had to crawl through.
He took a hand out of his pocket and strolled towards Alvida while flexing his fingers menacingly. "Generally I'd kill you on principle but, on the off chance you become a Hollow and I have to end up dealing with you on the other side as well…I think I'll just send you flying."
"I"LL KILL YOU!" She roared and Grimmjow hastily stepped to the side to avoid the flying spittle.
Through the corner of his eyes, his eyes caught her pull a massive metal club fitted with spikes from behind her. She raised it high and, he idly heard the two boys cry out, swung it down on his head.
As his hair flattened over his eyes and he felt the equivalent of a raindrop falling on him, the sound of metal shattering against his Hierro filled his ears. Through the lines of his blue hair, he caught sight of shrapnel flying in all directions.
Letting out a sigh, he ran both hands through his hair, picking out bits of iron and righting his blue locks back up. His mouth set in a thin line, he cast a quick glace around the deck of the ship and inwardly chuckled at the sight of fear and astonishment. A crazed grin widely split his lips as he turned towards Alvida.
Quivering in terror, she back tracked and tried to speak up but her words were caught in her throat, choked down in her own fear.
A single hand rose in front of her face and slowly curled into a fist, finger by finger. "Piss off."
He lashed out, connecting with the layers beneath her chin and launched her clear into the sky.
Grimmjow shadowed his eyes with his hand and sent a glance skyward. There was a twinkle in the distant horizon that quickly vanished, leaving a satisfied smirk on his lips.
He blinked in surprise as the black haired kid deposited himself right before him, placed his hands on his shoulders and stared with stars in his eyes…literal stars in his eyes.
"That was awesome!" Luffy yelled right into his face. "Hey! I have a great idea! Why don't you join my crew?!"
His mouth fell slightly agape before it formed into an annoyed scowl. He put a hand to Luffy's chest and pushed. "Back off, brat."
He wasn't surprised when Luffy landed on his feet few meters away. He was surprised when the boy's hands remained on his person and arms stretched to an impossible length. In a slight daze, Grimmjow brushed the hands of his shoulders and watched them snap back to the sides of the straw-hat wearing teen.
"How the fuck did you do that?" He asked with slight wonder.
"Shishishsi." Luffy rubbed a finger under his nose. "I'm a rubber man!"
"Right." Grimmjow slowly intoned. "I'm leaving now."
He reached out with his spiritual energy and used it to twist the fabric of space of with a snap of his fingers.
A second passed.
Then another.
On the third, he looked around in confusion wondering if the Garganta had opened somewhere behind him. He frowned heavily when he couldn't see any sign of the dimensional portal. Bringing forth his power once more, he tried to open the door to Hueco Mundo once more.
He scantily heard the cry of, "Marines!"
Although, he paid it no attention as he was entirely absorbed with the failure of the Garganta to appear.
He snapped his fingers several more times, each time nothing happening. His frown became a glower as his frustration continued to mount. Garganta was the only possible way to enter Hueco Mundo. Admittedly it could also be used to enter any other dimension. Be it the Human World, Soul Society itself or even a Valley of Screams. The only place he knew that couldn't be accessed via Garganta was the Soul King's palace.
Well, that and Hell. But who on Earth would be stupid enough to try and go there?
Continuing with his futile attempt, Grimmjow idly took a step back and narrowly avoided a cannonball he sensed through his Pesquisa. He gave no notice of the various screaming men running about attempting to return fire at the attacking ship.
As Grimmjow mulled over his inability to use an instinctual Hollow power, his hand rested upon the former place of his Hollow hole. Could the fact that he no longer had his hole, or mask fragment for that matter, have affected the way his powers work?
His other hand drifted to the hilt of Pantera and his grip on the blade became white knuckle tight. What other powers did he mange to lose in the sudden change? He obviously still had his abilities of Pesquisa and Hierro.
He lifted his eyes and looked past the several flailing sailors scurrying about and searched the sea horizon. Eventually his gaze fell upon a ship not too far away.
Shifting his weight onto the other foot, Grimmjow raised an arm and held out a clawed hand towards the ship. He felt his reiatsu rush forward in a torrent of power and coalesce in his palm in a red glow. His teeth flashed in a primal twist as the cero ripped forward with an unholy sound.
The whole ship rocked from the force of the release as the world was tinted in a dark glow and the beam of crimson devastation tore a trench in the sea and punched right through the Marine ship. As the color of the environment regained normalcy and the cero died away, there was a dreaded moment of stillness before the opposing ship erupted into a pillar of flame.
Water crashed over the edges of Alvida's ship from the force of the explosion.
"Well." His vicious grin remaining in place. "Guess it's not all that bad."
After the pirate crew fell to their knees in near worship (and hadn't that been a surprise, finding himself on a pirate ship of all things) Grimmjow set about ordering the crew round. The first thing he set about obtaining was information. He needed to know where the fuck he ended up in the human world.
When one of the idiots told him, 'East Blue' Grimmjow threw a mild rant about not knowing where the hell that was. One of the crew had produced a global map and Grimmjow had felt the world spin the moment he laid his eyes on it.
He had taken one glance at the map and raised his eyes back to the man who handed it to him. "Oi meatbag," He growled with a dangerous edge. "Do I look like someone to fuck around with?"
"N-no sir," The man stuttered as a fine layer of sweat caked his brow and the rest of the crew slowly backed away.
"Then tell me meatbag, just what the fuck is this shitty thing supposed to be?" The glint in his eyes taking a lethal polish.
"It's a m-map of the world, s-sir," The man's knees began to buckle under the weight of Grimmjow's stare. A stare which continued to bore into him for several moments.
Grimmjow drew back slightly and sent an appraising glare. "You're not shitting with me, are you?"
"N-n-no, s-sir," The man shook his head vigorously.
If there was one thing Grimmjow knew about weaklings, it was that they tended to spill everything when their lives were on the line.
He snapped his eyes towards another crew member who immediately flinched as his eyes locked with his. "You! Get your ass over here!" The man's pallor fell to the point of being alabaster white. "Show me where we are on this map."
The man's hand trembled uncontrollably as it approached the map in Grimmjow's hands. "Right h-here, sir. I-In the middle o-of the East B-Blue."
He looked long and hard at the place where the man was pointing at and then let his eyes fall to his hand. His mind went momentarily blank as an epiphany killed every possible reasoning of why the map was so different compared to the human world he knew of.
Garganta: a tear in reality used by Hollows to travel to other dimensions.
"Oh fuck me sideways," He pinched the bridge of his nose. There was no possible way he could be this unlucky. Somehow, he had managed to fall into an entirely separate dimension. One, which was so far removed from Hueco Mundo, that a Garganta couldn't be opened from this side.
It was in that moment, in which Grimmjow understood the severity of his situation that he nearly flew into a state of rampage. It was the knowledge that he was stranded in the middle of the ocean with no idea of where he was that reigned in his impressive temper.
"Where's the nearest landmass from here?" He asked after several minutes had passed of the crew staring at him in trepidation.
"Shell Town, sir," One of them barked from within the crowd. "It's only a couple of hours of sailing from here."
"Right, then. That's where we're going." He said.
When the crew began to shift nervously, he rolled his eyes in exasperation. "For fuck's sake, what is now, dammit!"
"W-Well you see sir, the ship has taken damage from the Marines bombardment. We need time to fix it." The man next to him said.
Of course. Nothing was going to go right for him today, was it?
"How long," He growled in annoyance.
"A-At least a d-day or t-two."
"A day or two?" Grimmjow gave a deadpan stare.
"Y-Yes?" The man said hesitantly.
He strongly resisted the urge to drop his face into his hands.
"Right, here's what we're going to do." He gave a hard look to each of the crew members who swallowed nervously. "All of you get to work and get this floating piece of crap moving as fast as possible!"
"Yes, Captain!" The all shouted.
And that stopped his thought process cold.
Like hell he was taking charge of these weaklings! As far as he was concerned, he needed to find a way back to Las Noches as fast as possible so he could run Kurosaki through with his sword. Although…Captain Grimmjow did sound pretty badass.
"And you," He turned towards the man who was answering his questions. "You're going to explain to me everything that's on this map. And I mean everything."
"Of course Captain!" The man saluted.
Two hours later, Grimmjow had a damn solid idea of how this new world ran and operated. Quite frankly, he was impressed. It wasn't too different from Hueco Mundo. If you took away the rampart murder and cannibalism that is.
A world of water in its near entirety; several small islands populated the four major oceans. Each named for the cardinal directions. Bisecting the world, in a longitudinal circle, was a single continent that supposedly rose several thousand meters into the sky called the red line.
Running along the equator, was the treacherous sea known as the Grand Line. The Grand Line was infamous for its near otherworldly properties such as weather changing to the extreme in a moment's notice and currents that constantly shifted and took hundreds of lives on a daily basis. The Grand line itself was divided by the Red Line. The first half called Paradise while the second half being the New World.
Paradise being the half with absolute absurdities that were manageable by those with exceptional skill and the New World being Hell itself and its denizens' monsters in every sense of the word. And that line, had opened up an entire new line of possible excitement for the Sexta Espada.
The World itself was divided between pirates and the World Government. As absurd as it sounded, baseless criminals had enough power to overturn and hold at bay entire armies and nations. The Yonko, aptly named, held authority over vast territories and uncountable armadas.
The Shichibukai were former pirates of exceptional strength that threw in their lot with the World Government for one reason or another. In this regard, they were similar to the Espada. Then, there was the Marines who deigned to keep order over the entire world. Citing justice and all that other wonderful crap. He already knew where he would fall in line in regards to them.
When he asked how humans obtained the power to singlehandedly change the world, he'd been told of the devil fruits. Mystical fruits that gave their devourer amazing powers in exchange for an appalling weakness against the sea.
Which explained how that strange brat managed to stretch his arms to such a ridiculous length. Speaking of which, where was the loud mouth and the little pink haired fucker that was with him?
As he gave voice to his mental question, the man, whose name he still hadn't bothered to learn said, "The cowards left the moment the Marines showed up, sir! They ran off with that thief of a wench!"
Not really knowing what he was talking about, Grimmjow decidedly ignored the part of pot meeting kettle.
"You wouldn't happen to have a compass would you, meatbag?" Grimmjow asked with a raised eyebrow.
The man didn't even blink in face of the insult and merely hollered over his shoulder. "Gibbons! Bring the Captain a compass!"
Not even a full second passed before another man, Gibbons presumably, stood to attention in front of him and held out a compass. Snatching it out of Gibbons' hand, Grimmjow pointed to a second map, detailing the East Blue.
"Where's the place we're heading to again?"
The man, not Gibbons, pointed to a small island on the map. "Shell Town, sir."
Looking up from the map, Grimmjow gazed out to sea and handed the compass over. "And which way would that be, according to this compass?"
"Err…North-East, Captain," Not Gibbons said a moment after consulting both map and compass.
Grimmjow nodded to himself and rolled up both the East Blue map and the world map before depositing them within the confines of his jacket and snatched the compass out of his hand.
Grimmjow then leapt swiftly onto the railing and ignored all the stares that he knew were directed at his back. He flipped the compass open and waited until it settled. Gazing out over the waters between North and East, he prepared to launch himself into the sky, however, he felt a strange twinge in his now existent gut.
Why the hell not?
He turned around with his signature maddening grin and bellowed out to the ship. "Listen up you fucktards!"
Every person on deck stopped dead in whatever they were doing and gave him their full attention.
"You will forever remember this as the day you almost got slaughtered by Captain Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez! Now go fuck yourselves!"
He disappeared in the blue horizon.
Author's Note: I had an awesome plot and everything planned out for this story, along with half a dozen other potential stories on my hard drive, but with Do Me A Wrong, Oblivion and Med School, I just don't have the time.
Hope you enjoyed.